


Online Learning


2. 产生这种现象的原因

3. 这种现象可能带来的影响


Online Learning

Perhaps there is something you don't know how to doTTn the past, you might turn to a friend or a relative, attend a night class or go to the local library to find the answer. But at present a lot of websites are springing np to offer free practical advice on these subjects aod actually anything else you can imagine.

Why is online learning so popular among people? The answer is obvious: online learning is nuich more convenient. In the past, you perhaps had to spend pienp of lime learning m a night class or going to the library to look for relevant materials. However, now when you run into a problem, yotijust need to click the mouse, then a lot of related websites will appear in front of you*

However, not all the materials on the Internet are correct; sometimes they are false. Thus, if you want to lcam something from the Internet, you should make sure what you will leam is completely correct.




Online Learning


2. 产生这种现象的原因

3. 这种现象可能带来的影响


Online Learning

Perhaps there is something you don't know how to doTTn the past, you might turn to a friend or a relative, attend a night class or go to the local library to find the answer. But at present a lot of websites are springing np to offer free practical advice on these subjects aod actually anything else you can imagine.

Why is online learning so popular among people? The answer is obvious: online learning is nuich more convenient. In the past, you perhaps had to spend pienp of lime learning m a night class or going to the library to look for relevant materials. However, now when you run into a problem, yotijust need to click the mouse, then a lot of related websites will appear in front of you*

However, not all the materials on the Internet are correct; sometimes they are false. Thus, if you want to lcam something from the Internet, you should make sure what you will leam is completely correct.



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