


关键词:社会公平;作用机制;教育收益率;高等教育机会;教育资源配置; ①

A Review on the relationship

between education and social equity

Abstract: Education has always been seen as a powerful way to promote social equity during the past centuries. However, education as a promoter of social equity never acts automatically. It needs the appropriate supporting institutional conditions from the society. This paper attempts to explore the function of the education carried to promote the social equity base on the empirical studies from the academic community. The paper first analyzes the concept and the basic content of social equity, and the way of the education attribute to the social equity. Second, this paper exams the rate of educational return, which is the core element of social mobility. Third,paper analyzes the opportunities for higher education among different social groups. Fourth, the paper explores the allocation of public educational resources. In this paper, studies suggest that education does have a significant role in promoting social equity, but it only can be achieved by a balanced allocation of resources for basic education and equitable access for higher education opportunities.

Keywords: Social Equity ;Mechanism ;Rate of Educational Return ;Higher Education Opportunities;Educational Resource Allocation;



一。一般认为,教育具有促进社会公平的作用,特别是在人类社会走向工业化社会以来,教育在社会生活中扮演着越来越为重要的角色,甚至已经成为个人获得自身经济和社会地位不可或缺的关键要素。正如美国教育社会学家科林斯所指出的,“在现代美国,教育在取得职业成就的过程中已变得极为重要。因此,在分① 本文是2009年上海市社会学学会学术年会优秀论文奖作品,被选入卢汉龙、吴书松主编的《转型社会研究文库:时代性与社会学》一书,上海社会科学院出版社2010年出版。

析产生社会分层和社会流动的原因时, 教育占据了中心地位。”1近年来,在我国社会主义市场经济体制不断完善、劳动力市场的市场化程度日益提高的宏观背景下,随着我国基础教育课程改革的深入和高等教育大众化进程的加快,教育在促进社会公平的作用问题,再次成为学术界探讨的热点问题。然而,在已有的诸多相关论著中,要么将教育视为天然的促进社会公平的工具,进而采取批判的视角对当前教育系统中存在的各种问题进行抨击;要么单单基于各类统计数据,从指标上描述、探讨教育与社会公平之间的关系问题,而缺乏对教育促进社会公平的作用机制深入的剖析。这样一来,往往难于把握问题的关键之处,而让探讨和分析流于表面,给人一种隔靴搔痒之感。因此,要确切地把握教育与社会公平二者之间的关系问题,就有必要回到这一问题的原初,从学理的角度来探讨教育在促进社会公平方面所起到的作用、起作用的方式以及实现这些作用所应当具备的前提条件。




教育究竟如何能够促进社会公平的实现?这不仅是一个重要的理论问题,更是一个具有丰富实践内涵的现实问题。从经验观察及已有研究来看,教育促进社会公平的核心作用机制具体表现为教育的成层过程,即“社会成员因具有不同的教育程度, 而对社会地位、社会财富、权力、文化和职业进行再分配,使新的阶级和阶层得以形成的过程。”3在这一过程中,教育所扮演的角色就是将接受过不同层次教育的社会成员,输送到相应的职业中去。在这些职业中,该社会成员所掌握的政治资源、经济资源和社会声望等因素,进而决定了该社会成员所处的社会地位。因此,教育作为社会分层的发生器,决定着社会成层和社会流动的过程。正如美国知名的社会学者索罗金所指出的,“学校是使人从社会底层向社会上层流动的电梯,学校通过考试来进行选拔,从而决定人们的社会地位”。4国内学者李强以非常独到的观察指出,“自古以来,中国教育制度的首要功能就是


这样一来,教育对促进社会公平的作用机制问题,就可以具体化为: 首先,我们需要考察接受教育是否真的促进了社会成员实现向上的社会流动?其中根本的问题在于他们是否拥有比父辈更好的职业选择、获取更高的经济收入?






