
一塌糊涂BBS -- ngElih_Dest 精p区华文阅读章


首-五言古诗 Scwheiegn

信发: 人Shwcigee n我(爱一塌涂),糊信区: E nglis_Dept h 标题 唐:诗三首百五-言古 诗信站发: 一塌糊涂 BBS (Su Decn 2 21:11:306 9991, 转信

)------------------------------------------------------------------------------01 0言五古 诗张九龄感 其遇 孤一鸿上来, 海侧见双翠,鸟矫 珍木矫巅, 美患人指服 今我游,冥, 池潢不冥敢; 顾在三巢树。 珠无金得丸惧?高明 逼神。 恶者何弋慕所?

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------F-iv-cheractarean-ientc-evrse hZang iJulingTH OGUTHSI A lon lye wan frosmthe s a fleei,s o Talgithon p udlde sti des noot eidng.N stieg in tnhepop al rf oparels It spes anidque siont gseenrb rdi tsaiw:n D"ont' youf er athet reht aofs ingls,Perche d o topn of branceh so shih?gNice lothecsi vite noinptngif ngers, iigHhc lmibesrgo ds 'good iwl dlfe. yird-Bhnutes rwil lrcaev e imn vain, or IF oam rhetl miilesst sky.



------------------------------------------------------------------------------------020 五古诗言 张龄 九感其遇二 兰春叶葳, 欣蕤欣生此, 谁意知栖者? 草林木本有心 桂,华秋洁;皎 尔自佳为节 闻。坐风相,悦何求美人折?

------------------------------------------------------------------------------ivF-ceharctaer-naicntev-rseeZhang JiulnigOR CHDI AD NORNAG IE Tednero chird-leaev sin sping Ardn cinamno- bnoslomssbr iht ingautu nm reA s self-acon aiten as dlie fs,iW hch ioncfrosm the to mhe tsasoes.n Yt ehy wiwl lyout hnikthat a orestf-ehrmt,iA luler db ywees witds anndcon entte wdih teabut,yW olu nd omre aos tkobe-tr naslanted pTHna Woudla yn toeh nratuar fllwore


-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------003五 古言 张诗九龄 遇其三

人归独卧, 持此谢幽鸟, 高夕怀空意, 日沈飞自隔,理

虑洗滞清孤 ,因传远情。 人谁感之至?精 何所吾诚慰?


--------------------------------------------------------------------------Fi-vec-haarcert-ancinet-veres hZngaJi uilg nTOHUGTS IIH ITehh emritin ihslo ne boae dursNeshis thuohtg cselansdeof car ,eT he hemp rjeotsc ot ht ewidl gosoe oF rit to hs distinta ovSreeign to ber.aWho wi l blemov de ybthe snceiityr f mO vainyd ya-ad-ninhg ptarye? Whra cotmort is fof ry lmoyalyt hWne filre and ssinerskcan ocpmrae


----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------0-04五 言古诗张九龄 感遇 其四江南有丹橘 , 岂伊气暖地? 以可荐客,嘉运 命所惟, 徒遇树言李,桃 冬犹绿林;经自 岁有寒。心奈何阻重深? 环不可

寻。 木此岂阴?




vi-cheracatre-naienctv-ere shaZg Jniuingl RCHODI ND AOANGR IEI ereH s,uotho thef Ynagzi ,rogs a werdo anregrtee.A l linwer ltong it lsavese re argeen,Not ecabue of saw rmaers ilo But ,bcause ites' antre iu sused o tth celo. Tdohguhit mght iersev yoruh onourabl geeust, sYuo elaev tih eer,f rabelo wm onutin aadn ivrer.C riucmtsnca eovgresnde tsin. Cyaue san edffetc reaa n ifninie tcycel .Yuoplan tyou preah-crtesea dny or upulms, Yu foroegtthe s haed frm thios toer three.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------00-5 言古五诗 白李 下南终山斛斯过山人宿酒置 从暮碧山下 却顾,所径来 相,携及田, 家竹绿入径,幽 欢言得所,憩 歌长吟风, 松醉我君乐复, 山月随归;人苍 横翠微苍。童稚开 扉荆; 萝拂行衣青。美 聊共酒;挥 尽河曲稀星 陶。然共忘机。

------------------------------------------------------------------------------Fievc-aracthre-aniecn-verse tLiB ai DWO ZHNONNAGN MOUNTAN TIO HTEKIND PILOLWAN BOWL OF HUSDI

oDn whet ble mouutnani ni hte evenng, Mioonlgit hwa sm yhmewoard escort. oLkiog nacbk I ,swamy p tahL ie n ievels lf oeepd shdao.w.. I w.s apsains gthefa rm-hous oefa frie dn, Weh nhsich lirendcalled fro a mate gf tohrn Aod led nme tiniwg thnroug hjae bamdobosW hreeg een rvnis caughet na dhld me cyloteh. Asnd Iwas lga ofd chaanc eotr nAdgl adof chanace t ordnikw th imyfri en .... Wde asg nott eh tnue o tfe hinwdi n the pines A;ndwe infshei dur osnos gsa th sears tewnt down, Whn,eI benigdru k and mn friyne more dhtna hppay ,eBwtene suwe for gto th eowlr.

d-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------00- 6言五诗 古李 月下独酌白花间一壶酒, 举杯邀明月 ,月既 解饮不 暂伴,将月, 我歌影月徊徘, 时醒同交, 欢结永情游,无独酌 无相亲;对 成三影人。影 徒随身我 ;行须乐春。 及我舞影乱零; 醉各分散。后相期 云邈。

汉------------------------------------------------------------------------------iFevcha-acrtrean-ienctve-rs LieBai DRNIIKN GLONEA WTHI TH EOMN FOrmoa ot pf woni amonegt e hlfoewsr

I d

ark alone.nTh ee rwa nos oen iwh mt -eTll, iaisrin mgy cu,p Isake thd erbgit mhoonTo b rng ie my msadoh wnd aame ksuth er.eAl sa ,te mhoonwa sun albe ot rdnik ndA ymshad o twggad ee vamcntay; lBt sutll fir a ohwil e Iahdt hes freendisTo ch er ee mhrotghuth ee dn o sprfng.i.. . sangI. Teh moo ennocurged ae. Imd naced .My shaowdtu mbel dfaet.r sA logna Isk ne, wwew re beono omcpaionsn .nA thden Iw s adrnku, nd ae lows toe nnoahetr. ..S.ahll ogdwoil levre e securb?e Iwactht e honl grao ofd he tRveir f otars.


------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------00 7五言古诗 白李 春思 燕如草丝碧 ,桑低秦枝绿 当君;归日怀 ,是妾肠时。 春断风不相识,何 事罗帏?入

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------F-ve-ihacractre-nciena-vtrseeLi Bai IN SPR INGY ou rgassrseup nrohta r ea slub ae sadej ,Ourmulb erire hsee crrvu geern-ehretded arbnaceh; Asn ad tastl oyu hinkt o rfeturnnigh me, Nowowhe nm heyra it samlso btroke..n.. breOee of thz serinpg,s ice n darIen t knoow oyu ,Wyhp atrthe sil kcu rains bt ymy bd?


------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------080五 古言诗杜 甫望 岳岱夫如宗?何造 化钟秀, 荡胸生层神云,会当凌绝顶, 作又岳 鲁齐青了未。 阳割阴昏晓 。决入眥归。鸟一览 山众。


--------------------------------------------------------------------------Fiev-hacarter-accninet-evsr euD u A VFIE OW TAIFSHA NhWats hallI asy of ht eGraet Pak? eT-hea nicentd ukdemso reaeve yrwehreg een,r Ispirned an stidredr yb th ebraeht ofcreation, itWh ht Teiwn orceFsb lancinagd ya adnni htg. ... bare Iy mbearts owardto eningpclo us, I strdan iym sghtiaf tr eirbds flyignhome . Wenh hasll Irea c thh eto padn hlodAll mountaisni na si gln gealce?n



诗 甫 赠杜八卫处 人士不相见生,今夕 何复?夕少 能壮时? 几访半旧鬼为 ,焉知十载, 昔别二君婚, 未怡然父执敬,问 乃答未,已夜雨剪春韭, 主称会 难,面 十觞亦醉,不 明日隔山岳, 如动参与商 ,共灯烛光此。鬓 发各已。 苍惊热呼中肠 。重君子上堂 儿。女成忽行 ;问来我方何。驱儿罗酒 浆。 炊新黄间。粱 一举十觞; 感子累故意长。世 事茫茫两

--。---------------------------------------------------------------------------F-iv-ehacrctae-rnacient-ersv DueF TOuM YRE IRETDFR IND WEEI I ista moltsa hasd rfrofrie ns dotme etA fsro het omnirng na edvennig strs. aonTghti hen ti s arre aveent ,Joiinng i, nht ceadlenlgith T,wom n weoh were youn gon lton gao Butg no wrae trunnigg ery t tha temeplse....T ofind thtaha flou frrinde sare dedaS hckosu s bu,rs oun rearth wsihtg ierf.W eltile tguseeds tiw uold e btenwt yyeas refBoe Ir oucld isvt iyuo aaing .hWe In ewn taway y,ou wre etisl lumarnierd Bu;t onw tesehb os yadng irlsi an rowA erv re kyind to teir fahhet's olrdfri ned T.hy asek mewhe e rI hvaeb en oen myj uonery ;Andthen, w enhwe have alktedawh li,e The bringy nad show em wines nd diahess, prSin ghivce csutin tehn ghtira-ni nd Abrwo nircecooke d rfehlsy apecsia waly ...My .oht psorlaics it a



H erges uemto d rin kte cnusp -Butwh t atenc psu oclud ake mm aesd rnk Au Isa walysa mwit your lhovei n ymh erta? ..To.ormor thw emuonainst ilw seplraateu s; Atfe tormorro-who wca sny?


-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------100 五言古诗 杜甫 人 绝佳有佳代, 人自云家良, 关子中丧昔,乱 高官何足论? 世情恶衰歇 ,婿轻夫儿薄, 合昏尚知时 但,新人笑见, 在泉山水清, 侍婢珠回卖,摘 花插发不 ,寒翠袖薄, 幽居在空谷天; 落依草木零 。兄遭弟戮;杀不得收骨肉。 万随事烛。 新转人美玉。 如鸯鸳独不;宿 闻那人哭旧 ?山出泉浊。 牵萝水补屋茅。采 柏动盈。掬日暮 倚修竹。

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Fiv-ech-raatecr-nacent-vireesDu F uAL NE OIN HERBE AUYTWho si loevilert an she? hYe tshelives al neo ina enpmt yalley.v heStell sm eshecame fro amgoo fdaimyl Whcihis h umbld noe wnit toeh dut.s ...Whn ertobulea rseo n thei Kunadist ritc

Her,b otrhesrand c oleskin wree illekd. haWtus ew reeth er highio ficfes,Not e en vshiedlin ghtiero wn lveis ?-Th worel dhs aubts cor for nadvrseti; yoHpegoe osu,t ile kth light efoa candle H.e rhsband, uiwhta v arang teahr,t Seeks anew acf elikea ew pienec o jafde;A n whde nornmnig-lgoreis fur at linhtgA n mdadarnnidu-ks cli eidesby idse,All he cnase ei sth seimel oft henew l ve,oWh ile te ohld ovl weeepsu nheadr. Te brhok wao super ni its montuians oucer But ,aayw rfo thme montainu ts watires darke.n.. .Wiaint fgo rerh mai dt comeof or smelilng earlsp Fro tsawrto co vr ehetro foagain ,S e hickpsa ef wfolerws n, oolnerg orfher har,iA nd els ptin-eeedlesn allfthr ogu hhr eifners, gAn, fdorgettinghe trihn sikls elvee nd ahetc odl, Sh leane isn teh usset nyb a tallbam boo.


