

1. Trim the legs and wings of your duck back to the first joint. Remove any fat from the cavity and

check for any remaining feather stubs. Slide your fingers under the skin and loosen all over 1.从鸭腿的第一个关节处断去鸭脚和翅膀,检查鸭毛是否煺干净,取出内脏。然后进行涮膛,把鸭腔、鸭颈、鸭嘴洗涮干净,将回头肠及腔内的软组织取出,用手指滤鸭皮,使其无血污。


2. String your duck onto whatever hanging device you prefer and then bring a large pot of water to

the boil. Add 150g white venegar then take off the boil and plunge the duck in for 10 seconds.

Hang the duck back up and allow it to cool for a minute or two. Repeat this process five times 2.用线把鸭身串好,将其吊挂,然后将一大锅水烧沸。添加150克白醋,用沸水浇烫鸭身10秒钟。将鸭身重新吊挂,待其冷却一、两分钟后,重复刚才的步骤5次。

3. 3. Grind 5g each of salt, star anise, orange peel, ginger, cinnamon, szechuan pepper and a couple

of cloves and use to powder the cavity of the duck

3. 取食盐、八角茴香、桔皮、姜、桂皮、花椒以及丁香各5克,磨碎,将其填入鸭腔。

4. 4. Either hang the duck in the blast from a fan or leave it uncovered overnight on a rack in the

fridge. This will dry the skin

4. 将已烫皮的鸭子挂在通风处,既可将其悬挂在风扇可以吹到的地方,也可放在冰箱物架上,无需遮盖。这样可将鸭皮风干。

5. 5. This is maltose, the secret ingredient available from Chinese groceries. It's about a quarter as

sweet as sugar syrup but has the consistency and adhering power of epoxy glue and caramelises beautifully

5. 下图中是麦芽糖,是一种秘密配料,可在食品店购得。其甜度是糖浆的1/4,但含有稠度与粘度较好的环氧胶,用麦芽糖上色可使鸭身色泽鲜美。

6. 6. Melt 200g of maltose in a pan with a little boiling water and stir in 50g each of rice vinegar and

dark soy sauce Photograph: Tim Hayward/Guardian

6. 在平底锅中倒一点沸水,溶解200克麦芽糖,加米醋与老抽各50克。

7. 7. Paint a layer of the glaze onto the duck's skin and allow to dry in the air from the fan. Repeat

the process until you've built up a substantial, toffee-like coating

7. 用糖水给鸭皮打上一层色,用风扇吹干。重复这一步骤,直到鸭身定型,皮肤成中褐色再停止。

8. 8. Again, this can be done in the fridge

8. 然后将鸭子重放入冰箱保存。

9. 9. Put some boiling water in the bottom of the roasting tin and place the duck in a 200C oven,

immediately turning the temperature down to 160C. Avoid the temptation to peek for at least the first 10 minutes

9. 在烤制容器里放一些沸水,把鸭子放进200°C 的烤箱,立即将温度调至160°C 。避免在10分钟内开箱查看。

10. 10. After an hour and a half the duck should be perfect. Allow to cool for a little to settle the juices

and let the glaze harder. If you want to shred your duck meat, restaurant style, allow it to cool completely, refrigerate overnight and then reheat in a slow oven before shredding with forks

10. 一个半小时之后,鸭子就该熟了。冷却几分钟,淋上香油,增加光亮。如果您想尝试饭店的食用方法,将鸭肉切片,那就让其完全冷却,冷藏一夜,再用文火烘箱加热,然后用叉享用。