Third 、 The returns on education: Core elements analysis of social mobility As to research and explore on social equity, social scholars have long been out of the metaphysical debates stage, and further step to carry out a lot of empirical research stage. The social status of the society members whether gets from acquired efforts or decided by congenital birth, that is, what is first ascribed factors or after induced factors determines the social status of the society members, which is a fundamental question when to explore social equity. Generally speaking, in a closed society, the first ascription rule is the main social mobility rules; while in a open society, after induced rules is a major social mobility rules. Some scholars have pointed out that what determines the society members’ social status most is economic

reasons. Hence Social stratification research is the differences of interests between individuals, between groups, especially the differences of the economic interests; this involves the most fundamental problem of the classification of social gro ups. …..dissect human behavior from the economic and material interests, is the most deep-seated of the anatomy. "Therefore, to discuss the education mechanism for social justice, one of the most central entry point, is to analyze impact of education on personal income. Thus, the focus of our attention can be turned to the returns on education.


As to the returns on education, foreign scholars have conducted a lot of research. The study is carried out by the researchers of education in economic circles. "Since the 1970s, the experts of the World Bank used the internal rate of return to measure the return on investment in education, and thus derived the important policy advice for educational development, consequently, the internal rate of return of education become a focus concern in the field of Education and economic circles. So far, both in China and abroad, the research about internal rate of return of education have achieved rich results, these findings, especially the domestic research, provided a basis of solid empirical data for the discussion of this paper. According to some domestic research about the returns on higher education shows, since the reform and opening up, the returns China's higher education present a constantly rising trend, at the same time, the level of education and income increase become a significant positive correlation


3.4%、3.9%和4.5%。9 The Mincer yield is used to measure the income of employed persons with higher levels of education and increased contrast ratio, and its meaning is: accept employment income for the year of education than those without the acceptance of the conditions of the same work experience, multi increase the ratio of employment income. The earlier a study Li Shi, Li Wenbin study, which showed that China's overall education Mincer rate of return of 3.8% on the 1998 urban workers education Mincer yield, its primary and secondary schools, junior high school, high school and university education Mincer yield: 2.7%, 3.4%, 3.9% and 4.5%, respectively.



Chen Xiaoyu, Chen Liang Kun based on data of survey of 15,012 people in seven provinces and cities in Zhejiang, Guangdong, Hubei, Liaoning, Sichuan, Gansu and Beijing 4797 made the by urban society of China's National Bureau of Investigation Corps in 1996, computing the Mincer returns of education . The data analysis shows that, for equivalent work length employment, with one more year educators income increased by 5.33%, junior high school level Mincer returns of

3.53%, the high school level Mincer rate of return of 4.9%, secondary degree of

5.67%, junior college of 5.9%, college undergraduate to 8.23%. At the same time, the study through the analysis of the data showed that, from the perspective of international comparison, the returns of higher education in China is relatively low, but it is in a trend of significantly improving. As to accept higher levels of education, the level of employment income is significantly improved.


At present, large numbers of studies about individual returns of education made by academia have shown that, since the reform and opening up, with the increasing deepening of the open society and economic life of market-oriented level is increasing day by day, the facilitation of education on individual economic and social members become more obvious. Education promoting individual upward social mobility role is getting reveal. Of course, the returns of education to the society members is not only economic gains, To accept some degree of education has become a basic prerequisite for recruitment by government departments, research institutions, and well-known enterprises such as labor market, entering these work units, the educated also able to obtain political capital, social capital and cultural capital, these gains obviously can not be measured by the economic benefits directly. Those social members ultimately get the advantage position, no doubt achieved upward social mobility largely.

However, who can have the opportunity to receive higher quality education resources, who can come to the fore in the advantage position competition, it is worthy of further analysis.



Fourth opportunities for Higher education: key link to achieve social


The above analysis in this article shows that education has increased individual income and non-income, thereby contributing to the individual to achieve upward social mobility. But that does not necessarily mean that overall, education has the function of promoting the society towards a more equitable, open world. Here, we must also analyze the question is: who won educational opportunities? How Higher education opportunities distribution in the different social strata? If higher education opportunities is obtained by the original children in upper class families of the society, it is obviously not conducive to realize social equity; Conversely, if the families and their children of all social strata have the equal access to higher education opportunity, those who pay more efforts, have strong ability children get higher education opportunities, thus this social formation is undoubtedly a more equitable and reasonable one.


