

1 正确答案常与文章中心思想密切相关

2 正确答案的位置:段首段尾附近、意义转折处、因果处。这是最常见的三个位置 3 正确答案对概念信息常用的处理原则:同义替换、正话反说、反话正说。


1. According to the first paragraph, peer pressure often emerges as

[A] a supplement to the social cure

[B] a stimulus to group dynamics

[C] an obstacle to school progress

[D] a cause of undesirable behaviors

正确答案[D] 选项的出处:It usually leads to no good-drinking, drugs and casual sex. “no good”在意义上等同于 “undesirable”

2.Rosenberg holds that public advocates should

[A] recruit professional advertisers

[B] learn from advertisers’ experience

[C] stay away from commercial advertisers

[D] recognize the limitations of advertisements

正确答案[B]选项的出处:Rosenberg argues convincingly that public-health

advocates ought to take a page from advertisers, so skilled at applying peer pressure. “take a page from”在意义上是对 “learn from”形象化的解释,二者意义基本相似。

3. In the author’s view,Rosenberg’s book fails to

[A] adequately probe social and biological factors

[B] effectively evade the flaws of the social cure

[C] illustrate the functions of state funding

[D]produce a long-lasting social effect

题干与正确选项[A]的结合部分:“fails to adequately probe”与出题处:Join the Club is filled with too much irrelevant detail and not enough exploration of the social and biological factors that make peer pressure so powerful.中“not enough exploration”在意义上相似。

4 从语气角度来说:正确答案中经常含有不肯定语气词和委婉表达用词。如:can, may, might, possible, not necessarily, some。


1. The author indicates in Paragraph 3 that earned media____.

[A] invite constant conflicts with passionate consumers.

[B] can be used to produce negative effects in marketing.

[C] may be responsible for fiercer competition.

[D] deserve all the negative comments about them.


2. It can be learned from the first paragraph that

[A] Teamsters still have a large body of members.

[B] Jimmy Hoffa used to work as a civil servant.

[C]Unions have enlarged their public-sector membership.

[D]the government has improved its relationship with unionists.



1 第一个大层次:




2 第二个层次:









1 过分绝对

通常以选项中“绝对词”:must, only, never, no的出现为标志,但也不限于此。 如:

(1) Medicine director Jeff Boyd believes that ___.

错误答案:[A] cancer cannot be cured

正确答案推断处:“We’re still not using the ‘C’ word, ‘cure’,” cautioned medicine director Jeff Boyd of Fox Chase Cancer Center, who helped organized a meeting to examine the future of targeted therapy. But, he added, “there is real potential to transform many cancers into chronic diseases.”

文章中并没有表示癌症不能被治愈,但选项却太过绝对化,说癌症不能被治疗。 2 扩大范围

(1)错误答案:[C] A common principle should be followed by all companies. 正确答案推断处:“Board members of public companies should be chosen solely on the base of merit and experience,” he says.

[C]选项将范围扩大至“All”(所有)公司,而文章中仅仅只包括“Public companies”.

(2)错误答案:[A] It occupies 35% to 40% of the whole house sales in the history. 答案推断处:The National Association of Relations estimated that 35 percent to 40 percent of sales currently are distressed sales---either foreclosed homes or short sales in which the owner is selling the house for less than the value of the mortgage.

——“in the history”在时间跨度上远远超越了 “currently”.

3 因果倒置

错误选项:[A] Because the number of the recall was too high.

错误选项:[B] Because its market capital decreased by a large amount. 错误选项:[D] Because the company’s good reputation was destroyed. 答案推断处:But within a few weeks all this has changed. Problems with

“unintended acceleration” of its cars, which the firm has only delayed in taking seriously, have triggered an escalating crisis and the recall of 8m vehicles. The firm’s reputation for quality, on which the business was built, is shattered. Its market capitalization has dropped by an amount roughly equal to the entire value of Ford. But the greatest damage has been done by its misreading and mishandling of the crisis.

此题问的是“unintended acceleration

(1).Rosenberg holds that public advocates should

[A] recruit professional advertisers

[B] learn from advertisers’ experience

[C] stay away from commercial advertisers

[D] recognize the limitations of advertisements

就整个社会而言,远离商业广告在很大程度上是不可能实现的,属常识性问题, 故排除错误选项[C]

5 推断过度


如错误答案:1can soon wipe out world poverty

2the Supreme Court strongly opposes physician-assisted suicide

3 there will soon be only one railroad company nationwide

4 DNA technology has been widely applied to history research.

原文正确答案的出题处均没有使用soon, strongly, widely等程度修饰词。 6 就事论事(此错误常见于概括主题或主旨大意题中)

7 偏离中心(与原文冲突)

8 偷换概念或逻辑主体心(与原文冲突)

(1) 错误答案: [C] Misery should be enjoyed rather than denied.

原文最后一段:Today, surrounded by promises of easy happiness,we need art to tell us,as religion once did, Memento mori:remember that you will die,that everything ends,and that happiness comes not in denying this but in living with it. “Misery”与“happiness”是两个意义截然相反的概念。

(2)错误答案: [C] the role of talent tends to be overlooked.

原文最后一段正确答案出处:Their work makes a rather startling assertion : the trait we commonly call talent is highly overrated. “overlook”与“overrate”两个动词作为逻辑主体的意义不同。

(3) The importance of Toyota in Japanese business can be seen from __.

错误答案: [C] Its cooperation with General Motors

该题正确答案出处:The company has long been regarded as the summit of Japanese innovation, manufacturing quality and industrial strength----particularly since it overtook General Motors in 2008 to become the world’s biggest carmaker.