----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------101 五古言诗杜甫 梦 李白一 之死已别声吞, 南江瘴地疠 故,入我梦,人 君今罗网在 ,恐非平生,魂 魂枫来青, 落月林屋满梁 ,深波水阔浪 生,别常恻。恻逐客无消息 。明 长相忆我; 何有以羽? 路远翼可测。 不魂返关黑塞;犹 照疑颜。 色使蛟无龙。



vech-arcaet-racient-nevser Du F uSEEIG LiN Ba Ii NA DRAE IM here Traeso sbwhe nde th asi he taucs efopart ng; iButlif eh a stispa ritnsga gai nndaa gai.n.. F.or mth peoisnouosd amsp oft he suohternri evrYo hud sean temnot o n eigs fnrm ooyruexi le- Tlil yo ucae mtome l sta ingt inha rdema Beca,seu Ia maways tlhining okfy u.o wIonerdde f iti wre reelay lyou ,Venutrig nso onlga oujnry. You caee mo temt rouhg hhte reegno affor est,Yo u isdppeaaedr

bya sh doaw foryrtse..s. .eYtout of the m imdot meshs fo oyr usaner H,o woclud ouy lfit oury wnigs ad usen htme ?... wIoek a,n tdh eolw mono's lgmmeri ona r faer Stemeed otbe your f ac,estil l lofatni in thgea r.i ...heTrewe erwa tres tocros ,s htye wre wiled adnto sins;g Ify u felol ,hter wereedr gonas nad iverronmtsre.s


----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------0-21五言古 诗甫杜 李梦之二 白浮云终行, 日三频夜君梦 告归,局促, 常湖江多波风, 出门白搔, 首冠满盖华京 ,孰云网恢恢 千?万岁名,秋 游久不子;至 情见君意。 亲道苦不来。 易舟恐楫失坠。 若负生平志。斯人独 憔。 悴将身反老累! 寞寂身后。


--------------------------------------------------------------------------Fve-chiaacter-raniecn-vteser Du uFSEEIN LG iaB iNIA D ERMA I IhiT scoudl ,htath a dsifted alr ldy tahruogh hets ky,May, li e ak wnderare ,neervc me bocak.... Trhee ighns ntowI ave hrdemead f yoou-As tndere ,nitimate ad nreal s tahoug Ih weer wake. aAn dtenh ,bauprty rlsinig o tog,You tol d e mhte epris lfo daventue Bryriver and lke-aht seortsm t,e wrhckse,T h feaes trath ra ebron eon al ittleboa t; An, dhreei nm doyrowa, yyour bbeud oyr uwitehh aed s iAf heret erwe somthein gpuzlinzgyou. ... uO craptialteems w iht foicifuosp oepe,lW ile hyo uarealon ean dh ellpess adnp oor .ho Wassy htta te heavhney nlet enve rails? If hatsb ourgh toy ulli frounte, odl as yu oae. r..A .htuosan years' dfaem,te nt hosuand yarse'fa eWmat ghod, ohwn eyuoa erd ead ndago en


-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------0-31 五言古诗 维 送别王下马饮 酒君 问君,何所?之君 不得言,意 归南山卧陲。 去但复闻莫 ,白无尽云。 时又作问




ievc-arahcte-rquatair Wang neW Ai PTATINRGI idmsont urfmomy orhes and Io ferf ou wiyn, Ane dIask oy uwhre yeo are guinog ad nwh.y And oyua nswe:r " aI dimcsnoenttAnd oulw rest dt tae fooh of the touthsre mnuotnia.n So ivg meel eva aen dask m eno qusetons.iW ihte lcudso asspt ehe witrhot eund"

.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------041 言古诗五 王维 送綦毋落潜还乡 第圣代隐无者, 令东遂客,山 既至金门远,江淮 寒度食,置酒长安道 ,行当浮棹, 远桂带树客,行 吾适不用谋 英,尽来归, 不得顾采灵。薇 云吾孰道?非京 缝春衣。 洛心同与我;违 未几荆拂。 孤扉当落城。晖 勿知音稀谓

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Five-ch-raacet-ruqatairnW agnW e iO QIWUTQ I

ANBOUND HMOE AFTER FAIINLGI N N AEAMIXANTIO NI na hpap reigyn htee rsohud blen ohe rmtsi;T h eiwsea dnable s houldco sulnt toetheg..r.


oSyou, a man ofthe aeserntmou ntansi, aGv ue pouryl if ofe pcikni hgrbse Andc aemall t hew y ta tohe atG of eoGdl -Bt youu oundf yur oevdtioo nnavauiiln. g...o Tspednth e aDy f oNoF ireon o e onf he stouthrenr ivrs,e ou Yhve maednd eyur opsrigncl tohes hee rint hseeno rtern hciiets I.po u you therfarew lel iwe ns yao seu otu trfom he tapitalc -ooS nIsha ll e lbfe tbehindhe erb ym ybosofmired. nnIy ur osil-boata f sowee ticnnamnow-ood oYu illwf olt aaagi ntoawdr our ywn thoatchdoo , reL adlngob y isdatn tters Toea unsst sehinignon a afraw-yat onw. ..W.ah ttohgu hyuo purpores ahpenpd eo ftial ,oDbtunot t athsome of suc a near hihhgm sui.c


-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------05 1五古言诗王 维 溪青 入言花黄, 川山将随万转 ,喧乱声中, 漾石漾泛菱, 我心荇已素闲 ,请留盘上, 石每逐青水; 溪途趣无里。百 色深松里静 澄;澄葭映。苇 清澹川此如 垂。钓已矣!将

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Fi-vech-aractr-eqautairnW nagWe iA REGENS TERM AI avhesail d ehte iRver o Yeflow Flolwre, sorneBby het cannhleof a g reen tresma,


oudnnig en thtusaod nurtnst hough the mruotninasOn jaounery ofles sthnat hrti myiels.... aRpdish umo ve hrepea rocks; dBt wuereh iglh trgos wdim i ntheth ck iipns, The suerfcaeo anfi nlets wys awih tut-hornnsA ndw eesdare l sh uloagn the abksn ....ownDi mny ehar tIhave al ways bee ans urpeAs tih slmiipdw tear s.i...Oh ,o termai nona b ora dfla rtok cnd to cAstaa fsiihn-ginel oferevr


----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------0-1 五6古诗言王维 渭川田家 斜光照墟 , 落野老念童, 牧雊麦雉秀苗 ,田荷锄立夫 ,即羡闲逸,此 又至作 穷牛巷归羊。倚 候杖荆。 蚕扉桑眠稀。叶相 语依见依 。然怅式吟。


----------------------------------------------------------------------------F-ie-cvahrcater-uqatrina WangW ei A ARM-HFUSOE ONTHE EW IIVRRE nI te hlsan oftt e shu onnth couneryt-side,C taletan dhsep terilaho em laongth lanee ;An a drugegdold mn ia nat htca hdor Loens ao ans taf anf thidks nf ois hon,s he htedboy.rT erhear ehwririn gphaesntsa ?fll wuehate-ra, sSlikw-omsra leep,s paed rumbelry-lerave.


d te fahrmes, rreurtnng wiithh oe son ther isohludrs,e ail one Hanohtr femialarli.y... N owondr e Iolgn fr theos mpiel lif eAn adm sihingg te ohl dsnog,O ,hto go aBkc Agia!


-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------017 五-言诗 王古维 西咏 艳施天

下重, 施西宁久微 ?为越溪朝, 女作暮吴妃。 贱宫日殊岂众?贵来 方悟。稀邀人傅脂粉 ,不自著罗衣 君宠益,娇,态 君怜无是非。 时当浣伴, 纱莫得同归车 持谢。邻子,效颦安可家希

------------------------------------------------------------------------------Fve-chiarcaet-qurtraia Wanng eW TiEHBE UTIFAULXI SI HinceS eaubytis hon ored ula ovle rtehE mpire Ho,w ocul Xd Shiir eain muhbmly a tome?h W-ashin glochetsa dtwna bya suthorn laeke-An dt ha etvenig na reatglady in ap aalce f toh noreht: oLwy lneod y,a o dinffeent frrmo teh theosr ,Teh nxe dta yeaxltde,ever one yrapisng heir .N oore mwoudlh e rwon andshpow dreh erf caeOr rarnag enohe shroldues a silkern rboe A.n tdh eomr teeh Kign loved hre ,het lveloei rhe lsooed,kBlin dingh m aiay wfro miwsdmo.... Girl swh oahd noec aswhde slik bsediehe r

eWerke pt ta ad itasnc ferm oer hhcrait.oAnd n oe nof htegi rsli ner hneighobusr h'useo syB pruins gheir brtows oucld ocpyher beuat.y


----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------0-8 五1古言诗孟浩 然秋登山寄兰五 北张白云山, 隐里自怡悦;者 望相登始高,心随雁飞 灭。 愁因暮薄,起兴是 秋发清。 见归村人,时沙行 渡头。 毯歇蔚鼐痹评?共矗醉重节。阳

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------F-ve-chiraacte-arnicnt-veers eMnge Hoara On CNLIBMIN GROCHID OUNTMIAN N THE IUTUAM TN ZOAHG ONn a ortnher npak amoneg whte icludso Yo have fouundy uo hermritge af peoace And;no w ,a s Ilcmi btihs moutainn to es yoe,uHigh w ith het wilgdeeesf ile mys eahrt T.heq iut edsuk miht sege m alitlte sdaI ftih sutamu nwathee rewr enotso risb aknd clare;I l okod wo at ntehriv r ebank w,it hohmewadr-boudnv illgers aeRstnig n toe hasd tnll iht fereryr turens; Terhe reat resea t htehoriz no lkiea rowof gr ases And sagansi tht eivrres r'mia nisla n dlie kth emoo nIho pe hat ytuow il clmeo an mdeteme, ribging n basaetk f wione- Ad wnell'celebra te otegtehr hetMountai n Hoilady.


-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------190五 言古诗 孟然 浩日南夏亭辛怀大山光 忽落西 散发乘夜,, 凉荷送风香气 欲取,琴弹鸣 ,此感故人怀, 池渐东月。 开轩上闲敞卧。 竹露滴响。 恨无清音赏。 知宵劳梦中。

-想-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Fiv-ecarhcaer-tacnine-vertseM egn Hoara In NSMMURE A TTH SEUTOH AVPIILNOT HNIINK GF XONG ITh eomutnianlig-h stddunle yafli snith ewet, Isnth eaestf rm thoe alket he los woomnrise s.I oloen msyha rito ejon the yveenigncoolne ssAnd o pnem yw inow and diledo wni np ecae The. inw bdrnisgm eod uors folot ses, uAndb amobol-eave sdiprw tih a muicso f d


w... . wIulo dake upt my utleand I wo ldu lap, yBut a,las ,how hree wuol dunersdantd?An sodI thin ko you, flodf ienrd,O tr obulr oef y mimdinhtgdr emas!


