

1.depend on/ upon+ n 依靠,依赖, 确(坚)信

You can‟t depend on your parents forever.

depend on/upon+sb.+to do 指望某人做……

You can‟t depend on him to come on time.

depend on/upon +it +that…. 指望…..

You may depend on it that he will come.

depend on/upon +wh-从句

Whether you can pass the exam depends on how hard you work.

That (all) depends./ it all depends. (口语)视情况而定,

I may help you. But that/ it depends.

2. light

1)n. 光,线,灯


He lit a match. 他划着了一根火柴。

A smile of triumph lit up her face. 她的脸上闪耀着胜利的微笑。

The match lights easily. 这火柴容易划着

3)adj .

The suitcase is very light.(轻的)

There was a light rain falling. (蒙蒙细雨)· heavy rain/rain cats and dogs倾盆大雨 He is a light sleeper. 他睡不沉。(易醒的)


heat v. / heat up 是某物变热或变暖

heated adj. 热的激烈的

heated debate, heated discussion

heatedly adv.愤怒地激昂地


4.consume v.---- consumer (n.).

1 消耗,花费;耗尽

She consumed most of her time in reading.

2吃完,喝光 The kids soon consumed all the food on the table. 孩子们一会儿功夫便把桌上的食品全部吃光。

3 使全神贯注,使着迷+with The boy was consumed with curiosity. 那男孩充满好奇心。

5.as … as one can = as … as possible

Please come here as soon as possible.= Please come here as soon as you can..

as many as 多达

as long as 长达,只要

as far as远至,就…而论

as well as 和…一样好,也,和

as early as 早在


Our food supply has given out.

His money soon ran out.

We are running out of our time.

I have run out of my oil.

All his savings have been used up.

7.Trap vt. 陷入/ n. 陷阱圈套

They finally trapped the mouse in a cage.最后,他们用笼子把老鼠逮着了。

The police set a trap for the thieves.

She was trapped in the burning house.

8.keep ….from…. 远离..

stop…. (from)…. 停止..

prevent…(from)…. 阻止...

You should clean your room to keep it from getting dirty.你应该打扫房间以保持干净。 Keep doing 继续

keep out 挡住使进不去

keep up with 跟上

9 What do you think green house gases do?你认为温室气体有什么作用呢?


但应注意的是:特殊宾语从句即当一般疑问句主句的谓语动词是 think, believe,suppose,consider, imagine,guess 和 suggest 等时,表疑问的词要放在主句前即句首。例如:

[正] Who do you think will win in the game?

[误] Do you think who will win in the game?


[正] Do you know why we can't cut down the big tree?

[误] Why do you know we can't cut down the big tree?

when compared to other natural changes是一个省略的时间状语从句,其完整的形式应该是 When it is compared to…;

在时间、地点、条件、方式或让步状语从句中,如果从句和主句为同一主语,或者从句的主语是it,而且从句中的谓语动词时动词be或含有助动词be,可省略主语和be 如: If (it is) so, you must get back and get it. Although (he was) criticized, he still worked hard. He hurt his legs badly when (he was) playing football


compare to/ with: 与…相比

Compared to/with many women, she was indeed very fortunate.

compared to most natural changes 与大多数的自然变化相比

compare A with B:相比(不同)

If you compare her work with his, you will find hers is much better.

compare A to B:把A比作B

A teacher's work is often compared to a candle.

People often compare teachers to gardeners. 人们经常把老师比做园丁。

The poet compares his lover to a rose in his poem.

11.come about:发生=happen(无被动)

1 .This situation should never have come out.

2 .How did it come about that he had his leg hurt?他的腿伤着了,这是怎么发生的? 3 .This has not come about overnight.冰冻三尺,非一日之寒

Take place事件的发生有某种原因或事先的安排:The Olympic Games of 2008 took place in Beijing.

Happen 偶然或突发性事件: what happened to you?

I happened to see him on my way home= It happened that I saw him on my way home. Occur 发生或想到,突然想起,意为发生时=happen: what has occurred?

I occurred to me that she didn‟t know I had moved into the new house.

Come about 事情发生了, 但还不知道为什么。常用于否定和疑问

When mother woke up, she didn‟t know what had come about.

Break out 常指战争灾难疾病争吵事件的发生


come into being 形成

Come into power/office 当权/当职

Come into force/effect 开始生效

Come out出版 ,结果… come across偶遇

come to 共计, 苏醒

When it comes to 涉及

Come up with 提出

Come up在空中出现,

Come along, 进展,跟随

come true …成真

12.There is no doubt that …. 毫无疑问….

