



1. D 本文主要围绕交通问题的解决展开论述,并提出建立smart-highway 是个不错的办法,根据第三段Smart-highways is just one of the tools that we use to deal with our traffic problems,可知D符合

2. B quick-fix 是快速确定的,没有经过生时数来看而快速做出的临时解决方案

3. D 第二段首先指出 smart-highway 的目标是使交通系统有效运作,随后又指出现代化舍本可用于该系统

4. D 第五段Larson 发表自己对smart-highway 的见解时提到smart-highway 仅仅是 part of the package. There are different strategies, 暗示了交通问题的解决仅靠现代技术是不够的,还需要各个策略的协调

5. B 文章的中心就是介绍了smart-highway 这种运用高科技的新方法,指出了其特点和目前的不足,此外还谈了人们正在研究活实验的其他解决方法如car pooling, rapid mass-transit system 等


6. C 全文围绕rage展开

7. D 根据第一段可以知道,人类的盲目怒气奇异之处在于它从不指向其他生物,而是保留在人类自身之间

8. A 从第二段可以知道,有史以来,就存在竞争,这种竞争是以我们消灭他们为目标的

9. D 第三段指出冲突甚至要比宗教信仰更原始,比它的情感起源更原始,可以判断,这是人类与生俱来的行为

10. B deceptive 欺骗性的


1. C

2. B

3. D

4. A

5. B

6. D

7. A

8. A

9. A

10. D


1.\in faulty be faulty 有缺陷,不完善。

2. (live)^up to 实践,做到。

3.Moreover—However 表转折关系,前面说在大多数情况下,这种行为可以得到预期效果,下一句语意转折,“然而,如果没有达到效果的话”

4.high-higher 本句是对等比较级结构,后面有faster,因此此处也用比较等级。

5. (expect)^it to it此处指代的是complaint

6.assumed-assuming 现在讽刺短语做条件状语,表假设

7.\about complain 后未加宾语,无需介词

8.it-they they指代consumers

9.with-in 句意:将投诉写在信中

10.that-what what引导从句作demonstrate的宾语,同时又在宾语从句中充当主语


It Pays to Be Honest

Nowadays, some people hold the opinion that those honest people are fools. They believe that honesty only belongs to the past, and in the modern society, honesty will hinder the development of the individuals. However, in my opinion, on matter what we do, to be honest is the best policy for all of us . If we stick to the principle of honesty, we will benefit a lot of from it.

Honesty can help us win trust and respect from others. At work, if we are always honest, the boss will trust us and appoint us tasks of great significance. The colleagues will also respect us and will be willing to cooperate with us. No one will trust people who like to cheat, let alone get along with them or cooperate with them. Besides, honesty can bring us good relationship. If people are all frank and honest, then there will not be misunderstandings, jealousy, or animosity.

In conclusion, honesty is the best policy for all of us. Whatever we do we must uphold the principle of honesty, because it not only can win trust and respect from others, but also bring us good relationship, thus we can live in a more enjoyable and comfortable environment.




1. D 本文主要围绕交通问题的解决展开论述,并提出建立smart-highway 是个不错的办法,根据第三段Smart-highways is just one of the tools that we use to deal with our traffic problems,可知D符合

2. B quick-fix 是快速确定的,没有经过生时数来看而快速做出的临时解决方案

3. D 第二段首先指出 smart-highway 的目标是使交通系统有效运作,随后又指出现代化舍本可用于该系统

4. D 第五段Larson 发表自己对smart-highway 的见解时提到smart-highway 仅仅是 part of the package. There are different strategies, 暗示了交通问题的解决仅靠现代技术是不够的,还需要各个策略的协调

5. B 文章的中心就是介绍了smart-highway 这种运用高科技的新方法,指出了其特点和目前的不足,此外还谈了人们正在研究活实验的其他解决方法如car pooling, rapid mass-transit system 等


6. C 全文围绕rage展开

7. D 根据第一段可以知道,人类的盲目怒气奇异之处在于它从不指向其他生物,而是保留在人类自身之间

8. A 从第二段可以知道,有史以来,就存在竞争,这种竞争是以我们消灭他们为目标的

9. D 第三段指出冲突甚至要比宗教信仰更原始,比它的情感起源更原始,可以判断,这是人类与生俱来的行为

10. B deceptive 欺骗性的


1. C

2. B

3. D

4. A

5. B

6. D

7. A

8. A

9. A

10. D


1.\in faulty be faulty 有缺陷,不完善。

2. (live)^up to 实践,做到。

3.Moreover—However 表转折关系,前面说在大多数情况下,这种行为可以得到预期效果,下一句语意转折,“然而,如果没有达到效果的话”

4.high-higher 本句是对等比较级结构,后面有faster,因此此处也用比较等级。

5. (expect)^it to it此处指代的是complaint

6.assumed-assuming 现在讽刺短语做条件状语,表假设

7.\about complain 后未加宾语,无需介词

8.it-they they指代consumers

9.with-in 句意:将投诉写在信中

10.that-what what引导从句作demonstrate的宾语,同时又在宾语从句中充当主语


It Pays to Be Honest

Nowadays, some people hold the opinion that those honest people are fools. They believe that honesty only belongs to the past, and in the modern society, honesty will hinder the development of the individuals. However, in my opinion, on matter what we do, to be honest is the best policy for all of us . If we stick to the principle of honesty, we will benefit a lot of from it.

Honesty can help us win trust and respect from others. At work, if we are always honest, the boss will trust us and appoint us tasks of great significance. The colleagues will also respect us and will be willing to cooperate with us. No one will trust people who like to cheat, let alone get along with them or cooperate with them. Besides, honesty can bring us good relationship. If people are all frank and honest, then there will not be misunderstandings, jealousy, or animosity.

In conclusion, honesty is the best policy for all of us. Whatever we do we must uphold the principle of honesty, because it not only can win trust and respect from others, but also bring us good relationship, thus we can live in a more enjoyable and comfortable environment.


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