
文献出处: Alessandrini P. The Post-production and Editing of Film and Television Video [J]. Review of Film Video, 2014, 15(2): 261-307.



The Post-production and Editing of Film and Television Video

Author: Alessandrini P


In the process of film and television production, the production and editing of the late is as important as the prophase work. Pre-production is the film and television planning and preparation, and as the film and television post-production be finished before the end of the procedure, it is combined with sounds, words and images such as a variety of audio-visual methods in the integration of professional high comprehensive creation. A good film and television works or not, depends largely on the later production and editing, according to the requirements of the film and television production, to choose the right means of post-processing, society . with for film and television program. In this paper, from the understanding of the film and television post-production and editing, video post-processing technology is analysed and the correct selection method.

Keywords: knowledge; Technology; choose

Film and television production is divided into three stages, namely the preparation, the actual filming and post-production. Preparation of film and television works planning and preparation; The actual filming scenes, film and television works in the recording process; And post-production is on the basis of the previous good pictures, according to the requirement of the film and television works expressive force, etc, to a certain animation and synthesis technology to make special effect lens, then each set of lens splicing clip together, made into a full and there's a very rich visual and sound effects. As a result, the film and television late work directly affects the whole quality of film and television works.

1 The understanding of film and television post-production and editing

Both the audience and producer of the film and television works, more and more people begin to pay attention to the film and television works in scope, therefore the post-production and editing of the film and television works work also gradually improve requirements, through long-term exploration is gradually perfect. In the process of film and television post-production, more traditional methods were taken editor based on good material to choose the appropriate lens, will be extra footage off, then the joining together of lens, completed the film and television works. Generally in the filming of a film and television work, editors to choose from a large amount of material the best represents material characteristics and theme film and television works, and then organize, and the number of the original material tend to reach several times or even dozens of times the length of the film and television works. It should be pointed out that, "clips" is not equal to simple to work "cutting" of the

original material, clip a technique, which is including splicing, more emphasis on is the creation of the creator consciousness, and is not a simple "cut" and "pick up", but rather to visual and sound effects on the camera and editing. From the perspective of the development of digital technology, enhance its quality and properties of film and television works, to a large extent depends on the development of digital technology . And from the point of development prospect, post-processing, film and television works mainly in order to strengthen the expressive force of work. Mainly in the development of linear editing system gradually to stall, and nonlinear editing system has a good development situation, this makes the film and television production more convenient and quick. The integrated use of various software, or a fantastic visual and sound effects to the film and television works, also brought a great visual impact to the audience. At the same time because of the rapid development of the PC platform, prices are lower, film and television post-production is from the previous professional hardware gradually shift to the PC platform, the application of film and television production has not only confined to the movie and TV is made, but more to the games and the Internet, multimedia, entertainment, family, and more areas. Film and television post-production and clips, in the process of development of modern media is playing a very important role.

2 Post-production and cutting technology

In today's digital technology rapid development, the film and television post-production and editing process technology has developed to the point of very mature, also all kinds of software and hardware development and development, in particular, more film and television post-production provided convenient conditions, let the audience to appreciate more dazzling audio-visual feast. Based on the purposes of the hardware and software can be roughly divided into the high school low-end, and each level has different requirements and the hardware configuration, in general, the more high-end products for hardware requirements will be high, the corresponding output video quality is relatively higher. So according to the theme of the film and television works and asked to choose the appropriate level of software and hardware, nature can achieve twice the result with half the effort. Tell from the processing techniques, the film and television post-production can be divided into linear editing and nonlinear editing, both in today's post production and editing work supplement each other, at the same time have their own advantages and disadvantages.

2.1 Linear editing

The so-called linear editing is recorded at the early stages of the film and television works, after completing a job editor for material selecting, editing, and then new lens together. Connect the new lens method generally used combination of editing, if you want to replace a part of the lens is with insert editing but need to replace of the same length. The disadvantages of this method is mainly it needs to be made in chronological order, it is difficult to on the basis of the original material to shorten or lengthen the middle part, unless it is recorded that after a while. This is a traditional film and television works edit mode.

2.2 Nonlinear editing

Nonlinear editing is relative to the case of linear editing, if linear editor is editing according to time sequence, then the nonlinear editor nature is achieved by leaps and bounds, editor of technology . It is the perfect combination of computer technology and digital television technology , almost all of its jobs are done in the computer, for very little dependence on external devices, for the use of the material also can choose at will, rather than as according to the time order of the single linear editing, choose the material is very fast and convenient, the compiling system gives the producer of the film and television works great creative freedom space, so it is very suitable for the montage film editing and stream-of-consciousness way of thinking, and the vast majority of the film and television works in the modern application of most of the nonlinear edit system.

