


an am as at ha,hear bear dear fear near pear wear tear rear gear year,bend lend mend send tend,hair fair,brain rainy train grain,ball call fall hall tall wall,band hand sand,farm harm warm,army ,ask was,hour four tour your,bread ready,not nod now nor,cat fat hat pat rat sat,make cake take made wake mate male,inn ink tin pin sin win,bee bed bye,bed bad,four form,but bat,glass grass,house horse,short shout,alone along,hill bill will till fill kill mill pill,diary daily,sand send,end and,food foot,cold told sold gold bold hold,buy boy,care card cart,dog dot,teach beach peach,beast least feast,beat east seat heat meat neat ,every never,ago god got,her the hey,there where,nice rice mice,hit bit fit lit sit,news knew,one ton son won,our for nor,read bred,song soon,team tear,they then,think thing,use bus,warn warm

2、扩词(Word-expanding Contest) a (an ,am ,as ,at ,ha ),air (hair ,fair ),all (ball ,call ,fall ,hall ,tall ,wall ),and (band ,hand ,sand ),any (many ),arm (farm ,harm ,warm ,army ),as (ask ,was ),at (eat ,ate ,cat ,fat ,hat ,pat ,rat ,sat ),be (bee ,bed ,bye ),bit (bite ),bus (busy ),by (buy ,boy ),car (care ,card ,cart ),cat (coat ),do (dog ,dot ),each (teach ,beach ,peach ),ear (hear ,bear ,dear ,fear ,near ,pear ,wear ,tear ,rear ,gear ,year ),east (beast ,least ,feast ),eat (beat ,east ,seat ,heat ,meat ,neat ),end (bend ,lend ,mend ,send ,tend ),ever (every ,never ),far (farm ),for (four ,form ),go (ago ,god ,got ),he (her ,the ,hey ),here (there ,where ),his (this ),ice (nice ,rice ,mice ),ill (hill ,bill ,will ,till ,fill ,kill ,mill ,pill ),in (inn ,ink ,tin ,pin ,sin ,win ),it (hit ,bit ,fit ,lit ,sit ),light (flight ),long (along ),may (many ),new (news ,knew ),no (not ,nod ,now ,nor ),nose (noise ),of (off ),old (told ,cold ,hold ,bold ,sold ),on (one ,ton ,son ,won ),or (our ,for ,nor ),our (hour ,four ,tour ,your ),part (party ,apart ),pen (open ),rain (brain ,rainy ,train ,grain ),read (bread ,ready ),red (read ,bred ),road (broad ),say (stay ),sea (seat ),son (song ,soon ),star (start ),tea (team ,tear ),ten (then ),than (thank ),the (they ,then ),thin (think ,thing ),to (too ),us (use ,bus ),war (warn ,warm ),who (whom ),word (world )

3、相关词(Find Out the Related Words)

they today,meeting these,better friend,picture Chinese,student usually,have map,book group,young other,saw daughter,eight cake,ticket look,meat come,laugh forty,cold know,want was,worker about,nurse girl,basketball half,become twenty,like buy

5、拼词比赛(Spelling Contest)

a. c ,a ,l ,e ,d ,i ,w ,o b. g ,s ,e ,k ,c ,t ,i ,l c. w ,a ,h ,t ,o ,s ,e ,n d. y ,n ,a ,o ,e ,s ,u ,m e. a ,e ,b ,t ,d ,r ,m ,s f. e ,s ,t ,o ,d ,a ,y ,f g. a ,l ,i ,k ,t ,h ,e ,w 6、反义词(An Antonym)

ask —answer empty —full many few above —below slow —fast much —little ball —good same —different hot —cold buy —sell fall —rise laugh —cry

back —front busy —free better —worse bright —dark big —little black —white before —after borrow —lend close —open dry —wet down —up day —night cock —hen clean —dirty come —go cheap —dear easy —difficult east —west south —north safe —dangerous far —near first —last love —hate friend —enemy forget —remember teach —learn old —new old —young happy —sad famous —unknown more —less in —out heavy —light long —short

put on—take off turn on—turn off inside —outside early —late wake —sleep right —wrong leave —stay pull —push poor —rich sunny —rainy over —under fat —thin

clever —foolish here —there right —left tall —short

7、单词邻居(Word Neighbors)

1、与farm 相关联的词有:work ,farmer ,farmhouse ,field ,cow ,pigs ,chicken ,rice ,wheat ,plant ,grow ,get in,harvest 等。

2、与sport 相关联的词有:play ,player ,team ,fan ,judge ,basketball ,football ,volleyball ,tennis ,swimming ,jump ,running ,race ,chess ,replay ,net ,basket ,bat ,goal 等。

下面列出几组同类词,供活动时参考: 1、人物类:man ,woman ,child ,boy ,girl ,sister ,brother ,father ,mother ,son ,daughter ,teacher ,worker ,farmer ,student 等。

2、动物类:dog ,cow ,horse ,sheep ,hare ,pig ,cat ,hen ,chick ,cock ,panda ,elephant ,wolf ,fox ,monkey 等。

3、食物类:milk ,cake ,bread ,porridge ,meat ,pear ,tomato ,potato ,fish ,vegetable ,rice ,wheat ,banana ,apple ,orange 等。