There is no doubt that he can come on time.

doubt的宾语从句,肯定句whether / if / that ;否定句只用that

He doubted whether they would be able to help.

He never doubted that they would win the game.

beyond / without doubt无疑地

13.random 随意的胡乱的随机的

randomly =at random 任意地随便地

14. phenomenon (sing.) phenomena (pl.)

the phenomena of nature自然现象

a social phenomenon 社会现象

15.Subscribe vi. Vt.

I subscribe to your opinion completely.(同意赞同)

I subscribe to a weekly women‟s magazine(订阅报纸杂志)

She subscribes to a society which helps to protect animals(定期捐款)

16.Without the „green house effect‟,the earth would be about thirty-three degrees Celsius cooler than it is.如果没有温室效应,地球会比现在冷33℃


=If there were no “green house effect”, the earth would be about thirty-three degrees Celsius cooler than it is.

But for electricity (= If there were no electricity),there would be no modem industry. 要是没有电,就不会有现代工业。

He was having a meeting with his students;otherwise he would have come.


He felt very tired yesterday, or he would have attended the party.

他昨天很累, 不然他就参加那个聚会了。

17. add v.

add up 加起来

add up to合计达

add to 增加

If you add 4 to 3 , you get 7=4 and 3 add up to 7

Add up these figures, please.

18. quantity

1) He likes reading and always buys books in quantity. 他喜欢阅读,总是成批地买书。

2)He prefers quality to quantity when food is concerned. 在吃的方面,他重质而不重量

3A large quantity of air-conditioners has been sold since the temperature began to rise.自从气温升高,大量的空调已经被卖出去了。

a large quantity of/large quantities of;大量的…,许多的…

in quantity;成批地,大量地


1.a large quantity of/large quantities of之后接可数或不可数名词。

2.a large quantity of…作主语,谓语动词用单数形式。large quantities of…作主语,谓语动词都用复数

Quantities of food were on the table.

Huge quantities of CO2 are added to the atmosphere.(+不可数)

Huge quantities of fossil fuels化石燃料 are burned to produce energy.(+可数)

As a result of burning fossil fuels, a large ___of carbon dioxide ___ added to the atmosphere.

A. number; is B. quantity; is

C. number; are D. quantity; are


19.It means that more heat energy tends to be trapped in the atmosphere causing the global temperature to go up.这就意味着更多的热量被困在大气层中,从而引起全球气温上升。 causing现在分词短语置于句尾,通常和句子隔开,作结果状语。


His father died, leaving him a lot of money and a big company.


He hurried to the station, only to find that the train had left already.

20. Tend- tendency


She is tending (to) a very sick patient. (她在护理一位重病人。)

There is a farmer tending his sheep.

vi. tend to do易于,往往会;倾向于

When I‟m tired, I tend to make mistakes.

He tends to get angry when people oppose his opinion.

21.She went up (to Cambridge) in 1977. (英)上大学

Cigarettes are going up (in price). 上涨

New office blocks are going up everywhere.建造起盖起

The whole building went up in flames.被烧(炸)毁

When are you next going up to Scotland?北上苏格兰

Unemployment has gone up again.增加

The curtain goes up on a suburban living-room. (舞台幕布)拉起

We„re going up to London next weekend. 进城.

go up in smoke化为乌有

go by 经过

go in for 参加

go through经历,遭到

go on 前进

22. result in 导致, 造成 =lead to

The accident resulted in three people being killed.

result from: 起因于,因为…

The accident ______ the death of two passengers.

A. resulted from B. resulted in

C. resulted of D. resulted with

Key :B


oppose sth 反对某事;

oppose doing sth 反对干某事

be opposed to sth./doing sth.反对…

as opposed to(介词)与…对照下

1)Most citizens opposed the new tax.大部分市民反对新税。

2)The mother opposed her daughter‟s going there alone.这位母亲反对她女儿一个人去那儿

3)I‟m strongly opposed to your plan.我坚决反对你的计划。

4)His daughter is very athletic, as opposed to his son, who is very clever.他的女儿擅长运动,他的儿子却擅长动脑,两人形成鲜明的对比。


say no to…对…说不,拒绝,反对;

be against反对,不同意;

object to (doing)sth.反对,讨厌;

object that…对…提出异议。


Can you explain why you said no to my offer?你能否解释一下为什么拒绝我的帮助? They objected that the schedule was too tight.它们对工作进度表太紧提出异议。


be of no/little/great/much +consequence不/非常重要

as a consequence (of…)=

in consequence (of…) 结果(是…),由于…

take the consequence of承担责任

answer for the consequences对…后果负责。

1)The rise in lung cancers was a consequence of cigarette smoking.肺癌的增长是吸烟造成的结果。

2) ——I‟m afraid you‟re ill.你恐怕是病了吧

——It‟s of no consequence.不要紧

3)As a consequence of a great fire the house was completely destroyed.由于大火,房子被彻底毁坏了。

4)Who should answer for the consequence of the accident.谁应该为这起事故负责?