3 Choose appropriate editing and production methods

To choose the right means of film and television post-production and editing linear editing and nonlinear editing their respective advantages and disadvantages, decided the both in the process of production of film and television works complementary relationship, both be short of one cannot. Only according to the requirement of the film and television works and characteristics, select the appropriate technology and methods, to present a good film and television works to the audience. In feature films, documentaries, advertising, and in the process of the opening of film and television program production, usually use edit mode is nonlinear editing. This choice is because in the opening of film and television programs, advertising, you need to theme is very outstanding, let the audience impressed is shown in the video content, so there are relatively high requirements for image processing. In this a few kind’s films, often need special treatment on subtitles, color, heavy use of multilayer superposition of images, such as sports, transparent effect, to fast, slow motion picture carefully. In addition, in this a few kinds of film and television work, also often use longer than 5 seconds, linear editing is hard to do such a request, and with nonlinear editing, is much more easy to implement.

Live entertainment, interview programs generally use the traditional linear editing, etc. Because live, live straight record the response speed recording equipment used by the program requirements in a timely manner, recorded from the beginning would have been recorded to the end of the show, middle can't stop, don't make any more mistakes. Therefore, this type of program recording with traditional linear editing. But for programs have special requirements, if you need to playback or processing of images, also combined with a nonlinear editing to use, in order to achieve better visual effect.

For news of the production process, application is given priority to with linear editing. Because the news is mainly to the audience more news, current affairs and to be in a relatively short period of time will spread out, a lot of information on the screen, and it need to shorten the time of each lens, press the requirements of each lens length is not greater than 5 seconds. Because the news authenticity requirement, in the process of dealing with almost no special effects shots, but the lens group together directly, most is the late dubbing voice or the same period and late dubbing mix, therefore in the process of news production using linear editing is perfect. Linear

editing is commonly component connection use more, which reduces the loss of signal, program quality is guaranteed.

4 Art characteristics of post-production

After the late preliminary editing, careful editing and delicate clipping three stages, complete the whole editing tasks of film and television works. And the process of editing, editors will not work in order to achieve the length of several of the camera is rigidly stitching together or stiffly for use, the effect will be a lens to use special effects, in the process of handling of material, editors to consider action transitions, modelling, the art characteristic of three aspects of time and space to deal with the lens.

4.1 Action transitions

Action is an important way of scene transitions. In order to make the lens more in line with the law, are ornamental, in the process of editing action selection and combination of carefully and must be handled. Due to the character's psychological action, language, action and body movements, and many other body movements to express people's personality traits, character emotions, has played a great role in promoting the plot development, so the editor for processing is attached great importance to the action, at the same time, it also can change the monotonicity of action. For example, is the most widely use slow motion, with slow motion to highlight action or faster action.

4.2 Plastic arts

Use sharpening, mask and feature technology to optimize the film and television in the modelling, can play a rendering, more stress the theme of the film and television works. Editor, often through the character modelling, modelling and environmental modelling picture processing, to achieve the desired effect. Environmental modelling to neutral shade, to coincide with the style of the film and television works, not too thick or too light, should not only have the rendering effect of film and television works, but not a presumptuous guest usurps the host's role. Film and television works with images of the stereo configuration of the modelling is going through the picture, surface structure, space depth, the outline form and features such as color change, multi-angle editor, to enrich the connotation of the film and television works.

4.3 The space and time

Time and space is a big background of film and television works, also became editor for editing, and action and modelling processing mainly to highlight the theme of the film and television works, apply colours to a drawing atmosphere and so on, in order to achieve the purpose of the audience and the formation of resonance, let the audience was impressed by the film and television works. In addition to deal with the film and television works should reflect the time characteristic, will handle with these time in line with the appearance and characteristics of the space. Editor to correctly use all kinds of editing effects, reflects the different aspects of the art features, in order to fully reflect the creative intention of writer and director, the audience enjoy the transformed literary artistic conception of the script into the perfect audio-visual


5 Conclusion

In the process of creation of film and television works, post-production and editing work should be more and more attention, this is not only the demands to the film and television post-production workers, also is a good film and television works the most basic guarantee.









