
AB: Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen boys and girls welcome to our New Year Party, we are very glad to see you again

A: this term we are all busy studying for the coming entrance exam right?

B: Yes, we all have lots of homework to do and many examinations to take so I think it’s useful for us to have some time to relax.

A: En, so guys, we hope all of you can join in our games positively and we’ll give the winner and some active student a present.

B: OK, first let’s have a test of your knowledge of your after-claEnglish , everyone don’t be nervous , it’s not an examination , just to help you learn more new words.


First let’s guesome English name of the city in China.

Let’s look at the first question ”The capital of China is ...?” who knows it? Hands up!

No, it’s wrong./ Yes, you’re right!

Then let’s guesome formal form of the abbreviated form word)

A: Oh, our classmates’ English is so good

B: That’s right ,now let’s play another game called grabchair.


A: We saw most of you play very happily right?

B: Ok, let’s play another game called apple squatwe have played it in Grade 7, can you still remember it? But at this time our requestwill be further, you must say the word in English.

A: Now, We need 10 people to come to the front of the claand play the game, any volunteers here?


B: Do you still feel English difficult now?

A: No, I find English much easier now

B: Ok, let’s play our last game called guethe thing by watching the movement


A: At last let’s see which team is the winner? Let’s count their marks, oh team one has xx-x point team two has xx-x point.

B: So the winner is team x congratulations to team x

A: Also let’s see who has the most point?

B: Oh it’s XXXX congratulations to you

A: time passes quickly, we are arriving at the end of our party

B: Yes, and all of you played very happily right?

A: Ok, everybody stand up please let’s end our party by singing the song


B: Mr (Ms) XX, It 's said that you’re good at singing, would you mind leading a chorus ]for us?

AB: Dear ladies and gentlemen boys and girls that’s all for our New Year Party ,thanks for all of you ,let’s send off our teachers, we hope each of you can get a good mark in the final examination, we also hope to see most of you in the same high school next year. See you next year and wish you a happy new year.









在此特别鸣谢 :中国联通苏州分公司乐桥旗舰店,



AB: Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen boys and girls welcome to our New Year Party, we are very glad to see you again

A: this term we are all busy studying for the coming entrance exam right?

B: Yes, we all have lots of homework to do and many examinations to take so I think it’s useful for us to have some time to relax.

A: En, so guys, we hope all of you can join in our games positively and we’ll give the winner and some active student a present.

B: OK, first let’s have a test of your knowledge of your after-claEnglish , everyone don’t be nervous , it’s not an examination , just to help you learn more new words.


First let’s guesome English name of the city in China.

Let’s look at the first question ”The capital of China is ...?” who knows it? Hands up!

No, it’s wrong./ Yes, you’re right!

Then let’s guesome formal form of the abbreviated form word)

A: Oh, our classmates’ English is so good

B: That’s right ,now let’s play another game called grabchair.


A: We saw most of you play very happily right?

B: Ok, let’s play another game called apple squatwe have played it in Grade 7, can you still remember it? But at this time our requestwill be further, you must say the word in English.

A: Now, We need 10 people to come to the front of the claand play the game, any volunteers here?


B: Do you still feel English difficult now?

A: No, I find English much easier now

B: Ok, let’s play our last game called guethe thing by watching the movement


A: At last let’s see which team is the winner? Let’s count their marks, oh team one has xx-x point team two has xx-x point.

B: So the winner is team x congratulations to team x

A: Also let’s see who has the most point?

B: Oh it’s XXXX congratulations to you

A: time passes quickly, we are arriving at the end of our party

B: Yes, and all of you played very happily right?

A: Ok, everybody stand up please let’s end our party by singing the song


B: Mr (Ms) XX, It 's said that you’re good at singing, would you mind leading a chorus ]for us?

AB: Dear ladies and gentlemen boys and girls that’s all for our New Year Party ,thanks for all of you ,let’s send off our teachers, we hope each of you can get a good mark in the final examination, we also hope to see most of you in the same high school next year. See you next year and wish you a happy new year.









在此特别鸣谢 :中国联通苏州分公司乐桥旗舰店,




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