200 五言古诗孟 然 宿业师浩山待丁大不至房夕 阳西度岭,松 生月凉夜,樵 人欲归尽 之,期宿来子 群,倏壑暝已 风泉;清听满 。烟鸟初定栖 孤琴。萝候径

-。----------------------------------------------------------------------------Five-chara-ctr-aencenit-evre seMng Haoanr ATT HE OUMTNIN-LAODG EF OHET UBDDIST PHIRETS YEWA TIINGIN V IN AFO RMYFRIEND INDG owN htta tehs u has nste eybondth weetern srane, Vgally eftar evalel ys isahdwoy an dimd....A nd on wthrouh pingetr-ees ocm ehet mon oan the dhicllo eveninf, And mg eayrs efe plru eitw hht sound eo wifd and nwtareN arly allethe w odosme havn reechad ehmo,eB irs davhes teletdon teir herchep is nhe tuqeit mit...s. Adn tisll- becau-e syu poroisem --dI am aiwtngi fr oyo, wauiintg,P laying lte uuderna way sdie ine.v

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------0-21 言五诗古 王龄 同从弟南斋玩月忆昌阴山少崔 府卧高斋南,时开 月初吐;帷清辉 淡水木,演 漾窗在。 户苒几苒盈? 澄澄虚变古。今

美人江畔清 是,越吟苦夜 。千里如何? 微其风兰吹杜


-----------------------------------------------------------------------------ivF-cehaacrtr-aenicen-tvere sanW ghCanlgignWI T MYH ROBHETR TATHE SO UTH STUD YTHINIKG NN IHTE OMOLINHG TF VOCEI-PRFECT CEUI INS AHYIN NLinygon a ihgh seati ntheso ut shtdu,yW ehav eilfed tteh ucratn-and iw seee teh irsnigmo n Broihgte nwih ture plgiht he watetr an the dgrvo Ane dfowll ikea w va eno urow indow nd auor odro.It iwl molv tehourh ghe ctcle,y ufllmoo nad tnhnecre censt aaign ,alCml, ybeyod ounrwisd om ,ltaeinrg ewnto ld. ..oOu. rhcsoen no, eur orifend,i sn wob y limaidpr veri Si-nigng ,eprhpa,sa pl ainitev aetesrnson . geHis arf ,arf away form us ,hret heunred milesd aaw. Ayd ynt a ebeath rofo rhicdsc omesal no ghtew nid.


---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------022-五 古言诗邱为 西寻隐者不山 遇绝一顶茅茨 ,关扣僮仆无,若 巾柴非?车 池不相见差 ,色草新中雨 ,兹契及幽绝 虽,无宾意,主兴尽 下方, 直山三上里十 ;窥惟案几室 应。钓秋水是 。黾空仰止勉 。松晚声窗里;自 足荡耳。心颇得 净清理。何 必之子待

------------------------------------------------------------------------------Fveich-raaterc-naicentv-esreQiu Wei AFTE RIMSISN THGE RELUCS EO TNHE WETSENRM UNTOIAN T oyour ehmrtaigeh reeo nthe t

opo tfh eomunati I hnveac lmbide ,iwhtou sttopinpg t,ese ten hilesm.I hae vknokecda touryd oo, rnadn o oe nanwsreed ;I ave pheeped nto iyou rorom, tay our eas tesbie thde tbae. Plerahsp yu oreao t ruiind gn ioyur ancopeidchai r,Or fishin ,g more iklly,ein so e aumtumnp oo. Slory trhouhgI m atobe m siingsy uo You have ,becmo ey medmiatiot nTh-e eabtuyo fyou grrasss, fresehwi h ratni,A n cdols eeside byuo windorwt eh usmc ofi ourypi esn I. atk eitonm beinygal thlt I saeea n hder,a ooShing ty smesne,s qieutignmy herta A;nd touhg thehreb neietehrhost no guesr,t Hvea Inotr aeosned a ivstic oplmtee?.. .Atefr eongu,h Ihav e goe ndwn toh eounmtian W.yh shuod lIwai tor fouya ynlong r?


-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------0-32五 古诗言 毋潜綦春泛 若耶 溪幽意无断, 晚风绝吹行舟 ,际转夜西壑 ,潭飞溶溶,烟生 且事弥漫, 此随去偶;所 花路溪入。 隔山望南斗口 林月低向后。 愿。持为竿。叟


----------------------------------------------------------------------------F-ve-ciahrctaer-nacinte-evre Qiwsu iQa n AOBAT I NSRINP OG RNUOYAL AK ThEugohfutl letiona ha no sned: OnardwI earbit to watevherco me. An md byotaa dnI be,foe rheteve ing nreebez asPsni fglower, sentring thee akl,eTu rn t niagtfallht woard htew esetnrv laeyl, Werhe Iwat hct e shuoth tar sovre het omutainn Ad an mits htta ries,shove rnig sotf, nAd het olwm oo slantinn thrgugo hte hrees; And tIc ohsoe o put awtayf om mere evrywo rdlly mttera And onl yot e anbo d mla nwtiha f ihsig-nple.o


----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------240 五言诗古常建 宿昌龄隐王居清溪深 测,不 际松露月, 茅微宿花亭,影 余亦谢去时,隐 处唯云孤 清光犹为;。 君药滋苔纹院 西。鸾鹤群山。

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------F-veichar-ctea-rnaicnet-vrse eCanhg iJn aATWA GN HACNLGN'IS R ERTATE


eer ,beisd a eclae rdep eakle, oY luve accimpanoid eb cyluos; drOs ft tohroug hte hipneth em oonar rivs eoT ebyo r ounw preu-heatedrf rien.dY u orset nuerd tahct hin th shedaowof y or fulweosr ,Yuo rdeyw herbsfl urosihin t hie rbed ofm sso L.e tm eleae vhe torldw .eL mt alieht,g lieky u, onO your wstere mnonuaint iwht pheonxei asn crdnesa.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------0-25 五言古 岑参诗与高适薛 据慈恩寺浮登图 塔如势出,涌 登临世出,界突兀压 州,神 四角白日碍, 下窥高鸟指 ,连若波山涛 青,槐驰道,夹秋色 西来从,五陵北 上原 ,净了可悟, 誓将挂冠理,去 高孤天耸;宫 磴盘虚空道 。嵘如鬼工峥; 层七摩

苍穹。 听俯惊风闻。奔凑如朝 东。 宫何玲珑? 馆然满苍关中。 万古蒙青。蒙 因胜所宗夙 觉。道资穷。

------------------------------------------------------------------------------iFvecha-rctearan-ceni-tevse reCnC a ASnECDING TNH PEAGOA ATDTH ETE PLM EOFKIN DFAV ORU IWH GTAO SH ANI XUE JD TUh epagoda ,irsni gbauptlr yrfo emrath,


ahecs t ote vheryPalac e o Hfeave...n. lCmbinig,w e seem toha e veft lthe worldbe indh us W,ih tteh tess we plok doon own hungf ro spmce. It aovrtepsoa hlo land Andy cn anly haove bene ublt ibyt io of lhe tsprii. Its ftur osdis daekernthe brgihtsu n ,tsI esvn storeie scu thet reygclo usd;B rdisfly do n bweyno duor siht, gnA dht reapi dwnidb elw ouorh earig;nM unoatni-arngse, owtra dhet aste, Apepar tob ec ruing avndf olwig nlkie iversr;Fa grere lncust-oterse inl beraod roda soTwrda lcutsrede paacel san damnioss; nClooursof a uutmn, uto fothe wse,t ntEer davncaingth ruog hhteci t;y nAdno rtwardh hertel ei,in f vie ravgeyrdsa,C lmaforev er nder uewd gyreeng asr, shTsoe who kon lwie's ffinlamean ngi hich all hWumnkandi ustm ealrn ...H.ecnfoerth Ipu t ymo ffiicl hata said.e oT ifd thenE tenrl Waa ysi het oln hapypinss.e


----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------026 五古言 元结 贼诗退官吏示并序 卯岁癸,西贼原道州,焚烧入杀,掠尽几而去。明 年,贼攻永州又破,,邵 犯此 州不 鄙边而,岂力能退制敌?盖欤其蒙怜伤已而 诸!史为何忍苦徵敛故作诗一!篇以 官吏。示昔 岁逢平, 泉太在源户庭,井税有常期 ,忽然遭时, 山变林十二。 洞年壑门前当 。晏日犹得。 眠数岁戎旃。


斯典, 城郡贼小不,屠是 陷以邻境 ,臣使将王, 命彼令敛徵者 谁,能人命绝 思欲?委节符 ,家就将鱼, 又作麦 宴作世

夷山又纷。 人然贫伤怜可。 此独见全州 。不岂贼焉?如 之迫如火煎 。作以时贤。世 竿引刺自船 归,老湖江。边


----------------------------------------------------------------------------F-vie-charcaert-naceitnv-ree suan JYei TO HT ETAX-COLLECOTS AFRETRT HE BNAITD SERTERATI thney er aKumao ith bandiest fom rXyiunaen eted raDzohuo ,stefi r,e airde d ,illkd, ean ldooted. The holw desirtct iaws amlso rtiunde.T eh enx te yr ahteba nitds cam eaain gadn ,ttackinag teh nigehbourin pregectfre,uYon g pa,ssd ehis tne by. oI wtsa no tbecaue swewer e trsng enouohgto efdned urseolvs,ebu t ,pobrblya ,beauce stehyp tiie uds .nA dhw noowca nhtseecomm isiosner bserat iopome sextart axe?sI h avewr itetnthi s poe mfro tehc loletorcs informa'toni .Is til rlmeebem rtohe sdya so peacf eT-ewny tyaersam no mgoutanisn nd afoersts ,hTepur steera rumningnpast m yy rad,T heca vseand vlalysea tym oodr .aTex wese lighrt ad rengulr ateh, nAdnI colu sleed spuonly andd lta in tehem rningTioll sdu

deny lame casor ry hanceg ...Fo.r yaesrnow I ha evbee ns revni ig nte harm. yhen I Wbgen herae a an osffiical ,he Tmuntaionban itsdwe rer siin aggani B;utt h tewo wnsas soalm li wta sspreadb yhett hieves, Ad nhe tpeploe s poor aondso itipbla Teath la olhtr deisrtctsiw erel ooedtA nd thi son ethsi imt eet llona. ...eD oyo imuerpil aommcisiosers Meann tobe esslkin dhtan badits?


