


Shawn Achor, HBR writer, says: "Stress can cause the human brain to use more of its capabilities, improve memory and intelligence, increase productivity, and even speed recovery from things like knee surgery. Research indicates that stress, even at high levels, creates greater mental toughness, deeper

relationships, heightened awareness, new perspectives, a sense of mastery, a greater appreciation for life, a heightened sense of meaning, and strengthened priorities."


We hear all about the negatives of stress but rarely hear about some of the

better effects. Not to mention, it's easy to tap into the benefits of stress — you just need to view it as enhancing rather than debilitating。


The results of this research don't mean that we should all strive for more stress at work. Instead, we should try to channel that energy into something that will have a more productive outcome. For example, if work issues are

weighing you down, clean your house as a way of harnessing the energy of your frustrations and putting it to good use. Other great outlets include exercising and organizing your clutter。


If you believe in the work you do, it will be easier to connect to each task. People who are passionate about their work will do almost anything to make sure the job is done well.


You need to find a way to connect with your job. I would suggest that you start by listing all of the aspects of your products and services that deliver value.

A few of these items should ping your heart.


If a few of these items from your list tug at your emotions, then expand on them. How can you consistently keep these feelings at the forefront of your

brain as you work? You should keep these emotional stimulators in a place where you can see them. If you are feeling down and your energy is broken, then read over these stimulators.


When you are in a stressful situation, watch your thoughts and see how they add or subtract to your happiness. If you are having thoughts that subtract from your joy, then try to offset this with fresh angles that help you see the positive.


By noticing what you are grateful for, you’ll expand your choices. The more positive choices you have the more likely you will feel happy.


When you make someone laugh, how does it make you feel? It makes you feel good. It’s a basic part of being human.


Making someone else laugh is the same as helping someone at work: when you do it, you increase your own happiness. You stop worrying about yourself and focus on making someone else happy. The best part is that you improve your own happiness at the same time.




Shawn Achor, HBR writer, says: "Stress can cause the human brain to use more of its capabilities, improve memory and intelligence, increase productivity, and even speed recovery from things like knee surgery. Research indicates that stress, even at high levels, creates greater mental toughness, deeper

relationships, heightened awareness, new perspectives, a sense of mastery, a greater appreciation for life, a heightened sense of meaning, and strengthened priorities."


We hear all about the negatives of stress but rarely hear about some of the

better effects. Not to mention, it's easy to tap into the benefits of stress — you just need to view it as enhancing rather than debilitating。


The results of this research don't mean that we should all strive for more stress at work. Instead, we should try to channel that energy into something that will have a more productive outcome. For example, if work issues are

weighing you down, clean your house as a way of harnessing the energy of your frustrations and putting it to good use. Other great outlets include exercising and organizing your clutter。


If you believe in the work you do, it will be easier to connect to each task. People who are passionate about their work will do almost anything to make sure the job is done well.


You need to find a way to connect with your job. I would suggest that you start by listing all of the aspects of your products and services that deliver value.

A few of these items should ping your heart.


If a few of these items from your list tug at your emotions, then expand on them. How can you consistently keep these feelings at the forefront of your

brain as you work? You should keep these emotional stimulators in a place where you can see them. If you are feeling down and your energy is broken, then read over these stimulators.


When you are in a stressful situation, watch your thoughts and see how they add or subtract to your happiness. If you are having thoughts that subtract from your joy, then try to offset this with fresh angles that help you see the positive.


By noticing what you are grateful for, you’ll expand your choices. The more positive choices you have the more likely you will feel happy.


When you make someone laugh, how does it make you feel? It makes you feel good. It’s a basic part of being human.


Making someone else laugh is the same as helping someone at work: when you do it, you increase your own happiness. You stop worrying about yourself and focus on making someone else happy. The best part is that you improve your own happiness at the same time.



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