11. 11. If you want to be a little more authentic - and trust me this version is worth it - serve thin

shavings of skin and fat with just the smallest amounts of meat, along with pancakes, plum sauce

and spring onions. Save the rest for a stir-fry course later

11. 如果您想享用更正宗的北京烤鸭,相信我,这个方法保准可靠,趁热将鸭片皮、少量鸭肉,伴以京葱、青瓜、甜面酱及薄饼同食。


1. Trim the legs and wings of your duck back to the first joint. Remove any fat from the cavity and

check for any remaining feather stubs. Slide your fingers under the skin and loosen all over 1.从鸭腿的第一个关节处断去鸭脚和翅膀,检查鸭毛是否煺干净,取出内脏。然后进行涮膛,把鸭腔、鸭颈、鸭嘴洗涮干净,将回头肠及腔内的软组织取出,用手指滤鸭皮,使其无血污。


2. String your duck onto whatever hanging device you prefer and then bring a large pot of water to

the boil. Add 150g white venegar then take off the boil and plunge the duck in for 10 seconds.

Hang the duck back up and allow it to cool for a minute or two. Repeat this process five times 2.用线把鸭身串好,将其吊挂,然后将一大锅水烧沸。添加150克白醋,用沸水浇烫鸭身10秒钟。将鸭身重新吊挂,待其冷却一、两分钟后,重复刚才的步骤5次。

3. 3. Grind 5g each of salt, star anise, orange peel, ginger, cinnamon, szechuan pepper and a couple

of cloves and use to powder the cavity of the duck

3. 取食盐、八角茴香、桔皮、姜、桂皮、花椒以及丁香各5克,磨碎,将其填入鸭腔。

4. 4. Either hang the duck in the blast from a fan or leave it uncovered overnight on a rack in the

fridge. This will dry the skin

4. 将已烫皮的鸭子挂在通风处,既可将其悬挂在风扇可以吹到的地方,也可放在冰箱物架上,无需遮盖。这样可将鸭皮风干。

5. 5. This is maltose, the secret ingredient available from Chinese groceries. It's about a quarter as

sweet as sugar syrup but has the consistency and adhering power of epoxy glue and caramelises beautifully

5. 下图中是麦芽糖,是一种秘密配料,可在食品店购得。其甜度是糖浆的1/4,但含有稠度与粘度较好的环氧胶,用麦芽糖上色可使鸭身色泽鲜美。

6. 6. Melt 200g of maltose in a pan with a little boiling water and stir in 50g each of rice vinegar and

dark soy sauce Photograph: Tim Hayward/Guardian

6. 在平底锅中倒一点沸水,溶解200克麦芽糖,加米醋与老抽各50克。

7. 7. Paint a layer of the glaze onto the duck's skin and allow to dry in the air from the fan. Repeat

the process until you've built up a substantial, toffee-like coating

7. 用糖水给鸭皮打上一层色,用风扇吹干。重复这一步骤,直到鸭身定型,皮肤成中褐色再停止。

8. 8. Again, this can be done in the fridge

8. 然后将鸭子重放入冰箱保存。

9. 9. Put some boiling water in the bottom of the roasting tin and place the duck in a 200C oven,

immediately turning the temperature down to 160C. Avoid the temptation to peek for at least the first 10 minutes

9. 在烤制容器里放一些沸水,把鸭子放进200°C 的烤箱,立即将温度调至160°C 。避免在10分钟内开箱查看。

10. 10. After an hour and a half the duck should be perfect. Allow to cool for a little to settle the juices

and let the glaze harder. If you want to shred your duck meat, restaurant style, allow it to cool completely, refrigerate overnight and then reheat in a slow oven before shredding with forks

10. 一个半小时之后,鸭子就该熟了。冷却几分钟,淋上香油,增加光亮。如果您想尝试饭店的食用方法,将鸭肉切片,那就让其完全冷却,冷藏一夜,再用文火烘箱加热,然后用叉享用。

11. 11. If you want to be a little more authentic - and trust me this version is worth it - serve thin

shavings of skin and fat with just the smallest amounts of meat, along with pancakes, plum sauce

and spring onions. Save the rest for a stir-fry course later

11. 如果您想享用更正宗的北京烤鸭,相信我,这个方法保准可靠,趁热将鸭片皮、少量鸭肉,伴以京葱、青瓜、甜面酱及薄饼同食。


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