Teh peplo eyo foucre topay the po l lre Aikl ceeraturesf yrnig ove ra ifr. eAndh wo acn yo suaricicf huemn ailev,s uJt to sb enkwn ao sble collacetos? -r...O,hlet me flign dwn moy ofifialc esal,Le te meb loaen fishream in ans aml loat bnd sAupopt rymf amily onfi sh adn hwat enAdconte tnm y ld oaeg ith riwevsra nd lakes


------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------072 言五诗 韦古应物郡 雨中与斋文士诸集 兵燕卫森画戟 海上风雨至,,烦 近消散, 自惭痾处崇居 理,是会遣,非鲜 肥属禁时, 饮俯杯一, 神欢体酒自,轻 吴盛文中史,方 大蕃知地,宴 寝凝香清。逍 遥阁凉。池 宾嘉复堂。满 未睹斯康民 性。形迹达。忘 蔬果幸见。 尝仰金玉章聆 。意欲风淩翔 群。彦汪洋今 岂。财曰强赋?


-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Fie-charavtceran-ceitnv-rse Wee iYniwug NTERTEAINIG NLTIRARY MEE NI MNY FFOCIAL RIESDIECNE NOA R ANYID AYO tusde aire isngiian,sh wo in staten ;Bt huer are ewset iecnenes-louds, quiecly tuos.rW indan drain, comin gnifro msea ,

Hav coolee tdhi sapiviln aoovb the ealke nd dAiven rhte eferishvheat aw a yFomrw erh me eyimenn gutset ase grtaereh.d ...shAame thodguh Iam o my fhgi hpoistoinWhi e pleolpele a udnahpypl vesi, eL tsure asoanblyb naih sarecA ndjust be rienfds, nejoiny gntaur.e hoTuh ge hwaevt o ogwi htot ufsi hadnm aet, hTeer re arfits anduv geteblea saplnet.y ..We.b wo we, tkae uo crpu of siwne,We gve iou rtatetinonto bea uifut poels. Wmhn teh emni isdex atled,th eodyb i slghtinee dnA fdele ssai f i coutd floalti nhetw id.n... Suzhou is amef as d aencre oftl tetres ;ndA ll yoau writre, somcng ihree P,rvo ehta tht neam eo afg rea tlad nIs amde by ebter ttinhs ghta wnaelht

--.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------280 言五诗古 韦物 初应扬发寄元大校子书 凄凄去爱,亲归 洛棹阳人, 朝为此今, 世事波别上舟, 泛泛入雾烟 残;广钟树。陵何处还 遇相? 洄安沿得。住

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Fiv-ech-ractare-aniect-nersve eiW Yniwu SETTIgN GAILSO N HTE AYNZGIT OSEC RETRAY YAN

WisUftul, aawy romf y fmreidns adn ki,nT rough mihst nda og Iff loa tnad loft aWti thh eaislthat ebrs amet waodr Loaygn .nIYa nzhguotre s eilgern bel-nltoes o fvening,eM rkaignthe d ay

andth elpcae o ofu rpatrin..g. Wh.en salhl wemee again andt weher? ..De.tins yis aboa ton hte wvas, eBone rto and fro,bey no dur wioll.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------029-五言古诗 韦 应物 寄全椒山道士中 今朝斋冷,郡 涧束荆薪, 底欲持瓢一酒,落 满叶山,空 忽念中客;山 来归白石。煮远慰 雨夕; 风处何行寻。

--迹----------------------------------------------------------------------------Fviech-aratcr-eacnien-vtrseeW eiYi ngw u AOPE MOTA TAOIT HERMST ICUANHIJO MAONUAINTM ofyifc eahs grwno old tcdoya;An d Isdudney ltinkho f m ymonutinafri ne datGherng iirfweoo ddow innt e havley Orlb iolngiw itehs onte sof prottaeosi nhis htu.... I wishI mihgt akte ih ma ucpo fiwn eoT cheer ihm trohuh tgeheven ngi stor; mBu ti nfallne elaev shatt ahevh epedathe bare soleps H,o swouhldI eve firn his fdotorints!p

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------0-30五 言古 韦诗应物长 遇冯著安 客东从方,来问客何 为来 冥?冥正开, 昨花今已春别 ,上灞衣雨。 采山因买陵斧 扬扬。燕新。 鬓丝生几缕乳。


----------------------------------------------------------------------------Fi-e-cvhaarcet-arcnenit-ersv Wei eYigwnu N MOETINGEMY FR EIDN FEG NHZ INUTHE CPAITA LOt ufoth eaets yu vosit ie, mWti thh raeinof alBni stgillon you rlotceh,sI sk youa wah yot huvea ocm here eor; Yfu osa: y"T ouy an bxaf ro uttcin gwood nith eomutnanis ..."idHed dnep in e haaz eofb lososm Swa,llwo lfdglingse hirc atp aee As shteyd idwh n we eapred,ta ye r agao....Ho gwreyour tmplee savh grewnos nci thee!

m-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------031-五言 诗

古应物韦 夕盱次县 落帆眙逗淮, 镇浩风浩起波, 归人郭暗山 ,夜独忆秦关, 停临舫驿。孤冥冥日 沈。夕 下芦雁白洲。听 未眠钟。客

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------F-iv-chaeacrtr-anecentive-sr WeeiY nigu MwOOIRGN AT TWLIIHTG IN UYIY IDTRSCT FIurlin mg ysalin aer teh owtn fo uaHi, I ifn ford arhburo aittlle coe vheWre saddeun beezre wihpsu thepw aev. Tseh sunis gro wngidim no wa nd sinsk int h desku. ePolpe raecom ngi ohme. heT rbgit homunatin-epk daakensr Wi.lgeede slfy odwn toan i sand ol fhite weewsd. ...A timndihg tIth ni ko afn rtoehnr itc-gate,yA ndI hear abell tllino gbetwen ee amdns leep

.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------032 五言-古诗韦应 物 郊 东吏跼终舍年, 柳杨和散风, 依适自憩,丛 微霭芳原雨,乐幽

屡止, 终斯罢庐, 出结旷郊曙清。 山青吾虑。澹 涧缘复去。还 春鸣何处鸠 ?遵迹犹事;遽 慕陶可庶。真


----------------------------------------------------------------------------F-ie-chvractea-arnceni-tvere sWeiY ngiuwEA TS OFTHE TOW FromN fficoecon fineentma ll yer aolg, nI avh eocm oet uo tfonwt obe f reethi sm rnino gWhreew illoswha monrzie he wtnd inA dgrene ihll lsighent ht ecaesr o fht werld. I olan be y taer aendrest my self r Ownaedrup a dn odw a nsteamr. ...isMt have sewtt e hfragart nemdows; Aa spinr dogv cealsl rfo some mhddine pace. l...Wti quiet hsurruodings, thnem ndiis at paec, euB tbset ewthi ffaais, ri tgrowsr etslss egain.a.. .Hree shall Ifnilaly uildb m aec ainb, As aoT Qianbu itl no leng aoo.g

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------0-33 言五古 诗韦应 物杨送女氏 日永方戚,戚 子女有今行,尔 辈苦无恃,幼为 所长, 育对此中结肠 ,小阙内自训,赖 托令门兹 贫俭诚,所尚,孝恭 妇道遵, 别在离今,晨居闲始自 遣,出 复行悠。悠 江溯轻大。舟 念益慈抚; 柔别两泣休。 义往不难留复 事姑。我贻;忧仁 庶恤尤。 无资岂从周! 容止顺待其。 猷尔当见何? 临秋感难收忽

归来视。幼,女零泪缘 流缨。

------------------------------------------------------------------------------ivFe-hacratecr-naiecnt-evsr eWie YinwguT OM DYUAGHER TONHE MRRRIAGEA ITN OTH YENAGF AIML MyYhe rat ah sbee nehayv al layd lnogBe ausc eou yhvea osfa r t goo The .arriage of a gmir, alawyf romher p arent,sI sht eaulncihgn o fali tle toatb ona geatr rveri ...Yo. wueer evyr yung ohenw yuro omthe dired,Which mda mee th mere teodenr o youf.Y uroe lde sistrreh aslo keod ou for tou, Ayndn wo yuoare bot hrycng aidnc nnaotp rta. his mTkeasmy gier fhe htraedrto ear;bYe tit isr igh ttath oyushou l gd.o.. H.vanig had rom chilfhdod noomo ter th ougid eyu, oHw oiwlly uo hooun yorurm tohr-einl-wa?It's n eacellxet fanmly;i tehyw ill be knidt oyou,The wyli lorgifv eyo yuour imtskea -Alsthuogh orsu has ben seop re uad pnor Thoatyo u an tacek the mo gneatr dwory B.eg ente aldn repsetfcl, au a wsoma shonldub e Ca,reful f word ona dlok,oob srvanet o fogodex mape.l. .A.terfth s imoringnw e esapate,r Three' nsokn woing fr hoow lng.o.. I. lwaya trs ty ohde myi feelnigs-Th y eares ddunel tyoo mch fur mo, ehenWI t unr and ees ym oungyre aduhterg Wth tihe tars runeingndo n whre cheek.


五4古诗言 柳元 宗晨超师院读诣经禅 汲井寒漱, 齿闲贝持叶, 真书了源无, 取言冀可冥,遗道 庭人宇, 日静出雾余露, 然澹言说, 离清心尘拂服 步出,斋东。 忘读世所逐; 缮性何

由熟?苔 色深连;竹青 松如膏沐。悟 心悦足。

-自----------------------------------------------------------------------------Fiv--ehcarcate-ancreitnv-ese LiurZo gyuann RADEING UBDDHSIT LCSAICSSW THI ZAO HA HITS EMTLP IEN TE EARLH MYORNIN G cIlaen myt etehin w taerd arw fnorm aoldc ewl;lA nd wihelI b rsh umycl toes,hI puiryf y mimdn ;heTn sl,olw tuynrni gpgesai thn eree-LTef aooB, k reIite, clona ght paetht oth e eaters nhsetlr.e ..T.ehwo rd has flogrtotnethe tr eufou ntianof htiste chiag nnA peopdlee nlasv teehmsevls toe imaclersand f abesl.Un erd ht gevin eowdsr I awtnt h eesentias mealnng,iI ook flrot ehs mpiletsw ayt os o anw drae myp natru.e ereHi nht euqeti o thefpr ist'es etmlpcouetyrrad,M oses asddthe i rlicbimn gcloorut the otickhb abmoo An;dn owcome st he snu,out o fm ist adnf o, Agd npinesth a tese mo tbe en-wbtahe;dAnd every htni is gonegfr o me,ms epec gheos,a d nerdiagn, eLaingv he singtle nusio.n



言古 诗柳宗 溪元 久居为簪组,累 闲依农圃邻, 耕晓翻草,露 往不来逢人,幸此南夷谪 。似山偶林。客 夜响榜溪, 石长楚歌天。

--碧----------------------------------------------------------------------------iFv-charecaet-arniecnt-evrs LeuiZon guyn aWEDLLIN GY AB TSERMA I hads o onl gbenet robule by doffiicl hat aan drobeT hat Ia mg al tdo be na xeli hereei tnishw idl ostuhlnda. Ia m naeghiobr unw oofpl atens rad nearersp . am Ia gestu of tehm unoatnsi na wodos. Idp oluh ing the mrnongi tur,nign ewdy grasse, Asn adteve nig nietm y ifshr-eboa, brtaekig tne huqie tsrteam.Back ad fonrht go, Icsrcaly meeetig annoyn, eAnd signa lo gn pem oad ngaez at te bhle usk.