25. mild


1) 温和的,温柔的 He is the mildest man alive. 他是世上最和善的人了。

2) 温暖的,暖和的 It's been a mild winter this year. 今年的冬天一直很暖和。

3) 味淡的,不浓烈的 Please make my drink a mild one. 请把我的酒调得淡一点。

4) 轻微的,不重的;宽大的 He was given a mild punishment. 他被从轻发落。

26. state-statement

The witness stated that she had never seen Mr. Smith陈述;声明;说明

The president has made an important statement about the matter.陈述;声明;说明

Ice is the solid state of water .形态

In china, the railway are owned by the state.国家,政府

There are 50 states in America 州

Everything was in a state of disorder.状态



Eg:The house was in a dirty state.


可与state替用;eg. be in poor/good condition

2用作复数形式时,笼统地表示一般状态 ○

eg. poor working conditions .

situation是一般用词,尤指处于某时期的状况,处境,局面,形势。指各种具体情况综合起来的状态,多指危急或重大的事态,强调外部因素对该事态的影响,常用作单数形式。 eg.find oneself in an embarrassing situation

1有利的状况(如竞争中或战争中的)○2(尤作单数)处境,情势(尤指影响某人行position ○


eg.I am not in a position to help you.我帮不了你。

27. range n.

1)排列, 将...排成行The cards were ranged in alphabetical order.

2 )(在一定范围内)变化

The prices of the pens range from $5-$100.

3) It‟s beyond the range of my ability.

4) I came within my range of vision.

5) he has a wide range of knowledge.

beyond the range of超出…范围

within the range of在…范围内

range from A to B 范围从A到B


1)The clouds are building up.云彩在聚集

2)You need more protein to build you up. 增强体质,强身健体。

3)She‟s built up a very successful business.逐步建立

4)The singer has been built up into a good success.吹捧,赞扬

5)I„m very glad to see that your vocabulary is gradually building up. 逐渐增长

6)Hard working conditions build up character. (喻)能磨练人的性格

29. even if (+假设)/though (+已发生/事实)即使

I wouldn't tell you even if I knew.

Even if she survives, she'll never fully recover.

Even though he's 24 now, he's still like a little child.

I can still remember, even though it was so long ago.

30. steady-steadily 平稳的,持续的,可靠地,稳固的

A steady job/income稳定的工作/收入

A steady worker可靠的工人

Steady rain连绵的雨

31. tendency倾向 趋势

She has artistic tendencies. 她有艺术气质。

There is a growing tendency for people to work at home instead of in offices.

Mary is nice but she has a tendency to talk too much.

有…倾向; +to(do)/toward

He has a tendency towards pessimism. 他有悲观的倾向。

Bob has a tendency to exaggerate things. 鲍勃有爱夸张的倾向。

区分:Trend tendency current:这些名词均含“趋势,倾向”之意。 trend: 指事物发展总的方向、倾向或趋势。A recent trend in literature, fashion trend

tendency: 指固有或习得的倾向性,强调没有外来的影响或干扰。 current: 指向某一方面发展或在确趋向中行动

32. widespread adj .分布广的,普遍的

The forests are widespread in our country. 我们的国家森林分布很广。

The new laws gained widespread acceptance.

Their suggestion met with widespread disagreement普遍的

There was a widespread belief in his innocence

33.on the whole 总的来说;从总体上看

On the whole ,he is a good boy.

The weather this month has been cold on the whole.

On the whole, I‟m in favor of the idea.

The paper is well written on the whole.

34. average平均;平均水平 adj/n.

above the average在一般 水平以上, 中上; 在平均数以上

below the average在一般水平以下, 中下; 在平均数以下

on average 平均, 按平均数计算; 一般地说

on an average 平均, 按平均数计算; 一般地说

The average of 4, 8, and 60 is 24.(N) 4、8和60的平均数是24。

What is the average rainfall for August in your country?

The average age of the students in this class is 9.

His average result (of this three subjects) is 96.

His results is the average.他成绩平平

I‟d say he was of average height.中等个头

Tom is good at maths---well above average.远远高于平均水平

On average, babies start walking at a year old.一般/平均来说


1.on behalf of代表……一方

We attended the global conference on behalf of our country.

I‟m greatly honored to performance here on behalf of my school.

