



1. 主语缺失

1) In our country feels very free.

People feel free in our country.

2) In my hometown aren’t very busy.

People in my hometown are very busy.

2. 非名词主语

1) Rich doesn’t ensure a happy life.

Being rich doesn’t mean a happy life. / Wealth doesn’t ensure a happy life.

2) Keep two full-time jobs is simply impossible.

Keeping two full-time jobs is simply impossible.

3. 主谓错位

1) Reading books can acquire knowledge.

People can acquire knowledge from books.

2) Now people’s lives can’t leave TV.

Now people can’t do without TV.


1. 多重谓语

1) In our modern society, there are many examples around us show that many people are cheated.

In our modern society, many examples around us show that many people are cheated. / A large number of people have fallen victim to various tricks.

2) Poverty makes many people can’t study abroad.

Poverty makes many people unable to study abroad. / Poverty makes it impossible for many people to study abroad. / Poverty prevents many people from studying abroad. / Many people can’t study abroad because of poverty.

2. 非动词谓语

1) Some people firmly agree, but others against it.

Some people firmly agree, but others are against it.

2) It is said that the place worths touring.

It is said that the place is worth touring.

3. 主谓不一致

1) I have to visit the teacher who teach me College English.

I have to visit the teacher who teaches me College English.

2) I use a disk because it hold plenty of data.

I use a disk because it holds plenty of data..

4. 误用词组

1) They insist on post-graduate study is very important for them.

They insist that post-graduate study is very important for them.

2) I am afraid of that it’s going to rain.

I am afraid that it’s going to rain.


1) In my opinion, the future of bicycle is very promising.

In my opinion, the future of the bicycle is very promising.

2) They suggest that we should choose only the good books to read and never touch the bad


They suggest that we should choose only good books to read and never touch bad ones.


1. 偷梁换柱

1) An important thing for the student to remember is that when writing a paper, you should not


An important thing for the student to remember is that when writing a paper, he should not


2) If we cheat others, friends will never believe you and they will leave you alone.

If we cheat others, friends will never believe us and they will leave us along. / If you cheat

others, friends will never believe you and they will leave you alone.

2. 指代不明

1) He gave a reason for not attending the meeting, which nobody believed.

He gave a reason, which nobody believed, for not attending the meeting. / He gave a reason

for not attending the meeting, a reason which nobody believed.

2) Sometimes teachers have to inform the students of the heavy burden they have to bear. Sometimes teachers have to inform the students of the heavy burden students have to bear.


1) What is more, the change of the weather will make the place look differently.

What is more, the change of the weather will make the place look different.

2) Surprising enough, he faces the failure very bravely.

Surprisingly enough, he faces the failure very bravely.


1) Comparing with other countries, China pays little attention to the energy problem. Compared with other countries, China pays little attention to the energy problem.

2) Those spirits were just like an indispensable part of the whole picture when viewing through

my camera.

Those spirits were just like an indispensable part of the whole picture when viewed through my camera.


1) Spoken English is an important part for learning English people.

Spoken English is an important part for people learning English.

2) To keep the air clean, we must move the factories which give off poisonous gases to the


To keep the air clean, we must move to the countryside the factories which give off poisonous gases to the countryside.


1) Having carried out economic reforms in our country, people’s living standard has been

greatly improved.

Having carried out economic reforms in our country, people have greatly improved their

living standard.

2) To tell my friend the good news, the letter was posted at once.

To tell my friend the good news, I posted the letter at once.


1) While we reduce the number of vehicles, the speed of traffic can be increased.

While we reduce the number of vehicles, we can increase the speed of traffic.

2) Before I selected the new course, my teacher warned me of the difficulty of the course and

how long it lasted.

Before I selected the new course, my teacher warned me of the difficulty and length of the

course. / Before I selected the new course, my teacher warned me how difficult the course was and how long it lasted.


1) In the past the price of meat was so expensive that most families could not afford it. In the past the price of meat was so high that most families could not afford it.

2) Crowded traffic in some large cities is a big problem for city dwellers.

Heavy traffic in some large cities is a big problem for city dwellers.


1) Nowadays, if you want to find a job. Then you must pass the job interview.

Nowadays, if you want to find a job, you must pass the job interview.

2) First you should show good manners. Because the first impression you leave on others is


First you should show good manners, because the first impression you leave on others is





1. 主语缺失

1) In our country feels very free.

