共享机遇 共同发展










   In this golden autumn of harvest when the sky is so clear and the air is so crisp, Guangxi people are now revisited by friends and businessmen from around the world. We get together in this beautiful city of Nanning to share the opportunities brought by China-ASEAN Expo and reap the fruits of common prosperity.

  In 2004,we, by pooling all the resources of Guangxi, fulfilled our lofty mission in ensuring the 1st China-ASEAN Expo and China-ASEAN Business & Investment Summit a success and making these two occasions grand events that brought mutual benefits, win-win cooperation and deepened friendship. The 1st China-ASEAN Expo gained remarkable achievements: the total trade volume reached 1.08 billion US dollars and the contractual investment came up to 100 billion RMB. The success of the 1st China-ASEAN Expo built a new platform for the all-round cooperation between China and ASEAN countries, and brought tangible benefits to China, ASEAN countries as well as to Guangxi.

  To make one expo always better than the last, we continue to pool and utilize all the resources of Guangxi in 2005 to make the second a greater success. By summing up our experiences and soliciting opinions from different circles,we have taken effective measures to make genuine improvements in where we did not do well last year. We further strengthened our infrastructure construction related to the expo, upgraded the level of specialization, improved and perfected services and coordinative mechanism. According to the purposes of the expo and the principle of ″pro-business, service, transparency, orderliness and efficacy″, we paid more attention to the participation of businessmen, to facilitation services, and to its unique characteristics and actual effect so as to build a better platform of trade in goods, investment cooperation, summit forum and cultural exchange for China and ASEAN countries, and make China-ASEAN Expo a comprehensive international exposition in the interest of the whole world, ASEAN countries as well as China.

  Compared with the first, the 2nd China-ASEAN Expo will give prominence to several features as follows: Firstly, it has a larger scale. The number of exhibitions halls will reach 16 as compared to 9 last year, and the number of booths will increase from 2500 to 3500. Secondly,it is more specialized.Orented towards the specialization of the fields with great potential for cooperavtive development between China and ASEAN countries, this expo will further condense the themes and categories of commodities, and hightlight the complementality of advantages. Thirdly, project matching is more accessible. The 2nd China-ASEAN Expo will provide more opportunities for the exhibitors, purchasers, investors and investment attractors to communicate and negotiate more effectively. Fourthly, the second expo enjoys wider publicity. It will be reported and publicized all-dimensionally by hundreds of domestic and overseas media agencies. Fifthly, the second expo offers better services. This pro-business expo will provide more diversified, human-centered, and convenient services. Sixthly, there are more activities to be held. More rich and colorful activities for trade and cultural exchange will be held during the expo.

  The success of the 1st China-ASEAN Expo projected Guangxi at a strategic position in China-ASEAN Free Trade Area, and displayed the good image of an open Guangxi, thus making Guangxi a favorable destination of investment inflow, greatly promoting the openness and economic development ofGuangxi, ushering Guangxi into the best development period in history. Meanwhile, the first expo also brought new opprotunies and a greater scope for the economic cooperation and market exploration between Guangxi and ASEAN, and between China and ASEAN. The cooperation between Guangxi and ASEAN and that between China and ASEAN has entered a prime period and is gaining accelerated momentum. From January to July this year, the bilateral trade volume between Guangxi and ASEAN countries increased by over 28% year on year. ASEAN has become the largest trading partner of Guangxi. In the first half of this year, bilateral trade between China and ASEAN increased by 25%, and ASEAN has leaped to the fourth largest trading partner of China.

  The 2nd China-ASEAN Expo, to be held against the background of the enforcement of China-ASEAN Agreement on Trade in Goods, the increasingly deepened and expanded economic cooperation between China and ASEAN, and the all-dimensional construction of China-ASEAN Free Trade Area, will fully share the fruits of cooperation and tangible benefits brought by CAFTA, offer more business opportunities to enterprises of China and ASEAN countries, and effectively enhance the cooperation and communication between China and ASEAN in different areas. Economic cooperation between China and ASEAN countries will be pushed up to a higher level.

  China-ASEAN Expo is a grand event cosponsored by China and the 10 ASEAN countries. To make the second expo a greater success is the common aspiration of the Chinese and ASEAN people and is the unshirkable duty of the governments of China and ASEAN countries. As the organizer of the expo, Guangxi will do its utmost to make the second expo better and more fruitful than the last.

  Let's work together to hold this grand event, share opportunies and achieve common prosperity and development.

