
Mr Obama's speech: why do we need to go to school

what they thought of it

I have seen video of Obama's opening speech , have benefited a lot from it . His speech is real, like a father is education don't want to go to school children.

He told us that learning is not an easy thing to do. He himself, for example, describes the he was a child, his mother make up a missed lesson for him every morning. Let us know to learn on their own, teachers and parents only objective factors, all will be meaningless if you don't work hard. He also told the story of the benefits of learning, learning can help us find your talents. Can find a like job, realizing own life value.

He told us that there were always some factors interfere with our study, he gives a few examples: may be living in our life is very poor, meet some things is not approved, but that is not reason to avoid learning. Set a goal to oneself, can be simple, but must hold to do it. He told us that success is not a simple matter. Failure doesn't matter, it doesn't mean you're not, but that you are from a step closer to success. In the face of failure should not give up on yourself, but should learn experience, making a change in the next.

Mr Obama's speech not only strengthened my determination, also taught me a lot of reading methods and experience.

This reminds me of the napoleon once said: "I succeeded because I willed it; I never hesitated.

Mr Obama's speech: why do we need to go to school

what they thought of it

I have seen video of Obama's opening speech , have benefited a lot from it . His speech is real, like a father is education don't want to go to school children.

He told us that learning is not an easy thing to do. He himself, for example, describes the he was a child, his mother make up a missed lesson for him every morning. Let us know to learn on their own, teachers and parents only objective factors, all will be meaningless if you don't work hard. He also told the story of the benefits of learning, learning can help us find your talents. Can find a like job, realizing own life value.

He told us that there were always some factors interfere with our study, he gives a few examples: may be living in our life is very poor, meet some things is not approved, but that is not reason to avoid learning. Set a goal to oneself, can be simple, but must hold to do it. He told us that success is not a simple matter. Failure doesn't matter, it doesn't mean you're not, but that you are from a step closer to success. In the face of failure should not give up on yourself, but should learn experience, making a change in the next.

Mr Obama's speech not only strengthened my determination, also taught me a lot of reading methods and experience.

This reminds me of the napoleon once said: "I succeeded because I willed it; I never hesitated.


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