8、说词比赛(Word Contest) 1、表示人体部位的单词;2、含 音的单词;3、含字母e 的单词;4、表示体育运动类的单词;5、表示颜色的单词;6、表示交通工具的单词;7、表示学习用品的单词;8、表示人的行为的单词;9、介词;10、形容词;



an am as at ha,hear bear dear fear near pear wear tear rear gear year,bend lend mend send tend,hair fair,brain rainy train grain,ball call fall hall tall wall,band hand sand,farm harm warm,army ,ask was,hour four tour your,bread ready,not nod now nor,cat fat hat pat rat sat,make cake take made wake mate male,inn ink tin pin sin win,bee bed bye,bed bad,four form,but bat,glass grass,house horse,short shout,alone along,hill bill will till fill kill mill pill,diary daily,sand send,end and,food foot,cold told sold gold bold hold,buy boy,care card cart,dog dot,teach beach peach,beast least feast,beat east seat heat meat neat ,every never,ago god got,her the hey,there where,nice rice mice,hit bit fit lit sit,news knew,one ton son won,our for nor,read bred,song soon,team tear,they then,think thing,use bus,warn warm

2、扩词(Word-expanding Contest) a (an ,am ,as ,at ,ha ),air (hair ,fair ),all (ball ,call ,fall ,hall ,tall ,wall ),and (band ,hand ,sand ),any (many ),arm (farm ,harm ,warm ,army ),as (ask ,was ),at (eat ,ate ,cat ,fat ,hat ,pat ,rat ,sat ),be (bee ,bed ,bye ),bit (bite ),bus (busy ),by (buy ,boy ),car (care ,card ,cart ),cat (coat ),do (dog ,dot ),each (teach ,beach ,peach ),ear (hear ,bear ,dear ,fear ,near ,pear ,wear ,tear ,rear ,gear ,year ),east (beast ,least ,feast ),eat (beat ,east ,seat ,heat ,meat ,neat ),end (bend ,lend ,mend ,send ,tend ),ever (every ,never ),far (farm ),for (four ,form ),go (ago ,god ,got ),he (her ,the ,hey ),here (there ,where ),his (this ),ice (nice ,rice ,mice ),ill (hill ,bill ,will ,till ,fill ,kill ,mill ,pill ),in (inn ,ink ,tin ,pin ,sin ,win ),it (hit ,bit ,fit ,lit ,sit ),light (flight ),long (along ),may (many ),new (news ,knew ),no (not ,nod ,now ,nor ),nose (noise ),of (off ),old (told ,cold ,hold ,bold ,sold ),on (one ,ton ,son ,won ),or (our ,for ,nor ),our (hour ,four ,tour ,your ),part (party ,apart ),pen (open ),rain (brain ,rainy ,train ,grain ),read (bread ,ready ),red (read ,bred ),road (broad ),say (stay ),sea (seat ),son (song ,soon ),star (start ),tea (team ,tear ),ten (then ),than (thank ),the (they ,then ),thin (think ,thing ),to (too ),us (use ,bus ),war (warn ,warm ),who (whom ),word (world )

3、相关词(Find Out the Related Words)

they today,meeting these,better friend,picture Chinese,student usually,have map,book group,young other,saw daughter,eight cake,ticket look,meat come,laugh forty,cold know,want was,worker about,nurse girl,basketball half,become twenty,like buy

5、拼词比赛(Spelling Contest)

a. c ,a ,l ,e ,d ,i ,w ,o b. g ,s ,e ,k ,c ,t ,i ,l c. w ,a ,h ,t ,o ,s ,e ,n d. y ,n ,a ,o ,e ,s ,u ,m e. a ,e ,b ,t ,d ,r ,m ,s f. e ,s ,t ,o ,d ,a ,y ,f g. a ,l ,i ,k ,t ,h ,e ,w 6、反义词(An Antonym)

ask —answer empty —full many few above —below slow —fast much —little ball —good same —different hot —cold buy —sell fall —rise laugh —cry

back —front busy —free better —worse bright —dark big —little black —white before —after borrow —lend close —open dry —wet down —up day —night cock —hen clean —dirty come —go cheap —dear easy —difficult east —west south —north safe —dangerous far —near first —last love —hate friend —enemy forget —remember teach —learn old —new old —young happy —sad famous —unknown more —less in —out heavy —light long —short

put on—take off turn on—turn off inside —outside early —late wake —sleep right —wrong leave —stay pull —push poor —rich sunny —rainy over —under fat —thin

clever —foolish here —there right —left tall —short

7、单词邻居(Word Neighbors)

1、与farm 相关联的词有:work ,farmer ,farmhouse ,field ,cow ,pigs ,chicken ,rice ,wheat ,plant ,grow ,get in,harvest 等。

2、与sport 相关联的词有:play ,player ,team ,fan ,judge ,basketball ,football ,volleyball ,tennis ,swimming ,jump ,running ,race ,chess ,replay ,net ,basket ,bat ,goal 等。

下面列出几组同类词,供活动时参考: 1、人物类:man ,woman ,child ,boy ,girl ,sister ,brother ,father ,mother ,son ,daughter ,teacher ,worker ,farmer ,student 等。

2、动物类:dog ,cow ,horse ,sheep ,hare ,pig ,cat ,hen ,chick ,cock ,panda ,elephant ,wolf ,fox ,monkey 等。

3、食物类:milk ,cake ,bread ,porridge ,meat ,pear ,tomato ,potato ,fish ,vegetable ,rice ,wheat ,banana ,apple ,orange 等。

8、说词比赛(Word Contest) 1、表示人体部位的单词;2、含 音的单词;3、含字母e 的单词;4、表示体育运动类的单词;5、表示颜色的单词;6、表示交通工具的单词;7、表示学习用品的单词;8、表示人的行为的单词;9、介词;10、形容词;


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