

1. The election turned not on some seismic slide from left to right but on the choices made by the 6% to 7% of perennially undecided, known as the floating vote, who are swayed more by emotion than ideology.

1. 选举形势的扭转并非取决于从左派到右派的压倒性变化,而是取决于每年6%到7%的那些举棋不定的(选民的)选票。这些选票被称为游移选票;这些选民易受感情而不是思想意识的左右。

2. Mild mannered and precise when he speaks, he is a far cry from the mix of Quakers, pacifists, drafts resisters and hippies who founded the organization a quarter-century ago.

2. 他讲话时举止适度,措辞准确,同那些由辉格党人、和平主义者、草案抵制者以及嘻皮士所组成的大杂烩截然不同,这些人二十五年前创建了该组织。

3. It makes sense for the Dore campaign to make this a contest between Dore as the laconic, quiet man whose words can be trusted and Bill Clinton as the traveling salesman with a line of smooth patter but a suitcase full of damaged goods.

3. 多尔的竞选班子把这作为两人之间的一场竞赛是有道理的。多尔言简意赅,举止文雅,言辞可信;而比尔?克林顿则像个走家串户的推销员,满嘴油腔滑调的行径,只不过是个装满破烂货的皮箱。

4. But I, along with Prime Minister Tony Blair of Great Britain, made it absolutely clear that if he did not fully cooperate we would have no choice but to act without further negotiation or warning.

4. 但我本人以及英国首相托尼?布莱尔曾非常明确地表示:如果他(萨达姆)不全面合作的话,我们别无选择,只有在不进行进一步谈判或警告的情况下就采取行动。

5. What makes it especially hard to explain is the fact that Clinton’s advisers are building scenarios based on layers upon layers of what-ifs, most of which are not anywhere near their control.

5. 尤其难以解释的事实是:克林顿的顾问们在根据一层套一层的“如果怎样就会怎样”的假设来考虑各种可能的情况,而绝大多数假设都远非他们所能控制的。

6. But international opinion, which had shifted behind the U.S. and left Saddam isolated and open to attack, now swung in the other direction.

6. 但是,国际舆论此刻却完全转向另一边。而国际舆论曾经倒向美国,使萨达姆陷入孤立无援、任人打击的境地。

7. The hard test is whether in 50 years Americans will look back at 1998 and say that we raised the bar for public office so high that only saints need apply, or that we dropped it so low that moral authority fell out of the job description.

7. 严峻的考验在于——在今后的五十年中,美国人是否会回首一九九八年,并因此说:我们对公职的要求太高,以至于只有圣人才会申请;或者说我们把标准降得太低,以至于道


8. How well the predictions will be validated by later performance depends on the amount, reliability, and appropriateness of the information used and on the skill and wisdom with which it is interpreted.

8. 以后的工作将如何合理地证实这些预测,取决于所利用信息的数量、可考性和恰当性,也取决于解释信息的技巧和智慧。

9. (Why is this enormous increase in population taking place?) It is really due to the spread of the knowledge and the practice of what is coming to be called Death Control.9. (为什么人口会有如此巨大的增长呢?)事实上,这是因为知识传播的结果,也是因为将被称为的养生之道的实践结果。

10.The first aspect of science is the application of the machines, products and systems of applied knowledge that scientists and technologists develop.


11. Others resent the prospect of being put on the scrap heap and seek alternative outlets for their energy and alternative sources of satisfaction or income that employment provided.


12. Asked why, he explained, with admirable logic, that the rain would damage the hat, but his hair would be none the worse for its wetting.


13. Nowhere could this be done more surely than at Yale, which was not only elite and distinguished but also experimental and adaptable to the free-form culture of the era.


14. As a young man in politics, I was trying to figure out how to reconcile my natural desire to have people be civilized and be on good terms with one another and really respect each other and the need to stake out your ground and be in opposition to people who disagree with you.

14. 作为一名初涉政坛的年轻人,我曾试图想出如何调和矛盾——调和我那种想使人们变得有教养、和睦相处、彼此尊重的本能愿望同保持自己的想法并反对那些观点跟自己相左之人的需要之间的矛盾。

15. As she pointed out the terrible deficiencies in education for women at all levels, she finally made the significant request to her husband, that the new constitution be distinguished for learning and virtue.

