


ability n.

 [U] 能力 the fact of being able to do sth

ability to do sth:

The ability to laugh and smile is actually something we are born with.

笑与微笑实际上是我们与生俱来的能力。 2011 陕西改

 [C] & [U] 才能;才识;技能 a level of skill at doing sth

develop an ability 培养技能

musical / natural ability 音乐天赋 / 天赋

Students of all abilities will get together and study for two weeks. 各


to the best of one’s ability 尽最大努力

I try to do my job to the best of my ability. 我尽全力做好我的工作。

bright adj.

 明亮的;阳光明媚的

a large bright room 明亮的大房间

The weather is bright and sunny. 天气晴朗,阳光明媚。

 (颜色) 鲜艳的;鲜亮的

I never wear bright colours. 我从来不穿鲜艳的衣服。

 欢快的;生气勃勃的

Her face was bright with happiness. 她的脸上洋溢着幸福的笑容。

 聪明的;伶俐的

He was bright and curious about the world outside his hometown. 他

天资聪颖,对家乡以外的世界很好奇。 译林②–3

 (前途) 光明的 (promising)

You have a bright future. 你前途光明。

点拨一:ability (产出词汇) 掌握词族 able, ability, disabled, disability,建立词汇间的联系。

点拨二:bright (产出词汇) 表示“聪明的”词有bright, intelligent, smart, clever, wise bright intelligent; quick to learn常用来修饰年轻人或小孩,含有“机智伶俐的”的意思。

intelligent good at learning, understanding and thinking in a logical way侧重学习、推论或理解能力,有“悟性强”的意思。 smart (especially AmE) quick at learning and understanding sth clever (especially BrE) able to learn and understand sth quickly 当clever 用来修饰成年人时,往往带有贬义。

wise 指用自己的经验与学识,合理地作出决定和判断。有“高明”“精明”的意思。

smart adj.  聪明的;精明的 Mary’s teacher says she’s one of the smartest kids in the class. 玛丽 的老师说她是班上最聪明的孩子之一。 You are quite smart about business. 你做生意很精明。  漂亮的;潇洒的 You look smart in this red jacket. 你穿这件红色夹克真漂亮。 2008 湖北 simple adj.  简单的 名 Only those who have the patience to do simple things perfectly ever acquire the skill to do difficult things easily. 只有有耐心圆满完 成简单工作的人,才能够轻松地完成困难的事。 ——席勒  朴素的;纯朴的 He lives a simple life. 他过着简朴的生活。  头脑简单的;迟钝的 They’re not so simple as to believe all that. 他们不至于糊涂到相信 那一套。  纯粹的 You must accept it because that’s a simple fact. 你必须接受,因为那 完全是事实。 talent n. [C] & [U]  天资;才能 She showed a talent for acting at an early age. 她在很小的时候就显 示出了表演天赋。 talent for (doing) sth: He has a natural talent for music. 他天生就有音乐天赋。 She showed considerable talent for getting what she wanted. 她很有 天赋,能够心想事成。  人才;有才能的人 There’s a wealth of talent in English football. 英格兰足球界人才济 济。 ► talented adj. 有天资的;有才能的

点拨三:simple (产出词汇)


I am surprised that you should have been fooled

by such a(n) _________ trick. (2001 京蒙皖春)

A. ordinary B. easy C. smart D. simple 答案:D

attitude n. [C] & [U]  态度;看法

show / take a modest attitude 表现出 / 采取谦虚的态度

Everything depends on people’s attitude. 态度决定一切。2014 江西 attitude to / towards:

We should develop a good attitude to life. 我们应该树立良好的生活 态度。 2008 辽宁  姿势

He knelt in an attitude of prayer. 他以祈祷的姿势跪着。

calm adj.

