职场英语:开年求职必看之经典英文简历模板 - 职场英语的日志,

CVs are a summary of your skills and achievements and they need to be short; preferably a maximum of two pages. You have the freedom to choose which format you think will most appeal to your prospective employer and so will maximise your strengths whilst minimising your weaknesses.


The standard CV is theChronological CV; this is the traditional, familiar layout and is the most commonly used format. A second type is theFunctional CVwhich focuses on skills and achievements rather than employment history and qualifications.


Which CV format is best for you, depends, to some extent, on your career development. If you are a recent graduate, the standard CV, which is also called a competency-based CV, is more suitable. For a more mature student, a skills-based CV works well, as it demonstrates life experiences more effectively. However it is useful for any job seeker, who is applying for a career that is not directly related to his or her degree subject or previous experience.

在某种程度上说,哪一种简历更适合自己取决于自身的职业发展情况。如果你是一名刚毕业的大学生,标准简历(也称为基于个人能力的简历)更为合适。对于成熟的 求职者,基于技能的简历更合适,因为它能有效地描述个人经历。同时它也适用于那些寻找与自己所学专业和之前工作经历无关的工作的求职者。

Here is a standard graduate CV:(一份标准的简历应该是这样的:)

Paul William Marrow

(use bold type face to make important information stand out)

Home address:                                                    Other address:

45, Sunset Drive,                                                   (if you have any other addresswork or university etc)


M3 7EY

Tel.(0161) 542 6781                                             Date of Birth:6. 11. 1983

Email:[email protected]                                       Nationality:British


Universityof Tsinghua Bsc(Hons.) Computer Science 2007-2010

Subjects include:(list the relevant parts of your syllabus to the job you are applying for)

Software engineering and system software. Visualisation and computer graphics

I obtained 74% in my second year exams equivalent to a 2:1(include any results which are good)

My project involved test automation techniques, which required independent research skills(mention relevant project or dissertation work, also useful skills such as team work or problem solving)

Manchester Grammar School 1999-2007

‘A’ Levels: Mathematics C, Physics C, Biology D(Chinese graduates applying to a Western company or university should establish how grades are scaled in China)

7 GCSEs including Mathematics, English and Spanish


Horse and Hounds Pub, Manchester 2007 to present

Part time barmen serving customers and managing the accounts(shows you can keep accounts and balance the books)

Odeon Cinema, Manchester Summer 2006

Assisting customers, keeping accounts and booking films(shows more evidence of being good at numbers)


President of Anglo-Chinese Understanding Society, Tsinghua University; involved booking guest speakers(evidence of organising skills) I enjoy playing football for the University football team Other interests include sailing and reading sci fi novels


Programming skills in Java and Modula 3. Good knowledge of Linux and SQL(explain acronymsunless they are common. In this case computer employers would know what you mean) Good level of spoken Spanish Full clean driving licence


I am happy to supply these on request(it is not essential to name these in your CV and you might be running out of space. In any case you could put them in your covering letter if necessary)

CVs are a summary of your skills and achievements and they need to be short; preferably a maximum of two pages. You have the freedom to choose which format you think will most appeal to your prospective employer and so will maximise your strengths whilst minimising your weaknesses.


The standard CV is theChronological CV; this is the traditional, familiar layout and is the most commonly used format. A second type is theFunctional CVwhich focuses on skills and achievements rather than employment history and qualifications.


Which CV format is best for you, depends, to some extent, on your career development. If you are a recent graduate, the standard CV, which is also called a competency-based CV, is more suitable. For a more mature student, a skills-based CV works well, as it demonstrates life experiences more effectively. However it is useful for any job seeker, who is applying for a career that is not directly related to his or her degree subject or previous experience.

在某种程度上说,哪一种简历更适合自己取决于自身的职业发展情况。如果你是一名刚毕业的大学生,标准简历(也称为基于个人能力的简历)更为合适。对于成熟的 求职者,基于技能的简历更合适,因为它能有效地描述个人经历。同时它也适用于那些寻找与自己所学专业和之前工作经历无关的工作的求职者。

Here is a standard graduate CV:(一份标准的简历应该是这样的:)

Paul William Marrow

(use bold type face to make important information stand out)

Home address:                                                    Other address:

45, Sunset Drive,                                                   (if you have any other addresswork or university etc)


M3 7EY

Tel.(0161) 542 6781                                             Date of Birth:6. 11. 1983

Email:[email protected]                                       Nationality:British


Universityof Tsinghua Bsc(Hons.) Computer Science 2007-2010

Subjects include:(list the relevant parts of your syllabus to the job you are applying for)

Software engineering and system software. Visualisation and computer graphics

I obtained 74% in my second year exams equivalent to a 2:1(include any results which are good)

My project involved test automation techniques, which required independent research skills(mention relevant project or dissertation work, also useful skills such as team work or problem solving)

Manchester Grammar School 1999-2007

‘A’ Levels: Mathematics C, Physics C, Biology D(Chinese graduates applying to a Western company or university should establish how grades are scaled in China)

7 GCSEs including Mathematics, English and Spanish


Horse and Hounds Pub, Manchester 2007 to present

Part time barmen serving customers and managing the accounts(shows you can keep accounts and balance the books)

Odeon Cinema, Manchester Summer 2006

Assisting customers, keeping accounts and booking films(shows more evidence of being good at numbers)


President of Anglo-Chinese Understanding Society, Tsinghua University; involved booking guest speakers(evidence of organising skills) I enjoy playing football for the University football team Other interests include sailing and reading sci fi novels


Programming skills in Java and Modula 3. Good knowledge of Linux and SQL(explain acronymsunless they are common. In this case computer employers would know what you mean) Good level of spoken Spanish Full clean driving licence


I am happy to supply these on request(it is not essential to name these in your CV and you might be running out of space. In any case you could put them in your covering letter if necessary)


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