15. 当她指出为女性所开设的各种层次的教育都极端缺乏时,她最终向她的丈夫提出这个重要的要求——新组织


16. This has not stopped some researchers from promoting the provocative theory that many people who become alcoholics and drug addicts suffer from an inherited condition dubbed the reward-deficiency syndrome.

16. 这并未阻止一些研究人员发扬这种具有挑战性的学说——很多酒精和药物成瘾的人受到被称为奖励缺乏症的先天性疾病的折磨。

17. With no cure for Alzheimer’s disease in sight, researchers have concentrated on trying to slow the rate at which it corrodes the brain and to postpone its onset.

17. 由于目前在治疗早老性痴呆病上还没有什么好办法,因此,研究人员的注意力集中于试图使这种病侵蚀大脑的速度放慢,推迟其开始发作的时间。

18. If we wish to find out the truth of a matter, we must approach the question with as nearly open a mind as we can and with a deep awareness of our own limitations and predispositions.

18. 如果我们希望查明一件事情的真相,我们就必须尽可能地以开放的心态看待问题,并且要充分意识到我们自己的局限性和倾向性。

19. Preceding generations have always been concerned about the future, but we are the first to be faced with decisions that will determine whether the Earth our children will inherit will be habitable.

19. 上辈人总是关注未来,可我们却是将要面临抉择的第一代人——(我们的抉择)将决定我们的孩子所要继承的地球是否还能居住。

20. The chief reason for the population growth isn’t so much a rise in birth rates as a fall in death rates as a result of improvements in medical care.

20. 人口增长的主要原因与其说是由于出生率上升的缘故,倒不如说是由于医疗条件的改善而导致死亡率下降的缘故。

21. Koreans can no more agree on whether the changes have come too fast or too slowly than they can on what Korean democracy is or should be.

21. 韩国人对(他们国家的)变化是太快还是太慢意见不一致,同样,对他们国家的民主是什么或应是什么,他们的意见也不一致。

22. If machines really thought as men do, there would be no more reason to fear them than to fear men.

22. 如果机器真的能像人一样会思考的话,那么就没有理由害怕它们,如同没有理由害怕人类一样。

23. There was a huge library near the riverfront, but I knew that Negroes were not allowed to patronize its shelves any more than they were the parks and playgrounds of the city.

23. 城市的滨江地带有一个大型图书馆,但我知道,那儿不许黑人进入,市内的公园和游乐场也不许黑人光顾。

24. The desire that men feel to increase their income is quite as much a desire for success as for the extra comforts that a higher income can obtain.

24. 人们希望增加收入的愿望,同他们希望获得成功、希望高收入


25. For the next four years, though, all eyes will more than likely be focused on Benjamin Netanyahu in an intensive quest to discover what he will really do now that he has achieved his burning ambition to be Prime Minister.

25. 然而,在未来四年中,所有的注意力都将近于肯定地集中于内塔尼亚胡身上——既然他现在已经实现了当选首相的勃勃雄心,人们迫切希望发现他真正要做的是什么。

26. The hope is that the substantial support Sinn Fein’s peace platform received at the polls will convince the I. R. A. that the republicans who voted for Sinn Fein do not want a resumption of violence.

26. 希望在于:在民意测验中,新芬党和平论坛所接受的有力支持会使爱尔兰共和军相信——投票支持新芬党的共和派人士不希望暴力再次开始。

27. Not only do patients with chronic health problems fail to find relief in a doctor’s office, but the endless high-tech scans and tests of modern medicine also often leave them feeling alienated and uncared for.

27. 有慢性健康疾病的患者不仅无法在医院的诊断室里获得宽慰,而且没完没了的高科技扫描和现代医学检测也常常使他们感到疏远无助、缺少关心。

28. Now, as long as a patient is in the final stages of a terminal disease, mentally competent and able to take a lethal dose of medicine on his or her own, the state can’t bar a doctor from prescribing that dose.

28. 现在,只要一名患者处于一种不治之症的晚期,且头脑清醒,能自己服下一剂致命药物,州里就不得禁止医生为患者开出那种药方。

29. The past few years have seen a burst of entrepreneurial activity in what are called intelligent agents— IQ that are nonetheless smart enough to be released on the Internet to do small, useful chores like tracking stock prices or digging for nuggets of research data.

29. 过去几年,在被称为智能力量的领域突然出现了大量的企业创新活动——智商适中但设计合理、足以发布到互联网上的程序;去做一些琐碎的、有价值的事,比如跟踪股票价格,或发掘研究数据中的有价值东西。

30. There might be a market for inferential power like that, especially if it could be yoked to some of the autonomous semi-intelligent agents that are already buzzing around on the Internet.