The problem of Equity Higher Education, this mainly discusses the different gender students, from different areas and different family background, different economic income families’ students getting higher education issues. Now the research of Fair share on higher education opportunities, has generated a lot of

research result. Overall, these studies basically showed roughly the same conclusion, that is, since 1978 to restore the college entrance examination system, the distribution of higher education opportunities between different social groups is uneven, showing significant differences.


样调查研究,该调查研究结果表明,新生家庭背景中,父亲是农民的学生比例占20.2%,工人的占25.0%,干部和专业技术人员的分别为15.5%和39.3%。12有研究者根据当时这四类家庭从业人员占总人口的比例测算,得出结果表明,四个主要的职业阶层在总从业人员中的比例分别是75.12 %、18.15 %、2.15 %和3.19 %。由此可以得出其子女获得高等教育机会的可能性之比是:1∶5∶25.11∶37.15。也就是说,在1980年,工人、干部和专业技术人员子女升入前述北京8所高校的机会分别是农民子女的5倍、25倍和37倍以上。131999 年底, 《中国青年报》发表了一份关于中国公民高等教育的报告,该报告对北京多所高校2000余名学生的抽样调查表明: 这些学生里,28%来自北京,30%来自北京以外的城市,24%来自全国各地不出名的城镇,18%来自农村。也就是说, 城乡大学生的比例分别是82%


A earlier study on a sample survey conducted in Beijing eight colleges about 1980 freshmen family background, the survey findings show that their family father farmers proportion of 20.2%, workers accounted for 25.0%, cadres and professional and technical personnel of 15.5% and 39.3% respectively. Researchers according to these four categories of family employment of the proportion of the total population, the results show that the four major occupational hierarchy in the proportion of the total number of employees is 75.12%, 18.15%, 2.15% and 3.19% respectively. It concluded that the possibility of access to higher education opportunities for their children than: 1:5:25.11:37.15. That is to say, in 1980, the children of workers, cadres and professional and technical personnel opportunity to ascend to the aforementioned eight colleges and universities in Beijing are five times, more than 25-fold and 37-fold compared with the farmers' children. To the end of 1999, "China Youth Daily" published a report on the higher education of Chinese citizens, the report take a sample survey of more than 2,000 colleges and universities students in Beijing, it

showed that: 28% of these students from Beijing, 30 percent from outside Beijing city, 24% from the not famous towns across the country, 18% from rural areas. In other words, the proportion of urban and rural students is 82% and 18% respectively. These data suggest that, there is a great difference between different family backgrounds, different parts of the school-age youth to access to higher education,


According to a commissioned by the World Bank and the Ministry of Education, involving 37 different levels of college between 1994 and 1997 students is nearly 70,000 in research shows that the proportion of farmers' children decreases with

increasing institutional level; the children of Cadres, enterprise management personnel and professional and technical personnel gradually increase. The study divided colleges into key state institutions, the general key institutions, universities and local colleges and universities four categories, studies have shown that children of cadres, professional and technical personnel and enterprise management personnel with the category increased its school proportion also increased accordingly. Instead, the children of farmers and workers, ascend to college with the category increased gradually reduce. "In addition, the survey results also show significant differences between different gender students, such as the 1994 students in key state institutions, the proportion of boys and girls, respectively: 63.4% and 36.6%, and that the boys’ chance to enter key national institutions is 1.73 times of the girls, further analysis also shows that in rural students exist more serious gender imbalances.

