




Objective:To briefly introduce the increase in the number of motor vehicles in our country and main research advances of traffic medicine.Methods:To collect the relative data issued by government and the pa-pe-rs pulished in the newspa-pe-rs or medical journals,and analyze them with combination of our own research work. Results:1.The number of motor vehicles in our country in 1997 was 680.02 times more than that in 1951,and increases t 42.0932 million from 1.5887 million over the past two decades(1978-1997)since the reform and opening,with net increase of 40.5045 million,increasing about 25 times.During the same period,the number of motorcycles increased to 20.2221 million from 104.3 thousand,increasing about 193 times.There were 4.4 hundred million bicycles,accounting for one third or the total world wide,Over 30% to 50% of eople in cities used bicycles as their transport tool when they go out.2.In the 1990's (9190 to 1997),the number of motor vehicles increased 1.85 times,while road traffic accidents(RATs) only increased 0.22 times,the deaths and the injuries 0.5 and 0.23 times only,respectively,indicating that the increasing tendency of RTAs and casualties was controlled to some extent.3.The prople of 21 to 45 years old were dominant among all casualties.The sequence of deaths in order was pedestrians(26.5%),vehicle drivers(24.8%),passengers(24.3%),bicyclists(18.4%)and others (6.1%).4.Concerning the accident causes,human faults accounted for 92.9%,83.6% of RTAs wre due to the faults of motor vehicle drivers,and 1.5% of RTAs were due to driving after drinking with deaths occupying 2.9% of the total.5.Proneneto RTSs:6%-8% of motor vehical drivers had proneneto RTA,causing 35%-40% fo the totoal RTAs.6.Various bio-impact machines were developed.The maximum impact velocity could reach 324 km/h.They can be used to induce impact injuries on different animals,at different patterns and even on different regions of body.7.The inflicting mechanisms for cranioserebral and chest impact injuries were investigated.Conclusions:1.With the rapid development of the economy and sharp increase of motor vehicles in China,RTAs also accordingly increase.The traffic administration and road construction,although being greatly improved,are still behind the increase of motor vehicles,which contradiction is still difficults resolved to update.2.In the next centrury,we should establish national database of traffic injuries,improve national emergency medical services system(EMSS)and the safety consciousneof road users,and comprehensively govern RTAs and traffic accident injuries.





Objective:To briefly introduce the increase in the number of motor vehicles in our country and main research advances of traffic medicine.Methods:To collect the relative data issued by government and the pa-pe-rs pulished in the newspa-pe-rs or medical journals,and analyze them with combination of our own research work. Results:1.The number of motor vehicles in our country in 1997 was 680.02 times more than that in 1951,and increases t 42.0932 million from 1.5887 million over the past two decades(1978-1997)since the reform and opening,with net increase of 40.5045 million,increasing about 25 times.During the same period,the number of motorcycles increased to 20.2221 million from 104.3 thousand,increasing about 193 times.There were 4.4 hundred million bicycles,accounting for one third or the total world wide,Over 30% to 50% of eople in cities used bicycles as their transport tool when they go out.2.In the 1990's (9190 to 1997),the number of motor vehicles increased 1.85 times,while road traffic accidents(RATs) only increased 0.22 times,the deaths and the injuries 0.5 and 0.23 times only,respectively,indicating that the increasing tendency of RTAs and casualties was controlled to some extent.3.The prople of 21 to 45 years old were dominant among all casualties.The sequence of deaths in order was pedestrians(26.5%),vehicle drivers(24.8%),passengers(24.3%),bicyclists(18.4%)and others (6.1%).4.Concerning the accident causes,human faults accounted for 92.9%,83.6% of RTAs wre due to the faults of motor vehicle drivers,and 1.5% of RTAs were due to driving after drinking with deaths occupying 2.9% of the total.5.Proneneto RTSs:6%-8% of motor vehical drivers had proneneto RTA,causing 35%-40% fo the totoal RTAs.6.Various bio-impact machines were developed.The maximum impact velocity could reach 324 km/h.They can be used to induce impact injuries on different animals,at different patterns and even on different regions of body.7.The inflicting mechanisms for cranioserebral and chest impact injuries were investigated.Conclusions:1.With the rapid development of the economy and sharp increase of motor vehicles in China,RTAs also accordingly increase.The traffic administration and road construction,although being greatly improved,are still behind the increase of motor vehicles,which contradiction is still difficults resolved to update.2.In the next centrury,we should establish national database of traffic injuries,improve national emergency medical services system(EMSS)and the safety consciousneof road users,and comprehensively govern RTAs and traffic accident injuries.


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