
一、 The eight airpines:1.D the title

2.B travel around 3.D its global 4,B keeps 5.D describe

二、 Researchers have:1.C whose

minds 2. B taking part 3.D are practiced 4. A keep fie 5.B why people

三、 Packaging is a very:1.abuyer will

get something 2.a well 3.the quality 4.in fact glasses 5.how to attract more

四、 It was fifteen past nine :1.she was

a little bit 2.the office had 3.the boss was about 4.lacked

5.punctual like a clock

五、 The young people who talk of ;

1.village life today is no longer like 2.with electricity 3.lived a simpler 4.there is no reason


六、 Women in Britain are;1.a

manager 2.the equal pay 3.the inequality 4.pelple thought 5/women should bi treated

七、 Do you find it very difficult; 1.he

is at his peak 2.unawareness 3.get up 4.help to keep your energy


八、 There was one thought

that;1.affected the entire 2.is uncertain 3.make up for

4.lowering 5.the potential

九、 Obviously television:1.to

introduce the theme 2.relatively 3 totally passive 4.informed 5.how we use it

十、 Too often young people;1,have

taken on 2schools fail 3. interest 4, how to 5,miserable

十一、 Nearly all speed

reading;1,reading speed 2.may seem 3,chapter 4.increase 5.hints for speed

十二、 Most young people;1.all of 2.rules 3.mountaineers 4.nature 5,sometimes things are not 5.mountaineering 十三、 Nowadays more and more towns; 1.reading 2.lbrarian 3.srored 4.before after 5.the press of the book 十四、 People living on the part of:1.cliffs 2.residents 3.in danger 4.areas 5,involved 十五、 I found out once;1,in an exam room 2.her own 3.exam 4. honesty 5,only some time later 十六、 Man has always had superstitions; 1.actually 2.european history 3.themuslim belief about 4. the combination 5.combination 十七、 America is a mobile society; 1.a Chinese 2.break 3.restaurant 4.willing to spend time 5.friendssips 十八、 English is the most widely used;1.sweet-meats 2.geese 3,quite a lot 4.finish 5.clever 十九、 There are many ways to find a job;1.finding a job 2.online 3.find a suitable job 4.susan 5.five 二十、 Opinion is a word:1.everyone 2.tastes 3.chalenged 4.careful thought 5.at will 二十一、 In the past:1.market 2.2002 3.teaching 4.economy 5.decreased now 二十二、 Americans are proud of their variety;1.hold 2.sugests 3.identity 4.tend to 5.advantages 二十三、 Most people would agree that;1.develop it 2.problem 3,Africa and Asia 4.ffects 5.any increase 二十四、 Tow traveling angels stopped; 1.owner 2.the two angels 3.she thought 4.farmers wife

一、 The eight airpines:1.D the title

2.B travel around 3.D its global 4,B keeps 5.D describe

二、 Researchers have:1.C whose

minds 2. B taking part 3.D are practiced 4. A keep fie 5.B why people

三、 Packaging is a very:1.abuyer will

get something 2.a well 3.the quality 4.in fact glasses 5.how to attract more

四、 It was fifteen past nine :1.she was

a little bit 2.the office had 3.the boss was about 4.lacked

5.punctual like a clock

五、 The young people who talk of ;

1.village life today is no longer like 2.with electricity 3.lived a simpler 4.there is no reason


六、 Women in Britain are;1.a

manager 2.the equal pay 3.the inequality 4.pelple thought 5/women should bi treated

七、 Do you find it very difficult; 1.he

is at his peak 2.unawareness 3.get up 4.help to keep your energy


八、 There was one thought

that;1.affected the entire 2.is uncertain 3.make up for

4.lowering 5.the potential

九、 Obviously television:1.to

introduce the theme 2.relatively 3 totally passive 4.informed 5.how we use it

十、 Too often young people;1,have

taken on 2schools fail 3. interest 4, how to 5,miserable

十一、 Nearly all speed

reading;1,reading speed 2.may seem 3,chapter 4.increase 5.hints for speed

十二、 Most young people;1.all of 2.rules 3.mountaineers 4.nature 5,sometimes things are not 5.mountaineering 十三、 Nowadays more and more towns; 1.reading 2.lbrarian 3.srored 4.before after 5.the press of the book 十四、 People living on the part of:1.cliffs 2.residents 3.in danger 4.areas 5,involved 十五、 I found out once;1,in an exam room 2.her own 3.exam 4. honesty 5,only some time later 十六、 Man has always had superstitions; 1.actually 2.european history 3.themuslim belief about 4. the combination 5.combination 十七、 America is a mobile society; 1.a Chinese 2.break 3.restaurant 4.willing to spend time 5.friendssips 十八、 English is the most widely used;1.sweet-meats 2.geese 3,quite a lot 4.finish 5.clever 十九、 There are many ways to find a job;1.finding a job 2.online 3.find a suitable job 4.susan 5.five 二十、 Opinion is a word:1.everyone 2.tastes 3.chalenged 4.careful thought 5.at will 二十一、 In the past:1.market 2.2002 3.teaching 4.economy 5.decreased now 二十二、 Americans are proud of their variety;1.hold 2.sugests 3.identity 4.tend to 5.advantages 二十三、 Most people would agree that;1.develop it 2.problem 3,Africa and Asia 4.ffects 5.any increase 二十四、 Tow traveling angels stopped; 1.owner 2.the two angels 3.she thought 4.farmers wife


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