除了对来自不同家庭背景、地区、性别的适龄青年的入学机会的研究成果外,也有学者对来自不同家庭背景的学生专业选择情况进行分析。如孟东方和李志对重庆8所高校学生的家庭背景和所学专业关系进行调查表明,在被调查的785名“热门专业”的学生中,党政干部、企事业单位干部和专业技术人员的子女合计占47.1%,高出总体比例(33.9%) 13.2%,农民子女则只有24.18%,低于总体比例14.4%。而对449 名“冷门专业”学生的分析则发现, 干部和专业技术人员的子女较少,农民子女则占54.8%,高出总体15.6%,其中在农学、农业化学、铸造三个专业中,竟分别占到72%、73.1%和80%。15

Except the analysis From different family background, region, gender enrollment of school-age youth opportunities research, scholars also analyze the situation of

students professional choices from different family backgrounds. Meng Dongfang and Lee Zhi research in eight college students in Chongqing between family background and the major relationship investigation showed that of 785 popular professional students surveyed, the party and government cadres, cadres of enterprises and professional technical personnel children together accounted for 47.1%, higher than the overall proportion (33.9%) 13.2%, only 24.18% of the farmers' children, lower than the overall proportion of 14.4%. of the 449 "unpopular Professional students analysis found that fewer children of cadres and professional and technical personnel, farmers' children accounted for 54.8% higher than the 15.6% overall, including three professional agronomy, agricultural chemical, casting, actually accounted for 72%, 73.1% and 80%, respectively.



I n addition, there are a lot of researches arrived at roughly the same study found. These studies found that fully shows the distribution significant differences exist in China's since reform and opening up to 30 years on obtaining higher education opportunities between different social groups. Overall, the children from the city cadres home advantage social groups has several times opportunity access to higher education from the rural areas, at the same time, these studies also found that these children from the dominant social groups, more selected popular professional and dominant major, and thus be able to get better jobs after graduation. From the point view of these findings, from the aspects of opportunities to access higher education and the Quality to access higher education, there are still many other forms that is not conducive to the promotion of social justice. However, what are the factors which lead to such differences exist in opportunities to access the Higher Education? The search of the root causes of the deep-seated imbalances opportunities to access higher education, obviously inseparable from the analysis of the basic education resources allocation.




在过去很长的一段时间里,由于我国的基础教育在制度安排上存在着明显二元结构,因此在城镇与农村、重点校与非重点校、东部与西部之间,基础教育资源的配置都存在较为明显的差异。由于初中和小学的管理责任主要在县以下,自省至县的地方政府的教育投入也主要流向了各自管辖的大学、大专及中专学校等,而很少顾及农村义务教育,其结果就是农村义务教育资金的主要承担者变成了乡镇一级。根据国务院发展研究中心的调查,在20世纪90年代末,农村义务教育资金的政府投入部分,中央、省和地区或地级市三级合计负担的部分不到15%,而乡镇则负担了78%,这部分的投入可能占乡镇财政支出的70%左右,乡镇财政由此成为“教育财政。”17以1993年为例,全国城乡小学生的人均经费差距为1.9倍,贵州省内城乡之间在3倍,而上海市与安徽农村之间达7倍,在初中阶段,全国城乡整体差距为2倍,贵州省内城乡之间达到4.2倍,而北京市与贵州农村之间则达到10倍。到1999年,上述各个层次的差距都进一步扩大了,其中小学和初中阶段城乡整体差距均扩大到3.1倍,小学阶段最大差距达11倍(上海市3556.9元,贵州农村323.6元,初中阶段最大差距达到12.4倍(北京市5155.2元,贵州农村416.7元)。在人口大省河南内部,这种差距也异常惊人:在小学阶段,郑州市生均预算内教育经费为全省农村平均额的5.9倍,相当于最低的滑县农村的11.4倍;在初中阶段,新乡市生均预算内教育经费与全省农村的平均数相差5.9倍,与最低的延津县相差11.4倍. 在2000年之后的数年间,考虑到向农民收取教育集资的行为受到限制而农村中小学的教育经费更加紧张,诸多差距可能并没有缩小,甚至是再度拉大了。18








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关键词:社会公平;作用机制;教育收益率;高等教育机会;教育资源配置; ①

