




悉尼歌剧院(Sydney Opera House)

This is the Sydney Opera House, it’s a performing

arts centre, and it’s in Sydney.


悉尼大桥(Sydney Harbour Bridge, Australia).

This is the Sydney Harbour Bridge, it’s close to Sydney Opera House. This bridge is very nice. 悉尼大桥邻近歌剧院,它非常漂亮(由3位小导游讲解)

悉尼塔(Sydney Tower或AMP Tower)

This is the Sydney Tower,it’s in the centre of Sydney, it’s the tallest structure. The tower stands 305 (three hundred and five) meters

悉尼塔位于澳大利亚悉尼市中心,高304.8 米,是澳大利亚最高的建筑。(由4位小导游讲解)

皇家剧院(Theatre Royal)

This is the Theatre Royal. The Theatre Royal has an excellent selection of shows, including music drama、ballet and opera,it is in a really central location in Sydney.

皇家剧院(Theatre Royal)是澳大利亚最古老的剧院,现今上演的剧目繁多,包括音乐剧、芭蕾、歌剧等。(由4位小导游讲解)




The maori lived in New Zealand. Although many New Zealanders use

Maori words, such as“kia ora”,while speaking English.




用毛利语言,“kia ora”——“你好! ”问候,也可以用英文问候“Hello”

最后唱一首《Hello song》

Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello How are you

Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello How are you

I'm fine I'm fine Thank you thank you very much

I'm fine I'm fine Thank you thank you very much





式男子橄榄球队(Rugby Union):All blacks(全黑队)。进行一








New Zealand has the best rugby union. Rugby Union is considered the

national sport.

Rugby is a game played by two teams using an oval ball .This ball look like an

olive. Players try to score points by carrying the ball and kicking it to their

opponents’ end of the field.

游戏:学生用橄榄球做游戏,击鼓传花(学生一边拍手clap hands,一边说passing down,passing down ,passing passing down,在传递橄榄球,歌声停止时,拿到球的学生说一个英语单词水果和文具类单词不能重复(apple, orange, pear, melon, grape, mango, strawberry, ruler, pen, pencil, erase, bag, book)。



Ss:Welcome to our farm. we live in the farm, we are happy every day.

S1:I am a sheep.

S2:I am a cow.

Farmer: Let’s have fun


Mary had a little lamb,

little lamb, little lamb,

Mary had a little lamb, its fleece was white as snow.

And everywhere that Mary went,

Mary went, Mary went,

and everywhere that Mary went, the lamb was sure to go.

It followed her to school one day

school one day, school one day,

It followed her to school one day, which was against the rules.

It made the children laugh and play,

laugh and play, laugh and play,

it made the children laugh and play to see a lamb at school.

And so the teacher turned it out,

turned it out, turned it out,

And so the teacher turned it out, but still it lingered near,

And waited patiently about,

patiently about, patiently about,

And waited patiently about till Mary did appear.

"Why does the lamb love Mary so?"

Love Mary so? Love Mary so?

"Why does the lamb love Mary so," the eager children cry.

"Why, Mary loves the lamb, you know."

The lamb, you know, the lamb, you know,

"Why, Mary loves the lamb, you know," the teacher did reply


Welcome to kangaroo Island. You will see a lot of kangaroos and koalas here. Look, they are fat and so cute , you can take photos with them.

Let’s play a game. First we will invite our dad and mom to join us.



主持人说不同的数字( two three four five),当主持人说two的时候,两个动物就要抱在一起说(together),没有组成抱团的学生淘汰,最后留下5个学生得奖品。


学生解说员介绍,大堡礁(Great Barrier Reef)

This is the Great Barrier Reef. It can be seen from outer space .There is a wide diversity of life. Let’s have a look, How beautiful they are!


1. 鱼

I am Fish . I can swim.

2. 海星

I am a starfish. I am a star-shaped creature.I have five arms and live in the sea.

3. 鲸鱼

I am a whale. I am very large. I can breath through a blowhole on the head.

4. 海豚

I am a dolphin. I look like a large fish and live in the sea.I can jump.

5. 鲨鱼

I am a shark. I have very sharp teeth, I am very dangerous,because I can attack people.

6. 海豹

I am a seal. I have a round body and flat legs. I eat fish and live in the sea.

7. 章鱼

I am a octopus.I have eight long arms and I can catch food with arms.

8. 海蟹

I am a crab. I have five pairs of legs with large claws on the front pair.


I am a starfish,I can sing.

Twinkle, twinkle, little star,

How I wonder what you are!

Up above the world so high,

Like a diamond in the sky.

Twinkle, twinkle, little star,

How I wonder what you are!

《ABC song》

A B C D E F G lalalalala,

H I G K L M N lalalalala,

O P Q R S T U lalalalala,

V W X Y Z lalalalala,


The Australia is our great natural paradise.

We love oceans ,we love the world.





