
World scenic spots and historical sites

——The Grand Canyon(美国大峡谷)

America is a world-famous canyon located in the west of natural wonders, northwestern Arizona kay Papua plateau area, 2724.7 square kilometers. Because of the Colorado river flowing, and the grand canyon,

It is the UNESCO elected one of the natural heritage protection.

——Great Barrier Reef(澳大利亚大礁堡)

The world's longest coral reefs are a group, it is the famous Great Barrier Reef will award - Reef. It is through the winding in Australia's east coast, length, the widest place by kilometers 161 km. The most from the southern

North shore 241 kilometers, only 16 kilometers off the coast. At low tide, the surface forms part of coral reefs.

——Cape Town(好望角)

• to South Africa tour, you must not miss this opportunity to visit to Africa cape tips. About 60 kilometers from cape horn, is the Atlantic and the Indian Ocean. Actually, the horn is a prominent hill cape, once Called the storm, because here the Angle of bad weather, the former is a ship in distress in here. But in the Indian Ocean shipping routes, smell after the king of Portugal was said to her, because the board was renamed cape corner, with a view to the Atlantic ocean

And the Indian Ocean view. For the Pacific and Indian cape changes of water scene, meteorological million, wonderful, standing there, more GaoYu roaming the

two feet, the ancient cliff MaFeng dhaka, roll wave splash, an eye-opener.

——Las Vegas (拉斯维加斯)

Through a dry in the barren land, land after the edge suddenly appeared a resplendent and magnificent city, will for this special city. Yes, this is the Las Vegas, an incredible artificialization city.When along the 15th highway near downtown, anyone who has eyes will be the glittering neon lights and have distinguishing feature extremely luxurious resort hotel, even completely from daily life in the illusion of lost myself. Here is the .The entertainment center, all the cities are designed to enjoy pleasure. Welcome to this one experience true dream.


Water is the city spirit, winding river, flowing QingBo converges, colourful, given above the water of immortality and delicately dawn dusk, city light color complement each other, more solemn and poetic. Appreciate Venice water.City beauty, should be in night, on a "beckoned along the canal, gong dorah's waterways, let oneself twists and turns in the misty darkness, lost in the water city enjoy eternal charm...

World scenic spots and historical sites

——The Grand Canyon(美国大峡谷)

America is a world-famous canyon located in the west of natural wonders, northwestern Arizona kay Papua plateau area, 2724.7 square kilometers. Because of the Colorado river flowing, and the grand canyon,

It is the UNESCO elected one of the natural heritage protection.

——Great Barrier Reef(澳大利亚大礁堡)

The world's longest coral reefs are a group, it is the famous Great Barrier Reef will award - Reef. It is through the winding in Australia's east coast, length, the widest place by kilometers 161 km. The most from the southern

North shore 241 kilometers, only 16 kilometers off the coast. At low tide, the surface forms part of coral reefs.

——Cape Town(好望角)

• to South Africa tour, you must not miss this opportunity to visit to Africa cape tips. About 60 kilometers from cape horn, is the Atlantic and the Indian Ocean. Actually, the horn is a prominent hill cape, once Called the storm, because here the Angle of bad weather, the former is a ship in distress in here. But in the Indian Ocean shipping routes, smell after the king of Portugal was said to her, because the board was renamed cape corner, with a view to the Atlantic ocean

And the Indian Ocean view. For the Pacific and Indian cape changes of water scene, meteorological million, wonderful, standing there, more GaoYu roaming the

two feet, the ancient cliff MaFeng dhaka, roll wave splash, an eye-opener.

——Las Vegas (拉斯维加斯)

Through a dry in the barren land, land after the edge suddenly appeared a resplendent and magnificent city, will for this special city. Yes, this is the Las Vegas, an incredible artificialization city.When along the 15th highway near downtown, anyone who has eyes will be the glittering neon lights and have distinguishing feature extremely luxurious resort hotel, even completely from daily life in the illusion of lost myself. Here is the .The entertainment center, all the cities are designed to enjoy pleasure. Welcome to this one experience true dream.


Water is the city spirit, winding river, flowing QingBo converges, colourful, given above the water of immortality and delicately dawn dusk, city light color complement each other, more solemn and poetic. Appreciate Venice water.City beauty, should be in night, on a "beckoned along the canal, gong dorah's waterways, let oneself twists and turns in the misty darkness, lost in the water city enjoy eternal charm...


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