 (天气、海洋等) 静的;平静的

The weather was fi ne and the lake was calm. 天气很好,湖面很平 静。 外研④–6  (人) 镇静的;沉着的

If you are lost in the mountains, stay calm in the face of darkness, loneliness, and the unknown. 如果在深山里迷路了,面对黑暗、孤 独和未知的情况,要保持镇静。

辨 quiet, calm, still, silent


quiet 指物时表示“宁静的”、“寂静的”;指心境时表示“没有烦恼


• I’d like to have a quiet talk with you. 我想心平气和地与你谈一


• She is a very quiet girl. 她是个很文静的女孩。

calm 指天气时表示“平静的”、“无风的”;指海洋时表示“风平浪


• After the high wind passed, the sea was calm again. 大风过后,大海


• You must try to be calm in the face of such a matter. 面对这样一件


still 常可表示“静止的”、“不动的”、“寂静的”、“无声的”,多指


• still water 死水

• Please keep still while I take your photograph. 我给你拍照时请不



• The house was silent because everyone was asleep. 所有的人都睡


• John is a silent, thoughtful boy. 约翰是个不爱讲话,喜欢思考的孩


点拨四:attitude (产出词汇) 1. 与介词to / towards 搭配 2. 考点复现

Despite such a big difference in ________ towards what one eats, there is no doubt that people in the west regard the Chinese food as something special. (2007 湖北) A. point C. attitude 答案:C

点拨五:calm (产出词汇) 1. quiet, calm, still, silent辨析 2. 考点复现

Don’t panic or get out of line, and try to remain quiet and calmly. (2014 四川 短文改错) 答案: calmly  calm

B. idea D. sight

vt. & vi. (使) 平静;平静下来

calm down (使) 平静下来; (使) 镇静下来

You will ignore the bell and go somewhere quiet to calm your friend down. 你不理会上课铃,而是到安静的地方安慰你的朋友。


When he gets upset, he takes a few deep breaths to calm himself down. 心烦时,他会深深地吸几口气以使自己平静下来。 n. [C] & [U] 平静;镇静

After a storm comes a calm. 暴风雨之后是平静;否极泰来

confident adj. 有信心的;自信的;确信的 a confident smile 自信的微笑

We should not mind what others say so long as we are confident in what we have done. 只要我们对自己所做的事有信心,就不该在意 别人说什么。 2012 北京 ① (be) confident of (doing) sth:

We are confident of our success. 我们对成功坚信不疑。 ② (be) confident + that 从句:

We are hopefully confident that we can overcome the difficulties. 我 们满怀希望,相信一定能够克服这些困难。

enthusiastic adj. (充满) 热情的;热心的 an enthusiastic supporter 热心的支持者 be enthusiastic about (doing) sth:

Today, I am just as enthusiastic about my job as the day I first started. 现在,我对工作的热情一如既往。 人教⑥–5 ► enthusiastically adv. 热情地;热心地

patient adj. 有耐心的;容忍的 反impatient be patient with 对„有耐心

She was usually patient with her students and never made them disappointed. 她对学生通常很有耐心,从来不让他们失望。

点拨六:confident (产出词汇) 考点复现

The little girl walked ________ (自信地) onto the stage, ready for her first speech. (2012 陕西) 答案:confidently

点拨七:enthusiastic (阅读和产出词汇)

辨析eager和enthusiastic 二者都表示一种极其热衷和期待的状态。

eager对即将发生的事或想要得到的事物充满热切的渴求。常与介词for 连用。也可接不定式。 enthusiastic 表示兴致勃勃地、充满活力地进行活动,常与介词about连用。

点拨八:patient (产出词汇) ► patience n. [U] 耐心;容忍 反 impatience

be / get out of patience with 对„„失去耐心

lose (one’s) patience 失去耐心

character n.  [C] [常用单数] 性格

She has a cheerful but quiet character. 她的性格乐观文静。 名 Weakness of attitude becomes weakness of character. 态度上的弱点会变成性格上的弱点。 ——爱因斯坦  [U] 性质;特色;特性

The whole character of the school has changed since he became the

president.自从他担任校长以来,这所学校的整体特色已经改变了。 点拨九: character (产出词汇) 考点复现

 Hiking by oneself can be fun and good for health. It may also be good for ________ building. (2009 湖北) A. respect C. reputation

