
Annex I 1

Salary scales for doctoral candidates, salary ranges, salary scales for universities of applied sciences (FH) and universities of teacher edu-cation (PH) and social security contributions

Clauses 6.4.4 and 6.4.6 of the General implementation regulations for the Funding Regulations _______________________________________________________________________________________________

1. Salary scales for doctoral candidates

The following salary scales are minimum annual gross salaries, excluding social security contri-butions made by the employer:

1st year

2nd year

3rd and 4th years CHF 47,040 CHF 48,540 CHF 50,040

2. Salary ranges

The following salary ranges are annual gross salaries, excluding social security contributions made by the employer, calculated on a full-time basis:

Employees with a doctoral degree

Other employees (graduate employees

who do not seek a doctorate; technical staff; assistant)

*) These ranges shall apply from 01.01.2014. Any deviations from the minimum rate due to institutional rea-sons are to be corrected by 31.12.2018 at the latest.

CHF 40,000 to CHF 90,000 *) C HF 80,000 to CHF 105,000 *)

In addition, the following general guidelines shall apply to the salary ranges:

• Institutions may apply their normal salary standards within the salary ranges. Institutions are responsible for ensuring salary equality within their institutions. The requested percentage of employment for project staff must correspond to the actual planned time requirement for the project. In general, an employment post funded by a grant from the SNSF shall be limited to a maxi-mum of six years. For the purposes of budgeting, vacant positions must be taken into account at the most at

an average rate within the corresponding range and with no incremental increase. Excep-

tions for higher rates than the average rate must be justified in the application.2

Any additional costs must be covered by the approved budget, while reduced costs shall be used to cover appreciation and additional costs for social security contributions. •

1 Version in accordance with decision of the Presiding Board of the National Research Council of 19 March 2013 2 Editorial amendment of 10 December 2014, in force since 1 January 2015

3. Salary scales for universities of applied sciences (FH) and universi-ties of teacher education (PH)

The following salary scales (annual gross salary, excluding employer social security contribu-tions, calculated on a full-time basis) shall apply for scientific officers at universities of applied sciences and universities of teacher education:

Junior Norm

(scientific officer with degree or doctorate)

Senior Norm

(scientific officer with degree or doctorate)

CHF 93,000 to CHF 105,000 CHF 78,000 to CHF 90,000

Junior Norm Applies to scientific officers who have less than five years’ practice or work experi-

ence and/or project work within a research project

Senior Norm Applies to scientific officers who have over five years’ practice or work experience

and/or project work within a research project

In addition, the following general guidelines shall apply:

• The universities of applied sciences and universities of teacher education are responsible for ensuring salary equality within their institutions. Project collaborators who intend to obtain a doctoral degree in the scope of a project that is

funded by the SNSF must be designated as such. They are covered by the SNSF doctoral candidate rate that applies throughout Switzerland (see Clause 1). The SNSF approves posi-tions for doctoral candidates at universities of applied sciences and universities of teacher education where there is a well-documented scientific cooperation with a university in Swit-zerland. Generally, the SNSF does not approve positions for doctoral candidates at universi-ties abroad, with the exception of departments of colleges of art for which there are no part-ners at university level in Switzerland.

The requested percentages of employment for project staff must correspond to the actual planned time requirement for the project.

Applicants make a substantial contribution to the research project. They cannot include their own salary in their application.

The institutions of higher education provide the research infrastructure that is required for the project. • • •

4. Adjustments to salary scales and salary ranges

The regular review of the salary scales and ranges is delegated to the SNSF Administrative Offices. They shall have the final say in adjustments up to the level of the general development of salaries that has occurred since the previous adjustment. However, there is no mandatory requirement to match the general increase in salaries. Adjustments exceeding the general level shall be decided by the Presiding Board of the Research Council. Adjustments will generally enter into force on 1 January and will be communicated to the institutions in advance.

Swiss National Science Foundation | 2

5. Rates for social security contributions

For employees remunerated via an SNSF grant, the SNSF pays the grantees the equivalent of the statutory social security contributions required to be paid by employers in accordance with AHVG/IVG/EOG, BVG, AVIG and UVG (Swiss federal acts on social security contributions) as well as any family allowances, if applicable, or any other benefits commonly paid at the place in ques-tion in the form of a lump sum.