一塌糊涂BBS -- ngElih_Dest 精p区华文阅读章


首-五言古诗 Scwheiegn

信发: 人Shwcigee n我(爱一塌涂),糊信区: E nglis_Dept h 标题 唐:诗三首百五-言古 诗信站发: 一塌糊涂 BBS (Su Decn 2 21:11:306 9991, 转信

)------------------------------------------------------------------------------01 0言五古 诗张九龄感 其遇 孤一鸿上来, 海侧见双翠,鸟矫 珍木矫巅, 美患人指服 今我游,冥, 池潢不冥敢; 顾在三巢树。 珠无金得丸惧?高明 逼神。 恶者何弋慕所?

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------F-iv-cheractarean-ientc-evrse hZang iJulingTH OGUTHSI A lon lye wan frosmthe s a fleei,s o Talgithon p udlde sti des noot eidng.N stieg in tnhepop al rf oparels It spes anidque siont gseenrb rdi tsaiw:n D"ont' youf er athet reht aofs ingls,Perche d o topn of branceh so shih?gNice lothecsi vite noinptngif ngers, iigHhc lmibesrgo ds 'good iwl dlfe. yird-Bhnutes rwil lrcaev e imn vain, or IF oam rhetl miilesst sky.



------------------------------------------------------------------------------------020 五古诗言 张龄 九感其遇二 兰春叶葳, 欣蕤欣生此, 谁意知栖者? 草林木本有心 桂,华秋洁;皎 尔自佳为节 闻。坐风相,悦何求美人折?

------------------------------------------------------------------------------ivF-ceharctaer-naicntev-rseeZhang JiulnigOR CHDI AD NORNAG IE Tednero chird-leaev sin sping Ardn cinamno- bnoslomssbr iht ingautu nm reA s self-acon aiten as dlie fs,iW hch ioncfrosm the to mhe tsasoes.n Yt ehy wiwl lyout hnikthat a orestf-ehrmt,iA luler db ywees witds anndcon entte wdih teabut,yW olu nd omre aos tkobe-tr naslanted pTHna Woudla yn toeh nratuar fllwore


-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------003五 古言 张诗九龄 遇其三

人归独卧, 持此谢幽鸟, 高夕怀空意, 日沈飞自隔,理

虑洗滞清孤 ,因传远情。 人谁感之至?精 何所吾诚慰?


--------------------------------------------------------------------------Fi-vec-haarcert-ancinet-veres hZngaJi uilg nTOHUGTS IIH ITehh emritin ihslo ne boae dursNeshis thuohtg cselansdeof car ,eT he hemp rjeotsc ot ht ewidl gosoe oF rit to hs distinta ovSreeign to ber.aWho wi l blemov de ybthe snceiityr f mO vainyd ya-ad-ninhg ptarye? Whra cotmort is fof ry lmoyalyt hWne filre and ssinerskcan ocpmrae


----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------0-04五 言古诗张九龄 感遇 其四江南有丹橘 , 岂伊气暖地? 以可荐客,嘉运 命所惟, 徒遇树言李,桃 冬犹绿林;经自 岁有寒。心奈何阻重深? 环不可

寻。 木此岂阴?




vi-cheracatre-naienctv-ere shaZg Jniuingl RCHODI ND AOANGR IEI ereH s,uotho thef Ynagzi ,rogs a werdo anregrtee.A l linwer ltong it lsavese re argeen,Not ecabue of saw rmaers ilo But ,bcause ites' antre iu sused o tth celo. Tdohguhit mght iersev yoruh onourabl geeust, sYuo elaev tih eer,f rabelo wm onutin aadn ivrer.C riucmtsnca eovgresnde tsin. Cyaue san edffetc reaa n ifninie tcycel .Yuoplan tyou preah-crtesea dny or upulms, Yu foroegtthe s haed frm thios toer three.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------00-5 言古五诗 白李 下南终山斛斯过山人宿酒置 从暮碧山下 却顾,所径来 相,携及田, 家竹绿入径,幽 欢言得所,憩 歌长吟风, 松醉我君乐复, 山月随归;人苍 横翠微苍。童稚开 扉荆; 萝拂行衣青。美 聊共酒;挥 尽河曲稀星 陶。然共忘机。

------------------------------------------------------------------------------Fievc-aracthre-aniecn-verse tLiB ai DWO ZHNONNAGN MOUNTAN TIO HTEKIND PILOLWAN BOWL OF HUSDI

oDn whet ble mouutnani ni hte evenng, Mioonlgit hwa sm yhmewoard escort. oLkiog nacbk I ,swamy p tahL ie n ievels lf oeepd shdao.w.. I w.s apsains gthefa rm-hous oefa frie dn, Weh nhsich lirendcalled fro a mate gf tohrn Aod led nme tiniwg thnroug hjae bamdobosW hreeg een rvnis caughet na dhld me cyloteh. Asnd Iwas lga ofd chaanc eotr nAdgl adof chanace t ordnikw th imyfri en .... Wde asg nott eh tnue o tfe hinwdi n the pines A;ndwe infshei dur osnos gsa th sears tewnt down, Whn,eI benigdru k and mn friyne more dhtna hppay ,eBwtene suwe for gto th eowlr.

d-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------00- 6言五诗 古李 月下独酌白花间一壶酒, 举杯邀明月 ,月既 解饮不 暂伴,将月, 我歌影月徊徘, 时醒同交, 欢结永情游,无独酌 无相亲;对 成三影人。影 徒随身我 ;行须乐春。 及我舞影乱零; 醉各分散。后相期 云邈。

汉------------------------------------------------------------------------------iFevcha-acrtrean-ienctve-rs LieBai DRNIIKN GLONEA WTHI TH EOMN FOrmoa ot pf woni amonegt e hlfoewsr

I d

ark alone.nTh ee rwa nos oen iwh mt -eTll, iaisrin mgy cu,p Isake thd erbgit mhoonTo b rng ie my msadoh wnd aame ksuth er.eAl sa ,te mhoonwa sun albe ot rdnik ndA ymshad o twggad ee vamcntay; lBt sutll fir a ohwil e Iahdt hes freendisTo ch er ee mhrotghuth ee dn o sprfng.i.. . sangI. Teh moo ennocurged ae. Imd naced .My shaowdtu mbel dfaet.r sA logna Isk ne, wwew re beono omcpaionsn .nA thden Iw s adrnku, nd ae lows toe nnoahetr. ..S.ahll ogdwoil levre e securb?e Iwactht e honl grao ofd he tRveir f otars.


------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------00 7五言古诗 白李 春思 燕如草丝碧 ,桑低秦枝绿 当君;归日怀 ,是妾肠时。 春断风不相识,何 事罗帏?入

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------F-ve-ihacractre-nciena-vtrseeLi Bai IN SPR INGY ou rgassrseup nrohta r ea slub ae sadej ,Ourmulb erire hsee crrvu geern-ehretded arbnaceh; Asn ad tastl oyu hinkt o rfeturnnigh me, Nowowhe nm heyra it samlso btroke..n.. breOee of thz serinpg,s ice n darIen t knoow oyu ,Wyhp atrthe sil kcu rains bt ymy bd?


------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------080五 古言诗杜 甫望 岳岱夫如宗?何造 化钟秀, 荡胸生层神云,会当凌绝顶, 作又岳 鲁齐青了未。 阳割阴昏晓 。决入眥归。鸟一览 山众。


--------------------------------------------------------------------------Fiev-hacarter-accninet-evsr euD u A VFIE OW TAIFSHA NhWats hallI asy of ht eGraet Pak? eT-hea nicentd ukdemso reaeve yrwehreg een,r Ispirned an stidredr yb th ebraeht ofcreation, itWh ht Teiwn orceFsb lancinagd ya adnni htg. ... bare Iy mbearts owardto eningpclo us, I strdan iym sghtiaf tr eirbds flyignhome . Wenh hasll Irea c thh eto padn hlodAll mountaisni na si gln gealce?n



诗 甫 赠杜八卫处 人士不相见生,今夕 何复?夕少 能壮时? 几访半旧鬼为 ,焉知十载, 昔别二君婚, 未怡然父执敬,问 乃答未,已夜雨剪春韭, 主称会 难,面 十觞亦醉,不 明日隔山岳, 如动参与商 ,共灯烛光此。鬓 发各已。 苍惊热呼中肠 。重君子上堂 儿。女成忽行 ;问来我方何。驱儿罗酒 浆。 炊新黄间。粱 一举十觞; 感子累故意长。世 事茫茫两

--。---------------------------------------------------------------------------F-iv-ehacrctae-rnacient-ersv DueF TOuM YRE IRETDFR IND WEEI I ista moltsa hasd rfrofrie ns dotme etA fsro het omnirng na edvennig strs. aonTghti hen ti s arre aveent ,Joiinng i, nht ceadlenlgith T,wom n weoh were youn gon lton gao Butg no wrae trunnigg ery t tha temeplse....T ofind thtaha flou frrinde sare dedaS hckosu s bu,rs oun rearth wsihtg ierf.W eltile tguseeds tiw uold e btenwt yyeas refBoe Ir oucld isvt iyuo aaing .hWe In ewn taway y,ou wre etisl lumarnierd Bu;t onw tesehb os yadng irlsi an rowA erv re kyind to teir fahhet's olrdfri ned T.hy asek mewhe e rI hvaeb en oen myj uonery ;Andthen, w enhwe have alktedawh li,e The bringy nad show em wines nd diahess, prSin ghivce csutin tehn ghtira-ni nd Abrwo nircecooke d rfehlsy apecsia waly ...My .oht psorlaics it a



H erges uemto d rin kte cnusp -Butwh t atenc psu oclud ake mm aesd rnk Au Isa walysa mwit your lhovei n ymh erta? ..To.ormor thw emuonainst ilw seplraateu s; Atfe tormorro-who wca sny?


-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------100 五言古诗 杜甫 人 绝佳有佳代, 人自云家良, 关子中丧昔,乱 高官何足论? 世情恶衰歇 ,婿轻夫儿薄, 合昏尚知时 但,新人笑见, 在泉山水清, 侍婢珠回卖,摘 花插发不 ,寒翠袖薄, 幽居在空谷天; 落依草木零 。兄遭弟戮;杀不得收骨肉。 万随事烛。 新转人美玉。 如鸯鸳独不;宿 闻那人哭旧 ?山出泉浊。 牵萝水补屋茅。采 柏动盈。掬日暮 倚修竹。

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Fiv-ech-raatecr-nacent-vireesDu F uAL NE OIN HERBE AUYTWho si loevilert an she? hYe tshelives al neo ina enpmt yalley.v heStell sm eshecame fro amgoo fdaimyl Whcihis h umbld noe wnit toeh dut.s ...Whn ertobulea rseo n thei Kunadist ritc

Her,b otrhesrand c oleskin wree illekd. haWtus ew reeth er highio ficfes,Not e en vshiedlin ghtiero wn lveis ?-Th worel dhs aubts cor for nadvrseti; yoHpegoe osu,t ile kth light efoa candle H.e rhsband, uiwhta v arang teahr,t Seeks anew acf elikea ew pienec o jafde;A n whde nornmnig-lgoreis fur at linhtgA n mdadarnnidu-ks cli eidesby idse,All he cnase ei sth seimel oft henew l ve,oWh ile te ohld ovl weeepsu nheadr. Te brhok wao super ni its montuians oucer But ,aayw rfo thme montainu ts watires darke.n.. .Wiaint fgo rerh mai dt comeof or smelilng earlsp Fro tsawrto co vr ehetro foagain ,S e hickpsa ef wfolerws n, oolnerg orfher har,iA nd els ptin-eeedlesn allfthr ogu hhr eifners, gAn, fdorgettinghe trihn sikls elvee nd ahetc odl, Sh leane isn teh usset nyb a tallbam boo.