B. friendship D. character


city invested 6 billion yuan to preserve the character of the old town. 该城市投资60亿元用于保护古城的特色。 外研⑦–6  [U] (好的) 品性;道德品质 a man of character

品德高尚的人 Sports can be good for

character building. 体育运动有益于培养良好的品格。  [C] 人物;角色

a famous character in history

历史上的著名人物 cartoon characters

卡通人物 a leading character in a film 电影里的主角  [C] 符号;字体 a musical character

乐谱符号 Chinese characters 汉字 ► characterize / characterise vt. 以„„为特色;具有„„的特征 An elephant is characterized by a long trunk. 大象的特征是鼻子长。 * determined adj. 决意的;坚决的;坚定的 Mother is

determined that I shall marry Jack. 母亲决意要让我嫁给杰克。She gave

me a determined look — the kind that said she wouldn’t change

her mind. 她给了我一个坚定的眼神——表明她是不会改变主意的。

人教①–3 (be) determined to do sth:

A lot of people are determined to become a millionaire.

很多人一心想成为百万富翁。 北师大④– 10

sensitive adj.  善解人意的;体恤的 You will need to

be committed, patient and sensitive to others. 你需要尽心尽力,有耐心并体谅他人。 2014 广东  敏感的;灵敏的 Women

are more sensitive to pain than men. 与男性相比,女性对疼痛更加敏感。 There’s

no doubt that the consumers are still very sensitive to the price. 毫无疑问,消费者仍然对价格十分敏感。

 He proved himself a true gentleman and the beauty of his ________ was seen at its best when he worked with others. A. temper B. appearance C. talent D. character

答案: D  D

点拨十: sensitive (认知词汇) 辨析sensitive和sensible sensible明智的;合理的;可觉察到的

a sensible answer / option 明智的回答/选择


adj. 严格的 a strict teacher

严师 School regulations were strict.


外研⑦– 2 ① (be) strict with sb:

I think teachers need to be strict with students.

我认为老师应该对学生严格要求。 ② (be) strict in / about sth: be strict in work / discipline 对工作 / 纪律要求严格


adj. 慷慨的;大方的 反 mean She is always very

generous to the kids. 她对小孩子总是很慷慨。 He was

generous with his time, for which I was grateful. 他十分慷慨地给予我时间,我为此非常感激。

人教① – 5 It was generous of you

to share your food with me. 你把你的食物分给我吃, 真慷慨。 I couldn’t have gone through that bitter period

without your generous help . 没有您的慷慨帮助,我不可能度过那段艰难时光。

2011 陕西 quality n.  [C] & [U] 质;质量

goods of a poor quality / poor-quality goods

劣质货物 improve the qualify of life

改善生活质量 This model is

of good / high quality, but it’s too expensive. 这个型号质量好,但太贵。 2011湖北改  [C] [常用复数] 品质;品德 the quality of honest

诚实的品性 What qualities does a great person have?


人教①–5  [U] 优质

products of quality 优质产品


adj. 有责任的;尽责的;作为原由的 a responsible teacher

负责的老师 Human activity is not responsible for all water shortages. 水资源短缺不完全是由人类活动引起的。

2013 安徽

点拨十一: strict (产出词汇) 1. 掌握与介词的搭配,后接sb 时,介词用with; 后接sth时,介词用in / about。 2. 考点复现

The acceptance of new members is ________ (严格) controlled. (2008 陕西) 答案 strictly

点拨十二: quality (产出词汇) 1. 表示人或物品质、特征的词有character, characteristic, nature, personality, quality等。 character 指人时,强调人的性格和好的品质,指物时,强调物整体的特征、特色。

characteristic 指区别于其他人或物的特征、特色。

nature 强调人的本性、天性。 personality 指人突出的个性、性格。

quality 指人时,侧指好的品德、品质。


2. ► responsibility n. [C] & [U] 责任;职责

accept / shoulder (a) responsibility 承担 / 担起责任

tough adj.