2.advocate v. 提倡主张拥护鼓吹/ n.提倡者

He advocates building more schools.

The public advocated passing the law.

commitment --commit v.犯罪犯错误,使承担义务,为某人作出保证 commit a crime

3.make a difference :有关系,有影响,有重要性

make no difference:没有关系,没有重要性

It won't make much difference whether you go today or tomorrow.

你今天去或明天去没有多大It make no difference if you light a lamp in the sunshine. 白天点灯多此一举。

4.put up with忍受;忍耐;受苦

We can‟t put up with his endless complaint.

I'm afraid you'll have to put up with his bad temper.

That woman, as a housewife, has a lot to put up with.

Noise is coming to the point where we can‟t put up with it.

与stand, bear 同义

We have to bear with his bad temper because he is a bit frustrated these days. I cannot stand waiting any longer.

Modern plastics can _______ very high and very low temperature.

A.stand B. hold C. carry D. Support

Key: A

put aside节省(钱、时间);储蓄;把……放在一边

put away收拾起来;储存(钱)

put back放回原处;拖延

put down写下;记下;控制

put forward提出(意见、建议);推荐

put off延期;推迟

put out熄灭; 扑灭 关系.

put up举起;张开(伞);张贴;为……提供食宿

5.so long as / as long as 只要,如果

As long as you don't betray me, I'll do whatever you ask me to (do).

You can go out, as / so long as you promise to be back before 11 o'clock.

As long as you drive carefully, you will be very safe.

You may borrow this book so long as you promise to give it back.

I will stay as long as I can.

on condition that …在……的条件下

1)I will go abroad on condition that I earn enough money. 如果我挣到足够的钱,我就出国。

2)We will help you on condition that/as long as you can offer us the proper reason. 只要你能给我们合适的原因,我们就会帮助你。

6.casual adj. 随便的漫不经心的偶然的,休闲的便装的

His casual manner annoyed me .他无所谓的态度令我恼火

Don‟t be casual about this.不要对此漠不关心


He was forced by the circumstances to do this. 他做此事是为环境所迫。(常用复数)

Due to circumstances beyond our control the lecture was cancelled. 由于无法控制的情况,讲座取消了。

Under no circumstances should you lend him any money. 决不,无论如何不

The weather was terrible, under/in the circumstances, I decided to put off my journey.在这种情况下

I will not vote for him under/in any circumstances 在任何情况下

=I will under/in no circumstances vote for him

= under/in no circumstances will I vote for him.

8.refresh v.(使)精神振作, (使)精力恢复, 更新

When tired, you can refresh yourself with a cup of tea困时喝杯茶提神

The host refreshed our teacups. 主人又为我们斟茶。

Sometimes, a small thing all can refresh your memory 令我们精神振奋

9.contribution n. -- contribute v.--contribute to

He has/makes an important contribution to the company‟s success.

He Contributed a great deal of money to the Red Cross 捐钱

She has been contributing to the paper for 5 years. 投稿

Exercises contributed to our health.有助于


I hate it when it is rains.

1. 此类句型的it是形式宾语,后面的when it rains才是真正的宾语(从句)。 翻译:我讨厌


2. 英语语法有如下规定: 如果主句谓语是表示爱憎类的动词,如like/dislike/hate/appreciate,且其宾语为一个宾语从句时,则一般把it放于其中做形式宾语,后面再加上if或疑问词引导的宾语从句。


1) I dislike it when people talk with their mouths full.


2)I like it when spring comes.


3)I'll appreciate it if you could open the window for me.



原句:My teacher did the experiment in the lab yesterday morning with me.

强调主语:It was my teacher that did the experiment in the lab yesterday morning with me. 强调宾语It was the experiment that my teacher did in the lab yesterday morning with me. 强调时间状语It was yesterday morning that my teacher did the experiment in the lab with me. 强调地点状语It was in the lab that my teacher did the experiment yesterday morning with me. 强调方式状语It was with me that my teacher did the experiment in the lab yesterday morning.

·not …until…用法

原句:I didn‟t realize she was a famous film star until she took off her dark glasses.

It was until she took off her dark glasses that I didn‟t realize she was a famous film star.(错) It was not until she took off her dark glasses that I realized she was a famous film star.(对)

强调句的一般疑问句句型:Is/Was+被强调的部分+that/who/whom+句子的其他部分? 特殊疑问句强调句句型的构成:特殊疑问词+be+it+that+句子的其他部分(用陈述语序) 例如:

原句:Did he help you with your English study last week?

Was it he that helped you with your English study last week?

原句:When did you receive the gift?

When was it that you received the gift?