不论是观众还是影视作品制作人,越来越多的人开始注重影视作品的画面感,因此影视作品的后期制作与剪辑工作也就随之逐步提升了要求,经过长期的探索正在逐步完善。在影视后期制作的过程中,较为传统的方法是剪辑师根据拍摄好的素材选择合适的镜头,将多余的镜头剪辑掉,再进行镜头的拼接,制作完成的影视作品。一般在一部影视作品的拍摄过程中,剪辑师要从大量的素材中挑选出最能代表影视作品特点与主题的素材,然后进行组织,而这些原素材的数量往往会达到影视作品长度的数倍甚至数十倍。需要指出的是,“剪辑”并不等于简单的对作品原素材的“剪接”,剪辑是包括剪接在内的一种技术,它更强调的是创作者的创作意识,并不是简单的“剪”和“接”,而是对镜头进行视听效果上的处理和编辑。从数字技术的发展来看,影视作品的质量和特性得以提升,很大程度上依赖于数字技术的发展。而从发展前景来看,影视作品后期处理主要是要加强作品的表现力。主要表现在线性编辑系统的发展逐渐受到牵制,而非线性编辑系统则呈现较好的发展形势,这使影视制作更加方便快捷。各种软件的综合运用,给影视作品带累了神乎其神的视听效果,给观众也带来了极大的视觉冲击。同时由于PC 平台的迅猛发展、价格不断降低,影视后期制作正在从以前专业的硬件逐步向PC 平台上转移,影视制作的应用已经不仅仅局限于电影和电视剧的制作,而是扩大到游戏、网络、多媒体、娱乐、家庭等更多领域。影视的后期制作与剪辑,在现代传媒发展的过程中正扮演着一个十分重要的角色。(完整译文请到百度文库)

文献出处: Alessandrini P. The Post-production and Editing of Film and Television Video [J]. Review of Film Video, 2014, 15(2): 261-307.



The Post-production and Editing of Film and Television Video

Author: Alessandrini P


In the process of film and television production, the production and editing of the late is as important as the prophase work. Pre-production is the film and television planning and preparation, and as the film and television post-production be finished before the end of the procedure, it is combined with sounds, words and images such as a variety of audio-visual methods in the integration of professional high comprehensive creation. A good film and television works or not, depends largely on the later production and editing, according to the requirements of the film and television production, to choose the right means of post-processing, society . with for film and television program. In this paper, from the understanding of the film and television post-production and editing, video post-processing technology is analysed and the correct selection method.

Keywords: knowledge; Technology; choose

Film and television production is divided into three stages, namely the preparation, the actual filming and post-production. Preparation of film and television works planning and preparation; The actual filming scenes, film and television works in the recording process; And post-production is on the basis of the previous good pictures, according to the requirement of the film and television works expressive force, etc, to a certain animation and synthesis technology to make special effect lens, then each set of lens splicing clip together, made into a full and there's a very rich visual and sound effects. As a result, the film and television late work directly affects the whole quality of film and television works.

1 The understanding of film and television post-production and editing

Both the audience and producer of the film and television works, more and more people begin to pay attention to the film and television works in scope, therefore the post-production and editing of the film and television works work also gradually improve requirements, through long-term exploration is gradually perfect. In the process of film and television post-production, more traditional methods were taken editor based on good material to choose the appropriate lens, will be extra footage off, then the joining together of lens, completed the film and television works. Generally in the filming of a film and television work, editors to choose from a large amount of material the best represents material characteristics and theme film and television works, and then organize, and the number of the original material tend to reach several times or even dozens of times the length of the film and television works. It should be pointed out that, "clips" is not equal to simple to work "cutting" of the

original material, clip a technique, which is including splicing, more emphasis on is the creation of the creator consciousness, and is not a simple "cut" and "pick up", but rather to visual and sound effects on the camera and editing. From the perspective of the development of digital technology, enhance its quality and properties of film and television works, to a large extent depends on the development of digital technology . And from the point of development prospect, post-processing, film and television works mainly in order to strengthen the expressive force of work. Mainly in the development of linear editing system gradually to stall, and nonlinear editing system has a good development situation, this makes the film and television production more convenient and quick. The integrated use of various software, or a fantastic visual and sound effects to the film and television works, also brought a great visual impact to the audience. At the same time because of the rapid development of the PC platform, prices are lower, film and television post-production is from the previous professional hardware gradually shift to the PC platform, the application of film and television production has not only confined to the movie and TV is made, but more to the games and the Internet, multimedia, entertainment, family, and more areas. Film and television post-production and clips, in the process of development of modern media is playing a very important role.

