


“七选五”型阅读理解题,试题模式为:给出一篇缺少五个句子的文章,对应有七个选项,要求同学们根据文章结构、内容,选出正确的句子,填入相应的空白处。《考试说明》对该题型命题目的的表述为“主要考查考生对文章的整体内容和结构以及上下文逻辑意义的理解和掌握。” 该题型要求同学们从整体上把握文章的逻辑结构和内容上的联系,理解句子之间、段落之间的关系,对诸如连贯性、一致性等语段特征有较强的意识和熟练的把握。


1)在阅读过程中,要注意文章的开始与结束段落,尤其是文章的首段及末段末句,因为“开门见山”与“结尾总结”的写作方式为常见的写作方式,首段的末句一般是全文的主题所在,说明本文将探讨哪些内容,并简要指出文章的写作思路,有时甚至会以提纲的形式进行呈现。首段的末句对于快速掌握文章的主题具有重要意义,如果它是文章的主题句,就可以使读者迅速明确文章情节将如何展开,并对文章的写作主题有了整体的了解。如果末句不是主题句,则需要继续寻找。这时,可以考虑文章的写作方式是否为“结尾总结”式,如两者均可排除,则需在文章中其他段落寻找主题句,但要注意首段与末段的提示作用。 2)边读边做题,重点阅读各个问题附近的句子,圈定线索词,然后从选项中寻找相关的特征词,以确定答案。做题时可以采用代入排除法。如果一题做不出或拿不准,可先放过,继续往下读,先做容易的能做出的题,直到读完整篇文章。至此,文章的要点和主旨、各个段落之间的逻辑关系应基本清楚了。将所选项放入空白处,看看是否与上下文构成语义及逻辑上的直接关系,是否符合该处语境。能否承接前后的写作线索。使文章无论内容还是衔接上都能做到通顺。






在做题时最重要的是要读懂空白前后的句子,明白这几句话的确切意思,然后根据意思的连贯性或逻辑性从选项中选取正确答案。在读懂意思的基础上,再利用线索特征词等进一步确认答案。 2)从词汇上锁定线索

做题时很重要的一点是保持对一些线索词的敏感,最主要的线索特征词是空白前后的名词和动词,寻找答案时注意在选项中查找同义词、近义词、反义词或表示同一类事物的词语等。其次是代词、数词、表示时间/年代的词、地点/名称等专有名词等。尤其是在读不懂句子的情况下,利用这样的线索词寻找答案是很有效的方法。 3)从关联词上查找

由于英语的句段之间经常会运用关联词表示衔接和过渡,使文章逻辑更清楚和连贯,因此文章中和选项中表示各种逻辑关系的路标性信号词在选择答案时都是很重要的线索。 在做题时可将这三个层面的线索很好地结合起来。例如,在看到表示并列或递进关系的关联词时,一般表示前后句子的名词或句意具


(a)并列与递进关系:and, or, also,neither „nor „,either „or „, in the same way, that is to say ,as well as, the same „as, besides, moreover, in addition to ,what is more

(b)因果关系:because, for, since, as, therefore, so, so„that, thanks to, as a result, because of, in that, for this reason, of course

(c)转折让步关系:but, however, yet, on the other hand, unfortunately, while, rather than, instead of, it is true that, of course, although, though, even though, even if

(d)时间关系: at first, at last, finally, first, firstly, in the first place, to start with,in the mean time, last, later, next, second, secondly, then, third, thirdly, to begin with以及一些具体的时间。 4. 根据试题所在的不同位置确定不同的解题策略 1) 如果问题在段首



(c)段落间的过渡句。这时要前瞻后望找启示,即阅读上一段结尾部分,通常正确答案与上一段结尾有机地衔接起来,并结合下一段内容,看所选的答案是否将两段内容连贯起来。 2) 如果问题在段尾


(b)通常是结论、概括性语句。注意在选项中查找表示结果、结论、总结等的信号词,如therefore, as a result, in a word等词语,选项中也可发现前文的同义词句。







(A )

China has experienced serious problems with wasted food in recent years. CCTV reported that the food Chinese people waste every year is enough to feed 200 million people for a year. Certainly not. According to the UN World Food Program, there were 925 million hungry people

Chinese people are well known for being hospitable (好客的) and generous. Many even feel that they lose face if their guests have eaten all the food on the table.

card. People can enjoy a free meal when they have 10 cards. More than 750 restaurants in Beijing have begun to offer smaller dishes and encourage their guests to take leftovers (剩饭剩菜) home. What should we do in our daily life to waste less food? Here are some tips:

it home.

Don’t be too picky (挑剔的

Keep an eye on what food you have at home. Don’t buy too much, especially for vegetables and fruit.