A Review on the relationship

between education and social equity

Abstract: Education has always been seen as a powerful way to promote social equity during the past centuries. However, education as a promoter of social equity never acts automatically. It needs the appropriate supporting institutional conditions from the society. This paper attempts to explore the function of the education carried to promote the social equity base on the empirical studies from the academic community. The paper first analyzes the concept and the basic content of social equity, and the way of the education attribute to the social equity. Second, this paper exams the rate of educational return, which is the core element of social mobility. Third,paper analyzes the opportunities for higher education among different social groups. Fourth, the paper explores the allocation of public educational resources. In this paper, studies suggest that education does have a significant role in promoting social equity, but it only can be achieved by a balanced allocation of resources for basic education and equitable access for higher education opportunities.

Keywords: Social Equity ;Mechanism ;Rate of Educational Return ;Higher Education Opportunities;Educational Resource Allocation;



一。一般认为,教育具有促进社会公平的作用,特别是在人类社会走向工业化社会以来,教育在社会生活中扮演着越来越为重要的角色,甚至已经成为个人获得自身经济和社会地位不可或缺的关键要素。正如美国教育社会学家科林斯所指出的,“在现代美国,教育在取得职业成就的过程中已变得极为重要。因此,在分① 本文是2009年上海市社会学学会学术年会优秀论文奖作品,被选入卢汉龙、吴书松主编的《转型社会研究文库:时代性与社会学》一书,上海社会科学院出版社2010年出版。

析产生社会分层和社会流动的原因时, 教育占据了中心地位。”1近年来,在我国社会主义市场经济体制不断完善、劳动力市场的市场化程度日益提高的宏观背景下,随着我国基础教育课程改革的深入和高等教育大众化进程的加快,教育在促进社会公平的作用问题,再次成为学术界探讨的热点问题。然而,在已有的诸多相关论著中,要么将教育视为天然的促进社会公平的工具,进而采取批判的视角对当前教育系统中存在的各种问题进行抨击;要么单单基于各类统计数据,从指标上描述、探讨教育与社会公平之间的关系问题,而缺乏对教育促进社会公平的作用机制深入的剖析。这样一来,往往难于把握问题的关键之处,而让探讨和分析流于表面,给人一种隔靴搔痒之感。因此,要确切地把握教育与社会公平二者之间的关系问题,就有必要回到这一问题的原初,从学理的角度来探讨教育在促进社会公平方面所起到的作用、起作用的方式以及实现这些作用所应当具备的前提条件。




教育究竟如何能够促进社会公平的实现?这不仅是一个重要的理论问题,更是一个具有丰富实践内涵的现实问题。从经验观察及已有研究来看,教育促进社会公平的核心作用机制具体表现为教育的成层过程,即“社会成员因具有不同的教育程度, 而对社会地位、社会财富、权力、文化和职业进行再分配,使新的阶级和阶层得以形成的过程。”3在这一过程中,教育所扮演的角色就是将接受过不同层次教育的社会成员,输送到相应的职业中去。在这些职业中,该社会成员所掌握的政治资源、经济资源和社会声望等因素,进而决定了该社会成员所处的社会地位。因此,教育作为社会分层的发生器,决定着社会成层和社会流动的过程。正如美国知名的社会学者索罗金所指出的,“学校是使人从社会底层向社会上层流动的电梯,学校通过考试来进行选拔,从而决定人们的社会地位”。4国内学者李强以非常独到的观察指出,“自古以来,中国教育制度的首要功能就是


这样一来,教育对促进社会公平的作用机制问题,就可以具体化为: 首先,我们需要考察接受教育是否真的促进了社会成员实现向上的社会流动?其中根本的问题在于他们是否拥有比父辈更好的职业选择、获取更高的经济收入?






