

1. 使用同位语或定语从句


(1)Jackie Chan, a great / distinguished actor and director, was born in HongKong on April 7th , 1954.

(2)Jackie Chan, who was born in+地方on 时间, is a great actor and director in the film industry.

(3)Born in +地方 on+时间,Jackie Chan is a great actor and director.

翻译:大部分男生支持韩寒; 代表作《三重门》(Triple Gate); 文字幽默,语言犀利(write in an incisive style)

According to the survey, a majority of boys are in favor of Han Han, whose representative work / masterpiece is Triple Gate, holding the view / believing that Han Han writes with humorous words in an incisive style to reflect reality.

2. 用with + n, due to, To one’s + n. , for + n.等短语使文章句式多样化


To our pride, she broke the world record at Athens 2004 Olympics, getting women’s 100 meters swimming champion.


In the films, Jackie Chan gains his reputation for his excellent / fantastic / amazing Chinese KongFu, funny fighting and humorous dialogues.

翻译:影响:对电影业有巨大的贡献, 被认为是“亚洲巨星”

Due to his great contributions to the film industry, he is considered / regarded / honored / highly recommended as a super star in Asia.

3. 适当使用非谓语和定语从句,为文章增添亮色

翻译:奥巴马于1988年考入哈佛Harvard 法学院,1991年获博士学位。

(1) In 1988, Obama was admitted into Harvard Law School, where he got his doctor’s degree in 1991.

(2) Admitted to Harvard Law School in 1988, Obama got his doctor’s degree in 1991.

第一句:姓名:莫言,原名管谟业,于1955年2月17日出生于一个农民家庭+地点。 Born on Feb. 27, 1955, Mo Yan, whose real/original name is Guan Moye, is the son of a farmer family in Gaomi County, Shandong Province.


Jan. / Feb. / Mar. / Apr. / May / June / July / Aug. / Sept. / Oct. / Nov. / Dec.


In his early years of life, Mo led such a poor life that he had to live on tree bark and weeds.

…, life was so poor that Mo had no choice but to eat tree bark and weeds for survival / to survive.


Peter: When he was young, he was so poor that he lived on tree barks and weeds.

Carmen: He lived a poor life in his early years and struggled to survive by eating tree bark and grass.


Since he began his career in 1981, he has been devoted to writing many masterpieces, including Red Sorghum, Frog etc. and finally, on Oct. 11th, 2012, he became the first Chinese to win the Nobel Prize in literature.

句型:Since sb. did, sb. have done… /

…the first…to do…;英语没有书名号或引号


Highly praised/appreciated for his “hallucinatory realism” works which combine folk tales, history and modern events, the winner was awarded a Nobel diploma, a medal and 1.1 million dollars.

注:reward sb. with sth. 以……报答某人

award sb. sth. 授予某人奖赏


With hallucinatory realism, his works perfectly combine folk stories, history and modern events, as a result of which, he won the Nobel Prize for literature and was awarded… 第五句:获奖宣布几分钟后,数百万中国人在社交网站表示为莫言高兴与自豪。

Minutes after their joy and pride for Mo Yan on social websites.

注:be proud of…为……自豪= take pride in…


高锟Charles Kuen Kao, 1933年11月4日出生于上海的一个富裕家庭,从小对做不同的试验产生浓厚的兴趣。


1. 1957年在伦敦念大学,并于1965念获得博士学位。

2. 1978至1996年任香港中文大学校长。

3. 2009念因在光纤通讯领域的巨大贡献而荣获诺贝尔物理奖,并同美国另外两名科学家共享此殊荣。




光纤通讯:fibre optic communication

Born into a rich family in Shanghai on Nov. 4th, 1933, Charles Kuen Kao showed great interest in doing different experiments during his childhood. In 1957, he studied in a university in London and was awarded a PhD degree in 1965. From 1978 to 1996, he worked in the Chinese University of Hong Kong and was appointed to be the principal. In 2009, he received the Nobel Prize in physics because of his great contributions in the field of fibre optic communication and shared this year’s award with another two American scientists. Apart from his hard work in research, he spends his spare time playing tennis and making pottery.

1. 2009年十月初,华裔科学家高锟 Charles Kao Kun 成为了三名获得诺贝尔物理学奖


2. 高锟1933年生于上海,在香港接受教育。

3. 高锟早在1966年提出用玻璃制造比头发丝更细的通讯光纤。

4. 这个理论引起了世界通信技术的一次革命和众多争论。

5. 四年后第一条光导纤维(“ultra-pure” fiber)的制成,高锟“光纤之父”美誉传遍世界。

6. 他的科学成就为今天通讯事业的发展奠定了基础。

7. Charles Kao Kun, a Chinese scientist, was declared one of the three Nobel Prize Winners

for Physics early October 2009. Born in 1933 in Shanghai, Kao was educated in Hong Kong. His idea, which is to make glass into communication fiber as thin as a human hair, dates back to 1966. His theory resulted in a revolution in the world communication technology and a lot of argument. It was not until 4 years later when the first “ultra-pure” was made that Kao won the fame as “Father of Fiber Optics”. His scientific achievement has shaped the foundations of today’s communication.


