




The Title of the Thesis (小2号字) By (3号字) xxxx xxxxx,Supervisor

Submitted to College of Foreign Languages in

Fulfillment of the Requirements

For the degree of Bachelor of Arts

In Hebei Normal University

May 29th , 2003

摘 要(3号字)


约瑟夫〃康拉德, 是一位在英国现代文学史上具有特殊影响并做出巨大贡




关键词:(加黑)自我 探索 黑暗 迷惑 恐惧 转变 (末行,小4号字)

Abstract (3号字)

Joseph Conrad is among the greatest of novelists in the contemporary English literature. His twenty-year-life at sea seems to have had the greatest impact on his writing. Heart of Darkness is based on Conrad ‟s observations and feelings when he was traveling in Congo.

Heart of Darkness explores the issues of the self in the context of European imperial conquest. The present study consists of three chapters. Displaying what Marlow has discovered helps to reveal the theme of the novel. In the Introduction of the thesis, it gives an overall introduction to the considerations of this paper and a general survey of different approaches and interpretations made by some famous reviewers in the past years. Chapter I indicates that Marlow ‟s bewilderment is caused by external darkness, through revealing the African darkness, analyzing Marlow ‟s concept of African darkness and its cause, describing the European whites ‟ responses to the African darkness. Chapter II investigates that Marlow ‟s horror is caused by inner darkness. This paper clarifies the inner horror and horror caused by the evil aspect of human nature. Chapter III reveals the self ‟s development in thinking. In the conclusion, the paper states that Darkness and the self prove to be indispensable and antagonizing truth of life, and life is an unceasing act of will to wrestle with darkness for survival. (小4号字)

Key words: self, pursuit, darkness, bewilderment, horror, transform(末行小4号

Contents (3号字)


Introduction ……. ……………………………………. ……………….1

Chapter I Self’s Bewilderment in Face of External Darkness…….. 7

A. The African Darkness (小标题用小4号字)

B. The Hero‟s Vision of African Darkness

C. The White Man‟ Response to the African Darkness

Chapter II Self’s Spiritual Horror Caused by Inner Darkness….. 25

A. Man‟s Inner Horror

B. The Evil Aspect of Human Nature

Chapter III Self’s Development in Thinking….. ……………. ……. 39

A. Distancing Attitude

B. Insistence on Self-possession

C. Rendezvous with the Darkness

Conclusion ……………………………………………. …………….. 54 Notes



It should have become clear that racism in Heart of Darkness is subtly related to the issue of the self by providing the framework for the discussion of the latter. African darkness, in a sense, is the elemental darkness of existence articulated in racist terms. Meanwhile, the novel‟s focus on whites‟ moral collapse as issue concerning exclusively the whites‟ mentality is made by condoning racist definitions of humanity that dehumanize natives. Further, the presentation and assessment of Kurtz‟ s career are affected by racist assumption. In a nutshell, Heart

of Darkness expresses in a problematic way the author‟ s concern with the self.

Nevertheless, it is unfair to say that Conrad is blind to the pernicious effects

of imperialism. The nov el‟ s documenting its evil consequences on the natives attests to the author‟ s clear opposition to its destructive impacts. In this sense, he cures the racist tendency that had shaped his vision of African darkness. The truth of life that he and the reader consequently have to face is a profoundly pessimistic one. It is comparable to the view Conrad voices in A Personal Record:

The ethical view of the universe involves us at last in so many cruel and

absurd contradictions, where the last vestiges of faith, hope, charity and even

of reason itself, seem ready to perish, that I have come to suspect that the

aim of creation cannot be ethical at all.(28)



Y et life shall not be worse for this darkened vision. As Mark Colleges

observes, when skepticism with its clear vision drives one to a crisis point, to a nihilistic view of the world, it is also the time of a rebound of faith in life, a faith all the more vigorous, sustaining, even to the degree of religious piety. In Conrad‟s own words, this is the religion of “an undying hope” for life. He declares that a writer is not worthy of being a writer if he licenses himself to lapse into moral nihilism. Thus Conrad continues in A Personal Record:

I would fondly belie ve that its [creation’s] object is purely spectacular:

spectacle for awe, love, adoration, if you like, but in this view —and in this

view alone —never for despair! Those visions, delicious or poignant, are a

moral end in themselves.(29)

In this, Heart of Darkness accomplishes the goal. It makes Marlow, and the

reader See, the truth, and the act of seeing is a moral end in itself. To see, but not be Spell bound by what he sees, man asserts the sovereignty of his subjectivity. The novel commits the reader to seeing as an act of will, the starting act of wrestling with the world of chaos. Virginia Woolf writes that in Conrad‟s prose, “the beauty of surface has always a fibred of morality within”. Sustaining Heart of Darkness is Conrad the moralist: he writes of the ultimate moral of life —an unequivocal, authentic affirmation of life, however uncompromising the challenge Is, however much the task of living exacts.