2 Post-production and cutting technology

In today's digital technology rapid development, the film and television post-production and editing process technology has developed to the point of very mature, also all kinds of software and hardware development and development, in particular, more film and television post-production provided convenient conditions, let the audience to appreciate more dazzling audio-visual feast. Based on the purposes of the hardware and software can be roughly divided into the high school low-end, and each level has different requirements and the hardware configuration, in general, the more high-end products for hardware requirements will be high, the corresponding output video quality is relatively higher. So according to the theme of the film and television works and asked to choose the appropriate level of software and hardware, nature can achieve twice the result with half the effort. Tell from the processing techniques, the film and television post-production can be divided into linear editing and nonlinear editing, both in today's post production and editing work supplement each other, at the same time have their own advantages and disadvantages.

2.1 Linear editing

The so-called linear editing is recorded at the early stages of the film and television works, after completing a job editor for material selecting, editing, and then new lens together. Connect the new lens method generally used combination of editing, if you want to replace a part of the lens is with insert editing but need to replace of the same length. The disadvantages of this method is mainly it needs to be made in chronological order, it is difficult to on the basis of the original material to shorten or lengthen the middle part, unless it is recorded that after a while. This is a traditional film and television works edit mode.

2.2 Nonlinear editing

Nonlinear editing is relative to the case of linear editing, if linear editor is editing according to time sequence, then the nonlinear editor nature is achieved by leaps and bounds, editor of technology . It is the perfect combination of computer technology and digital television technology , almost all of its jobs are done in the computer, for very little dependence on external devices, for the use of the material also can choose at will, rather than as according to the time order of the single linear editing, choose the material is very fast and convenient, the compiling system gives the producer of the film and television works great creative freedom space, so it is very suitable for the montage film editing and stream-of-consciousness way of thinking, and the vast majority of the film and television works in the modern application of most of the nonlinear edit system.

3 Choose appropriate editing and production methods

To choose the right means of film and television post-production and editing linear editing and nonlinear editing their respective advantages and disadvantages, decided the both in the process of production of film and television works complementary relationship, both be short of one cannot. Only according to the requirement of the film and television works and characteristics, select the appropriate technology and methods, to present a good film and television works to the audience. In feature films, documentaries, advertising, and in the process of the opening of film and television program production, usually use edit mode is nonlinear editing. This choice is because in the opening of film and television programs, advertising, you need to theme is very outstanding, let the audience impressed is shown in the video content, so there are relatively high requirements for image processing. In this a few kind’s films, often need special treatment on subtitles, color, heavy use of multilayer superposition of images, such as sports, transparent effect, to fast, slow motion picture carefully. In addition, in this a few kinds of film and television work, also often use longer than 5 seconds, linear editing is hard to do such a request, and with nonlinear editing, is much more easy to implement.

Live entertainment, interview programs generally use the traditional linear editing, etc. Because live, live straight record the response speed recording equipment used by the program requirements in a timely manner, recorded from the beginning would have been recorded to the end of the show, middle can't stop, don't make any more mistakes. Therefore, this type of program recording with traditional linear editing. But for programs have special requirements, if you need to playback or processing of images, also combined with a nonlinear editing to use, in order to achieve better visual effect.

For news of the production process, application is given priority to with linear editing. Because the news is mainly to the audience more news, current affairs and to be in a relatively short period of time will spread out, a lot of information on the screen, and it need to shorten the time of each lens, press the requirements of each lens length is not greater than 5 seconds. Because the news authenticity requirement, in the process of dealing with almost no special effects shots, but the lens group together directly, most is the late dubbing voice or the same period and late dubbing mix, therefore in the process of news production using linear editing is perfect. Linear

editing is commonly component connection use more, which reduces the loss of signal, program quality is guaranteed.

4 Art characteristics of post-production

After the late preliminary editing, careful editing and delicate clipping three stages, complete the whole editing tasks of film and television works. And the process of editing, editors will not work in order to achieve the length of several of the camera is rigidly stitching together or stiffly for use, the effect will be a lens to use special effects, in the process of handling of material, editors to consider action transitions, modelling, the art characteristic of three aspects of time and space to deal with the lens.

