


每个学生必须写上本人的学号、任课教师姓名、姓名、班级,另外所有的答案必须全部写在答卷纸上请不要写的试卷上, 试题及答卷一同交上。

Part 1 Select the most appropriate choice to answer the following questions or to complete following statements. (1*15 =15 )

1. . Which one of following statement about Client-server architecture is not correct? c a) Set of stand-alone servers which provide specific services such as printing, data management, etc.

b) Set of clients which call on these services.

c) Most of the data is stored in the most important server.

d) Network which allows clients to access servers.


2. . Several techniques of Requirements discovery are covered in this book. Which one is not the case? a

a) Model-driven engineering

b) Scenarios

c) Interviewing

d) Ethnography

Part 2 Mark the right statement √, the wrong statement×(1*15=15)

1. In the software architecture design, using large-grain components improves

performance and maintainability.

2. According Lehman and Belady's ‘laws’ , A program that is used in a real-world

environment must necessarily change, or else become progressively less useful in that environment.

Part 3 Fill the blankets: (1*15=15)

1. the attributes of good software are are , Dependability,

Efficiency , Acceptability

2. General issues that affect most software are heterogeneity , Business and social change ,

Security and trust .

3. The reasons of software change are 1 New requirements emerge when the software is

used ,The business environment changes ,Errors must be repaired ,New computers and equipment is added to the system;

The performance or reliability of the system may have to be improved.

4. Generic process models are The waterfall model , Incremental development ,

Reuse-oriented software engineering.

5. A structured set of activities required to develop a software system, which are

Specification , Design and implementation, Validation _, Evolution.

Part 4 Answer the following questions in brief. (4*5=20 )

1. What are the program testing goals?

Program testing goals

To demonstrate to the developer and the customer that the software meets its requirements.

For custom software, this means that there should be at least one test for every requirement in the requirements document.

For generic software products, it means that there should be tests for all of the system features,

plus combinations of these features, that will be incorporated in the product release.

To discover situations in which the behavior of the software is incorrect, undesirable or does not conform to its specification.

Defect testing is concerned with rooting out undesirable system behavior such as system crashes, unwanted interactions with other systems, incorrect computations and data corruption.

2. What is architectural patterns?

Architectural patterns are a means of reusing knowledge about generic system architectures. They describe the architecture,

explain when it may be used and describe its advantages and disadvantages.

3. What is the difference between software engineering and computer science?

Computer science is concerned with theory and fundamentals; software engineering is

concerned with the practicalities of developing and delivering useful software

4. What differences has the web made to software engineering?

The web has led to the availability of software services and the possibility of

developing highly distributed service-based systems.

Web-based systems development has led to important advances in programming

languages and software reuse.

5. What is Software architecture design?

Software architecture design

The design process for identifying the sub-systems making up a system and the framework for sub-system control and communication is architectural design

The output of this design process is a description of the software architecture

The architecture of a packing robot control system

6. What is Path testing?

The objective of path testing is to ensure that the set of test cases is such that each path through the program is executed at least once

Binary search flow graph

Part 5 Solve the following problems(30)

1. (5) Based on your experience with a bank ATM, draw an activity diagram that models

the data processing involved when a customer withdraws cash from the machine.

2. (5) Develop a sequence diagram showing the interactions involved in a application.

3. (5) Design the application architecture using the MVC pattern.

4. (5)Design a set of test data to accomplish the path testing about the following program

(Figure 1).

5. (10) Based on the statechart which models a application, describe the whole process in




每个学生必须写上本人的学号、任课教师姓名、姓名、班级,另外所有的答案必须全部写在答卷纸上请不要写的试卷上, 试题及答卷一同交上。

Part 1 Select the most appropriate choice to answer the following questions or to complete following statements. (1*15 =15 )

1. . Which one of following statement about Client-server architecture is not correct? c a) Set of stand-alone servers which provide specific services such as printing, data management, etc.

b) Set of clients which call on these services.

c) Most of the data is stored in the most important server.

d) Network which allows clients to access servers.


2. . Several techniques of Requirements discovery are covered in this book. Which one is not the case? a

a) Model-driven engineering

b) Scenarios

c) Interviewing

d) Ethnography

Part 2 Mark the right statement √, the wrong statement×(1*15=15)

1. In the software architecture design, using large-grain components improves

performance and maintainability.

2. According Lehman and Belady's ‘laws’ , A program that is used in a real-world

environment must necessarily change, or else become progressively less useful in that environment.

Part 3 Fill the blankets: (1*15=15)

1. the attributes of good software are are , Dependability,

Efficiency , Acceptability

2. General issues that affect most software are heterogeneity , Business and social change ,

Security and trust .

3. The reasons of software change are 1 New requirements emerge when the software is

used ,The business environment changes ,Errors must be repaired ,New computers and equipment is added to the system;

The performance or reliability of the system may have to be improved.

4. Generic process models are The waterfall model , Incremental development ,

Reuse-oriented software engineering.

5. A structured set of activities required to develop a software system, which are

Specification , Design and implementation, Validation _, Evolution.

Part 4 Answer the following questions in brief. (4*5=20 )

1. What are the program testing goals?

Program testing goals

To demonstrate to the developer and the customer that the software meets its requirements.

For custom software, this means that there should be at least one test for every requirement in the requirements document.

For generic software products, it means that there should be tests for all of the system features,

plus combinations of these features, that will be incorporated in the product release.

To discover situations in which the behavior of the software is incorrect, undesirable or does not conform to its specification.

Defect testing is concerned with rooting out undesirable system behavior such as system crashes, unwanted interactions with other systems, incorrect computations and data corruption.

2. What is architectural patterns?

Architectural patterns are a means of reusing knowledge about generic system architectures. They describe the architecture,

explain when it may be used and describe its advantages and disadvantages.

3. What is the difference between software engineering and computer science?

Computer science is concerned with theory and fundamentals; software engineering is

concerned with the practicalities of developing and delivering useful software

4. What differences has the web made to software engineering?

The web has led to the availability of software services and the possibility of

developing highly distributed service-based systems.

Web-based systems development has led to important advances in programming

languages and software reuse.

5. What is Software architecture design?

Software architecture design

The design process for identifying the sub-systems making up a system and the framework for sub-system control and communication is architectural design

The output of this design process is a description of the software architecture

The architecture of a packing robot control system

6. What is Path testing?

The objective of path testing is to ensure that the set of test cases is such that each path through the program is executed at least once

Binary search flow graph

Part 5 Solve the following problems(30)

1. (5) Based on your experience with a bank ATM, draw an activity diagram that models

the data processing involved when a customer withdraws cash from the machine.

2. (5) Develop a sequence diagram showing the interactions involved in a application.

3. (5) Design the application architecture using the MVC pattern.

4. (5)Design a set of test data to accomplish the path testing about the following program

(Figure 1).

5. (10) Based on the statechart which models a application, describe the whole process in



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