1.depend on/ upon+ n 依靠,依赖, 确(坚)信

You can‟t depend on your parents forever.

depend on/upon+sb.+to do 指望某人做……

You can‟t depend on him to come on time.

depend on/upon +it +that…. 指望…..

You may depend on it that he will come.

depend on/upon +wh-从句

Whether you can pass the exam depends on how hard you work.

That (all) depends./ it all depends. (口语)视情况而定,

I may help you. But that/ it depends.

2. light

1)n. 光,线,灯


He lit a match. 他划着了一根火柴。

A smile of triumph lit up her face. 她的脸上闪耀着胜利的微笑。

The match lights easily. 这火柴容易划着

3)adj .

The suitcase is very light.(轻的)

There was a light rain falling. (蒙蒙细雨)· heavy rain/rain cats and dogs倾盆大雨 He is a light sleeper. 他睡不沉。(易醒的)


heat v. / heat up 是某物变热或变暖

heated adj. 热的激烈的

heated debate, heated discussion

heatedly adv.愤怒地激昂地


4.consume v.---- consumer (n.).

1 消耗,花费;耗尽

She consumed most of her time in reading.

2吃完,喝光 The kids soon consumed all the food on the table. 孩子们一会儿功夫便把桌上的食品全部吃光。

3 使全神贯注,使着迷+with The boy was consumed with curiosity. 那男孩充满好奇心。

5.as … as one can = as … as possible

Please come here as soon as possible.= Please come here as soon as you can..

as many as 多达

as long as 长达,只要

as far as远至,就…而论

as well as 和…一样好,也,和

as early as 早在


Our food supply has given out.

His money soon ran out.

We are running out of our time.

I have run out of my oil.

All his savings have been used up.

7.Trap vt. 陷入/ n. 陷阱圈套

They finally trapped the mouse in a cage.最后,他们用笼子把老鼠逮着了。

The police set a trap for the thieves.

She was trapped in the burning house.

8.keep ….from…. 远离..

stop…. (from)…. 停止..

prevent…(from)…. 阻止...

You should clean your room to keep it from getting dirty.你应该打扫房间以保持干净。 Keep doing 继续

keep out 挡住使进不去

keep up with 跟上

9 What do you think green house gases do?你认为温室气体有什么作用呢?


但应注意的是:特殊宾语从句即当一般疑问句主句的谓语动词是 think, believe,suppose,consider, imagine,guess 和 suggest 等时,表疑问的词要放在主句前即句首。例如:

[正] Who do you think will win in the game?

[误] Do you think who will win in the game?


[正] Do you know why we can't cut down the big tree?

[误] Why do you know we can't cut down the big tree?

when compared to other natural changes是一个省略的时间状语从句,其完整的形式应该是 When it is compared to…;

在时间、地点、条件、方式或让步状语从句中,如果从句和主句为同一主语,或者从句的主语是it,而且从句中的谓语动词时动词be或含有助动词be,可省略主语和be 如: If (it is) so, you must get back and get it. Although (he was) criticized, he still worked hard. He hurt his legs badly when (he was) playing football


compare to/ with: 与…相比

Compared to/with many women, she was indeed very fortunate.

compared to most natural changes 与大多数的自然变化相比

compare A with B:相比(不同)

If you compare her work with his, you will find hers is much better.

compare A to B:把A比作B

A teacher's work is often compared to a candle.

People often compare teachers to gardeners. 人们经常把老师比做园丁。

The poet compares his lover to a rose in his poem.

11.come about:发生=happen(无被动)

1 .This situation should never have come out.

2 .How did it come about that he had his leg hurt?他的腿伤着了,这是怎么发生的? 3 .This has not come about overnight.冰冻三尺,非一日之寒

Take place事件的发生有某种原因或事先的安排:The Olympic Games of 2008 took place in Beijing.

Happen 偶然或突发性事件: what happened to you?

I happened to see him on my way home= It happened that I saw him on my way home. Occur 发生或想到,突然想起,意为发生时=happen: what has occurred?

I occurred to me that she didn‟t know I had moved into the new house.

Come about 事情发生了, 但还不知道为什么。常用于否定和疑问

When mother woke up, she didn‟t know what had come about.

Break out 常指战争灾难疾病争吵事件的发生


come into being 形成

Come into power/office 当权/当职

Come into force/effect 开始生效

Come out出版 ,结果… come across偶遇

come to 共计, 苏醒

When it comes to 涉及

Come up with 提出

Come up在空中出现,

Come along, 进展,跟随

come true …成真

12.There is no doubt that …. 毫无疑问….