悉尼歌剧院(Sydney Opera House)

This is the Sydney Opera House, it’s a performing

arts centre, and it’s in Sydney.


悉尼大桥(Sydney Harbour Bridge, Australia).

This is the Sydney Harbour Bridge, it’s close to Sydney Opera House. This bridge is very nice. 悉尼大桥邻近歌剧院,它非常漂亮(由3位小导游讲解)

悉尼塔(Sydney Tower或AMP Tower)

This is the Sydney Tower,it’s in the centre of Sydney, it’s the tallest structure. The tower stands 305 (three hundred and five) meters

悉尼塔位于澳大利亚悉尼市中心,高304.8 米,是澳大利亚最高的建筑。(由4位小导游讲解)

皇家剧院(Theatre Royal)

This is the Theatre Royal. The Theatre Royal has an excellent selection of shows, including music drama、ballet and opera,it is in a really central location in Sydney.

皇家剧院(Theatre Royal)是澳大利亚最古老的剧院,现今上演的剧目繁多,包括音乐剧、芭蕾、歌剧等。(由4位小导游讲解)




The maori lived in New Zealand. Although many New Zealanders use

Maori words, such as“kia ora”,while speaking English.




用毛利语言,“kia ora”——“你好! ”问候,也可以用英文问候“Hello”

最后唱一首《Hello song》

Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello How are you

Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello How are you

I'm fine I'm fine Thank you thank you very much

I'm fine I'm fine Thank you thank you very much





式男子橄榄球队(Rugby Union):All blacks(全黑队)。进行一








New Zealand has the best rugby union. Rugby Union is considered the

national sport.

Rugby is a game played by two teams using an oval ball .This ball look like an

olive. Players try to score points by carrying the ball and kicking it to their

opponents’ end of the field.

游戏:学生用橄榄球做游戏,击鼓传花(学生一边拍手clap hands,一边说passing down,passing down ,passing passing down,在传递橄榄球,歌声停止时,拿到球的学生说一个英语单词水果和文具类单词不能重复(apple, orange, pear, melon, grape, mango, strawberry, ruler, pen, pencil, erase, bag, book)。



Ss:Welcome to our farm. we live in the farm, we are happy every day.

S1:I am a sheep.

S2:I am a cow.

Farmer: Let’s have fun


Mary had a little lamb,

little lamb, little lamb,

Mary had a little lamb, its fleece was white as snow.

And everywhere that Mary went,

Mary went, Mary went,

and everywhere that Mary went, the lamb was sure to go.

It followed her to school one day

school one day, school one day,

It followed her to school one day, which was against the rules.

It made the children laugh and play,

laugh and play, laugh and play,

it made the children laugh and play to see a lamb at school.

And so the teacher turned it out,

turned it out, turned it out,

And so the teacher turned it out, but still it lingered near,

And waited patiently about,

patiently about, patiently about,

And waited patiently about till Mary did appear.

"Why does the lamb love Mary so?"

Love Mary so? Love Mary so?

"Why does the lamb love Mary so," the eager children cry.

"Why, Mary loves the lamb, you know."

The lamb, you know, the lamb, you know,

"Why, Mary loves the lamb, you know," the teacher did reply


Welcome to kangaroo Island. You will see a lot of kangaroos and koalas here. Look, they are fat and so cute , you can take photos with them.

Let’s play a game. First we will invite our dad and mom to join us.



主持人说不同的数字( two three four five),当主持人说two的时候,两个动物就要抱在一起说(together),没有组成抱团的学生淘汰,最后留下5个学生得奖品。


学生解说员介绍,大堡礁(Great Barrier Reef)

This is the Great Barrier Reef. It can be seen from outer space .There is a wide diversity of life. Let’s have a look, How beautiful they are!


1. 鱼

I am Fish . I can swim.

2. 海星

I am a starfish. I am a star-shaped creature.I have five arms and live in the sea.

3. 鲸鱼

I am a whale. I am very large. I can breath through a blowhole on the head.

4. 海豚

I am a dolphin. I look like a large fish and live in the sea.I can jump.

5. 鲨鱼

I am a shark. I have very sharp teeth, I am very dangerous,because I can attack people.

6. 海豹

I am a seal. I have a round body and flat legs. I eat fish and live in the sea.

7. 章鱼

I am a octopus.I have eight long arms and I can catch food with arms.

8. 海蟹

I am a crab. I have five pairs of legs with large claws on the front pair.


I am a starfish,I can sing.

Twinkle, twinkle, little star,

How I wonder what you are!

Up above the world so high,

Like a diamond in the sky.

Twinkle, twinkle, little star,

How I wonder what you are!

《ABC song》

A B C D E F G lalalalala,

H I G K L M N lalalalala,

O P Q R S T U lalalalala,

V W X Y Z lalalalala,


The Australia is our great natural paradise.

We love oceans ,we love the world.


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