


to have a crush on (someone);

to feel an instant magnetism;

to catch one's eyes; to hit it off;

to have the hots for (someone);

to be attracted to each other.

这些片语,都是描写男女间互相倾慕,两情相悦,有吸引力或一见锺情。 例如:

* He (she) has a crush on her (him) (他对她十分爱慕) 。

* He felt an instant magnetism when their eyes met. (他们见面时,他立即感到磁性般的吸住)。

意指女的外表吸引; 如果是 she felt …… 那么就是指男的外表吸引。

* A nice-looking girl caught his eye. (漂亮的妞儿吸住)。 注意:不用 eyes。 * He was introduced to a pretty woman and they seem to hit it off immediately.

(他被介绍给一位漂亮女子後,他们似乎就一见锺情)。 或

* They were attracted to each other the moment their eyes met.

* When he met her, he had the hots for her.(当他见到她,他就对她爱慕不已。)

(多半指 sexual attraction。)


* She did not feel any attraction toward him.(她对他毫无兴趣); 或 * He is the man for whom she feels no attraction, catch or no catch. (不管他的条件好或坏,她对他就是没有兴趣)。

这里的 catch,可指财富、地位、名望和外表。

to be a lady's man (或 ladies' man);

to be a prince on a white horse;

to be a casanova;

to be a womanizer.

这些都是指男人英俊潇洒,作风奔放,野性旺盛,喜欢在「女人窝」里。例如: * Mr. Lin has been considered a prince on a white horse.(林先生被认为是白马王子。)


* He is a prince in a shining armour. (动词时态:shine, shone 或 shined。) * Many people think that Mr. Clinton is a real lady's man.(或 a real womanizer )


*As a casanova, he has many girl friends.


(Casanova 是义大利人,据说是顶尖的美男子,他的全名是:

Casanova de seingalt Giovanni Giacomo 在此 casanova

被当做普通名词,故 c 不必大写。


也可以说:* He has melted her down and made her knees buckle. (他把她溶化了,使她拜倒他的西装裤下)。



* So many women swarmed him like bees to the honey.


倘若说:…… like flies to the garbage


to be a beauty queen; to be a dream boat;

to be a cutie; to be a babe;

to be a fox.




* She is a beauty queen.(= very beautiful)

* She is a cutie.(= pretty and attractive)(漂亮迷人)

* She is a dream boat.(= ideal type of woman)(理想女人)

* She is a babe.(= very beautiful and attractive)

* She is a fox.(= She is a foxy lady = She is sexy.)(她很性感)。 注意:如果说: She is as sneaky(或 cunning)as a fox.



* Her beauty (attraction ) has caused his knees to shake.

(或 to quiver)(她的漂亮迷人使他膝部发抖)。或

* She made him feel up there in the clouds.

(= on clouds nine = on the top of the world)


其实,所谓「情人眼里出西施」(Beauty is in the eyes of beholder), 世上的美或丑,只是主观的看法而已。

to fall in love with (someone );

to fall head over heels in love; to love (someone ) from head to toe. 都是指男欢女爱,沉溺情海,或是爱得晕头转向。


* They have fallen in love with each other for years.(他们相爱多年)。 (动词时态:fall, fell, fallen)

* He fell head over heels in love with her.

(= He fell for her head over heels = He is head over-heels in love with her. )


* He loves her from head to toe.(他从头到脚地爱她)。多指经过较长时间後才热恋, 或

* He falls madly in love with her.


* They are two peas in a pod. (他们像豆荚里的两粒豆子--即形影不离。) * They only have eyes for each other(and forget the entire world.) (世界上似乎只有他们两个人。)



to have a crush on (someone);

to feel an instant magnetism;

to catch one's eyes; to hit it off;

to have the hots for (someone);

to be attracted to each other.

这些片语,都是描写男女间互相倾慕,两情相悦,有吸引力或一见锺情。 例如:

* He (she) has a crush on her (him) (他对她十分爱慕) 。

* He felt an instant magnetism when their eyes met. (他们见面时,他立即感到磁性般的吸住)。

意指女的外表吸引; 如果是 she felt …… 那么就是指男的外表吸引。

* A nice-looking girl caught his eye. (漂亮的妞儿吸住)。 注意:不用 eyes。 * He was introduced to a pretty woman and they seem to hit it off immediately.

(他被介绍给一位漂亮女子後,他们似乎就一见锺情)。 或

* They were attracted to each other the moment their eyes met.

* When he met her, he had the hots for her.(当他见到她,他就对她爱慕不已。)

(多半指 sexual attraction。)


* She did not feel any attraction toward him.(她对他毫无兴趣); 或 * He is the man for whom she feels no attraction, catch or no catch. (不管他的条件好或坏,她对他就是没有兴趣)。

这里的 catch,可指财富、地位、名望和外表。

to be a lady's man (或 ladies' man);

to be a prince on a white horse;

to be a casanova;

to be a womanizer.

这些都是指男人英俊潇洒,作风奔放,野性旺盛,喜欢在「女人窝」里。例如: * Mr. Lin has been considered a prince on a white horse.(林先生被认为是白马王子。)


* He is a prince in a shining armour. (动词时态:shine, shone 或 shined。) * Many people think that Mr. Clinton is a real lady's man.(或 a real womanizer )


*As a casanova, he has many girl friends.


(Casanova 是义大利人,据说是顶尖的美男子,他的全名是:

Casanova de seingalt Giovanni Giacomo 在此 casanova

被当做普通名词,故 c 不必大写。


也可以说:* He has melted her down and made her knees buckle. (他把她溶化了,使她拜倒他的西装裤下)。



* So many women swarmed him like bees to the honey.


倘若说:…… like flies to the garbage


to be a beauty queen; to be a dream boat;

to be a cutie; to be a babe;

to be a fox.




* She is a beauty queen.(= very beautiful)

* She is a cutie.(= pretty and attractive)(漂亮迷人)

* She is a dream boat.(= ideal type of woman)(理想女人)

* She is a babe.(= very beautiful and attractive)

* She is a fox.(= She is a foxy lady = She is sexy.)(她很性感)。 注意:如果说: She is as sneaky(或 cunning)as a fox.



* Her beauty (attraction ) has caused his knees to shake.

(或 to quiver)(她的漂亮迷人使他膝部发抖)。或

* She made him feel up there in the clouds.

(= on clouds nine = on the top of the world)


其实,所谓「情人眼里出西施」(Beauty is in the eyes of beholder), 世上的美或丑,只是主观的看法而已。

to fall in love with (someone );

to fall head over heels in love; to love (someone ) from head to toe. 都是指男欢女爱,沉溺情海,或是爱得晕头转向。


* They have fallen in love with each other for years.(他们相爱多年)。 (动词时态:fall, fell, fallen)

* He fell head over heels in love with her.

(= He fell for her head over heels = He is head over-heels in love with her. )


* He loves her from head to toe.(他从头到脚地爱她)。多指经过较长时间後才热恋, 或

* He falls madly in love with her.


* They are two peas in a pod. (他们像豆荚里的两粒豆子--即形影不离。) * They only have eyes for each other(and forget the entire world.) (世界上似乎只有他们两个人。)


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