Notes (3号字)

(1).Conrad, Joseph. Lord Jim. (Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and

Research, 1991.) P.216

(2).Murfin, Ross C. Joseph Conrad, Heart of Darkness: A Case Study in

Contemporary Criticism.( New York: St. Martin‟s Press, 1989.)

(3).Berthoud, Jacques. Joseph Conrad: The Major Phase. (Cambridge: Cambridge

UP, 1978.) P.53

(4).SuYong. “ Asserting Individuality —on the Character of Kurtz and Marlow in

Heart of Darkness.” Diss. Peking University, 1996. .P.13

(5).Conrad, Joseph. Heart of Darkness. (London: Penguin Books Ltd, 1976.) P.69

(6). Ibid. P.97

(7).Jordan, Winthrop. “First Impressions: Libidinous Blacks. ” From Different

Shores. Ed. Ronald Takaki. ( New York: Oxford UP, 1987.) P.44



(10).Said, Edward. Orientalism . ( London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1978.)


(11).Berthoud, Jacques. Joseph Conrad: The Major Phase. (Cambridge:

Cambridge UP,1978.) P.47

(12).Brantinger, Patrick. “ „Heart of Darkness ‟: Anti-Imperialism, Racism, or

Impressionism? ” Joseph Conrad: Critical Assessments. Ed. Keith Carabine.

V ol 4th . (East Sussex: Helm Information, 1992. 1) P.435

Bibliography (3号字)

1.Achebe, Chinua. “An Image of America.” Joseph Conrad: Critical Assessments. Ed. Keith Carabine. Vol 4th . East Sussex: Helm Information, 1992.

2.Ambrossini, Richard. Conrad ’s Fiction as Critical Discourse. Cambridge:

Cambridge UP, 1991.

3.Berthoud, Jacques. Joseph Conrad: The Major Phase. Cambridge: Cambridge

UP, 1978.

4.Clifford, Hugh. “The Art of Mr. Joseph Conrad.” Joseph Conrad: Critical

Assessments. Ed. Keith Carabine. Vol 4th . East Sussex: Helm Information, 1992.

5.Conrad, Joseph. Heart of Darkness. London: Penguin Books Ltd, 1976.

6.Conrad, Joseph. Lord Jim. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research,


7.Conrad, Joseph. The Mirror of the Sea & A Personal Record. London: J. M.

Dent & Sons, 1945.





The Title of the Thesis (小2号字) By (3号字) xxxx xxxxx,Supervisor

Submitted to College of Foreign Languages in

Fulfillment of the Requirements

For the degree of Bachelor of Arts

In Hebei Normal University

May 29th , 2003

摘 要(3号字)


约瑟夫〃康拉德, 是一位在英国现代文学史上具有特殊影响并做出巨大贡




关键词:(加黑)自我 探索 黑暗 迷惑 恐惧 转变 (末行,小4号字)

Abstract (3号字)

Joseph Conrad is among the greatest of novelists in the contemporary English literature. His twenty-year-life at sea seems to have had the greatest impact on his writing. Heart of Darkness is based on Conrad ‟s observations and feelings when he was traveling in Congo.

Heart of Darkness explores the issues of the self in the context of European imperial conquest. The present study consists of three chapters. Displaying what Marlow has discovered helps to reveal the theme of the novel. In the Introduction of the thesis, it gives an overall introduction to the considerations of this paper and a general survey of different approaches and interpretations made by some famous reviewers in the past years. Chapter I indicates that Marlow ‟s bewilderment is caused by external darkness, through revealing the African darkness, analyzing Marlow ‟s concept of African darkness and its cause, describing the European whites ‟ responses to the African darkness. Chapter II investigates that Marlow ‟s horror is caused by inner darkness. This paper clarifies the inner horror and horror caused by the evil aspect of human nature. Chapter III reveals the self ‟s development in thinking. In the conclusion, the paper states that Darkness and the self prove to be indispensable and antagonizing truth of life, and life is an unceasing act of will to wrestle with darkness for survival. (小4号字)

Key words: self, pursuit, darkness, bewilderment, horror, transform(末行小4号

Contents (3号字)


Introduction ……. ……………………………………. ……………….1

Chapter I Self’s Bewilderment in Face of External Darkness…….. 7

A. The African Darkness (小标题用小4号字)

B. The Hero‟s Vision of African Darkness

C. The White Man‟ Response to the African Darkness

Chapter II Self’s Spiritual Horror Caused by Inner Darkness….. 25

A. Man‟s Inner Horror

B. The Evil Aspect of Human Nature

Chapter III Self’s Development in Thinking….. ……………. ……. 39

A. Distancing Attitude

B. Insistence on Self-possession

C. Rendezvous with the Darkness

Conclusion ……………………………………………. …………….. 54 Notes



It should have become clear that racism in Heart of Darkness is subtly related to the issue of the self by providing the framework for the discussion of the latter. African darkness, in a sense, is the elemental darkness of existence articulated in racist terms. Meanwhile, the novel‟s focus on whites‟ moral collapse as issue concerning exclusively the whites‟ mentality is made by condoning racist definitions of humanity that dehumanize natives. Further, the presentation and assessment of Kurtz‟ s career are affected by racist assumption. In a nutshell, Heart

of Darkness expresses in a problematic way the author‟ s concern with the self.