Third 、 The returns on education: Core elements analysis of social mobility As to research and explore on social equity, social scholars have long been out of the metaphysical debates stage, and further step to carry out a lot of empirical research stage. The social status of the society members whether gets from acquired efforts or decided by congenital birth, that is, what is first ascribed factors or after induced factors determines the social status of the society members, which is a fundamental question when to explore social equity. Generally speaking, in a closed society, the first ascription rule is the main social mobility rules; while in a open society, after induced rules is a major social mobility rules. Some scholars have pointed out that what determines the society members’ social status most is economic

reasons. Hence Social stratification research is the differences of interests between individuals, between groups, especially the differences of the economic interests; this involves the most fundamental problem of the classification of social gro ups. …..dissect human behavior from the economic and material interests, is the most deep-seated of the anatomy. "Therefore, to discuss the education mechanism for social justice, one of the most central entry point, is to analyze impact of education on personal income. Thus, the focus of our attention can be turned to the returns on education.


As to the returns on education, foreign scholars have conducted a lot of research. The study is carried out by the researchers of education in economic circles. "Since the 1970s, the experts of the World Bank used the internal rate of return to measure the return on investment in education, and thus derived the important policy advice for educational development, consequently, the internal rate of return of education become a focus concern in the field of Education and economic circles. So far, both in China and abroad, the research about internal rate of return of education have achieved rich results, these findings, especially the domestic research, provided a basis of solid empirical data for the discussion of this paper. According to some domestic research about the returns on higher education shows, since the reform and opening up, the returns China's higher education present a constantly rising trend, at the same time, the level of education and income increase become a significant positive correlation


3.4%、3.9%和4.5%。9 The Mincer yield is used to measure the income of employed persons with higher levels of education and increased contrast ratio, and its meaning is: accept employment income for the year of education than those without the acceptance of the conditions of the same work experience, multi increase the ratio of employment income. The earlier a study Li Shi, Li Wenbin study, which showed that China's overall education Mincer rate of return of 3.8% on the 1998 urban workers education Mincer yield, its primary and secondary schools, junior high school, high school and university education Mincer yield: 2.7%, 3.4%, 3.9% and 4.5%, respectively.



Chen Xiaoyu, Chen Liang Kun based on data of survey of 15,012 people in seven provinces and cities in Zhejiang, Guangdong, Hubei, Liaoning, Sichuan, Gansu and Beijing 4797 made the by urban society of China's National Bureau of Investigation Corps in 1996, computing the Mincer returns of education . The data analysis shows that, for equivalent work length employment, with one more year educators income increased by 5.33%, junior high school level Mincer returns of

3.53%, the high school level Mincer rate of return of 4.9%, secondary degree of

5.67%, junior college of 5.9%, college undergraduate to 8.23%. At the same time, the study through the analysis of the data showed that, from the perspective of international comparison, the returns of higher education in China is relatively low, but it is in a trend of significantly improving. As to accept higher levels of education, the level of employment income is significantly improved.


At present, large numbers of studies about individual returns of education made by academia have shown that, since the reform and opening up, with the increasing deepening of the open society and economic life of market-oriented level is increasing day by day, the facilitation of education on individual economic and social members become more obvious. Education promoting individual upward social mobility role is getting reveal. Of course, the returns of education to the society members is not only economic gains, To accept some degree of education has become a basic prerequisite for recruitment by government departments, research institutions, and well-known enterprises such as labor market, entering these work units, the educated also able to obtain political capital, social capital and cultural capital, these gains obviously can not be measured by the economic benefits directly. Those social members ultimately get the advantage position, no doubt achieved upward social mobility largely.

However, who can have the opportunity to receive higher quality education resources, who can come to the fore in the advantage position competition, it is worthy of further analysis.



Fourth opportunities for Higher education: key link to achieve social


The above analysis in this article shows that education has increased individual income and non-income, thereby contributing to the individual to achieve upward social mobility. But that does not necessarily mean that overall, education has the function of promoting the society towards a more equitable, open world. Here, we must also analyze the question is: who won educational opportunities? How Higher education opportunities distribution in the different social strata? If higher education opportunities is obtained by the original children in upper class families of the society, it is obviously not conducive to realize social equity; Conversely, if the families and their children of all social strata have the equal access to higher education opportunity, those who pay more efforts, have strong ability children get higher education opportunities, thus this social formation is undoubtedly a more equitable and reasonable one.