1._________ 2.________

3._______ 4._________ 5.__________

(B )


Chinese Dream" is a hot topic of this year. Many Chinese young people are inspired by the Chinese Dream. ____1__They give us courage and confidence to keep us going through difficulties. Here is

some advice on how to realize our beautiful dreams.

Never giving up is the key to make our dreams come true. _____2_____ but we can learn from failure, correct our mistakes and try again until we achieve our goals. Our life is like a long journey which is not all ___4______Everyone likes a person who is good at cooperating with others. Besides, in our society most problems can't be solved by one person alone. Cooperation is becoming one of the most important ways for people living in the developing society.

At the same time, we should learn to examine our abilities because it helps us know our advantages and disadvantages as well as get a full control of ourselves. ____5_____

1._________ 2.________ 3._______ 4._________ 5.__________


The most important exam for the students in Junior Three is coming in a month. The result of the exam will decide which high school the students will go to. Good grades must belong to the students who study hard. ___1____And so are their teachers and parents.

__2____She got good grades in the final exams last year. I hope her experience will be helpful. Here is what Li Mei said when she was interviewed:

__3__. Don’t waste any of them. I used to be poor in English in the first term of Junior 3. It was hard for me to spell the words correctly. But I didn’t give it up. I read textbooks on the bus to and from school. I worked hard at home and sometimes burned the midnight oil. _4___ During the last term, I tried my best to improve it by listening to the teacher carefully in class and going over what I had learnt after class. _5__ Because of my hard work, I got good grades

1._________ 2.________ 3._______ 4._________ 5.__________


A smile will tell people around you that you are a kind and friendly person. ___1____For example, one of my classmates, Mike, doesn't have very nice teeth, so that is why he seldom opens his mouth. __2___So it is very important for us to look after our teeth.

In fact, a lot of people have this problem. Some people inherit(继承) teeth problems from their parents, while others' teeth are damaged because of bad habits, like heavy smoking, eating too much sugar or not brushing teeth often. ___3___They can help improve your teeth and tell you how to take care of them.

Smiling can help you to feel more confident and make other people think of you as a more friendly person. ____4____An Indian doctor called Kataria said that young children should laugh about 300 times a 1._________ 2.________ 3._______ 4._________ 5.__________


Junk food has lots of fat (脂肪), salt and sugar. 1.__________Hamburgers, hots dogs, Friench fries, cola and ice-cream are all junk food!

Junk food is popular in the world . Why? 2._________ Second, it is fast and easy for people to eat. Third, many people, including children, like it because it tastes good. Lastly, most junk food has food additives (添加剂). So it looks and tastes better, and can be kept for a long time.

3._________It makes people overweight (超重), and brings many other health problems.

It’s OK to have junk food now and then (偶尔). 4.________you’d better not eat it or try to eat less. If you are active and play sports very often, you can have some after you have much healthy food.

Junk food still has some nutrients and is a small part of a balanced diet. 5.________ and then eat 5% of junk food.


One day, some successful men got tegether and went to visit their old teacher.

These classmates all had good jobs and made lots of money. They talked happily.1.__________

The teacher went to the kitchen and returned with a large pot of coffee and many cups —china (瓷制的) ones, plastic ones and glass ones. Some cups are good-looking and some are plain (朴素的) looking, 2. __________

Then the teacher told them to help themselves to the coffee.

When all the students had a cup of coffee in hand, the teacher said, “Can you notice that all the nice-l ooking expensive cups were taken by you,3._________ That is why you have stresses and problems.In f act, the cup itself can not make the coffee better.Sometimes it hides what we drink.4.__________not the cup, but you went for the best cups and then began looking at each other’s cups.”

“Now think about this : life is the coffee, and the jobs, money and position (位置) in society

are the c ups. 5.__________ and do not change the life. Sometimes, by caring only about the cups, we fail to en joy the coffee. So don’t let the cups drive you, and enjoy your coffee instead.”



“七选五”型阅读理解题,试题模式为:给出一篇缺少五个句子的文章,对应有七个选项,要求同学们根据文章结构、内容,选出正确的句子,填入相应的空白处。《考试说明》对该题型命题目的的表述为“主要考查考生对文章的整体内容和结构以及上下文逻辑意义的理解和掌握。” 该题型要求同学们从整体上把握文章的逻辑结构和内容上的联系,理解句子之间、段落之间的关系,对诸如连贯性、一致性等语段特征有较强的意识和熟练的把握。