People feel free in our country.

2) In my hometown aren’t very busy.

People in my hometown are very busy.

2. 非名词主语

1) Rich doesn’t ensure a happy life.

Being rich doesn’t mean a happy life. / Wealth doesn’t ensure a happy life.

2) Keep two full-time jobs is simply impossible.

Keeping two full-time jobs is simply impossible.

3. 主谓错位

1) Reading books can acquire knowledge.

People can acquire knowledge from books.

2) Now people’s lives can’t leave TV.

Now people can’t do without TV.


1. 多重谓语

1) In our modern society, there are many examples around us show that many people are cheated.

In our modern society, many examples around us show that many people are cheated. / A large number of people have fallen victim to various tricks.

2) Poverty makes many people can’t study abroad.

Poverty makes many people unable to study abroad. / Poverty makes it impossible for many people to study abroad. / Poverty prevents many people from studying abroad. / Many people can’t study abroad because of poverty.

2. 非动词谓语

1) Some people firmly agree, but others against it.

Some people firmly agree, but others are against it.

2) It is said that the place worths touring.

It is said that the place is worth touring.

3. 主谓不一致

1) I have to visit the teacher who teach me College English.

I have to visit the teacher who teaches me College English.

2) I use a disk because it hold plenty of data.

I use a disk because it holds plenty of data..

4. 误用词组

1) They insist on post-graduate study is very important for them.

They insist that post-graduate study is very important for them.

2) I am afraid of that it’s going to rain.

I am afraid that it’s going to rain.


1) In my opinion, the future of bicycle is very promising.

In my opinion, the future of the bicycle is very promising.

2) They suggest that we should choose only the good books to read and never touch the bad


They suggest that we should choose only good books to read and never touch bad ones.


1. 偷梁换柱

1) An important thing for the student to remember is that when writing a paper, you should not


An important thing for the student to remember is that when writing a paper, he should not


2) If we cheat others, friends will never believe you and they will leave you alone.

If we cheat others, friends will never believe us and they will leave us along. / If you cheat

others, friends will never believe you and they will leave you alone.

2. 指代不明

1) He gave a reason for not attending the meeting, which nobody believed.

He gave a reason, which nobody believed, for not attending the meeting. / He gave a reason

for not attending the meeting, a reason which nobody believed.

2) Sometimes teachers have to inform the students of the heavy burden they have to bear. Sometimes teachers have to inform the students of the heavy burden students have to bear.


1) What is more, the change of the weather will make the place look differently.

What is more, the change of the weather will make the place look different.

2) Surprising enough, he faces the failure very bravely.

Surprisingly enough, he faces the failure very bravely.


1) Comparing with other countries, China pays little attention to the energy problem. Compared with other countries, China pays little attention to the energy problem.

2) Those spirits were just like an indispensable part of the whole picture when viewing through

my camera.

Those spirits were just like an indispensable part of the whole picture when viewed through my camera.


1) Spoken English is an important part for learning English people.

Spoken English is an important part for people learning English.

2) To keep the air clean, we must move the factories which give off poisonous gases to the


To keep the air clean, we must move to the countryside the factories which give off poisonous gases to the countryside.


1) Having carried out economic reforms in our country, people’s living standard has been

greatly improved.

Having carried out economic reforms in our country, people have greatly improved their

living standard.

2) To tell my friend the good news, the letter was posted at once.

To tell my friend the good news, I posted the letter at once.


1) While we reduce the number of vehicles, the speed of traffic can be increased.

While we reduce the number of vehicles, we can increase the speed of traffic.

2) Before I selected the new course, my teacher warned me of the difficulty of the course and

how long it lasted.

Before I selected the new course, my teacher warned me of the difficulty and length of the

course. / Before I selected the new course, my teacher warned me how difficult the course was and how long it lasted.


1) In the past the price of meat was so expensive that most families could not afford it. In the past the price of meat was so high that most families could not afford it.

2) Crowded traffic in some large cities is a big problem for city dwellers.

Heavy traffic in some large cities is a big problem for city dwellers.


1) Nowadays, if you want to find a job. Then you must pass the job interview.

Nowadays, if you want to find a job, you must pass the job interview.

2) First you should show good manners. Because the first impression you leave on others is


First you should show good manners, because the first impression you leave on others is



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