
Make an opening speech of a business company

First, let me express my warmest thanks and welcome you all for joining us on this great occasion—[xx]. We appreciate your interest and time.

This day marks a new beginning for [xx]’s presence in China, even though we have been active in Chinese market for more than [xx] years. Very early on we realized the unprecedented opportunity in the vast Chinese market. Especially so in

[xx], as China opened up to the outside world in the development of its economy.

Our business has grown dramatically, first through [xx] and later, with [xx]. Now, [xx]. Our [xx] have kept pace with this rapid expansion to create the foundation of a very capable team in [xx]. We are proud of our staff, and all they have accomplished as a team, in reaching the milestone we are making today.

We recognize that success in [xx]. I want to thank each of you for your commitment to the outstanding performance of [xx].

We cherish our opportunity in [xx]. We regard this inauguration as a beginning of our journey. We know [xx] industry in [xx] is bound to grow dramatically over the next [xx] years and it is our honor to be part of that prosperous future.

Spam message

In the past few weeks, we have received complaints about the use of “Spam ” marketing techniques in promoting our products. We regard such an activity as a violation of your “anti-spam ” policy and we apologize for any inconvenience this has caused you.

Disciplinary action has been applied to the employees who deliberately used “spam ”. We have clearly reiterated our “anti-spam ” policy to the sales team. If you receive spam mails from any of our salespeople again, please contact our [email protected] immediately.

We assure you will try everything we can to prevent such activities from happening in the future.

Again, I would like to apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your cooperation.

Dear Allen,

Thank you for your letter confirming the final decision to base the Sales Director ’s position in Beijing.

After careful consideration, I very much regret I must decline your offer.

As I indicated in our previous interview, my preferred working location in Shanghai where my family lives and where I have an extensive business network. That is the main reason I terminated the contact with my previous employer, because they wanted to relocate me to Wuhan.

However, I would be pleased to meet you and visit your Shanghai office to discuss market dynamics and opportunities in China.

Another company has recently offered me a position as Procurement Officer based in Shanghai. Since the job responsibility and area of expertise is compatible

with my abilities, experience and requirements, I have decided to accept their offer.

Please be assured the information you provided in the offer letter will be kept confidential.

I hope we meet again, perhaps at an industry exhibition as the motors produced by Sunflower happen to be one of the most important components of my potential employer-what a small world.

Thank you for your time and I really enjoyed our discussion. Please take care and let’s stay in touch.

Make an opening speech of a business company

First, let me express my warmest thanks and welcome you all for joining us on this great occasion—[xx]. We appreciate your interest and time.

This day marks a new beginning for [xx]’s presence in China, even though we have been active in Chinese market for more than [xx] years. Very early on we realized the unprecedented opportunity in the vast Chinese market. Especially so in

[xx], as China opened up to the outside world in the development of its economy.

Our business has grown dramatically, first through [xx] and later, with [xx]. Now, [xx]. Our [xx] have kept pace with this rapid expansion to create the foundation of a very capable team in [xx]. We are proud of our staff, and all they have accomplished as a team, in reaching the milestone we are making today.

We recognize that success in [xx]. I want to thank each of you for your commitment to the outstanding performance of [xx].

We cherish our opportunity in [xx]. We regard this inauguration as a beginning of our journey. We know [xx] industry in [xx] is bound to grow dramatically over the next [xx] years and it is our honor to be part of that prosperous future.

Spam message

In the past few weeks, we have received complaints about the use of “Spam ” marketing techniques in promoting our products. We regard such an activity as a violation of your “anti-spam ” policy and we apologize for any inconvenience this has caused you.

Disciplinary action has been applied to the employees who deliberately used “spam ”. We have clearly reiterated our “anti-spam ” policy to the sales team. If you receive spam mails from any of our salespeople again, please contact our [email protected] immediately.

We assure you will try everything we can to prevent such activities from happening in the future.

Again, I would like to apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your cooperation.

Dear Allen,

Thank you for your letter confirming the final decision to base the Sales Director ’s position in Beijing.

After careful consideration, I very much regret I must decline your offer.

As I indicated in our previous interview, my preferred working location in Shanghai where my family lives and where I have an extensive business network. That is the main reason I terminated the contact with my previous employer, because they wanted to relocate me to Wuhan.

However, I would be pleased to meet you and visit your Shanghai office to discuss market dynamics and opportunities in China.

Another company has recently offered me a position as Procurement Officer based in Shanghai. Since the job responsibility and area of expertise is compatible

with my abilities, experience and requirements, I have decided to accept their offer.

Please be assured the information you provided in the offer letter will be kept confidential.

I hope we meet again, perhaps at an industry exhibition as the motors produced by Sunflower happen to be one of the most important components of my potential employer-what a small world.

Thank you for your time and I really enjoyed our discussion. Please take care and let’s stay in touch.


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