30. 如果像那样的话,推论力也可能有市场,尤其是如果它能跟一些在互联网上已经流传开的、自发的半智能力量结合在一起时更可能有市场。

31. When it is short of water, a plant, which normally uses evaporation as a means of cooling, cannot rid itself of the heat it absorbs from sunlight or the heat that may build up from its own metabolism.

31. 在缺乏水分时,(植物)一般用蒸发作为降温的手段。一株植物无法消除它从阳光中


32. Their play, and ours, appears no other purposes than to give pleasure to the players, and apparently, to remove us temporarily from the anguish of life in earnest.

32. 他们的游戏和我们的游戏目的并非别的,只是想给游戏者以快乐,并且显然是想使我们暂时从生活的痛苦中解脱出来。

33. There is no evidence that Diana would have behaved other than devotedly to her husband and family if she hadn’t been forced to acknowledge that her husband wasn’t only having a clandestine affair with another man’s wife, but had been having this affair for years.

33. 如果她未曾被迫承认她丈夫不仅和一名有夫之妇私下有染,而且这种关系还保持了许多年,那么就没有证据显示戴安娜没把心思完全放在她丈夫和家庭上。

34. Scientific discoveries and inventions do not always influence the language in proportion to their importance. It is doubtful whether the radio and the movie are more important than the telegraph and telephone, but they have brought more new words into general use.

34. 科学发现和发明并不总是依其重要性比例影响语言。无线电和电影的意义是否比电报和电话更重要值得怀疑,但它们确实为日常用语补充了更多的新词。

35. He has never mixed with them or spoken to them on equal terms, but has demanded and generally received a respect due to his position and superior intelligence.

35. 他从来没有同他们亲密来往,或是同他们坦诚交流,但由于他的地位和高人一筹的聪明才智,他要求、也通常赢得了他们的尊敬。

36. Your Math instructor would have been happy to give you a make-up examination had you gone and explained that your parents were ill at the time.

36. 如果你去向他解释你父母那时生病了,你的数学老师会乐于给你一次补考机会的。

37. As the children become financially independent of the family, the emphasis on family financial security will shift from protection to saving for the retirement years.

37. 随着孩子们在经济上从家庭中独立出来,家庭经济保障的重心将从保护转移到为退休后的生活储蓄。

38. Symposium talks will cover a wide range of subjects from overfishing to physical and environmental factors that affect the populations of different species.

38. 座谈会的谈论话题非常广泛,包括过度捕捞鱼类问题以及影响不同物种数量的自然和环境因素等问题。

39. The merits of competition by examination are some what questionable, but competition in the certain knowledge of failure is positively harmful.

39. 通过考试竞争的优越性有点值得怀疑,但有关特定知识的失败比赛肯定有害。

40. [It (intelligent test) does not measure character, social adjustment, physical endurance, manual skill

s, or artistic abilities.] To criticize it for such failure is roughly comparable to criticizing a thermometer for not measuring wind velocity.

40. [(智力测试)不比较个性、社会适应性、人体耐力、手工技能,也不比较艺术才干。] 因为这样的缺陷而指责智力测试,就如同因为不能测量风速而指责温度计一样。


1. The election turned not on some seismic slide from left to right but on the choices made by the 6% to 7% of perennially undecided, known as the floating vote, who are swayed more by emotion than ideology.

1. 选举形势的扭转并非取决于从左派到右派的压倒性变化,而是取决于每年6%到7%的那些举棋不定的(选民的)选票。这些选票被称为游移选票;这些选民易受感情而不是思想意识的左右。

2. Mild mannered and precise when he speaks, he is a far cry from the mix of Quakers, pacifists, drafts resisters and hippies who founded the organization a quarter-century ago.

2. 他讲话时举止适度,措辞准确,同那些由辉格党人、和平主义者、草案抵制者以及嘻皮士所组成的大杂烩截然不同,这些人二十五年前创建了该组织。

3. It makes sense for the Dore campaign to make this a contest between Dore as the laconic, quiet man whose words can be trusted and Bill Clinton as the traveling salesman with a line of smooth patter but a suitcase full of damaged goods.

