

A lot of people like lively, and I am in alone with respect to the preference, I think to be in alone is one kind is enjoyed. Every time when a person is in alone, total meeting thinks of a lot of pasts, have happy, have sad, those who have disappointment. . . . . . , think of happy, the yock that can cannot refrain from; Think of disappointment, sad, tear can not have breath ground to fall down soundlessly. Although be in alone,can let a person feel doleful, but I or meeting choice are in alone. When a person is in alone, I hear a few music via regular meeting, read some of book, the story clue in the rhythm that my mood can follow music, book and change. I like to be in alone, because it lets me feel free, experience a kind of carefree life, enjoy this kind of life, my mood nature will be can happy, happy. Arrived night, the month rises culmination, I am in alone, lunar Qing Hui is aspersed on the body, the sign of always together follows beside, total meeting feels some are empty in the heart, at this moment I begin and shadow chats, talk about the job that produces by day, feeling that chats one day. Not by memory rises in one’s childhood, everyday oneself a person is in the home, accompany me without the person, the time that oneself handle alone: Of “ phut ” , heavy iron gate was shut, family went to work, I never feel doleful in that way like other child, because I can be in alone, can manage creation alone the world ” with a perfect “ , a endless in people look day, very brief however in my eye, who can experience this kind of joy that is in alone again? Wait for excellent person to come back, I look forward to to fall one day to be able to come earlier again, let them give me the world ” with that perfect “ earlier. Because lack freedom at ordinary times,perhaps be, I yearn for freedom, long to be in alone, longing is in the sort of special enjoyment of the person alone. I like to be in alone, in be in alone I grow slowly. . . . . . Www.jinshihao3.net


A lot of people like lively, and I am in alone with respect to the preference, I think to be in alone is one kind is enjoyed. Every time when a person is in alone, total meeting thinks of a lot of pasts, have happy, have sad, those who have disappointment. . . . . . , think of happy, the yock that can cannot refrain from; Think of disappointment, sad, tear can not have breath ground to fall down soundlessly. Although be in alone,can let a person feel doleful, but I or meeting choice are in alone. When a person is in alone, I hear a few music via regular meeting, read some of book, the story clue in the rhythm that my mood can follow music, book and change. I like to be in alone, because it lets me feel free, experience a kind of carefree life, enjoy this kind of life, my mood nature will be can happy, happy. Arrived night, the month rises culmination, I am in alone, lunar Qing Hui is aspersed on the body, the sign of always together follows beside, total meeting feels some are empty in the heart, at this moment I begin and shadow chats, talk about the job that produces by day, feeling that chats one day. Not by memory rises in one’s childhood, everyday oneself a person is in the home, accompany me without the person, the time that oneself handle alone: Of “ phut ” , heavy iron gate was shut, family went to work, I never feel doleful in that way like other child, because I can be in alone, can manage creation alone the world ” with a perfect “ , a endless in people look day, very brief however in my eye, who can experience this kind of joy that is in alone again? Wait for excellent person to come back, I look forward to to fall one day to be able to come earlier again, let them give me the world ” with that perfect “ earlier. Because lack freedom at ordinary times,perhaps be, I yearn for freedom, long to be in alone, longing is in the sort of special enjoyment of the person alone. I like to be in alone, in be in alone I grow slowly. . . . . . Www.jinshihao3.net


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