There is no doubt that he can come on time.

doubt的宾语从句,肯定句whether / if / that ;否定句只用that

He doubted whether they would be able to help.

He never doubted that they would win the game.

beyond / without doubt无疑地

13.random 随意的胡乱的随机的

randomly =at random 任意地随便地

14. phenomenon (sing.) phenomena (pl.)

the phenomena of nature自然现象

a social phenomenon 社会现象

15.Subscribe vi. Vt.

I subscribe to your opinion completely.(同意赞同)

I subscribe to a weekly women‟s magazine(订阅报纸杂志)

She subscribes to a society which helps to protect animals(定期捐款)

16.Without the „green house effect‟,the earth would be about thirty-three degrees Celsius cooler than it is.如果没有温室效应,地球会比现在冷33℃


=If there were no “green house effect”, the earth would be about thirty-three degrees Celsius cooler than it is.

But for electricity (= If there were no electricity),there would be no modem industry. 要是没有电,就不会有现代工业。

He was having a meeting with his students;otherwise he would have come.


He felt very tired yesterday, or he would have attended the party.

他昨天很累, 不然他就参加那个聚会了。

17. add v.

add up 加起来

add up to合计达

add to 增加

If you add 4 to 3 , you get 7=4 and 3 add up to 7

Add up these figures, please.

18. quantity

1) He likes reading and always buys books in quantity. 他喜欢阅读,总是成批地买书。

2)He prefers quality to quantity when food is concerned. 在吃的方面,他重质而不重量

3A large quantity of air-conditioners has been sold since the temperature began to rise.自从气温升高,大量的空调已经被卖出去了。

a large quantity of/large quantities of;大量的…,许多的…

in quantity;成批地,大量地


1.a large quantity of/large quantities of之后接可数或不可数名词。

2.a large quantity of…作主语,谓语动词用单数形式。large quantities of…作主语,谓语动词都用复数

Quantities of food were on the table.

Huge quantities of CO2 are added to the atmosphere.(+不可数)

Huge quantities of fossil fuels化石燃料 are burned to produce energy.(+可数)

As a result of burning fossil fuels, a large ___of carbon dioxide ___ added to the atmosphere.

A. number; is B. quantity; is

C. number; are D. quantity; are


19.It means that more heat energy tends to be trapped in the atmosphere causing the global temperature to go up.这就意味着更多的热量被困在大气层中,从而引起全球气温上升。 causing现在分词短语置于句尾,通常和句子隔开,作结果状语。


His father died, leaving him a lot of money and a big company.


He hurried to the station, only to find that the train had left already.

20. Tend- tendency


She is tending (to) a very sick patient. (她在护理一位重病人。)

There is a farmer tending his sheep.

vi. tend to do易于,往往会;倾向于

When I‟m tired, I tend to make mistakes.

He tends to get angry when people oppose his opinion.

21.She went up (to Cambridge) in 1977. (英)上大学

Cigarettes are going up (in price). 上涨

New office blocks are going up everywhere.建造起盖起

The whole building went up in flames.被烧(炸)毁

When are you next going up to Scotland?北上苏格兰

Unemployment has gone up again.增加

The curtain goes up on a suburban living-room. (舞台幕布)拉起

We„re going up to London next weekend. 进城.

go up in smoke化为乌有

go by 经过

go in for 参加

go through经历,遭到

go on 前进

22. result in 导致, 造成 =lead to

The accident resulted in three people being killed.

result from: 起因于,因为…

The accident ______ the death of two passengers.

A. resulted from B. resulted in

C. resulted of D. resulted with

Key :B


oppose sth 反对某事;

oppose doing sth 反对干某事

be opposed to sth./doing sth.反对…

as opposed to(介词)与…对照下

1)Most citizens opposed the new tax.大部分市民反对新税。

2)The mother opposed her daughter‟s going there alone.这位母亲反对她女儿一个人去那儿

3)I‟m strongly opposed to your plan.我坚决反对你的计划。

4)His daughter is very athletic, as opposed to his son, who is very clever.他的女儿擅长运动,他的儿子却擅长动脑,两人形成鲜明的对比。


say no to…对…说不,拒绝,反对;

be against反对,不同意;

object to (doing)sth.反对,讨厌;

object that…对…提出异议。


Can you explain why you said no to my offer?你能否解释一下为什么拒绝我的帮助? They objected that the schedule was too tight.它们对工作进度表太紧提出异议。


be of no/little/great/much +consequence不/非常重要

as a consequence (of…)=

in consequence (of…) 结果(是…),由于…

take the consequence of承担责任

answer for the consequences对…后果负责。

1)The rise in lung cancers was a consequence of cigarette smoking.肺癌的增长是吸烟造成的结果。

2) ——I‟m afraid you‟re ill.你恐怕是病了吧

——It‟s of no consequence.不要紧

3)As a consequence of a great fire the house was completely destroyed.由于大火,房子被彻底毁坏了。

4)Who should answer for the consequence of the accident.谁应该为这起事故负责?