 艰苦的;艰难的;棘手的

a tough match / job 艰苦的比赛 / 棘手的工作 It is tough to make a decision. 很难作决定。  严厉的;强硬的

Don’t be too tough on / with him — he was only a child. 别对他要求 过严,他只是个孩子。

 健壮的 反 weak;顽强的;粗暴的

He plays the tough guy in the movie. 他在电影中扮演硬汉。  (肉) 嚼不烂的 反 tender

The meat was tough and hard to chew. 这肉太老,很难嚼动。

laugh at  嘲笑

She laughed at me and said that I was not grown-up enough. 她笑话 我,说我不够成熟。 人教⑥–3  因„„而笑

laugh at a joke 听了笑话发笑

accustomed adj. [正式用语] 经常的;惯常的;习惯的 (be) accustomed to (doing) sth:

My eyes slowly grew accustomed to the dark. 我的眼睛慢慢适应了 黑暗。

注口语中更常用 (be) used to (doing) sth。


vt. 责备;把„„归咎于 ① blame sb / sth (for sth):

We shouldn’t blame technology for our shortcomings. 我们不能 把自身的不足归咎于科技。 2013 安徽 Once you form the habit of blaming somebody or something else for a bad situation, you are a loser. 一旦养成把不好的情况归咎 于其他人或事的习惯,你就是一个失败者。 2010 广东 ② blame sth on:

Police are blaming the accident on dangerous driving. 警方把事故归 咎于危险驾驶。

be to blame (for sth) (对某事) 负有责任: Who is to blame for the fire? 着火是谁的责任?

It’s all my fault. I’m to blame. 这都是我的错,都怪我。 n. [U] 责任;责备 take / bear the blame 承担责任

Where does the blame for our failure lie? 我们失败的症结在哪里? He usually puts the blame on others. 他总是把过错推给别人。

点拨十三: blame (产出词汇) 1. be to blame (for sth) 结构中,blame不用被动语态。 2. 考点复现

 Mr Green stood up in defence of the 16-year-old boy, saying that he was not the one _______. A. blamed B. blaming C. to blame

D. to be blamed

________ for the breakdown of the school computer network, Alice was in low spirits. A. Blaming B. Blamed C. To blame

D. To be blamed

答案: C  B



ability n.

 [U] 能力 the fact of being able to do sth

ability to do sth:

The ability to laugh and smile is actually something we are born with.

笑与微笑实际上是我们与生俱来的能力。 2011 陕西改

 [C] & [U] 才能;才识;技能 a level of skill at doing sth

develop an ability 培养技能

musical / natural ability 音乐天赋 / 天赋

Students of all abilities will get together and study for two weeks. 各


to the best of one’s ability 尽最大努力

I try to do my job to the best of my ability. 我尽全力做好我的工作。

bright adj.

 明亮的;阳光明媚的

a large bright room 明亮的大房间

The weather is bright and sunny. 天气晴朗,阳光明媚。

 (颜色) 鲜艳的;鲜亮的

I never wear bright colours. 我从来不穿鲜艳的衣服。

 欢快的;生气勃勃的

Her face was bright with happiness. 她的脸上洋溢着幸福的笑容。

 聪明的;伶俐的

He was bright and curious about the world outside his hometown. 他

天资聪颖,对家乡以外的世界很好奇。 译林②–3

 (前途) 光明的 (promising)

You have a bright future. 你前途光明。

点拨一:ability (产出词汇) 掌握词族 able, ability, disabled, disability,建立词汇间的联系。

点拨二:bright (产出词汇) 表示“聪明的”词有bright, intelligent, smart, clever, wise bright intelligent; quick to learn常用来修饰年轻人或小孩,含有“机智伶俐的”的意思。

intelligent good at learning, understanding and thinking in a logical way侧重学习、推论或理解能力,有“悟性强”的意思。 smart (especially AmE) quick at learning and understanding sth clever (especially BrE) able to learn and understand sth quickly 当clever 用来修饰成年人时,往往带有贬义。

