
Making a Phone Call

打 电 话


1) by that name = named 名字是……

2) slip v. 滑

3) button n. 按钮

4) touch-one 按键式

5) hang up 挂电话

6)Chicago 芝加哥(美国的一个城市,又称“风之城”)

7) locate v. 查找

8) residence n. 居民

9) transpose v. 颠倒

10) San Francisco 旧金山


11) area code 区号

12) California 加利佛尼亚州


13) urgent a. 紧急的

14) forwarding 转递

15) beeper n. 携带式呼叫机

16) device n. 设备,装置


Fred: I’d like to speak to Donna Gregory, please. This is Fred Easter. 弗瑞德:请问道纳·格里高里在吗?我是弗瑞德·伊斯特。

Wrong Number: I’m sorry, but I think you must have the wrong number. There’s

no one here by that name. What number were you calling?

错误号码:对不起,但我想您一定是搞错了。这里没有此人。您拨的号码是多少? Fred: I was calling 555-2893. Maybe my finger slipped, and I touched the wrong

button. I have one of those touch-tone phones.

弗瑞德:是555-2893。可能手指滑了一下,按错了键。我用的是按键电话。 Wrong Number: No, you called the right number. That is, this is 555-2893, but

there’s no one named Gregory here.

错误号码:您没有按错键,这里是555-2893,但这里没有叫格里高里的人。 Fred: Sorry to have bothered you. I’ll check the number again.


(They both hang up. Fred dials the information number, 411.)


Operator: Information for what city, please?


Fred: Chicago. I’m trying to locate a Donna Gregory on Michigan Avenue. 弗瑞德:芝加哥。我想查一下密歇根大街的道纳·格里高里的电话。

Operator: Business or 8)residence, sir?


Fred: It’s a business.


Operator: I have a Gregory Associates at 452 Michigan Avenue in Chicago. The

number is 555-2983.


Fred: Darn! I transposed the middle numbers. Thank you.


(He hangs up and dials the correct number.)


Receptionist: Gregory Associates. Good morning.


Fred: Good morning. I’d like to speak to Donna Gregory, please. This is Fred


弗瑞德:早上好!麻烦请您找道纳·格里高里听电话,我是弗瑞德·伊斯特。 Receptionist: I’m sorry, but Ms. Gregory is out of town until Friday. Is there

anyone else who can help you?


Fred: No, I really need to talk to her. Is there a way I can reach her or at least

leave a message for her to call me?



Receptionist: I can give you the number in San Francisco where she can be

reached. It’s 980-1375. The area code for San Francisco is 415. In

case you don’t reach her, Mr. Easter, why don’t you leave your

number with me? That way she’ll have a message to call you when

she gets back on Friday.



Fred: Thank you. That’s very thoughtful. My number here in Chicago is 555-4002.

Thanks for your help. I’ll try the number you gave me.



(He hangs up and dials California.)


Clerk: Hotel San Luis. May I help you?


Fred: Donna Gregory, please. I don’t know the room number.


Clerk: I’ll ring Ms. Gregory’s room, sir. (The phone rings ten times.) I’m sorry, sir.

No one seems to answer. Would you care to leave a message?



Fred: Yes. Please ask Ms. Gregory to call Fred Easter in Chicago. She knows

the number. Tell her it’s urgent and that I must speak with her, and that she should call no matter what time it is. I have call forwarding on my

phone, so no matter where I am, her call will automatically be transferred to me.



Clerk: I’ll tell her.


Fred: Oh, speaking of forwarding calls, does Ms. Gregory have one of those

beepers? Do you know what I mean? There are a lot of commercial

names for them. It’s a device that people carry so they can be signaled when there is a message for them. I always just call it a beeper.



Clerk: Yes, sir, I know what you mean, but I don’t know whether she has one or

not. She didn’t leave any word with us on how to contact her. All I can do is put a message in her box and activate the message light on her room phone. Will there be anything else, sir?



Fred: No, thank you. You’ve been very helpful. Goodbye.