25. mild


1) 温和的,温柔的 He is the mildest man alive. 他是世上最和善的人了。

2) 温暖的,暖和的 It's been a mild winter this year. 今年的冬天一直很暖和。

3) 味淡的,不浓烈的 Please make my drink a mild one. 请把我的酒调得淡一点。

4) 轻微的,不重的;宽大的 He was given a mild punishment. 他被从轻发落。

26. state-statement

The witness stated that she had never seen Mr. Smith陈述;声明;说明

The president has made an important statement about the matter.陈述;声明;说明

Ice is the solid state of water .形态

In china, the railway are owned by the state.国家,政府

There are 50 states in America 州

Everything was in a state of disorder.状态



Eg:The house was in a dirty state.


可与state替用;eg. be in poor/good condition

2用作复数形式时,笼统地表示一般状态 ○

eg. poor working conditions .

situation是一般用词,尤指处于某时期的状况,处境,局面,形势。指各种具体情况综合起来的状态,多指危急或重大的事态,强调外部因素对该事态的影响,常用作单数形式。 eg.find oneself in an embarrassing situation

1有利的状况(如竞争中或战争中的)○2(尤作单数)处境,情势(尤指影响某人行position ○


eg.I am not in a position to help you.我帮不了你。

27. range n.

1)排列, 将...排成行The cards were ranged in alphabetical order.

2 )(在一定范围内)变化

The prices of the pens range from $5-$100.

3) It‟s beyond the range of my ability.

4) I came within my range of vision.

5) he has a wide range of knowledge.

beyond the range of超出…范围

within the range of在…范围内

range from A to B 范围从A到B


1)The clouds are building up.云彩在聚集

2)You need more protein to build you up. 增强体质,强身健体。

3)She‟s built up a very successful business.逐步建立

4)The singer has been built up into a good success.吹捧,赞扬

5)I„m very glad to see that your vocabulary is gradually building up. 逐渐增长

6)Hard working conditions build up character. (喻)能磨练人的性格

29. even if (+假设)/though (+已发生/事实)即使

I wouldn't tell you even if I knew.

Even if she survives, she'll never fully recover.

Even though he's 24 now, he's still like a little child.

I can still remember, even though it was so long ago.

30. steady-steadily 平稳的,持续的,可靠地,稳固的

A steady job/income稳定的工作/收入

A steady worker可靠的工人

Steady rain连绵的雨

31. tendency倾向 趋势

She has artistic tendencies. 她有艺术气质。

There is a growing tendency for people to work at home instead of in offices.

Mary is nice but she has a tendency to talk too much.

有…倾向; +to(do)/toward

He has a tendency towards pessimism. 他有悲观的倾向。

Bob has a tendency to exaggerate things. 鲍勃有爱夸张的倾向。

区分:Trend tendency current:这些名词均含“趋势,倾向”之意。 trend: 指事物发展总的方向、倾向或趋势。A recent trend in literature, fashion trend

tendency: 指固有或习得的倾向性,强调没有外来的影响或干扰。 current: 指向某一方面发展或在确趋向中行动

32. widespread adj .分布广的,普遍的

The forests are widespread in our country. 我们的国家森林分布很广。

The new laws gained widespread acceptance.

Their suggestion met with widespread disagreement普遍的

There was a widespread belief in his innocence

33.on the whole 总的来说;从总体上看

On the whole ,he is a good boy.

The weather this month has been cold on the whole.

On the whole, I‟m in favor of the idea.

The paper is well written on the whole.

34. average平均;平均水平 adj/n.

above the average在一般 水平以上, 中上; 在平均数以上

below the average在一般水平以下, 中下; 在平均数以下

on average 平均, 按平均数计算; 一般地说

on an average 平均, 按平均数计算; 一般地说

The average of 4, 8, and 60 is 24.(N) 4、8和60的平均数是24。

What is the average rainfall for August in your country?

The average age of the students in this class is 9.

His average result (of this three subjects) is 96.

His results is the average.他成绩平平

I‟d say he was of average height.中等个头

Tom is good at maths---well above average.远远高于平均水平

On average, babies start walking at a year old.一般/平均来说


1.on behalf of代表……一方

We attended the global conference on behalf of our country.

I‟m greatly honored to performance here on behalf of my school.