4.1 Action transitions

Action is an important way of scene transitions. In order to make the lens more in line with the law, are ornamental, in the process of editing action selection and combination of carefully and must be handled. Due to the character's psychological action, language, action and body movements, and many other body movements to express people's personality traits, character emotions, has played a great role in promoting the plot development, so the editor for processing is attached great importance to the action, at the same time, it also can change the monotonicity of action. For example, is the most widely use slow motion, with slow motion to highlight action or faster action.

4.2 Plastic arts

Use sharpening, mask and feature technology to optimize the film and television in the modelling, can play a rendering, more stress the theme of the film and television works. Editor, often through the character modelling, modelling and environmental modelling picture processing, to achieve the desired effect. Environmental modelling to neutral shade, to coincide with the style of the film and television works, not too thick or too light, should not only have the rendering effect of film and television works, but not a presumptuous guest usurps the host's role. Film and television works with images of the stereo configuration of the modelling is going through the picture, surface structure, space depth, the outline form and features such as color change, multi-angle editor, to enrich the connotation of the film and television works.

4.3 The space and time

Time and space is a big background of film and television works, also became editor for editing, and action and modelling processing mainly to highlight the theme of the film and television works, apply colours to a drawing atmosphere and so on, in order to achieve the purpose of the audience and the formation of resonance, let the audience was impressed by the film and television works. In addition to deal with the film and television works should reflect the time characteristic, will handle with these time in line with the appearance and characteristics of the space. Editor to correctly use all kinds of editing effects, reflects the different aspects of the art features, in order to fully reflect the creative intention of writer and director, the audience enjoy the transformed literary artistic conception of the script into the perfect audio-visual


5 Conclusion

In the process of creation of film and television works, post-production and editing work should be more and more attention, this is not only the demands to the film and television post-production workers, also is a good film and television works the most basic guarantee.









不论是观众还是影视作品制作人,越来越多的人开始注重影视作品的画面感,因此影视作品的后期制作与剪辑工作也就随之逐步提升了要求,经过长期的探索正在逐步完善。在影视后期制作的过程中,较为传统的方法是剪辑师根据拍摄好的素材选择合适的镜头,将多余的镜头剪辑掉,再进行镜头的拼接,制作完成的影视作品。一般在一部影视作品的拍摄过程中,剪辑师要从大量的素材中挑选出最能代表影视作品特点与主题的素材,然后进行组织,而这些原素材的数量往往会达到影视作品长度的数倍甚至数十倍。需要指出的是,“剪辑”并不等于简单的对作品原素材的“剪接”,剪辑是包括剪接在内的一种技术,它更强调的是创作者的创作意识,并不是简单的“剪”和“接”,而是对镜头进行视听效果上的处理和编辑。从数字技术的发展来看,影视作品的质量和特性得以提升,很大程度上依赖于数字技术的发展。而从发展前景来看,影视作品后期处理主要是要加强作品的表现力。主要表现在线性编辑系统的发展逐渐受到牵制,而非线性编辑系统则呈现较好的发展形势,这使影视制作更加方便快捷。各种软件的综合运用,给影视作品带累了神乎其神的视听效果,给观众也带来了极大的视觉冲击。同时由于PC 平台的迅猛发展、价格不断降低,影视后期制作正在从以前专业的硬件逐步向PC 平台上转移,影视制作的应用已经不仅仅局限于电影和电视剧的制作,而是扩大到游戏、网络、多媒体、娱乐、家庭等更多领域。影视的后期制作与剪辑,在现代传媒发展的过程中正扮演着一个十分重要的角色。(完整译文请到百度文库)


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  • 中国药科大学大学英语分层次教学要求 根据教育部<大学英语课程教学要求>,大学英语教学重点在于培养学生的英语综合应用能力,特别是听说能力,使其在今后学习.工作和社会交往中能用英语有效地进行交际,同时增强学生自主学习能力,提高综合文化素养,以适应我国社会发展和国际交流的需要. 一般要求: 1 ...

  • 物流成本控制外文文献翻译2014年译文3900字
  • 文献出处: Henesey L. The Research of Logistics Cost Control and Optimization [J] The Journal of International Logistics, 2014, 26(5): 15-31 原文 The Researc ...

  • 江苏大学毕业设计(论文)内容要求2016
  • 毕业设计(论文) (Graduation Project (Thesis)) 课程编号:03360070 学 分:12 学 时:12周 先修课程:所有课程 适用专业:机械设计制造及其自动化专业 教 材:各课题.指导老师指导的参考文献.英文文献(翻译) 开课学院:机械工程学院 一.毕业设计(论文)目的 ...