Nevertheless, it is unfair to say that Conrad is blind to the pernicious effects

of imperialism. The nov el‟ s documenting its evil consequences on the natives attests to the author‟ s clear opposition to its destructive impacts. In this sense, he cures the racist tendency that had shaped his vision of African darkness. The truth of life that he and the reader consequently have to face is a profoundly pessimistic one. It is comparable to the view Conrad voices in A Personal Record:

The ethical view of the universe involves us at last in so many cruel and

absurd contradictions, where the last vestiges of faith, hope, charity and even

of reason itself, seem ready to perish, that I have come to suspect that the

aim of creation cannot be ethical at all.(28)



Y et life shall not be worse for this darkened vision. As Mark Colleges

observes, when skepticism with its clear vision drives one to a crisis point, to a nihilistic view of the world, it is also the time of a rebound of faith in life, a faith all the more vigorous, sustaining, even to the degree of religious piety. In Conrad‟s own words, this is the religion of “an undying hope” for life. He declares that a writer is not worthy of being a writer if he licenses himself to lapse into moral nihilism. Thus Conrad continues in A Personal Record:

I would fondly belie ve that its [creation’s] object is purely spectacular:

spectacle for awe, love, adoration, if you like, but in this view —and in this

view alone —never for despair! Those visions, delicious or poignant, are a

moral end in themselves.(29)

In this, Heart of Darkness accomplishes the goal. It makes Marlow, and the

reader See, the truth, and the act of seeing is a moral end in itself. To see, but not be Spell bound by what he sees, man asserts the sovereignty of his subjectivity. The novel commits the reader to seeing as an act of will, the starting act of wrestling with the world of chaos. Virginia Woolf writes that in Conrad‟s prose, “the beauty of surface has always a fibred of morality within”. Sustaining Heart of Darkness is Conrad the moralist: he writes of the ultimate moral of life —an unequivocal, authentic affirmation of life, however uncompromising the challenge Is, however much the task of living exacts.

Notes (3号字)

(1).Conrad, Joseph. Lord Jim. (Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and

Research, 1991.) P.216

(2).Murfin, Ross C. Joseph Conrad, Heart of Darkness: A Case Study in

Contemporary Criticism.( New York: St. Martin‟s Press, 1989.)

(3).Berthoud, Jacques. Joseph Conrad: The Major Phase. (Cambridge: Cambridge

UP, 1978.) P.53

(4).SuYong. “ Asserting Individuality —on the Character of Kurtz and Marlow in

Heart of Darkness.” Diss. Peking University, 1996. .P.13

(5).Conrad, Joseph. Heart of Darkness. (London: Penguin Books Ltd, 1976.) P.69

(6). Ibid. P.97

(7).Jordan, Winthrop. “First Impressions: Libidinous Blacks. ” From Different

Shores. Ed. Ronald Takaki. ( New York: Oxford UP, 1987.) P.44



(10).Said, Edward. Orientalism . ( London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1978.)


(11).Berthoud, Jacques. Joseph Conrad: The Major Phase. (Cambridge:

Cambridge UP,1978.) P.47

(12).Brantinger, Patrick. “ „Heart of Darkness ‟: Anti-Imperialism, Racism, or

Impressionism? ” Joseph Conrad: Critical Assessments. Ed. Keith Carabine.

V ol 4th . (East Sussex: Helm Information, 1992. 1) P.435

Bibliography (3号字)

1.Achebe, Chinua. “An Image of America.” Joseph Conrad: Critical Assessments. Ed. Keith Carabine. Vol 4th . East Sussex: Helm Information, 1992.

2.Ambrossini, Richard. Conrad ’s Fiction as Critical Discourse. Cambridge:

Cambridge UP, 1991.

3.Berthoud, Jacques. Joseph Conrad: The Major Phase. Cambridge: Cambridge

UP, 1978.

4.Clifford, Hugh. “The Art of Mr. Joseph Conrad.” Joseph Conrad: Critical

Assessments. Ed. Keith Carabine. Vol 4th . East Sussex: Helm Information, 1992.

5.Conrad, Joseph. Heart of Darkness. London: Penguin Books Ltd, 1976.

6.Conrad, Joseph. Lord Jim. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research,


7.Conrad, Joseph. The Mirror of the Sea & A Personal Record. London: J. M.

Dent & Sons, 1945.


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