The social security (employer contribution) rates calculated by the SNSF in accordance with Clause

6.4.6 of the General implementation regulations for the purpose of simplified calculation of social security contributions correspond to the following percentage rates of the total gross salary:



EPFL 14% 15%3 16%3










16% ETHZ (including EAWAG, EMPA, PSI, WSL) Freiburg Geneva Lausanne (including CHUV) Lugano Lucerne Neuchâtel St. Gallen Zurich Rest of Switzerland

3 Amendment of 10 December 2014, in force since 1 January 2015

Swiss National Science Foundation | 3

Annex I 1

Salary scales for doctoral candidates, salary ranges, salary scales for universities of applied sciences (FH) and universities of teacher edu-cation (PH) and social security contributions

Clauses 6.4.4 and 6.4.6 of the General implementation regulations for the Funding Regulations _______________________________________________________________________________________________

1. Salary scales for doctoral candidates

The following salary scales are minimum annual gross salaries, excluding social security contri-butions made by the employer:

1st year

2nd year

3rd and 4th years CHF 47,040 CHF 48,540 CHF 50,040

2. Salary ranges

The following salary ranges are annual gross salaries, excluding social security contributions made by the employer, calculated on a full-time basis:

Employees with a doctoral degree

Other employees (graduate employees

who do not seek a doctorate; technical staff; assistant)

*) These ranges shall apply from 01.01.2014. Any deviations from the minimum rate due to institutional rea-sons are to be corrected by 31.12.2018 at the latest.

CHF 40,000 to CHF 90,000 *) C HF 80,000 to CHF 105,000 *)

In addition, the following general guidelines shall apply to the salary ranges:

• Institutions may apply their normal salary standards within the salary ranges. Institutions are responsible for ensuring salary equality within their institutions. The requested percentage of employment for project staff must correspond to the actual planned time requirement for the project. In general, an employment post funded by a grant from the SNSF shall be limited to a maxi-mum of six years. For the purposes of budgeting, vacant positions must be taken into account at the most at

an average rate within the corresponding range and with no incremental increase. Excep-

tions for higher rates than the average rate must be justified in the application.2

Any additional costs must be covered by the approved budget, while reduced costs shall be used to cover appreciation and additional costs for social security contributions. •

1 Version in accordance with decision of the Presiding Board of the National Research Council of 19 March 2013 2 Editorial amendment of 10 December 2014, in force since 1 January 2015

3. Salary scales for universities of applied sciences (FH) and universi-ties of teacher education (PH)

The following salary scales (annual gross salary, excluding employer social security contribu-tions, calculated on a full-time basis) shall apply for scientific officers at universities of applied sciences and universities of teacher education:

Junior Norm

(scientific officer with degree or doctorate)

Senior Norm

(scientific officer with degree or doctorate)

CHF 93,000 to CHF 105,000 CHF 78,000 to CHF 90,000

Junior Norm Applies to scientific officers who have less than five years’ practice or work experi-

ence and/or project work within a research project

Senior Norm Applies to scientific officers who have over five years’ practice or work experience

and/or project work within a research project

In addition, the following general guidelines shall apply:

• The universities of applied sciences and universities of teacher education are responsible for ensuring salary equality within their institutions. Project collaborators who intend to obtain a doctoral degree in the scope of a project that is

funded by the SNSF must be designated as such. They are covered by the SNSF doctoral candidate rate that applies throughout Switzerland (see Clause 1). The SNSF approves posi-tions for doctoral candidates at universities of applied sciences and universities of teacher education where there is a well-documented scientific cooperation with a university in Swit-zerland. Generally, the SNSF does not approve positions for doctoral candidates at universi-ties abroad, with the exception of departments of colleges of art for which there are no part-ners at university level in Switzerland.

The requested percentages of employment for project staff must correspond to the actual planned time requirement for the project.

Applicants make a substantial contribution to the research project. They cannot include their own salary in their application.

The institutions of higher education provide the research infrastructure that is required for the project. • • •

4. Adjustments to salary scales and salary ranges

The regular review of the salary scales and ranges is delegated to the SNSF Administrative Offices. They shall have the final say in adjustments up to the level of the general development of salaries that has occurred since the previous adjustment. However, there is no mandatory requirement to match the general increase in salaries. Adjustments exceeding the general level shall be decided by the Presiding Board of the Research Council. Adjustments will generally enter into force on 1 January and will be communicated to the institutions in advance.

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5. Rates for social security contributions

For employees remunerated via an SNSF grant, the SNSF pays the grantees the equivalent of the statutory social security contributions required to be paid by employers in accordance with AHVG/IVG/EOG, BVG, AVIG and UVG (Swiss federal acts on social security contributions) as well as any family allowances, if applicable, or any other benefits commonly paid at the place in ques-tion in the form of a lump sum.

The social security (employer contribution) rates calculated by the SNSF in accordance with Clause

6.4.6 of the General implementation regulations for the purpose of simplified calculation of social security contributions correspond to the following percentage rates of the total gross salary:



EPFL 14% 15%3 16%3










16% ETHZ (including EAWAG, EMPA, PSI, WSL) Freiburg Geneva Lausanne (including CHUV) Lugano Lucerne Neuchâtel St. Gallen Zurich Rest of Switzerland

3 Amendment of 10 December 2014, in force since 1 January 2015

Swiss National Science Foundation | 3


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