Making a Phone Call

打 电 话


1) by that name = named 名字是……

2) slip v. 滑

3) button n. 按钮

4) touch-one 按键式

5) hang up 挂电话

6)Chicago 芝加哥(美国的一个城市,又称“风之城”)

7) locate v. 查找

8) residence n. 居民

9) transpose v. 颠倒

10) San Francisco 旧金山


11) area code 区号

12) California 加利佛尼亚州


13) urgent a. 紧急的

14) forwarding 转递

15) beeper n. 携带式呼叫机

16) device n. 设备,装置


Fred: I’d like to speak to Donna Gregory, please. This is Fred Easter. 弗瑞德:请问道纳·格里高里在吗?我是弗瑞德·伊斯特。

Wrong Number: I’m sorry, but I think you must have the wrong number. There’s

no one here by that name. What number were you calling?

错误号码:对不起,但我想您一定是搞错了。这里没有此人。您拨的号码是多少? Fred: I was calling 555-2893. Maybe my finger slipped, and I touched the wrong

button. I have one of those touch-tone phones.

弗瑞德:是555-2893。可能手指滑了一下,按错了键。我用的是按键电话。 Wrong Number: No, you called the right number. That is, this is 555-2893, but

there’s no one named Gregory here.

错误号码:您没有按错键,这里是555-2893,但这里没有叫格里高里的人。 Fred: Sorry to have bothered you. I’ll check the number again.


(They both hang up. Fred dials the information number, 411.)


Operator: Information for what city, please?


Fred: Chicago. I’m trying to locate a Donna Gregory on Michigan Avenue. 弗瑞德:芝加哥。我想查一下密歇根大街的道纳·格里高里的电话。

Operator: Business or 8)residence, sir?


Fred: It’s a business.


Operator: I have a Gregory Associates at 452 Michigan Avenue in Chicago. The

number is 555-2983.


Fred: Darn! I transposed the middle numbers. Thank you.


(He hangs up and dials the correct number.)


Receptionist: Gregory Associates. Good morning.


Fred: Good morning. I’d like to speak to Donna Gregory, please. This is Fred


弗瑞德:早上好!麻烦请您找道纳·格里高里听电话,我是弗瑞德·伊斯特。 Receptionist: I’m sorry, but Ms. Gregory is out of town until Friday. Is there

anyone else who can help you?


Fred: No, I really need to talk to her. Is there a way I can reach her or at least

leave a message for her to call me?



Receptionist: I can give you the number in San Francisco where she can be

reached. It’s 980-1375. The area code for San Francisco is 415. In

case you don’t reach her, Mr. Easter, why don’t you leave your

number with me? That way she’ll have a message to call you when

she gets back on Friday.



Fred: Thank you. That’s very thoughtful. My number here in Chicago is 555-4002.

Thanks for your help. I’ll try the number you gave me.



(He hangs up and dials California.)


Clerk: Hotel San Luis. May I help you?


Fred: Donna Gregory, please. I don’t know the room number.


Clerk: I’ll ring Ms. Gregory’s room, sir. (The phone rings ten times.) I’m sorry, sir.

No one seems to answer. Would you care to leave a message?



Fred: Yes. Please ask Ms. Gregory to call Fred Easter in Chicago. She knows

the number. Tell her it’s urgent and that I must speak with her, and that she should call no matter what time it is. I have call forwarding on my

phone, so no matter where I am, her call will automatically be transferred to me.



Clerk: I’ll tell her.


Fred: Oh, speaking of forwarding calls, does Ms. Gregory have one of those

beepers? Do you know what I mean? There are a lot of commercial

names for them. It’s a device that people carry so they can be signaled when there is a message for them. I always just call it a beeper.



Clerk: Yes, sir, I know what you mean, but I don’t know whether she has one or

not. She didn’t leave any word with us on how to contact her. All I can do is put a message in her box and activate the message light on her room phone. Will there be anything else, sir?



Fred: No, thank you. You’ve been very helpful. Goodbye.



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