错误选项[C]中的“cooperation”对原文中 “overtook”一词进行了偷换,含义发生改变,属于概念偷换,违背了同义替换原则。


1 正确答案常与文章中心思想密切相关

2 正确答案的位置:段首段尾附近、意义转折处、因果处。这是最常见的三个位置 3 正确答案对概念信息常用的处理原则:同义替换、正话反说、反话正说。


1. According to the first paragraph, peer pressure often emerges as

[A] a supplement to the social cure

[B] a stimulus to group dynamics

[C] an obstacle to school progress

[D] a cause of undesirable behaviors

正确答案[D] 选项的出处:It usually leads to no good-drinking, drugs and casual sex. “no good”在意义上等同于 “undesirable”

2.Rosenberg holds that public advocates should

[A] recruit professional advertisers

[B] learn from advertisers’ experience

[C] stay away from commercial advertisers

[D] recognize the limitations of advertisements

正确答案[B]选项的出处:Rosenberg argues convincingly that public-health

advocates ought to take a page from advertisers, so skilled at applying peer pressure. “take a page from”在意义上是对 “learn from”形象化的解释,二者意义基本相似。

3. In the author’s view,Rosenberg’s book fails to

[A] adequately probe social and biological factors

[B] effectively evade the flaws of the social cure

[C] illustrate the functions of state funding

[D]produce a long-lasting social effect

题干与正确选项[A]的结合部分:“fails to adequately probe”与出题处:Join the Club is filled with too much irrelevant detail and not enough exploration of the social and biological factors that make peer pressure so powerful.中“not enough exploration”在意义上相似。

4 从语气角度来说:正确答案中经常含有不肯定语气词和委婉表达用词。如:can, may, might, possible, not necessarily, some。


1. The author indicates in Paragraph 3 that earned media____.

[A] invite constant conflicts with passionate consumers.

[B] can be used to produce negative effects in marketing.

[C] may be responsible for fiercer competition.

[D] deserve all the negative comments about them.


2. It can be learned from the first paragraph that

[A] Teamsters still have a large body of members.

[B] Jimmy Hoffa used to work as a civil servant.

[C]Unions have enlarged their public-sector membership.

[D]the government has improved its relationship with unionists.



1 第一个大层次:




2 第二个层次:









1 过分绝对

通常以选项中“绝对词”:must, only, never, no的出现为标志,但也不限于此。 如:

(1) Medicine director Jeff Boyd believes that ___.

错误答案:[A] cancer cannot be cured

正确答案推断处:“We’re still not using the ‘C’ word, ‘cure’,” cautioned medicine director Jeff Boyd of Fox Chase Cancer Center, who helped organized a meeting to examine the future of targeted therapy. But, he added, “there is real potential to transform many cancers into chronic diseases.”

文章中并没有表示癌症不能被治愈,但选项却太过绝对化,说癌症不能被治疗。 2 扩大范围

(1)错误答案:[C] A common principle should be followed by all companies. 正确答案推断处:“Board members of public companies should be chosen solely on the base of merit and experience,” he says.

[C]选项将范围扩大至“All”(所有)公司,而文章中仅仅只包括“Public companies”.

(2)错误答案:[A] It occupies 35% to 40% of the whole house sales in the history. 答案推断处:The National Association of Relations estimated that 35 percent to 40 percent of sales currently are distressed sales---either foreclosed homes or short sales in which the owner is selling the house for less than the value of the mortgage.

——“in the history”在时间跨度上远远超越了 “currently”.

3 因果倒置

错误选项:[A] Because the number of the recall was too high.

错误选项:[B] Because its market capital decreased by a large amount. 错误选项:[D] Because the company’s good reputation was destroyed. 答案推断处:But within a few weeks all this has changed. Problems with

“unintended acceleration” of its cars, which the firm has only delayed in taking seriously, have triggered an escalating crisis and the recall of 8m vehicles. The firm’s reputation for quality, on which the business was built, is shattered. Its market capitalization has dropped by an amount roughly equal to the entire value of Ford. But the greatest damage has been done by its misreading and mishandling of the crisis.

此题问的是“unintended acceleration

(1).Rosenberg holds that public advocates should

[A] recruit professional advertisers

[B] learn from advertisers’ experience

[C] stay away from commercial advertisers

[D] recognize the limitations of advertisements

就整个社会而言,远离商业广告在很大程度上是不可能实现的,属常识性问题, 故排除错误选项[C]

5 推断过度


如错误答案:1can soon wipe out world poverty

2the Supreme Court strongly opposes physician-assisted suicide

3 there will soon be only one railroad company nationwide

4 DNA technology has been widely applied to history research.

原文正确答案的出题处均没有使用soon, strongly, widely等程度修饰词。 6 就事论事(此错误常见于概括主题或主旨大意题中)

7 偏离中心(与原文冲突)

8 偷换概念或逻辑主体心(与原文冲突)

(1) 错误答案: [C] Misery should be enjoyed rather than denied.

原文最后一段:Today, surrounded by promises of easy happiness,we need art to tell us,as religion once did, Memento mori:remember that you will die,that everything ends,and that happiness comes not in denying this but in living with it. “Misery”与“happiness”是两个意义截然相反的概念。

(2)错误答案: [C] the role of talent tends to be overlooked.

原文最后一段正确答案出处:Their work makes a rather startling assertion : the trait we commonly call talent is highly overrated. “overlook”与“overrate”两个动词作为逻辑主体的意义不同。

(3) The importance of Toyota in Japanese business can be seen from __.

错误答案: [C] Its cooperation with General Motors

该题正确答案出处:The company has long been regarded as the summit of Japanese innovation, manufacturing quality and industrial strength----particularly since it overtook General Motors in 2008 to become the world’s biggest carmaker.

错误选项[C]中的“cooperation”对原文中 “overtook”一词进行了偷换,含义发生改变,属于概念偷换,违背了同义替换原则。


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