1. 使用同位语或定语从句


(1)Jackie Chan, a great / distinguished actor and director, was born in HongKong on April 7th , 1954.

(2)Jackie Chan, who was born in+地方on 时间, is a great actor and director in the film industry.

(3)Born in +地方 on+时间,Jackie Chan is a great actor and director.

翻译:大部分男生支持韩寒; 代表作《三重门》(Triple Gate); 文字幽默,语言犀利(write in an incisive style)

According to the survey, a majority of boys are in favor of Han Han, whose representative work / masterpiece is Triple Gate, holding the view / believing that Han Han writes with humorous words in an incisive style to reflect reality.

2. 用with + n, due to, To one’s + n. , for + n.等短语使文章句式多样化


To our pride, she broke the world record at Athens 2004 Olympics, getting women’s 100 meters swimming champion.


In the films, Jackie Chan gains his reputation for his excellent / fantastic / amazing Chinese KongFu, funny fighting and humorous dialogues.

翻译:影响:对电影业有巨大的贡献, 被认为是“亚洲巨星”

Due to his great contributions to the film industry, he is considered / regarded / honored / highly recommended as a super star in Asia.

3. 适当使用非谓语和定语从句,为文章增添亮色

翻译:奥巴马于1988年考入哈佛Harvard 法学院,1991年获博士学位。

(1) In 1988, Obama was admitted into Harvard Law School, where he got his doctor’s degree in 1991.

(2) Admitted to Harvard Law School in 1988, Obama got his doctor’s degree in 1991.

第一句:姓名:莫言,原名管谟业,于1955年2月17日出生于一个农民家庭+地点。 Born on Feb. 27, 1955, Mo Yan, whose real/original name is Guan Moye, is the son of a farmer family in Gaomi County, Shandong Province.


Jan. / Feb. / Mar. / Apr. / May / June / July / Aug. / Sept. / Oct. / Nov. / Dec.


In his early years of life, Mo led such a poor life that he had to live on tree bark and weeds.

…, life was so poor that Mo had no choice but to eat tree bark and weeds for survival / to survive.


Peter: When he was young, he was so poor that he lived on tree barks and weeds.

Carmen: He lived a poor life in his early years and struggled to survive by eating tree bark and grass.


Since he began his career in 1981, he has been devoted to writing many masterpieces, including Red Sorghum, Frog etc. and finally, on Oct. 11th, 2012, he became the first Chinese to win the Nobel Prize in literature.

句型:Since sb. did, sb. have done… /

…the first…to do…;英语没有书名号或引号


Highly praised/appreciated for his “hallucinatory realism” works which combine folk tales, history and modern events, the winner was awarded a Nobel diploma, a medal and 1.1 million dollars.

注:reward sb. with sth. 以……报答某人

award sb. sth. 授予某人奖赏


With hallucinatory realism, his works perfectly combine folk stories, history and modern events, as a result of which, he won the Nobel Prize for literature and was awarded… 第五句:获奖宣布几分钟后,数百万中国人在社交网站表示为莫言高兴与自豪。

Minutes after their joy and pride for Mo Yan on social websites.

注:be proud of…为……自豪= take pride in…


高锟Charles Kuen Kao, 1933年11月4日出生于上海的一个富裕家庭,从小对做不同的试验产生浓厚的兴趣。


1. 1957年在伦敦念大学,并于1965念获得博士学位。

2. 1978至1996年任香港中文大学校长。

3. 2009念因在光纤通讯领域的巨大贡献而荣获诺贝尔物理奖,并同美国另外两名科学家共享此殊荣。




光纤通讯:fibre optic communication

Born into a rich family in Shanghai on Nov. 4th, 1933, Charles Kuen Kao showed great interest in doing different experiments during his childhood. In 1957, he studied in a university in London and was awarded a PhD degree in 1965. From 1978 to 1996, he worked in the Chinese University of Hong Kong and was appointed to be the principal. In 2009, he received the Nobel Prize in physics because of his great contributions in the field of fibre optic communication and shared this year’s award with another two American scientists. Apart from his hard work in research, he spends his spare time playing tennis and making pottery.

1. 2009年十月初,华裔科学家高锟 Charles Kao Kun 成为了三名获得诺贝尔物理学奖


2. 高锟1933年生于上海,在香港接受教育。

3. 高锟早在1966年提出用玻璃制造比头发丝更细的通讯光纤。

4. 这个理论引起了世界通信技术的一次革命和众多争论。

5. 四年后第一条光导纤维(“ultra-pure” fiber)的制成,高锟“光纤之父”美誉传遍世界。

6. 他的科学成就为今天通讯事业的发展奠定了基础。

7. Charles Kao Kun, a Chinese scientist, was declared one of the three Nobel Prize Winners

for Physics early October 2009. Born in 1933 in Shanghai, Kao was educated in Hong Kong. His idea, which is to make glass into communication fiber as thin as a human hair, dates back to 1966. His theory resulted in a revolution in the world communication technology and a lot of argument. It was not until 4 years later when the first “ultra-pure” was made that Kao won the fame as “Father of Fiber Optics”. His scientific achievement has shaped the foundations of today’s communication.


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