wise 指用自己的经验与学识,合理地作出决定和判断。有“高明”“精明”的意思。

smart adj.  聪明的;精明的 Mary’s teacher says she’s one of the smartest kids in the class. 玛丽 的老师说她是班上最聪明的孩子之一。 You are quite smart about business. 你做生意很精明。  漂亮的;潇洒的 You look smart in this red jacket. 你穿这件红色夹克真漂亮。 2008 湖北 simple adj.  简单的 名 Only those who have the patience to do simple things perfectly ever acquire the skill to do difficult things easily. 只有有耐心圆满完 成简单工作的人,才能够轻松地完成困难的事。 ——席勒  朴素的;纯朴的 He lives a simple life. 他过着简朴的生活。  头脑简单的;迟钝的 They’re not so simple as to believe all that. 他们不至于糊涂到相信 那一套。  纯粹的 You must accept it because that’s a simple fact. 你必须接受,因为那 完全是事实。 talent n. [C] & [U]  天资;才能 She showed a talent for acting at an early age. 她在很小的时候就显 示出了表演天赋。 talent for (doing) sth: He has a natural talent for music. 他天生就有音乐天赋。 She showed considerable talent for getting what she wanted. 她很有 天赋,能够心想事成。  人才;有才能的人 There’s a wealth of talent in English football. 英格兰足球界人才济 济。 ► talented adj. 有天资的;有才能的

点拨三:simple (产出词汇)


I am surprised that you should have been fooled

by such a(n) _________ trick. (2001 京蒙皖春)

A. ordinary B. easy C. smart D. simple 答案:D

attitude n. [C] & [U]  态度;看法

show / take a modest attitude 表现出 / 采取谦虚的态度

Everything depends on people’s attitude. 态度决定一切。2014 江西 attitude to / towards:

We should develop a good attitude to life. 我们应该树立良好的生活 态度。 2008 辽宁  姿势

He knelt in an attitude of prayer. 他以祈祷的姿势跪着。

calm adj.

 (天气、海洋等) 静的;平静的

The weather was fi ne and the lake was calm. 天气很好,湖面很平 静。 外研④–6  (人) 镇静的;沉着的

If you are lost in the mountains, stay calm in the face of darkness, loneliness, and the unknown. 如果在深山里迷路了,面对黑暗、孤 独和未知的情况,要保持镇静。

辨 quiet, calm, still, silent


quiet 指物时表示“宁静的”、“寂静的”;指心境时表示“没有烦恼


• I’d like to have a quiet talk with you. 我想心平气和地与你谈一


• She is a very quiet girl. 她是个很文静的女孩。

calm 指天气时表示“平静的”、“无风的”;指海洋时表示“风平浪


• After the high wind passed, the sea was calm again. 大风过后,大海


• You must try to be calm in the face of such a matter. 面对这样一件


still 常可表示“静止的”、“不动的”、“寂静的”、“无声的”,多指


• still water 死水

• Please keep still while I take your photograph. 我给你拍照时请不



• The house was silent because everyone was asleep. 所有的人都睡


• John is a silent, thoughtful boy. 约翰是个不爱讲话,喜欢思考的孩


点拨四:attitude (产出词汇) 1. 与介词to / towards 搭配 2. 考点复现

Despite such a big difference in ________ towards what one eats, there is no doubt that people in the west regard the Chinese food as something special. (2007 湖北) A. point C. attitude 答案:C

点拨五:calm (产出词汇) 1. quiet, calm, still, silent辨析 2. 考点复现

Don’t panic or get out of line, and try to remain quiet and calmly. (2014 四川 短文改错) 答案: calmly  calm

B. idea D. sight

vt. & vi. (使) 平静;平静下来

calm down (使) 平静下来; (使) 镇静下来

You will ignore the bell and go somewhere quiet to calm your friend down. 你不理会上课铃,而是到安静的地方安慰你的朋友。


When he gets upset, he takes a few deep breaths to calm himself down. 心烦时,他会深深地吸几口气以使自己平静下来。 n. [C] & [U] 平静;镇静

After a storm comes a calm. 暴风雨之后是平静;否极泰来

confident adj. 有信心的;自信的;确信的 a confident smile 自信的微笑

We should not mind what others say so long as we are confident in what we have done. 只要我们对自己所做的事有信心,就不该在意 别人说什么。 2012 北京 ① (be) confident of (doing) sth:

