
  hello everyone!

  tomorrow is the “61” international children‘s day. 55 years ago, women’s international democratic federation for the protection of children all over the world the power of survival, health authority and the power of education, in november 1949 held in moscow, the general assembly decided on june 1 each year for the international children‘s day. december 23, 1949, the chinese government also provides for the june 1 children. thus, the children all over the world have a holiday of their own - “61” international children’s day.

  i, on behalf of school to all classmates extend holiday greetings to wish everyone a happy holiday!

  i also take this opportunity to all the teachers to express my heartfelt thanks and highest respect. you is not only a respected teacher, it is hard gardener. love your school such as home, such as sub-love-sheng; diligent, hard working; teaching, and selfless devotion. you created a beautiful environment, you create a good quality, for your school‘s development and take-off to create a good foundation and conditions.

  students, “61” are you the most happy holiday, “61” is also our most happy day. since:

  you are the baby home, it is the hope of home. happiness can you grow up on the home is full of singing and laughing. school are your children, it is hoped that the school. you can develop a comprehensive, schools full of vigor and vitality. you are the future of society, it is the community’s aspirations. you can a harmonious development of society on the passion and affection. you are the flowers of the motherland, it is the hope of the motherland. you can grow up healthy and strong, full of beautiful homeland and hope.

  i hope the students: civilization, learning, autonomy and cooperation. study institute, institute of living, learning life, learning to create. as rich as an adult sense of responsibility, rich sense of mission, a dignified life, is serious about doing things, happily studying,growth. loving the motherland, love the party, love the people, love nature, love life, love science, love learning, love of labor. cherish life, cherish the time cherish friendship, cherish learning and development opportunities. show concern for the environment, concerned about the collective, caring for others. dear teachers, classmates united, courtesy others; distinguish between right and wrong, identify the beauty and ugliness, man of integrity. make an ideal vision, conduct a dignified, learning good physical and mental health of the successors of the communist cause.

  i hope teachers: dedication, love of health, rigorous, inquiring. comprehensively implement the party‘s education policy, teaching, the five domains simultaneously. firmly establish a sense of service, quality awareness and quality consciousness. for every student, cherish every educational opportunities, better in each class, doing everything to promote the health of every student, harmonious, comprehensive development. of life for students lay a solid foundation for development.

  let us work together to put xitang primary school into the satisfaction of the people work hard.

  finally, i wish the students a happy holiday!











  hello everyone!

  tomorrow is the “61” international children‘s day. 55 years ago, women’s international democratic federation for the protection of children all over the world the power of survival, health authority and the power of education, in november 1949 held in moscow, the general assembly decided on june 1 each year for the international children‘s day. december 23, 1949, the chinese government also provides for the june 1 children. thus, the children all over the world have a holiday of their own - “61” international children’s day.

  i, on behalf of school to all classmates extend holiday greetings to wish everyone a happy holiday!

  i also take this opportunity to all the teachers to express my heartfelt thanks and highest respect. you is not only a respected teacher, it is hard gardener. love your school such as home, such as sub-love-sheng; diligent, hard working; teaching, and selfless devotion. you created a beautiful environment, you create a good quality, for your school‘s development and take-off to create a good foundation and conditions.

  students, “61” are you the most happy holiday, “61” is also our most happy day. since:

  you are the baby home, it is the hope of home. happiness can you grow up on the home is full of singing and laughing. school are your children, it is hoped that the school. you can develop a comprehensive, schools full of vigor and vitality. you are the future of society, it is the community’s aspirations. you can a harmonious development of society on the passion and affection. you are the flowers of the motherland, it is the hope of the motherland. you can grow up healthy and strong, full of beautiful homeland and hope.

  i hope the students: civilization, learning, autonomy and cooperation. study institute, institute of living, learning life, learning to create. as rich as an adult sense of responsibility, rich sense of mission, a dignified life, is serious about doing things, happily studying,growth. loving the motherland, love the party, love the people, love nature, love life, love science, love learning, love of labor. cherish life, cherish the time cherish friendship, cherish learning and development opportunities. show concern for the environment, concerned about the collective, caring for others. dear teachers, classmates united, courtesy others; distinguish between right and wrong, identify the beauty and ugliness, man of integrity. make an ideal vision, conduct a dignified, learning good physical and mental health of the successors of the communist cause.

  i hope teachers: dedication, love of health, rigorous, inquiring. comprehensively implement the party‘s education policy, teaching, the five domains simultaneously. firmly establish a sense of service, quality awareness and quality consciousness. for every student, cherish every educational opportunities, better in each class, doing everything to promote the health of every student, harmonious, comprehensive development. of life for students lay a solid foundation for development.

  let us work together to put xitang primary school into the satisfaction of the people work hard.

  finally, i wish the students a happy holiday!












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