

1. cause serious damage to…

2. It’s widely known that…

3. increase/arouse the awareness of…

4. gradually get aware of the significance of…

5. What is convincing to us is that…

6. There is a crying/an increasing need/demand for us to do sth.

7. There is a crying demand that…

8. increasing attention should be given to…

9. Providing/provided that…

10. It’s a significant need that…

11. What really counts is that…

12. So urgent is it that…

13. Bad as the condition of the earth is, …

14. It’s high time that…

It’s high time for us to do sth.

15. There is no denying the fact that…

16. Faced with so many difficult problems, we…

17. It dawns on me that…

18. While…, we should take the environment into account/consideration.







6. cause serious damage to… It’s widely known that… increase/arouse the awareness of… gradually get aware of the significance of… What is convincing to us is that… There is a crying/an increasing need/demand for

us to do sth.

7. There is a crying demand that…

8. increasing attention should be given to…

9. Providing/provided that…

10. It’s a significant need that…

11. What really counts is that…

12. So urgent is it that…

13. Bad as the condition of the earth is, …

14. It’s high time that…

It’s high time for us to do sth.

15. There is no denying the fact that…

16. Faced with so many difficult problems, we…

17. It dawns on me that…

18. While…, we should take the environment into



1. cause serious damage to…

2. It’s widely known that…

3. increase/arouse the awareness of…

4. gradually get aware of the significance of…

5. What is convincing to us is that…

6. There is a crying/an increasing need/demand for us to do sth.

7. There is a crying demand that…

8. increasing attention should be given to…

9. Providing/provided that…

10. It’s a significant need that…

11. What really counts is that…

12. So urgent is it that…

13. Bad as the condition of the earth is, …

14. It’s high time that…

It’s high time for us to do sth.

15. There is no denying the fact that…

16. Faced with so many difficult problems, we…

17. It dawns on me that…

18. While…, we should take the environment into account/consideration.







6. cause serious damage to… It’s widely known that… increase/arouse the awareness of… gradually get aware of the significance of… What is convincing to us is that… There is a crying/an increasing need/demand for

us to do sth.

7. There is a crying demand that…

8. increasing attention should be given to…

9. Providing/provided that…

10. It’s a significant need that…

11. What really counts is that…

12. So urgent is it that…

13. Bad as the condition of the earth is, …

14. It’s high time that…

It’s high time for us to do sth.

15. There is no denying the fact that…

16. Faced with so many difficult problems, we…

17. It dawns on me that…

18. While…, we should take the environment into



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