The problem of Equity Higher Education, this mainly discusses the different gender students, from different areas and different family background, different economic income families’ students getting higher education issues. Now the research of Fair share on higher education opportunities, has generated a lot of

research result. Overall, these studies basically showed roughly the same conclusion, that is, since 1978 to restore the college entrance examination system, the distribution of higher education opportunities between different social groups is uneven, showing significant differences.


样调查研究,该调查研究结果表明,新生家庭背景中,父亲是农民的学生比例占20.2%,工人的占25.0%,干部和专业技术人员的分别为15.5%和39.3%。12有研究者根据当时这四类家庭从业人员占总人口的比例测算,得出结果表明,四个主要的职业阶层在总从业人员中的比例分别是75.12 %、18.15 %、2.15 %和3.19 %。由此可以得出其子女获得高等教育机会的可能性之比是:1∶5∶25.11∶37.15。也就是说,在1980年,工人、干部和专业技术人员子女升入前述北京8所高校的机会分别是农民子女的5倍、25倍和37倍以上。131999 年底, 《中国青年报》发表了一份关于中国公民高等教育的报告,该报告对北京多所高校2000余名学生的抽样调查表明: 这些学生里,28%来自北京,30%来自北京以外的城市,24%来自全国各地不出名的城镇,18%来自农村。也就是说, 城乡大学生的比例分别是82%


A earlier study on a sample survey conducted in Beijing eight colleges about 1980 freshmen family background, the survey findings show that their family father farmers proportion of 20.2%, workers accounted for 25.0%, cadres and professional and technical personnel of 15.5% and 39.3% respectively. Researchers according to these four categories of family employment of the proportion of the total population, the results show that the four major occupational hierarchy in the proportion of the total number of employees is 75.12%, 18.15%, 2.15% and 3.19% respectively. It concluded that the possibility of access to higher education opportunities for their children than: 1:5:25.11:37.15. That is to say, in 1980, the children of workers, cadres and professional and technical personnel opportunity to ascend to the aforementioned eight colleges and universities in Beijing are five times, more than 25-fold and 37-fold compared with the farmers' children. To the end of 1999, "China Youth Daily" published a report on the higher education of Chinese citizens, the report take a sample survey of more than 2,000 colleges and universities students in Beijing, it

showed that: 28% of these students from Beijing, 30 percent from outside Beijing city, 24% from the not famous towns across the country, 18% from rural areas. In other words, the proportion of urban and rural students is 82% and 18% respectively. These data suggest that, there is a great difference between different family backgrounds, different parts of the school-age youth to access to higher education,


According to a commissioned by the World Bank and the Ministry of Education, involving 37 different levels of college between 1994 and 1997 students is nearly 70,000 in research shows that the proportion of farmers' children decreases with

increasing institutional level; the children of Cadres, enterprise management personnel and professional and technical personnel gradually increase. The study divided colleges into key state institutions, the general key institutions, universities and local colleges and universities four categories, studies have shown that children of cadres, professional and technical personnel and enterprise management personnel with the category increased its school proportion also increased accordingly. Instead, the children of farmers and workers, ascend to college with the category increased gradually reduce. "In addition, the survey results also show significant differences between different gender students, such as the 1994 students in key state institutions, the proportion of boys and girls, respectively: 63.4% and 36.6%, and that the boys’ chance to enter key national institutions is 1.73 times of the girls, further analysis also shows that in rural students exist more serious gender imbalances.

