



Part One Chinese-English Interpretation (25%)

Section A Sentences (10%)

Directions: In this section, you will hear five sentences in Chinese. After you have heard each sentence, interpret it into English. Start interpreting at the signal (请翻译) and stop it at the signal(叮咚声).You may take notes while you are listening and you will be given 20 seconds for interpreting each sentence. You will hear the sentences ONLY ONCE. Now let’s begin with the first sentence.

1. 中国在控制人口增长方面取得了巨大的成就,受到了联合国的高度赞赏。(请翻译)(间隔20秒)


2. 我们坚决反对制造“台湾独立”、“两个中国”、“一中一台”的企图。(请翻译)(间隔20秒)


3. 中国政府高度重视发展信息产业,正在大力推进国民经济与社会信息化。(请翻译)(间隔20秒)


4. 石窟最早由印度传入中国,是一种佛教建筑形式。(请翻译)(间隔20秒) (叮咚声)

5. 开放的中国需要吸收人类一切优秀文化成果和有益经验,也需要得到各国的最大理解与支持。(请翻译)(间隔20秒)


Section B Passage (15%)

Directions: In this section, you will hear one passage in Chinese. The passage will be read to you TWICE. During the first reading, you may take notes while you are listening. The second reading will be read segment by segment, with intervals of 40 seconds. After you have heard each segment, interpret it into English. Start interpreting at the signal(请翻译) and stop it at the signal (叮咚声). Now let’s begin.



世界人口正在以惊人的速度增长着,现在地球上人口已超过60亿。(请翻译)(间隔40秒) (叮咚声)



人们将不得不在海底建造房屋,科学家正在研究这种可能性。(请翻译)(间隔40秒) 极






Part Two English-Chinese Interpretation (25%)

Section A Sentences(10%)

Directions: In this section, you will hear five sentences in English. After you have heard each sentence, interpret it into Chinese. Start interpreting at the signal (请翻译) and stop it at the signal (叮咚声).You may take notes while you are listening and you will be given 20 seconds for interpreting each sentence. You will hear the sentences ONLY ONCE. Now let’s begin with the fisrt sentence.


1. The role of the UN is indispensable to the achievement of genuine peace and development

and to the establishment of a just and reasonable new international order.(请翻译)(间隔20秒)


2. China holds that all countries are equal members of the international community whether

they are big or small, strong or weak, rich or poor.(请翻译)(间隔20秒)


3. The insurance sector undertakes a transferred risk from others and the sector itself has to

deal with risk prevention.(请翻译)(间隔20秒)


4. The United States is now the largest developed country in the world, with broad markets

and abundant capital.(请翻译)(间隔20秒)


5. To raise the education level of those who fail to enter colleges and universities, the State

will develop vocational and adult education programs. (请翻译)(间隔20秒)


Section B Passage(15%)

Directions: In this section, you will hear one passage in English. The passage will be read to you TWICE. During the first reading, you may take notes while you are listening. The second reading will be read segment by segment, with intervals of 40 seconds. After you have heard each segment, interpret it into Chinese. Start interpreting at the signal(请翻译) and stop it at the signal(叮咚声). Now let’s begin.

The people of all the nations in the world have always loved their history and the land they have lived on for generations. 1)// It is one of feelings common to all human beings to be sentimentally attached to the past and to expect a better future. 2)// Looking back, we remember our forebears; looking forward, we hope that our children will have a better life than ours. 3)// In a world with rapid industrialization and accelerating changes, it is indeed a challenge to maintain a felicitous balance between the two. 4)// We cannot live in the past, at the same time but we cannot live without our past. 5)//


The people of all the nations in the world have always loved their history and the land they have

lived on for generations.∥ (请翻译)(间隔40秒)


It is one of feelings common to all human beings to be sentimentally attached to the past and to expect a better future. ∥(请翻译)(间隔40秒)


Looking back, we remember our forebears; looking forward, we hope that our children will have a better life than ours.∥(请翻译)(间隔40秒)


In a world with rapid industrialization and accelerating changes, it is indeed a challenge to maintain a felicitous balance between the two. ∥(请翻译)(间隔40秒)


We cannot live in the past, at the same time but we cannot live without our past.



This is the end of the test.