2.advocate v. 提倡主张拥护鼓吹/ n.提倡者

He advocates building more schools.

The public advocated passing the law.

commitment --commit v.犯罪犯错误,使承担义务,为某人作出保证 commit a crime

3.make a difference :有关系,有影响,有重要性

make no difference:没有关系,没有重要性

It won't make much difference whether you go today or tomorrow.

你今天去或明天去没有多大It make no difference if you light a lamp in the sunshine. 白天点灯多此一举。

4.put up with忍受;忍耐;受苦

We can‟t put up with his endless complaint.

I'm afraid you'll have to put up with his bad temper.

That woman, as a housewife, has a lot to put up with.

Noise is coming to the point where we can‟t put up with it.

与stand, bear 同义

We have to bear with his bad temper because he is a bit frustrated these days. I cannot stand waiting any longer.

Modern plastics can _______ very high and very low temperature.

A.stand B. hold C. carry D. Support

Key: A

put aside节省(钱、时间);储蓄;把……放在一边

put away收拾起来;储存(钱)

put back放回原处;拖延

put down写下;记下;控制

put forward提出(意见、建议);推荐

put off延期;推迟

put out熄灭; 扑灭 关系.

put up举起;张开(伞);张贴;为……提供食宿

5.so long as / as long as 只要,如果

As long as you don't betray me, I'll do whatever you ask me to (do).

You can go out, as / so long as you promise to be back before 11 o'clock.

As long as you drive carefully, you will be very safe.

You may borrow this book so long as you promise to give it back.

I will stay as long as I can.

on condition that …在……的条件下

1)I will go abroad on condition that I earn enough money. 如果我挣到足够的钱,我就出国。

2)We will help you on condition that/as long as you can offer us the proper reason. 只要你能给我们合适的原因,我们就会帮助你。

6.casual adj. 随便的漫不经心的偶然的,休闲的便装的

His casual manner annoyed me .他无所谓的态度令我恼火

Don‟t be casual about this.不要对此漠不关心


He was forced by the circumstances to do this. 他做此事是为环境所迫。(常用复数)

Due to circumstances beyond our control the lecture was cancelled. 由于无法控制的情况,讲座取消了。

Under no circumstances should you lend him any money. 决不,无论如何不

The weather was terrible, under/in the circumstances, I decided to put off my journey.在这种情况下

I will not vote for him under/in any circumstances 在任何情况下

=I will under/in no circumstances vote for him

= under/in no circumstances will I vote for him.

8.refresh v.(使)精神振作, (使)精力恢复, 更新

When tired, you can refresh yourself with a cup of tea困时喝杯茶提神

The host refreshed our teacups. 主人又为我们斟茶。

Sometimes, a small thing all can refresh your memory 令我们精神振奋

9.contribution n. -- contribute v.--contribute to

He has/makes an important contribution to the company‟s success.

He Contributed a great deal of money to the Red Cross 捐钱

She has been contributing to the paper for 5 years. 投稿

Exercises contributed to our health.有助于


I hate it when it is rains.

1. 此类句型的it是形式宾语,后面的when it rains才是真正的宾语(从句)。 翻译:我讨厌


2. 英语语法有如下规定: 如果主句谓语是表示爱憎类的动词,如like/dislike/hate/appreciate,且其宾语为一个宾语从句时,则一般把it放于其中做形式宾语,后面再加上if或疑问词引导的宾语从句。


1) I dislike it when people talk with their mouths full.


2)I like it when spring comes.


3)I'll appreciate it if you could open the window for me.



原句:My teacher did the experiment in the lab yesterday morning with me.

强调主语:It was my teacher that did the experiment in the lab yesterday morning with me. 强调宾语It was the experiment that my teacher did in the lab yesterday morning with me. 强调时间状语It was yesterday morning that my teacher did the experiment in the lab with me. 强调地点状语It was in the lab that my teacher did the experiment yesterday morning with me. 强调方式状语It was with me that my teacher did the experiment in the lab yesterday morning.

·not …until…用法

原句:I didn‟t realize she was a famous film star until she took off her dark glasses.

It was until she took off her dark glasses that I didn‟t realize she was a famous film star.(错) It was not until she took off her dark glasses that I realized she was a famous film star.(对)

强调句的一般疑问句句型:Is/Was+被强调的部分+that/who/whom+句子的其他部分? 特殊疑问句强调句句型的构成:特殊疑问词+be+it+that+句子的其他部分(用陈述语序) 例如:

原句:Did he help you with your English study last week?

Was it he that helped you with your English study last week?

原句:When did you receive the gift?

When was it that you received the gift?


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