We are confident of our success. 我们对成功坚信不疑。 ② (be) confident + that 从句:

We are hopefully confident that we can overcome the difficulties. 我 们满怀希望,相信一定能够克服这些困难。

enthusiastic adj. (充满) 热情的;热心的 an enthusiastic supporter 热心的支持者 be enthusiastic about (doing) sth:

Today, I am just as enthusiastic about my job as the day I first started. 现在,我对工作的热情一如既往。 人教⑥–5 ► enthusiastically adv. 热情地;热心地

patient adj. 有耐心的;容忍的 反impatient be patient with 对„有耐心

She was usually patient with her students and never made them disappointed. 她对学生通常很有耐心,从来不让他们失望。

点拨六:confident (产出词汇) 考点复现

The little girl walked ________ (自信地) onto the stage, ready for her first speech. (2012 陕西) 答案:confidently

点拨七:enthusiastic (阅读和产出词汇)

辨析eager和enthusiastic 二者都表示一种极其热衷和期待的状态。

eager对即将发生的事或想要得到的事物充满热切的渴求。常与介词for 连用。也可接不定式。 enthusiastic 表示兴致勃勃地、充满活力地进行活动,常与介词about连用。

点拨八:patient (产出词汇) ► patience n. [U] 耐心;容忍 反 impatience

be / get out of patience with 对„„失去耐心

lose (one’s) patience 失去耐心

character n.  [C] [常用单数] 性格

She has a cheerful but quiet character. 她的性格乐观文静。 名 Weakness of attitude becomes weakness of character. 态度上的弱点会变成性格上的弱点。 ——爱因斯坦  [U] 性质;特色;特性

The whole character of the school has changed since he became the

president.自从他担任校长以来,这所学校的整体特色已经改变了。 点拨九: character (产出词汇) 考点复现

 Hiking by oneself can be fun and good for health. It may also be good for ________ building. (2009 湖北) A. respect C. reputation

B. friendship D. character


city invested 6 billion yuan to preserve the character of the old town. 该城市投资60亿元用于保护古城的特色。 外研⑦–6  [U] (好的) 品性;道德品质 a man of character

品德高尚的人 Sports can be good for

character building. 体育运动有益于培养良好的品格。  [C] 人物;角色

a famous character in history

历史上的著名人物 cartoon characters

卡通人物 a leading character in a film 电影里的主角  [C] 符号;字体 a musical character

乐谱符号 Chinese characters 汉字 ► characterize / characterise vt. 以„„为特色;具有„„的特征 An elephant is characterized by a long trunk. 大象的特征是鼻子长。 * determined adj. 决意的;坚决的;坚定的 Mother is

determined that I shall marry Jack. 母亲决意要让我嫁给杰克。She gave

me a determined look — the kind that said she wouldn’t change

her mind. 她给了我一个坚定的眼神——表明她是不会改变主意的。

人教①–3 (be) determined to do sth:

A lot of people are determined to become a millionaire.

很多人一心想成为百万富翁。 北师大④– 10

sensitive adj.  善解人意的;体恤的 You will need to

be committed, patient and sensitive to others. 你需要尽心尽力,有耐心并体谅他人。 2014 广东  敏感的;灵敏的 Women

are more sensitive to pain than men. 与男性相比,女性对疼痛更加敏感。 There’s

no doubt that the consumers are still very sensitive to the price. 毫无疑问,消费者仍然对价格十分敏感。

 He proved himself a true gentleman and the beauty of his ________ was seen at its best when he worked with others. A. temper B. appearance C. talent D. character

答案: D  D

点拨十: sensitive (认知词汇) 辨析sensitive和sensible sensible明智的;合理的;可觉察到的

a sensible answer / option 明智的回答/选择


adj. 严格的 a strict teacher

严师 School regulations were strict.


外研⑦– 2 ① (be) strict with sb:

I think teachers need to be strict with students.