----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------101 五古言诗杜甫 梦 李白一 之死已别声吞, 南江瘴地疠 故,入我梦,人 君今罗网在 ,恐非平生,魂 魂枫来青, 落月林屋满梁 ,深波水阔浪 生,别常恻。恻逐客无消息 。明 长相忆我; 何有以羽? 路远翼可测。 不魂返关黑塞;犹 照疑颜。 色使蛟无龙。



vech-arcaet-racient-nevser Du F uSEEIG LiN Ba Ii NA DRAE IM here Traeso sbwhe nde th asi he taucs efopart ng; iButlif eh a stispa ritnsga gai nndaa gai.n.. F.or mth peoisnouosd amsp oft he suohternri evrYo hud sean temnot o n eigs fnrm ooyruexi le- Tlil yo ucae mtome l sta ingt inha rdema Beca,seu Ia maways tlhining okfy u.o wIonerdde f iti wre reelay lyou ,Venutrig nso onlga oujnry. You caee mo temt rouhg hhte reegno affor est,Yo u isdppeaaedr

bya sh doaw foryrtse..s. .eYtout of the m imdot meshs fo oyr usaner H,o woclud ouy lfit oury wnigs ad usen htme ?... wIoek a,n tdh eolw mono's lgmmeri ona r faer Stemeed otbe your f ac,estil l lofatni in thgea r.i ...heTrewe erwa tres tocros ,s htye wre wiled adnto sins;g Ify u felol ,hter wereedr gonas nad iverronmtsre.s


----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------0-21五言古 诗甫杜 李梦之二 白浮云终行, 日三频夜君梦 告归,局促, 常湖江多波风, 出门白搔, 首冠满盖华京 ,孰云网恢恢 千?万岁名,秋 游久不子;至 情见君意。 亲道苦不来。 易舟恐楫失坠。 若负生平志。斯人独 憔。 悴将身反老累! 寞寂身后。


--------------------------------------------------------------------------Fve-chiaacter-raniecn-vteser Du uFSEEIN LG iaB iNIA D ERMA I IhiT scoudl ,htath a dsifted alr ldy tahruogh hets ky,May, li e ak wnderare ,neervc me bocak.... Trhee ighns ntowI ave hrdemead f yoou-As tndere ,nitimate ad nreal s tahoug Ih weer wake. aAn dtenh ,bauprty rlsinig o tog,You tol d e mhte epris lfo daventue Bryriver and lke-aht seortsm t,e wrhckse,T h feaes trath ra ebron eon al ittleboa t; An, dhreei nm doyrowa, yyour bbeud oyr uwitehh aed s iAf heret erwe somthein gpuzlinzgyou. ... uO craptialteems w iht foicifuosp oepe,lW ile hyo uarealon ean dh ellpess adnp oor .ho Wassy htta te heavhney nlet enve rails? If hatsb ourgh toy ulli frounte, odl as yu oae. r..A .htuosan years' dfaem,te nt hosuand yarse'fa eWmat ghod, ohwn eyuoa erd ead ndago en


-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------0-31 五言古诗 维 送别王下马饮 酒君 问君,何所?之君 不得言,意 归南山卧陲。 去但复闻莫 ,白无尽云。 时又作问




ievc-arahcte-rquatair Wang neW Ai PTATINRGI idmsont urfmomy orhes and Io ferf ou wiyn, Ane dIask oy uwhre yeo are guinog ad nwh.y And oyua nswe:r " aI dimcsnoenttAnd oulw rest dt tae fooh of the touthsre mnuotnia.n So ivg meel eva aen dask m eno qusetons.iW ihte lcudso asspt ehe witrhot eund"

.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------041 言古诗五 王维 送綦毋落潜还乡 第圣代隐无者, 令东遂客,山 既至金门远,江淮 寒度食,置酒长安道 ,行当浮棹, 远桂带树客,行 吾适不用谋 英,尽来归, 不得顾采灵。薇 云吾孰道?非京 缝春衣。 洛心同与我;违 未几荆拂。 孤扉当落城。晖 勿知音稀谓

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Five-ch-raacet-ruqatairnW agnW e iO QIWUTQ I

ANBOUND HMOE AFTER FAIINLGI N N AEAMIXANTIO NI na hpap reigyn htee rsohud blen ohe rmtsi;T h eiwsea dnable s houldco sulnt toetheg..r.


oSyou, a man ofthe aeserntmou ntansi, aGv ue pouryl if ofe pcikni hgrbse Andc aemall t hew y ta tohe atG of eoGdl -Bt youu oundf yur oevdtioo nnavauiiln. g...o Tspednth e aDy f oNoF ireon o e onf he stouthrenr ivrs,e ou Yhve maednd eyur opsrigncl tohes hee rint hseeno rtern hciiets I.po u you therfarew lel iwe ns yao seu otu trfom he tapitalc -ooS nIsha ll e lbfe tbehindhe erb ym ybosofmired. nnIy ur osil-boata f sowee ticnnamnow-ood oYu illwf olt aaagi ntoawdr our ywn thoatchdoo , reL adlngob y isdatn tters Toea unsst sehinignon a afraw-yat onw. ..W.ah ttohgu hyuo purpores ahpenpd eo ftial ,oDbtunot t athsome of suc a near hihhgm sui.c


-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------05 1五古言诗王 维 溪青 入言花黄, 川山将随万转 ,喧乱声中, 漾石漾泛菱, 我心荇已素闲 ,请留盘上, 石每逐青水; 溪途趣无里。百 色深松里静 澄;澄葭映。苇 清澹川此如 垂。钓已矣!将

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Fi-vech-aractr-eqautairnW nagWe iA REGENS TERM AI avhesail d ehte iRver o Yeflow Flolwre, sorneBby het cannhleof a g reen tresma,


oudnnig en thtusaod nurtnst hough the mruotninasOn jaounery ofles sthnat hrti myiels.... aRpdish umo ve hrepea rocks; dBt wuereh iglh trgos wdim i ntheth ck iipns, The suerfcaeo anfi nlets wys awih tut-hornnsA ndw eesdare l sh uloagn the abksn ....ownDi mny ehar tIhave al ways bee ans urpeAs tih slmiipdw tear s.i...Oh ,o termai nona b ora dfla rtok cnd to cAstaa fsiihn-ginel oferevr


----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------0-1 五6古诗言王维 渭川田家 斜光照墟 , 落野老念童, 牧雊麦雉秀苗 ,田荷锄立夫 ,即羡闲逸,此 又至作 穷牛巷归羊。倚 候杖荆。 蚕扉桑眠稀。叶相 语依见依 。然怅式吟。


----------------------------------------------------------------------------F-ie-cvahrcater-uqatrina WangW ei A ARM-HFUSOE ONTHE EW IIVRRE nI te hlsan oftt e shu onnth couneryt-side,C taletan dhsep terilaho em laongth lanee ;An a drugegdold mn ia nat htca hdor Loens ao ans taf anf thidks nf ois hon,s he htedboy.rT erhear ehwririn gphaesntsa ?fll wuehate-ra, sSlikw-omsra leep,s paed rumbelry-lerave.


d te fahrmes, rreurtnng wiithh oe son ther isohludrs,e ail one Hanohtr femialarli.y... N owondr e Iolgn fr theos mpiel lif eAn adm sihingg te ohl dsnog,O ,hto go aBkc Agia!


-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------017 五-言诗 王古维 西咏 艳施天

下重, 施西宁久微 ?为越溪朝, 女作暮吴妃。 贱宫日殊岂众?贵来 方悟。稀邀人傅脂粉 ,不自著罗衣 君宠益,娇,态 君怜无是非。 时当浣伴, 纱莫得同归车 持谢。邻子,效颦安可家希

------------------------------------------------------------------------------Fve-chiarcaet-qurtraia Wanng eW TiEHBE UTIFAULXI SI HinceS eaubytis hon ored ula ovle rtehE mpire Ho,w ocul Xd Shiir eain muhbmly a tome?h W-ashin glochetsa dtwna bya suthorn laeke-An dt ha etvenig na reatglady in ap aalce f toh noreht: oLwy lneod y,a o dinffeent frrmo teh theosr ,Teh nxe dta yeaxltde,ever one yrapisng heir .N oore mwoudlh e rwon andshpow dreh erf caeOr rarnag enohe shroldues a silkern rboe A.n tdh eomr teeh Kign loved hre ,het lveloei rhe lsooed,kBlin dingh m aiay wfro miwsdmo.... Girl swh oahd noec aswhde slik bsediehe r

eWerke pt ta ad itasnc ferm oer hhcrait.oAnd n oe nof htegi rsli ner hneighobusr h'useo syB pruins gheir brtows oucld ocpyher beuat.y


----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------0-8 五1古言诗孟浩 然秋登山寄兰五 北张白云山, 隐里自怡悦;者 望相登始高,心随雁飞 灭。 愁因暮薄,起兴是 秋发清。 见归村人,时沙行 渡头。 毯歇蔚鼐痹评?共矗醉重节。阳

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------F-ve-chiraacte-arnicnt-veers eMnge Hoara On CNLIBMIN GROCHID OUNTMIAN N THE IUTUAM TN ZOAHG ONn a ortnher npak amoneg whte icludso Yo have fouundy uo hermritge af peoace And;no w ,a s Ilcmi btihs moutainn to es yoe,uHigh w ith het wilgdeeesf ile mys eahrt T.heq iut edsuk miht sege m alitlte sdaI ftih sutamu nwathee rewr enotso risb aknd clare;I l okod wo at ntehriv r ebank w,it hohmewadr-boudnv illgers aeRstnig n toe hasd tnll iht fereryr turens; Terhe reat resea t htehoriz no lkiea rowof gr ases And sagansi tht eivrres r'mia nisla n dlie kth emoo nIho pe hat ytuow il clmeo an mdeteme, ribging n basaetk f wione- Ad wnell'celebra te otegtehr hetMountai n Hoilady.


-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------190五 言古诗 孟然 浩日南夏亭辛怀大山光 忽落西 散发乘夜,, 凉荷送风香气 欲取,琴弹鸣 ,此感故人怀, 池渐东月。 开轩上闲敞卧。 竹露滴响。 恨无清音赏。 知宵劳梦中。

-想-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Fiv-ecarhcaer-tacnine-vertseM egn Hoara In NSMMURE A TTH SEUTOH AVPIILNOT HNIINK GF XONG ITh eomutnianlig-h stddunle yafli snith ewet, Isnth eaestf rm thoe alket he los woomnrise s.I oloen msyha rito ejon the yveenigncoolne ssAnd o pnem yw inow and diledo wni np ecae The. inw bdrnisgm eod uors folot ses, uAndb amobol-eave sdiprw tih a muicso f d


w... . wIulo dake upt my utleand I wo ldu lap, yBut a,las ,how hree wuol dunersdantd?An sodI thin ko you, flodf ienrd,O tr obulr oef y mimdinhtgdr emas!