除了对来自不同家庭背景、地区、性别的适龄青年的入学机会的研究成果外,也有学者对来自不同家庭背景的学生专业选择情况进行分析。如孟东方和李志对重庆8所高校学生的家庭背景和所学专业关系进行调查表明,在被调查的785名“热门专业”的学生中,党政干部、企事业单位干部和专业技术人员的子女合计占47.1%,高出总体比例(33.9%) 13.2%,农民子女则只有24.18%,低于总体比例14.4%。而对449 名“冷门专业”学生的分析则发现, 干部和专业技术人员的子女较少,农民子女则占54.8%,高出总体15.6%,其中在农学、农业化学、铸造三个专业中,竟分别占到72%、73.1%和80%。15

Except the analysis From different family background, region, gender enrollment of school-age youth opportunities research, scholars also analyze the situation of

students professional choices from different family backgrounds. Meng Dongfang and Lee Zhi research in eight college students in Chongqing between family background and the major relationship investigation showed that of 785 popular professional students surveyed, the party and government cadres, cadres of enterprises and professional technical personnel children together accounted for 47.1%, higher than the overall proportion (33.9%) 13.2%, only 24.18% of the farmers' children, lower than the overall proportion of 14.4%. of the 449 "unpopular Professional students analysis found that fewer children of cadres and professional and technical personnel, farmers' children accounted for 54.8% higher than the 15.6% overall, including three professional agronomy, agricultural chemical, casting, actually accounted for 72%, 73.1% and 80%, respectively.



I n addition, there are a lot of researches arrived at roughly the same study found. These studies found that fully shows the distribution significant differences exist in China's since reform and opening up to 30 years on obtaining higher education opportunities between different social groups. Overall, the children from the city cadres home advantage social groups has several times opportunity access to higher education from the rural areas, at the same time, these studies also found that these children from the dominant social groups, more selected popular professional and dominant major, and thus be able to get better jobs after graduation. From the point view of these findings, from the aspects of opportunities to access higher education and the Quality to access higher education, there are still many other forms that is not conducive to the promotion of social justice. However, what are the factors which lead to such differences exist in opportunities to access the Higher Education? The search of the root causes of the deep-seated imbalances opportunities to access higher education, obviously inseparable from the analysis of the basic education resources allocation.




在过去很长的一段时间里,由于我国的基础教育在制度安排上存在着明显二元结构,因此在城镇与农村、重点校与非重点校、东部与西部之间,基础教育资源的配置都存在较为明显的差异。由于初中和小学的管理责任主要在县以下,自省至县的地方政府的教育投入也主要流向了各自管辖的大学、大专及中专学校等,而很少顾及农村义务教育,其结果就是农村义务教育资金的主要承担者变成了乡镇一级。根据国务院发展研究中心的调查,在20世纪90年代末,农村义务教育资金的政府投入部分,中央、省和地区或地级市三级合计负担的部分不到15%,而乡镇则负担了78%,这部分的投入可能占乡镇财政支出的70%左右,乡镇财政由此成为“教育财政。”17以1993年为例,全国城乡小学生的人均经费差距为1.9倍,贵州省内城乡之间在3倍,而上海市与安徽农村之间达7倍,在初中阶段,全国城乡整体差距为2倍,贵州省内城乡之间达到4.2倍,而北京市与贵州农村之间则达到10倍。到1999年,上述各个层次的差距都进一步扩大了,其中小学和初中阶段城乡整体差距均扩大到3.1倍,小学阶段最大差距达11倍(上海市3556.9元,贵州农村323.6元,初中阶段最大差距达到12.4倍(北京市5155.2元,贵州农村416.7元)。在人口大省河南内部,这种差距也异常惊人:在小学阶段,郑州市生均预算内教育经费为全省农村平均额的5.9倍,相当于最低的滑县农村的11.4倍;在初中阶段,新乡市生均预算内教育经费与全省农村的平均数相差5.9倍,与最低的延津县相差11.4倍. 在2000年之后的数年间,考虑到向农民收取教育集资的行为受到限制而农村中小学的教育经费更加紧张,诸多差距可能并没有缩小,甚至是再度拉大了。18








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  • 毕业设计(论文)开题报告系(届 题目课题类型学生姓名 专业理论研究课题来源学号自选年级班职称指导教师 填写日期:2012年03月12日一.本课题研究的主要内容.目的和意义 1.1.本课题的研究内容: 委婉语是人类使用语言过程中的一种普遍现象,是人们谈论那些令人不快或尴尬的事情时所使用的较为礼貌的说法 ...