  (translated by Liu Xueqin)










   In this golden autumn of harvest when the sky is so clear and the air is so crisp, Guangxi people are now revisited by friends and businessmen from around the world. We get together in this beautiful city of Nanning to share the opportunities brought by China-ASEAN Expo and reap the fruits of common prosperity.

  In 2004,we, by pooling all the resources of Guangxi, fulfilled our lofty mission in ensuring the 1st China-ASEAN Expo and China-ASEAN Business & Investment Summit a success and making these two occasions grand events that brought mutual benefits, win-win cooperation and deepened friendship. The 1st China-ASEAN Expo gained remarkable achievements: the total trade volume reached 1.08 billion US dollars and the contractual investment came up to 100 billion RMB. The success of the 1st China-ASEAN Expo built a new platform for the all-round cooperation between China and ASEAN countries, and brought tangible benefits to China, ASEAN countries as well as to Guangxi.

  To make one expo always better than the last, we continue to pool and utilize all the resources of Guangxi in 2005 to make the second a greater success. By summing up our experiences and soliciting opinions from different circles,we have taken effective measures to make genuine improvements in where we did not do well last year. We further strengthened our infrastructure construction related to the expo, upgraded the level of specialization, improved and perfected services and coordinative mechanism. According to the purposes of the expo and the principle of ″pro-business, service, transparency, orderliness and efficacy″, we paid more attention to the participation of businessmen, to facilitation services, and to its unique characteristics and actual effect so as to build a better platform of trade in goods, investment cooperation, summit forum and cultural exchange for China and ASEAN countries, and make China-ASEAN Expo a comprehensive international exposition in the interest of the whole world, ASEAN countries as well as China.

  Compared with the first, the 2nd China-ASEAN Expo will give prominence to several features as follows: Firstly, it has a larger scale. The number of exhibitions halls will reach 16 as compared to 9 last year, and the number of booths will increase from 2500 to 3500. Secondly,it is more specialized.Orented towards the specialization of the fields with great potential for cooperavtive development between China and ASEAN countries, this expo will further condense the themes and categories of commodities, and hightlight the complementality of advantages. Thirdly, project matching is more accessible. The 2nd China-ASEAN Expo will provide more opportunities for the exhibitors, purchasers, investors and investment attractors to communicate and negotiate more effectively. Fourthly, the second expo enjoys wider publicity. It will be reported and publicized all-dimensionally by hundreds of domestic and overseas media agencies. Fifthly, the second expo offers better services. This pro-business expo will provide more diversified, human-centered, and convenient services. Sixthly, there are more activities to be held. More rich and colorful activities for trade and cultural exchange will be held during the expo.

  The success of the 1st China-ASEAN Expo projected Guangxi at a strategic position in China-ASEAN Free Trade Area, and displayed the good image of an open Guangxi, thus making Guangxi a favorable destination of investment inflow, greatly promoting the openness and economic development ofGuangxi, ushering Guangxi into the best development period in history. Meanwhile, the first expo also brought new opprotunies and a greater scope for the economic cooperation and market exploration between Guangxi and ASEAN, and between China and ASEAN. The cooperation between Guangxi and ASEAN and that between China and ASEAN has entered a prime period and is gaining accelerated momentum. From January to July this year, the bilateral trade volume between Guangxi and ASEAN countries increased by over 28% year on year. ASEAN has become the largest trading partner of Guangxi. In the first half of this year, bilateral trade between China and ASEAN increased by 25%, and ASEAN has leaped to the fourth largest trading partner of China.

  The 2nd China-ASEAN Expo, to be held against the background of the enforcement of China-ASEAN Agreement on Trade in Goods, the increasingly deepened and expanded economic cooperation between China and ASEAN, and the all-dimensional construction of China-ASEAN Free Trade Area, will fully share the fruits of cooperation and tangible benefits brought by CAFTA, offer more business opportunities to enterprises of China and ASEAN countries, and effectively enhance the cooperation and communication between China and ASEAN in different areas. Economic cooperation between China and ASEAN countries will be pushed up to a higher level.

  China-ASEAN Expo is a grand event cosponsored by China and the 10 ASEAN countries. To make the second expo a greater success is the common aspiration of the Chinese and ASEAN people and is the unshirkable duty of the governments of China and ASEAN countries. As the organizer of the expo, Guangxi will do its utmost to make the second expo better and more fruitful than the last.

  Let's work together to hold this grand event, share opportunies and achieve common prosperity and development.

  (translated by Liu Xueqin)


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