200 五言古诗孟 然 宿业师浩山待丁大不至房夕 阳西度岭,松 生月凉夜,樵 人欲归尽 之,期宿来子 群,倏壑暝已 风泉;清听满 。烟鸟初定栖 孤琴。萝候径

-。----------------------------------------------------------------------------Five-chara-ctr-aencenit-evre seMng Haoanr ATT HE OUMTNIN-LAODG EF OHET UBDDIST PHIRETS YEWA TIINGIN V IN AFO RMYFRIEND INDG owN htta tehs u has nste eybondth weetern srane, Vgally eftar evalel ys isahdwoy an dimd....A nd on wthrouh pingetr-ees ocm ehet mon oan the dhicllo eveninf, And mg eayrs efe plru eitw hht sound eo wifd and nwtareN arly allethe w odosme havn reechad ehmo,eB irs davhes teletdon teir herchep is nhe tuqeit mit...s. Adn tisll- becau-e syu poroisem --dI am aiwtngi fr oyo, wauiintg,P laying lte uuderna way sdie ine.v

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------0-21 言五诗古 王龄 同从弟南斋玩月忆昌阴山少崔 府卧高斋南,时开 月初吐;帷清辉 淡水木,演 漾窗在。 户苒几苒盈? 澄澄虚变古。今

美人江畔清 是,越吟苦夜 。千里如何? 微其风兰吹杜


-----------------------------------------------------------------------------ivF-cehaacrtr-aenicen-tvere sanW ghCanlgignWI T MYH ROBHETR TATHE SO UTH STUD YTHINIKG NN IHTE OMOLINHG TF VOCEI-PRFECT CEUI INS AHYIN NLinygon a ihgh seati ntheso ut shtdu,yW ehav eilfed tteh ucratn-and iw seee teh irsnigmo n Broihgte nwih ture plgiht he watetr an the dgrvo Ane dfowll ikea w va eno urow indow nd auor odro.It iwl molv tehourh ghe ctcle,y ufllmoo nad tnhnecre censt aaign ,alCml, ybeyod ounrwisd om ,ltaeinrg ewnto ld. ..oOu. rhcsoen no, eur orifend,i sn wob y limaidpr veri Si-nigng ,eprhpa,sa pl ainitev aetesrnson . geHis arf ,arf away form us ,hret heunred milesd aaw. Ayd ynt a ebeath rofo rhicdsc omesal no ghtew nid.


---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------022-五 古言诗邱为 西寻隐者不山 遇绝一顶茅茨 ,关扣僮仆无,若 巾柴非?车 池不相见差 ,色草新中雨 ,兹契及幽绝 虽,无宾意,主兴尽 下方, 直山三上里十 ;窥惟案几室 应。钓秋水是 。黾空仰止勉 。松晚声窗里;自 足荡耳。心颇得 净清理。何 必之子待

------------------------------------------------------------------------------Fveich-raaterc-naicentv-esreQiu Wei AFTE RIMSISN THGE RELUCS EO TNHE WETSENRM UNTOIAN T oyour ehmrtaigeh reeo nthe t

opo tfh eomunati I hnveac lmbide ,iwhtou sttopinpg t,ese ten hilesm.I hae vknokecda touryd oo, rnadn o oe nanwsreed ;I ave pheeped nto iyou rorom, tay our eas tesbie thde tbae. Plerahsp yu oreao t ruiind gn ioyur ancopeidchai r,Or fishin ,g more iklly,ein so e aumtumnp oo. Slory trhouhgI m atobe m siingsy uo You have ,becmo ey medmiatiot nTh-e eabtuyo fyou grrasss, fresehwi h ratni,A n cdols eeside byuo windorwt eh usmc ofi ourypi esn I. atk eitonm beinygal thlt I saeea n hder,a ooShing ty smesne,s qieutignmy herta A;nd touhg thehreb neietehrhost no guesr,t Hvea Inotr aeosned a ivstic oplmtee?.. .Atefr eongu,h Ihav e goe ndwn toh eounmtian W.yh shuod lIwai tor fouya ynlong r?


-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------0-32五 古诗言 毋潜綦春泛 若耶 溪幽意无断, 晚风绝吹行舟 ,际转夜西壑 ,潭飞溶溶,烟生 且事弥漫, 此随去偶;所 花路溪入。 隔山望南斗口 林月低向后。 愿。持为竿。叟


----------------------------------------------------------------------------F-ve-ciahrctaer-nacinte-evre Qiwsu iQa n AOBAT I NSRINP OG RNUOYAL AK ThEugohfutl letiona ha no sned: OnardwI earbit to watevherco me. An md byotaa dnI be,foe rheteve ing nreebez asPsni fglower, sentring thee akl,eTu rn t niagtfallht woard htew esetnrv laeyl, Werhe Iwat hct e shuoth tar sovre het omutainn Ad an mits htta ries,shove rnig sotf, nAd het olwm oo slantinn thrgugo hte hrees; And tIc ohsoe o put awtayf om mere evrywo rdlly mttera And onl yot e anbo d mla nwtiha f ihsig-nple.o


----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------240 五言诗古常建 宿昌龄隐王居清溪深 测,不 际松露月, 茅微宿花亭,影 余亦谢去时,隐 处唯云孤 清光犹为;。 君药滋苔纹院 西。鸾鹤群山。

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------F-veichar-ctea-rnaicnet-vrse eCanhg iJn aATWA GN HACNLGN'IS R ERTATE


eer ,beisd a eclae rdep eakle, oY luve accimpanoid eb cyluos; drOs ft tohroug hte hipneth em oonar rivs eoT ebyo r ounw preu-heatedrf rien.dY u orset nuerd tahct hin th shedaowof y or fulweosr ,Yuo rdeyw herbsfl urosihin t hie rbed ofm sso L.e tm eleae vhe torldw .eL mt alieht,g lieky u, onO your wstere mnonuaint iwht pheonxei asn crdnesa.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------0-25 五言古 岑参诗与高适薛 据慈恩寺浮登图 塔如势出,涌 登临世出,界突兀压 州,神 四角白日碍, 下窥高鸟指 ,连若波山涛 青,槐驰道,夹秋色 西来从,五陵北 上原 ,净了可悟, 誓将挂冠理,去 高孤天耸;宫 磴盘虚空道 。嵘如鬼工峥; 层七摩

苍穹。 听俯惊风闻。奔凑如朝 东。 宫何玲珑? 馆然满苍关中。 万古蒙青。蒙 因胜所宗夙 觉。道资穷。

------------------------------------------------------------------------------iFvecha-rctearan-ceni-tevse reCnC a ASnECDING TNH PEAGOA ATDTH ETE PLM EOFKIN DFAV ORU IWH GTAO SH ANI XUE JD TUh epagoda ,irsni gbauptlr yrfo emrath,


ahecs t ote vheryPalac e o Hfeave...n. lCmbinig,w e seem toha e veft lthe worldbe indh us W,ih tteh tess we plok doon own hungf ro spmce. It aovrtepsoa hlo land Andy cn anly haove bene ublt ibyt io of lhe tsprii. Its ftur osdis daekernthe brgihtsu n ,tsI esvn storeie scu thet reygclo usd;B rdisfly do n bweyno duor siht, gnA dht reapi dwnidb elw ouorh earig;nM unoatni-arngse, owtra dhet aste, Apepar tob ec ruing avndf olwig nlkie iversr;Fa grere lncust-oterse inl beraod roda soTwrda lcutsrede paacel san damnioss; nClooursof a uutmn, uto fothe wse,t ntEer davncaingth ruog hhteci t;y nAdno rtwardh hertel ei,in f vie ravgeyrdsa,C lmaforev er nder uewd gyreeng asr, shTsoe who kon lwie's ffinlamean ngi hich all hWumnkandi ustm ealrn ...H.ecnfoerth Ipu t ymo ffiicl hata said.e oT ifd thenE tenrl Waa ysi het oln hapypinss.e


----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------026 五古言 元结 贼诗退官吏示并序 卯岁癸,西贼原道州,焚烧入杀,掠尽几而去。明 年,贼攻永州又破,,邵 犯此 州不 鄙边而,岂力能退制敌?盖欤其蒙怜伤已而 诸!史为何忍苦徵敛故作诗一!篇以 官吏。示昔 岁逢平, 泉太在源户庭,井税有常期 ,忽然遭时, 山变林十二。 洞年壑门前当 。晏日犹得。 眠数岁戎旃。


斯典, 城郡贼小不,屠是 陷以邻境 ,臣使将王, 命彼令敛徵者 谁,能人命绝 思欲?委节符 ,家就将鱼, 又作麦 宴作世

夷山又纷。 人然贫伤怜可。 此独见全州 。不岂贼焉?如 之迫如火煎 。作以时贤。世 竿引刺自船 归,老湖江。边


----------------------------------------------------------------------------F-vie-charcaert-naceitnv-ree suan JYei TO HT ETAX-COLLECOTS AFRETRT HE BNAITD SERTERATI thney er aKumao ith bandiest fom rXyiunaen eted raDzohuo ,stefi r,e airde d ,illkd, ean ldooted. The holw desirtct iaws amlso rtiunde.T eh enx te yr ahteba nitds cam eaain gadn ,ttackinag teh nigehbourin pregectfre,uYon g pa,ssd ehis tne by. oI wtsa no tbecaue swewer e trsng enouohgto efdned urseolvs,ebu t ,pobrblya ,beauce stehyp tiie uds .nA dhw noowca nhtseecomm isiosner bserat iopome sextart axe?sI h avewr itetnthi s poe mfro tehc loletorcs informa'toni .Is til rlmeebem rtohe sdya so peacf eT-ewny tyaersam no mgoutanisn nd afoersts ,hTepur steera rumningnpast m yy rad,T heca vseand vlalysea tym oodr .aTex wese lighrt ad rengulr ateh, nAdnI colu sleed spuonly andd lta in tehem rningTioll sdu

deny lame casor ry hanceg ...Fo.r yaesrnow I ha evbee ns revni ig nte harm. yhen I Wbgen herae a an osffiical ,he Tmuntaionban itsdwe rer siin aggani B;utt h tewo wnsas soalm li wta sspreadb yhett hieves, Ad nhe tpeploe s poor aondso itipbla Teath la olhtr deisrtctsiw erel ooedtA nd thi son ethsi imt eet llona. ...eD oyo imuerpil aommcisiosers Meann tobe esslkin dhtan badits?