1)在阅读过程中,要注意文章的开始与结束段落,尤其是文章的首段及末段末句,因为“开门见山”与“结尾总结”的写作方式为常见的写作方式,首段的末句一般是全文的主题所在,说明本文将探讨哪些内容,并简要指出文章的写作思路,有时甚至会以提纲的形式进行呈现。首段的末句对于快速掌握文章的主题具有重要意义,如果它是文章的主题句,就可以使读者迅速明确文章情节将如何展开,并对文章的写作主题有了整体的了解。如果末句不是主题句,则需要继续寻找。这时,可以考虑文章的写作方式是否为“结尾总结”式,如两者均可排除,则需在文章中其他段落寻找主题句,但要注意首段与末段的提示作用。 2)边读边做题,重点阅读各个问题附近的句子,圈定线索词,然后从选项中寻找相关的特征词,以确定答案。做题时可以采用代入排除法。如果一题做不出或拿不准,可先放过,继续往下读,先做容易的能做出的题,直到读完整篇文章。至此,文章的要点和主旨、各个段落之间的逻辑关系应基本清楚了。将所选项放入空白处,看看是否与上下文构成语义及逻辑上的直接关系,是否符合该处语境。能否承接前后的写作线索。使文章无论内容还是衔接上都能做到通顺。






在做题时最重要的是要读懂空白前后的句子,明白这几句话的确切意思,然后根据意思的连贯性或逻辑性从选项中选取正确答案。在读懂意思的基础上,再利用线索特征词等进一步确认答案。 2)从词汇上锁定线索

做题时很重要的一点是保持对一些线索词的敏感,最主要的线索特征词是空白前后的名词和动词,寻找答案时注意在选项中查找同义词、近义词、反义词或表示同一类事物的词语等。其次是代词、数词、表示时间/年代的词、地点/名称等专有名词等。尤其是在读不懂句子的情况下,利用这样的线索词寻找答案是很有效的方法。 3)从关联词上查找

由于英语的句段之间经常会运用关联词表示衔接和过渡,使文章逻辑更清楚和连贯,因此文章中和选项中表示各种逻辑关系的路标性信号词在选择答案时都是很重要的线索。 在做题时可将这三个层面的线索很好地结合起来。例如,在看到表示并列或递进关系的关联词时,一般表示前后句子的名词或句意具


(a)并列与递进关系:and, or, also,neither „nor „,either „or „, in the same way, that is to say ,as well as, the same „as, besides, moreover, in addition to ,what is more

(b)因果关系:because, for, since, as, therefore, so, so„that, thanks to, as a result, because of, in that, for this reason, of course

(c)转折让步关系:but, however, yet, on the other hand, unfortunately, while, rather than, instead of, it is true that, of course, although, though, even though, even if

(d)时间关系: at first, at last, finally, first, firstly, in the first place, to start with,in the mean time, last, later, next, second, secondly, then, third, thirdly, to begin with以及一些具体的时间。 4. 根据试题所在的不同位置确定不同的解题策略 1) 如果问题在段首



(c)段落间的过渡句。这时要前瞻后望找启示,即阅读上一段结尾部分,通常正确答案与上一段结尾有机地衔接起来,并结合下一段内容,看所选的答案是否将两段内容连贯起来。 2) 如果问题在段尾


(b)通常是结论、概括性语句。注意在选项中查找表示结果、结论、总结等的信号词,如therefore, as a result, in a word等词语,选项中也可发现前文的同义词句。







(A )

China has experienced serious problems with wasted food in recent years. CCTV reported that the food Chinese people waste every year is enough to feed 200 million people for a year. Certainly not. According to the UN World Food Program, there were 925 million hungry people

Chinese people are well known for being hospitable (好客的) and generous. Many even feel that they lose face if their guests have eaten all the food on the table.

card. People can enjoy a free meal when they have 10 cards. More than 750 restaurants in Beijing have begun to offer smaller dishes and encourage their guests to take leftovers (剩饭剩菜) home. What should we do in our daily life to waste less food? Here are some tips:

it home.

Don’t be too picky (挑剔的

Keep an eye on what food you have at home. Don’t buy too much, especially for vegetables and fruit.

1._________ 2.________

3._______ 4._________ 5.__________

(B )


Chinese Dream" is a hot topic of this year. Many Chinese young people are inspired by the Chinese Dream. ____1__They give us courage and confidence to keep us going through difficulties. Here is

some advice on how to realize our beautiful dreams.

Never giving up is the key to make our dreams come true. _____2_____ but we can learn from failure, correct our mistakes and try again until we achieve our goals. Our life is like a long journey which is not all ___4______Everyone likes a person who is good at cooperating with others. Besides, in our society most problems can't be solved by one person alone. Cooperation is becoming one of the most important ways for people living in the developing society.

At the same time, we should learn to examine our abilities because it helps us know our advantages and disadvantages as well as get a full control of ourselves. ____5_____

1._________ 2.________ 3._______ 4._________ 5.__________


The most important exam for the students in Junior Three is coming in a month. The result of the exam will decide which high school the students will go to. Good grades must belong to the students who study hard. ___1____And so are their teachers and parents.