3. 多尔的竞选班子把这作为两人之间的一场竞赛是有道理的。多尔言简意赅,举止文雅,言辞可信;而比尔?克林顿则像个走家串户的推销员,满嘴油腔滑调的行径,只不过是个装满破烂货的皮箱。

4. But I, along with Prime Minister Tony Blair of Great Britain, made it absolutely clear that if he did not fully cooperate we would have no choice but to act without further negotiation or warning.

4. 但我本人以及英国首相托尼?布莱尔曾非常明确地表示:如果他(萨达姆)不全面合作的话,我们别无选择,只有在不进行进一步谈判或警告的情况下就采取行动。

5. What makes it especially hard to explain is the fact that Clinton’s advisers are building scenarios based on layers upon layers of what-ifs, most of which are not anywhere near their control.

5. 尤其难以解释的事实是:克林顿的顾问们在根据一层套一层的“如果怎样就会怎样”的假设来考虑各种可能的情况,而绝大多数假设都远非他们所能控制的。

6. But international opinion, which had shifted behind the U.S. and left Saddam isolated and open to attack, now swung in the other direction.

6. 但是,国际舆论此刻却完全转向另一边。而国际舆论曾经倒向美国,使萨达姆陷入孤立无援、任人打击的境地。

7. The hard test is whether in 50 years Americans will look back at 1998 and say that we raised the bar for public office so high that only saints need apply, or that we dropped it so low that moral authority fell out of the job description.

7. 严峻的考验在于——在今后的五十年中,美国人是否会回首一九九八年,并因此说:我们对公职的要求太高,以至于只有圣人才会申请;或者说我们把标准降得太低,以至于道


8. How well the predictions will be validated by later performance depends on the amount, reliability, and appropriateness of the information used and on the skill and wisdom with which it is interpreted.

8. 以后的工作将如何合理地证实这些预测,取决于所利用信息的数量、可考性和恰当性,也取决于解释信息的技巧和智慧。

9. (Why is this enormous increase in population taking place?) It is really due to the spread of the knowledge and the practice of what is coming to be called Death Control.9. (为什么人口会有如此巨大的增长呢?)事实上,这是因为知识传播的结果,也是因为将被称为的养生之道的实践结果。

10.The first aspect of science is the application of the machines, products and systems of applied knowledge that scientists and technologists develop.


11. Others resent the prospect of being put on the scrap heap and seek alternative outlets for their energy and alternative sources of satisfaction or income that employment provided.


12. Asked why, he explained, with admirable logic, that the rain would damage the hat, but his hair would be none the worse for its wetting.


13. Nowhere could this be done more surely than at Yale, which was not only elite and distinguished but also experimental and adaptable to the free-form culture of the era.


14. As a young man in politics, I was trying to figure out how to reconcile my natural desire to have people be civilized and be on good terms with one another and really respect each other and the need to stake out your ground and be in opposition to people who disagree with you.

14. 作为一名初涉政坛的年轻人,我曾试图想出如何调和矛盾——调和我那种想使人们变得有教养、和睦相处、彼此尊重的本能愿望同保持自己的想法并反对那些观点跟自己相左之人的需要之间的矛盾。

15. As she pointed out the terrible deficiencies in education for women at all levels, she finally made the significant request to her husband, that the new constitution be distinguished for learning and virtue.

15. 当她指出为女性所开设的各种层次的教育都极端缺乏时,她最终向她的丈夫提出这个重要的要求——新组织


16. This has not stopped some researchers from promoting the provocative theory that many people who become alcoholics and drug addicts suffer from an inherited condition dubbed the reward-deficiency syndrome.

16. 这并未阻止一些研究人员发扬这种具有挑战性的学说——很多酒精和药物成瘾的人受到被称为奖励缺乏症的先天性疾病的折磨。

17. With no cure for Alzheimer’s disease in sight, researchers have concentrated on trying to slow the rate at which it corrodes the brain and to postpone its onset.

17. 由于目前在治疗早老性痴呆病上还没有什么好办法,因此,研究人员的注意力集中于试图使这种病侵蚀大脑的速度放慢,推迟其开始发作的时间。

18. If we wish to find out the truth of a matter, we must approach the question with as nearly open a mind as we can and with a deep awareness of our own limitations and predispositions.

18. 如果我们希望查明一件事情的真相,我们就必须尽可能地以开放的心态看待问题,并且要充分意识到我们自己的局限性和倾向性。

19. Preceding generations have always been concerned about the future, but we are the first to be faced with decisions that will determine whether the Earth our children will inherit will be habitable.