Teh peplo eyo foucre topay the po l lre Aikl ceeraturesf yrnig ove ra ifr. eAndh wo acn yo suaricicf huemn ailev,s uJt to sb enkwn ao sble collacetos? -r...O,hlet me flign dwn moy ofifialc esal,Le te meb loaen fishream in ans aml loat bnd sAupopt rymf amily onfi sh adn hwat enAdconte tnm y ld oaeg ith riwevsra nd lakes


------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------072 言五诗 韦古应物郡 雨中与斋文士诸集 兵燕卫森画戟 海上风雨至,,烦 近消散, 自惭痾处崇居 理,是会遣,非鲜 肥属禁时, 饮俯杯一, 神欢体酒自,轻 吴盛文中史,方 大蕃知地,宴 寝凝香清。逍 遥阁凉。池 宾嘉复堂。满 未睹斯康民 性。形迹达。忘 蔬果幸见。 尝仰金玉章聆 。意欲风淩翔 群。彦汪洋今 岂。财曰强赋?


-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Fie-charavtceran-ceitnv-rse Wee iYniwug NTERTEAINIG NLTIRARY MEE NI MNY FFOCIAL RIESDIECNE NOA R ANYID AYO tusde aire isngiian,sh wo in staten ;Bt huer are ewset iecnenes-louds, quiecly tuos.rW indan drain, comin gnifro msea ,

Hav coolee tdhi sapiviln aoovb the ealke nd dAiven rhte eferishvheat aw a yFomrw erh me eyimenn gutset ase grtaereh.d ...shAame thodguh Iam o my fhgi hpoistoinWhi e pleolpele a udnahpypl vesi, eL tsure asoanblyb naih sarecA ndjust be rienfds, nejoiny gntaur.e hoTuh ge hwaevt o ogwi htot ufsi hadnm aet, hTeer re arfits anduv geteblea saplnet.y ..We.b wo we, tkae uo crpu of siwne,We gve iou rtatetinonto bea uifut poels. Wmhn teh emni isdex atled,th eodyb i slghtinee dnA fdele ssai f i coutd floalti nhetw id.n... Suzhou is amef as d aencre oftl tetres ;ndA ll yoau writre, somcng ihree P,rvo ehta tht neam eo afg rea tlad nIs amde by ebter ttinhs ghta wnaelht

--.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------280 言五诗古 韦物 初应扬发寄元大校子书 凄凄去爱,亲归 洛棹阳人, 朝为此今, 世事波别上舟, 泛泛入雾烟 残;广钟树。陵何处还 遇相? 洄安沿得。住

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Fiv-ech-ractare-aniect-nersve eiW Yniwu SETTIgN GAILSO N HTE AYNZGIT OSEC RETRAY YAN

WisUftul, aawy romf y fmreidns adn ki,nT rough mihst nda og Iff loa tnad loft aWti thh eaislthat ebrs amet waodr Loaygn .nIYa nzhguotre s eilgern bel-nltoes o fvening,eM rkaignthe d ay

andth elpcae o ofu rpatrin..g. Wh.en salhl wemee again andt weher? ..De.tins yis aboa ton hte wvas, eBone rto and fro,bey no dur wioll.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------029-五言古诗 韦 应物 寄全椒山道士中 今朝斋冷,郡 涧束荆薪, 底欲持瓢一酒,落 满叶山,空 忽念中客;山 来归白石。煮远慰 雨夕; 风处何行寻。

--迹----------------------------------------------------------------------------Fviech-aratcr-eacnien-vtrseeW eiYi ngw u AOPE MOTA TAOIT HERMST ICUANHIJO MAONUAINTM ofyifc eahs grwno old tcdoya;An d Isdudney ltinkho f m ymonutinafri ne datGherng iirfweoo ddow innt e havley Orlb iolngiw itehs onte sof prottaeosi nhis htu.... I wishI mihgt akte ih ma ucpo fiwn eoT cheer ihm trohuh tgeheven ngi stor; mBu ti nfallne elaev shatt ahevh epedathe bare soleps H,o swouhldI eve firn his fdotorints!p

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------0-30五 言古 韦诗应物长 遇冯著安 客东从方,来问客何 为来 冥?冥正开, 昨花今已春别 ,上灞衣雨。 采山因买陵斧 扬扬。燕新。 鬓丝生几缕乳。


----------------------------------------------------------------------------Fi-e-cvhaarcet-arcnenit-ersv Wei eYigwnu N MOETINGEMY FR EIDN FEG NHZ INUTHE CPAITA LOt ufoth eaets yu vosit ie, mWti thh raeinof alBni stgillon you rlotceh,sI sk youa wah yot huvea ocm here eor; Yfu osa: y"T ouy an bxaf ro uttcin gwood nith eomutnanis ..."idHed dnep in e haaz eofb lososm Swa,llwo lfdglingse hirc atp aee As shteyd idwh n we eapred,ta ye r agao....Ho gwreyour tmplee savh grewnos nci thee!

m-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------031-五言 诗

古应物韦 夕盱次县 落帆眙逗淮, 镇浩风浩起波, 归人郭暗山 ,夜独忆秦关, 停临舫驿。孤冥冥日 沈。夕 下芦雁白洲。听 未眠钟。客

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------F-iv-chaeacrtr-anecentive-sr WeeiY nigu MwOOIRGN AT TWLIIHTG IN UYIY IDTRSCT FIurlin mg ysalin aer teh owtn fo uaHi, I ifn ford arhburo aittlle coe vheWre saddeun beezre wihpsu thepw aev. Tseh sunis gro wngidim no wa nd sinsk int h desku. ePolpe raecom ngi ohme. heT rbgit homunatin-epk daakensr Wi.lgeede slfy odwn toan i sand ol fhite weewsd. ...A timndihg tIth ni ko afn rtoehnr itc-gate,yA ndI hear abell tllino gbetwen ee amdns leep

.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------032 五言-古诗韦应 物 郊 东吏跼终舍年, 柳杨和散风, 依适自憩,丛 微霭芳原雨,乐幽

屡止, 终斯罢庐, 出结旷郊曙清。 山青吾虑。澹 涧缘复去。还 春鸣何处鸠 ?遵迹犹事;遽 慕陶可庶。真


----------------------------------------------------------------------------F-ie-chvractea-arnceni-tvere sWeiY ngiuwEA TS OFTHE TOW FromN fficoecon fineentma ll yer aolg, nI avh eocm oet uo tfonwt obe f reethi sm rnino gWhreew illoswha monrzie he wtnd inA dgrene ihll lsighent ht ecaesr o fht werld. I olan be y taer aendrest my self r Ownaedrup a dn odw a nsteamr. ...isMt have sewtt e hfragart nemdows; Aa spinr dogv cealsl rfo some mhddine pace. l...Wti quiet hsurruodings, thnem ndiis at paec, euB tbset ewthi ffaais, ri tgrowsr etslss egain.a.. .Hree shall Ifnilaly uildb m aec ainb, As aoT Qianbu itl no leng aoo.g

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------0-33 言五古 诗韦应 物杨送女氏 日永方戚,戚 子女有今行,尔 辈苦无恃,幼为 所长, 育对此中结肠 ,小阙内自训,赖 托令门兹 贫俭诚,所尚,孝恭 妇道遵, 别在离今,晨居闲始自 遣,出 复行悠。悠 江溯轻大。舟 念益慈抚; 柔别两泣休。 义往不难留复 事姑。我贻;忧仁 庶恤尤。 无资岂从周! 容止顺待其。 猷尔当见何? 临秋感难收忽

归来视。幼,女零泪缘 流缨。

------------------------------------------------------------------------------ivFe-hacratecr-naiecnt-evsr eWie YinwguT OM DYUAGHER TONHE MRRRIAGEA ITN OTH YENAGF AIML MyYhe rat ah sbee nehayv al layd lnogBe ausc eou yhvea osfa r t goo The .arriage of a gmir, alawyf romher p arent,sI sht eaulncihgn o fali tle toatb ona geatr rveri ...Yo. wueer evyr yung ohenw yuro omthe dired,Which mda mee th mere teodenr o youf.Y uroe lde sistrreh aslo keod ou for tou, Ayndn wo yuoare bot hrycng aidnc nnaotp rta. his mTkeasmy gier fhe htraedrto ear;bYe tit isr igh ttath oyushou l gd.o.. H.vanig had rom chilfhdod noomo ter th ougid eyu, oHw oiwlly uo hooun yorurm tohr-einl-wa?It's n eacellxet fanmly;i tehyw ill be knidt oyou,The wyli lorgifv eyo yuour imtskea -Alsthuogh orsu has ben seop re uad pnor Thoatyo u an tacek the mo gneatr dwory B.eg ente aldn repsetfcl, au a wsoma shonldub e Ca,reful f word ona dlok,oob srvanet o fogodex mape.l. .A.terfth s imoringnw e esapate,r Three' nsokn woing fr hoow lng.o.. I. lwaya trs ty ohde myi feelnigs-Th y eares ddunel tyoo mch fur mo, ehenWI t unr and ees ym oungyre aduhterg Wth tihe tars runeingndo n whre cheek.


五4古诗言 柳元 宗晨超师院读诣经禅 汲井寒漱, 齿闲贝持叶, 真书了源无, 取言冀可冥,遗道 庭人宇, 日静出雾余露, 然澹言说, 离清心尘拂服 步出,斋东。 忘读世所逐; 缮性何

由熟?苔 色深连;竹青 松如膏沐。悟 心悦足。

-自----------------------------------------------------------------------------Fiv--ehcarcate-ancreitnv-ese LiurZo gyuann RADEING UBDDHSIT LCSAICSSW THI ZAO HA HITS EMTLP IEN TE EARLH MYORNIN G cIlaen myt etehin w taerd arw fnorm aoldc ewl;lA nd wihelI b rsh umycl toes,hI puiryf y mimdn ;heTn sl,olw tuynrni gpgesai thn eree-LTef aooB, k reIite, clona ght paetht oth e eaters nhsetlr.e ..T.ehwo rd has flogrtotnethe tr eufou ntianof htiste chiag nnA peopdlee nlasv teehmsevls toe imaclersand f abesl.Un erd ht gevin eowdsr I awtnt h eesentias mealnng,iI ook flrot ehs mpiletsw ayt os o anw drae myp natru.e ereHi nht euqeti o thefpr ist'es etmlpcouetyrrad,M oses asddthe i rlicbimn gcloorut the otickhb abmoo An;dn owcome st he snu,out o fm ist adnf o, Agd npinesth a tese mo tbe en-wbtahe;dAnd every htni is gonegfr o me,ms epec gheos,a d nerdiagn, eLaingv he singtle nusio.n



言古 诗柳宗 溪元 久居为簪组,累 闲依农圃邻, 耕晓翻草,露 往不来逢人,幸此南夷谪 。似山偶林。客 夜响榜溪, 石长楚歌天。

--碧----------------------------------------------------------------------------iFv-charecaet-arniecnt-evrs LeuiZon guyn aWEDLLIN GY AB TSERMA I hads o onl gbenet robule by doffiicl hat aan drobeT hat Ia mg al tdo be na xeli hereei tnishw idl ostuhlnda. Ia m naeghiobr unw oofpl atens rad nearersp . am Ia gestu of tehm unoatnsi na wodos. Idp oluh ing the mrnongi tur,nign ewdy grasse, Asn adteve nig nietm y ifshr-eboa, brtaekig tne huqie tsrteam.Back ad fonrht go, Icsrcaly meeetig annoyn, eAnd signa lo gn pem oad ngaez at te bhle usk.



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