我认为老师应该对学生严格要求。 ② (be) strict in / about sth: be strict in work / discipline 对工作 / 纪律要求严格


adj. 慷慨的;大方的 反 mean She is always very

generous to the kids. 她对小孩子总是很慷慨。 He was

generous with his time, for which I was grateful. 他十分慷慨地给予我时间,我为此非常感激。

人教① – 5 It was generous of you

to share your food with me. 你把你的食物分给我吃, 真慷慨。 I couldn’t have gone through that bitter period

without your generous help . 没有您的慷慨帮助,我不可能度过那段艰难时光。

2011 陕西 quality n.  [C] & [U] 质;质量

goods of a poor quality / poor-quality goods

劣质货物 improve the qualify of life

改善生活质量 This model is

of good / high quality, but it’s too expensive. 这个型号质量好,但太贵。 2011湖北改  [C] [常用复数] 品质;品德 the quality of honest

诚实的品性 What qualities does a great person have?


人教①–5  [U] 优质

products of quality 优质产品


adj. 有责任的;尽责的;作为原由的 a responsible teacher

负责的老师 Human activity is not responsible for all water shortages. 水资源短缺不完全是由人类活动引起的。

2013 安徽

点拨十一: strict (产出词汇) 1. 掌握与介词的搭配,后接sb 时,介词用with; 后接sth时,介词用in / about。 2. 考点复现

The acceptance of new members is ________ (严格) controlled. (2008 陕西) 答案 strictly

点拨十二: quality (产出词汇) 1. 表示人或物品质、特征的词有character, characteristic, nature, personality, quality等。 character 指人时,强调人的性格和好的品质,指物时,强调物整体的特征、特色。

characteristic 指区别于其他人或物的特征、特色。

nature 强调人的本性、天性。 personality 指人突出的个性、性格。

quality 指人时,侧指好的品德、品质。


2. ► responsibility n. [C] & [U] 责任;职责

accept / shoulder (a) responsibility 承担 / 担起责任

tough adj.

 艰苦的;艰难的;棘手的

a tough match / job 艰苦的比赛 / 棘手的工作 It is tough to make a decision. 很难作决定。  严厉的;强硬的

Don’t be too tough on / with him — he was only a child. 别对他要求 过严,他只是个孩子。

 健壮的 反 weak;顽强的;粗暴的

He plays the tough guy in the movie. 他在电影中扮演硬汉。  (肉) 嚼不烂的 反 tender

The meat was tough and hard to chew. 这肉太老,很难嚼动。

laugh at  嘲笑

She laughed at me and said that I was not grown-up enough. 她笑话 我,说我不够成熟。 人教⑥–3  因„„而笑

laugh at a joke 听了笑话发笑

accustomed adj. [正式用语] 经常的;惯常的;习惯的 (be) accustomed to (doing) sth:

My eyes slowly grew accustomed to the dark. 我的眼睛慢慢适应了 黑暗。

注口语中更常用 (be) used to (doing) sth。


vt. 责备;把„„归咎于 ① blame sb / sth (for sth):

We shouldn’t blame technology for our shortcomings. 我们不能 把自身的不足归咎于科技。 2013 安徽 Once you form the habit of blaming somebody or something else for a bad situation, you are a loser. 一旦养成把不好的情况归咎 于其他人或事的习惯,你就是一个失败者。 2010 广东 ② blame sth on:

Police are blaming the accident on dangerous driving. 警方把事故归 咎于危险驾驶。

be to blame (for sth) (对某事) 负有责任: Who is to blame for the fire? 着火是谁的责任?

It’s all my fault. I’m to blame. 这都是我的错,都怪我。 n. [U] 责任;责备 take / bear the blame 承担责任

Where does the blame for our failure lie? 我们失败的症结在哪里? He usually puts the blame on others. 他总是把过错推给别人。

点拨十三: blame (产出词汇) 1. be to blame (for sth) 结构中,blame不用被动语态。 2. 考点复现

 Mr Green stood up in defence of the 16-year-old boy, saying that he was not the one _______. A. blamed B. blaming C. to blame

D. to be blamed

________ for the breakdown of the school computer network, Alice was in low spirits. A. Blaming B. Blamed C. To blame

D. To be blamed

答案: C  B


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