

1.happy mother’s day!母亲节快乐!

2.i feel there is no way i can get out of making a speech.我想,讲几句话是逃


3.of course, everybody knows what day it is today.当然,每个人都知道今天是什


4.i want to say a special word of thanks to my parents.我特别要向我爸妈说感谢


6.i’m pleased to stand before you today on this most beautiful of holidays, mother’

s day.今天这个很美的节日,母亲节,我很高兴站在你们的面前。

7.it i had the time, i would have gone around to each one of you to give you my


9.i have been given the special honor to make a few remarks to you on this special

day for fathers everywhere.在这个特别的日子为各地为人父者说几句话,我真是特别荣幸。

11.i wish to conclude by thanking you one more for your good wishes.最后我要


12.i wish to congratulate the sponsors who have organized this wonderful

gathering.我要恭喜发起人,他们计画这次完美的聚会。 (转载于:


13.i am sure that everyone here joins with me in wishing the mothers who are

present here, and through them, all the mothers throughout the world, continued health and much happiness.我深信这里的每一个


口语演讲稿 节日 hello, everyone! my name is tofu. today, i ’m going to talk about how one can

develop a good habit.

everybody here knows that it’s so important for us to form a good habit. because

since we are born, we have been being told over and over again that we are supposed

to develop good habits, which are good for all our life. but the fact is that we always

find that it’s so difficult for us to develop a good habit. so, what should we do?

don’t worry! i will give you some suggestions immediately. first, you can make a contract with yourself. for example, if you want to develop

a habit of going exercise everyday, then ,you have to write down that if you success,

you can award yourself a travel to your favorite place or else; but if you fail, you

must punish yourself that you can’t eat your favorite food for a month or even longer.

do follow my idea, you will have both the pressure and motive power to form a good


second, you can ask someone who likes exercise to be your partner. it can be your

good friends, your roommates or even your teacher. then, if one day you have the will

to give up, your partner will push you to continue. with a partner, you can encourage

each other, supervise each other and you are supposed to success easier. third, you have to stick to it. always remember that willpower is the most

important element for individual success. as the saying goes: work with perseverance,

can be used in the stone. so, never give up, just do it!篇三:节日主题英语口语课


chinese traditional festivals as we know, we have lots of festivals, such as spring festival(春节), lantern

festival(元宵节), tomb-sweeping day(清明节), dragon boat festival(端午节),

mid-autumn (moon)festival(中秋节), double-ninth day(重阳节), new years eve(除夕)and

so on.

as for me, i like new years eve the most, because only in that day can i take

a party for all of my friends. we talk with each other sincerely, and we drink

heartily(尽情地)。i enjoy this process very much。


1.happy mother’s day!母亲节快乐!

2.i feel there is no way i can get out of making a speech.我想,讲几句话是逃


3.of course, everybody knows what day it is today.当然,每个人都知道今天是什


4.i want to say a special word of thanks to my parents.我特别要向我爸妈说感谢


6.i’m pleased to stand before you today on this most beautiful of holidays, mother’

s day.今天这个很美的节日,母亲节,我很高兴站在你们的面前。

7.it i had the time, i would have gone around to each one of you to give you my


9.i have been given the special honor to make a few remarks to you on this special

day for fathers everywhere.在这个特别的日子为各地为人父者说几句话,我真是特别荣幸。

11.i wish to conclude by thanking you one more for your good wishes.最后我要


12.i wish to congratulate the sponsors who have organized this wonderful

gathering.我要恭喜发起人,他们计画这次完美的聚会。 (转载于:


13.i am sure that everyone here joins with me in wishing the mothers who are

present here, and through them, all the mothers throughout the world, continued health and much happiness.我深信这里的每一个


口语演讲稿 节日 hello, everyone! my name is tofu. today, i ’m going to talk about how one can

develop a good habit.

everybody here knows that it’s so important for us to form a good habit. because

since we are born, we have been being told over and over again that we are supposed

to develop good habits, which are good for all our life. but the fact is that we always

find that it’s so difficult for us to develop a good habit. so, what should we do?

don’t worry! i will give you some suggestions immediately. first, you can make a contract with yourself. for example, if you want to develop

a habit of going exercise everyday, then ,you have to write down that if you success,

you can award yourself a travel to your favorite place or else; but if you fail, you

must punish yourself that you can’t eat your favorite food for a month or even longer.

do follow my idea, you will have both the pressure and motive power to form a good


second, you can ask someone who likes exercise to be your partner. it can be your

good friends, your roommates or even your teacher. then, if one day you have the will

to give up, your partner will push you to continue. with a partner, you can encourage

each other, supervise each other and you are supposed to success easier. third, you have to stick to it. always remember that willpower is the most

important element for individual success. as the saying goes: work with perseverance,

can be used in the stone. so, never give up, just do it!篇三:节日主题英语口语课


chinese traditional festivals as we know, we have lots of festivals, such as spring festival(春节), lantern

festival(元宵节), tomb-sweeping day(清明节), dragon boat festival(端午节),

mid-autumn (moon)festival(中秋节), double-ninth day(重阳节), new years eve(除夕)and

so on.

as for me, i like new years eve the most, because only in that day can i take

a party for all of my friends. we talk with each other sincerely, and we drink

heartily(尽情地)。i enjoy this process very much。


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