__2____She got good grades in the final exams last year. I hope her experience will be helpful. Here is what Li Mei said when she was interviewed:

__3__. Don’t waste any of them. I used to be poor in English in the first term of Junior 3. It was hard for me to spell the words correctly. But I didn’t give it up. I read textbooks on the bus to and from school. I worked hard at home and sometimes burned the midnight oil. _4___ During the last term, I tried my best to improve it by listening to the teacher carefully in class and going over what I had learnt after class. _5__ Because of my hard work, I got good grades

1._________ 2.________ 3._______ 4._________ 5.__________


A smile will tell people around you that you are a kind and friendly person. ___1____For example, one of my classmates, Mike, doesn't have very nice teeth, so that is why he seldom opens his mouth. __2___So it is very important for us to look after our teeth.

In fact, a lot of people have this problem. Some people inherit(继承) teeth problems from their parents, while others' teeth are damaged because of bad habits, like heavy smoking, eating too much sugar or not brushing teeth often. ___3___They can help improve your teeth and tell you how to take care of them.

Smiling can help you to feel more confident and make other people think of you as a more friendly person. ____4____An Indian doctor called Kataria said that young children should laugh about 300 times a 1._________ 2.________ 3._______ 4._________ 5.__________


Junk food has lots of fat (脂肪), salt and sugar. 1.__________Hamburgers, hots dogs, Friench fries, cola and ice-cream are all junk food!

Junk food is popular in the world . Why? 2._________ Second, it is fast and easy for people to eat. Third, many people, including children, like it because it tastes good. Lastly, most junk food has food additives (添加剂). So it looks and tastes better, and can be kept for a long time.

3._________It makes people overweight (超重), and brings many other health problems.

It’s OK to have junk food now and then (偶尔). 4.________you’d better not eat it or try to eat less. If you are active and play sports very often, you can have some after you have much healthy food.

Junk food still has some nutrients and is a small part of a balanced diet. 5.________ and then eat 5% of junk food.


One day, some successful men got tegether and went to visit their old teacher.

These classmates all had good jobs and made lots of money. They talked happily.1.__________

The teacher went to the kitchen and returned with a large pot of coffee and many cups —china (瓷制的) ones, plastic ones and glass ones. Some cups are good-looking and some are plain (朴素的) looking, 2. __________

Then the teacher told them to help themselves to the coffee.

When all the students had a cup of coffee in hand, the teacher said, “Can you notice that all the nice-l ooking expensive cups were taken by you,3._________ That is why you have stresses and problems.In f act, the cup itself can not make the coffee better.Sometimes it hides what we drink.4.__________not the cup, but you went for the best cups and then began looking at each other’s cups.”

“Now think about this : life is the coffee, and the jobs, money and position (位置) in society

are the c ups. 5.__________ and do not change the life. Sometimes, by caring only about the cups, we fail to en joy the coffee. So don’t let the cups drive you, and enjoy your coffee instead.”


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  • 龙源期刊网 http://www.qikan.com.cn 中考阅读理解填词题型分析及解题技巧 作者:姜经志 来源:<中学生英语·中考指导版>2016年第04期 短文填空是近年来全国各省市中考中的常见题型.主要有选词填空型.首字母填空型.自由填空型.动词填空型.短语句子填空型等类型.本文 ...

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  • 中考英语复习资料汇总(免费下载) 历年中考英语真题精选: 其它资源精选: 完型&阅读 中考复习:阅读理解课件 中考英语完型填空与书面表达点拨课件 中考复习专题完形填空课件 如何做好补全对话题 及补全对话专项复习 中考复习课件--中考阅读复习课 初中阅读理解(市级公开课) 初中英语阅读应考解读 ...

  • 中考英语做题方法
  • [解题指导] 2016年深圳英语中考试题的词汇选择题与去年相同,主要考查学生对词汇的理 解与运用能力. 词汇选择题还是分为两部分:第一部分依然是对划线部分进行替换的选择题,第二部分也仍旧包括两种类型(单词释义和词汇运用).该题型考查了学生对英语基础知识及英语语言的综合运用能力.要做好词汇选择题,首先 ...

  • 中考英语解题技巧
  • 中考英语解题技巧 一.中考英语单项填空题六大学习方法 有以下六法可以轻松助你拿下英语单项填空题: tip1:排除法 对四个答案都感到似是而非,一时不能选出正确答案时,就要采取"逐个排除"的方法.经过分析对比,把没有被排除的答案定为正确答案,这种方法多用于词汇知识题.如: Do y ...

  • 英语中考阅读理解解题技巧与训练
  • 英语中考阅读理解解题技巧与训练 柏振 2011-12-19 要提高阅读的速度,我们要掌握以下方法: 一. 要用英语思维,不要在脑中将阅读材料译成汉语,逐步养成用英语思维的习惯. 二. 要用眼读,不要用口读.用眼进行扫描式的阅读,一次扫读一个意群,而不是一个 单词.例如:Many teachers a ...