Part One Chinese-English Interpretation (25%)

Section A Sentences (10%)

Directions: In this section, you will hear five sentences in Chinese. After you have heard each sentence, interpret it into English. Start interpreting at the signal (请翻译) and stop it at the signal(叮咚声).You may take notes while you are listening and you will be given 20 seconds for interpreting each sentence. You will hear the sentences ONLY ONCE. Now let’s begin with the first sentence.

1. 中国在控制人口增长方面取得了巨大的成就,受到了联合国的高度赞赏。(请翻译)(间隔20秒)


2. 我们坚决反对制造“台湾独立”、“两个中国”、“一中一台”的企图。(请翻译)(间隔20秒)


3. 中国政府高度重视发展信息产业,正在大力推进国民经济与社会信息化。(请翻译)(间隔20秒)


4. 石窟最早由印度传入中国,是一种佛教建筑形式。(请翻译)(间隔20秒) (叮咚声)

5. 开放的中国需要吸收人类一切优秀文化成果和有益经验,也需要得到各国的最大理解与支持。(请翻译)(间隔20秒)


Section B Passage (15%)

Directions: In this section, you will hear one passage in Chinese. The passage will be read to you TWICE. During the first reading, you may take notes while you are listening. The second reading will be read segment by segment, with intervals of 40 seconds. After you have heard each segment, interpret it into English. Start interpreting at the signal(请翻译) and stop it at the signal (叮咚声). Now let’s begin.



世界人口正在以惊人的速度增长着,现在地球上人口已超过60亿。(请翻译)(间隔40秒) (叮咚声)



人们将不得不在海底建造房屋,科学家正在研究这种可能性。(请翻译)(间隔40秒) 极






Part Two English-Chinese Interpretation (25%)

Section A Sentences(10%)

Directions: In this section, you will hear five sentences in English. After you have heard each sentence, interpret it into Chinese. Start interpreting at the signal (请翻译) and stop it at the signal (叮咚声).You may take notes while you are listening and you will be given 20 seconds for interpreting each sentence. You will hear the sentences ONLY ONCE. Now let’s begin with the fisrt sentence.


1. The role of the UN is indispensable to the achievement of genuine peace and development

and to the establishment of a just and reasonable new international order.(请翻译)(间隔20秒)


2. China holds that all countries are equal members of the international community whether

they are big or small, strong or weak, rich or poor.(请翻译)(间隔20秒)


3. The insurance sector undertakes a transferred risk from others and the sector itself has to

deal with risk prevention.(请翻译)(间隔20秒)


4. The United States is now the largest developed country in the world, with broad markets

and abundant capital.(请翻译)(间隔20秒)


5. To raise the education level of those who fail to enter colleges and universities, the State

will develop vocational and adult education programs. (请翻译)(间隔20秒)


Section B Passage(15%)

Directions: In this section, you will hear one passage in English. The passage will be read to you TWICE. During the first reading, you may take notes while you are listening. The second reading will be read segment by segment, with intervals of 40 seconds. After you have heard each segment, interpret it into Chinese. Start interpreting at the signal(请翻译) and stop it at the signal(叮咚声). Now let’s begin.

The people of all the nations in the world have always loved their history and the land they have lived on for generations. 1)// It is one of feelings common to all human beings to be sentimentally attached to the past and to expect a better future. 2)// Looking back, we remember our forebears; looking forward, we hope that our children will have a better life than ours. 3)// In a world with rapid industrialization and accelerating changes, it is indeed a challenge to maintain a felicitous balance between the two. 4)// We cannot live in the past, at the same time but we cannot live without our past. 5)//


The people of all the nations in the world have always loved their history and the land they have

lived on for generations.∥ (请翻译)(间隔40秒)


It is one of feelings common to all human beings to be sentimentally attached to the past and to expect a better future. ∥(请翻译)(间隔40秒)


Looking back, we remember our forebears; looking forward, we hope that our children will have a better life than ours.∥(请翻译)(间隔40秒)


In a world with rapid industrialization and accelerating changes, it is indeed a challenge to maintain a felicitous balance between the two. ∥(请翻译)(间隔40秒)


We cannot live in the past, at the same time but we cannot live without our past.



This is the end of the test.



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