19. 上辈人总是关注未来,可我们却是将要面临抉择的第一代人——(我们的抉择)将决定我们的孩子所要继承的地球是否还能居住。

20. The chief reason for the population growth isn’t so much a rise in birth rates as a fall in death rates as a result of improvements in medical care.

20. 人口增长的主要原因与其说是由于出生率上升的缘故,倒不如说是由于医疗条件的改善而导致死亡率下降的缘故。

21. Koreans can no more agree on whether the changes have come too fast or too slowly than they can on what Korean democracy is or should be.

21. 韩国人对(他们国家的)变化是太快还是太慢意见不一致,同样,对他们国家的民主是什么或应是什么,他们的意见也不一致。

22. If machines really thought as men do, there would be no more reason to fear them than to fear men.

22. 如果机器真的能像人一样会思考的话,那么就没有理由害怕它们,如同没有理由害怕人类一样。

23. There was a huge library near the riverfront, but I knew that Negroes were not allowed to patronize its shelves any more than they were the parks and playgrounds of the city.

23. 城市的滨江地带有一个大型图书馆,但我知道,那儿不许黑人进入,市内的公园和游乐场也不许黑人光顾。

24. The desire that men feel to increase their income is quite as much a desire for success as for the extra comforts that a higher income can obtain.

24. 人们希望增加收入的愿望,同他们希望获得成功、希望高收入


25. For the next four years, though, all eyes will more than likely be focused on Benjamin Netanyahu in an intensive quest to discover what he will really do now that he has achieved his burning ambition to be Prime Minister.

25. 然而,在未来四年中,所有的注意力都将近于肯定地集中于内塔尼亚胡身上——既然他现在已经实现了当选首相的勃勃雄心,人们迫切希望发现他真正要做的是什么。

26. The hope is that the substantial support Sinn Fein’s peace platform received at the polls will convince the I. R. A. that the republicans who voted for Sinn Fein do not want a resumption of violence.

26. 希望在于:在民意测验中,新芬党和平论坛所接受的有力支持会使爱尔兰共和军相信——投票支持新芬党的共和派人士不希望暴力再次开始。

27. Not only do patients with chronic health problems fail to find relief in a doctor’s office, but the endless high-tech scans and tests of modern medicine also often leave them feeling alienated and uncared for.

27. 有慢性健康疾病的患者不仅无法在医院的诊断室里获得宽慰,而且没完没了的高科技扫描和现代医学检测也常常使他们感到疏远无助、缺少关心。

28. Now, as long as a patient is in the final stages of a terminal disease, mentally competent and able to take a lethal dose of medicine on his or her own, the state can’t bar a doctor from prescribing that dose.

28. 现在,只要一名患者处于一种不治之症的晚期,且头脑清醒,能自己服下一剂致命药物,州里就不得禁止医生为患者开出那种药方。

29. The past few years have seen a burst of entrepreneurial activity in what are called intelligent agents— IQ that are nonetheless smart enough to be released on the Internet to do small, useful chores like tracking stock prices or digging for nuggets of research data.

29. 过去几年,在被称为智能力量的领域突然出现了大量的企业创新活动——智商适中但设计合理、足以发布到互联网上的程序;去做一些琐碎的、有价值的事,比如跟踪股票价格,或发掘研究数据中的有价值东西。

30. There might be a market for inferential power like that, especially if it could be yoked to some of the autonomous semi-intelligent agents that are already buzzing around on the Internet.

30. 如果像那样的话,推论力也可能有市场,尤其是如果它能跟一些在互联网上已经流传开的、自发的半智能力量结合在一起时更可能有市场。

31. When it is short of water, a plant, which normally uses evaporation as a means of cooling, cannot rid itself of the heat it absorbs from sunlight or the heat that may build up from its own metabolism.

31. 在缺乏水分时,(植物)一般用蒸发作为降温的手段。一株植物无法消除它从阳光中


32. Their play, and ours, appears no other purposes than to give pleasure to the players, and apparently, to remove us temporarily from the anguish of life in earnest.

32. 他们的游戏和我们的游戏目的并非别的,只是想给游戏者以快乐,并且显然是想使我们暂时从生活的痛苦中解脱出来。

33. There is no evidence that Diana would have behaved other than devotedly to her husband and family if she hadn’t been forced to acknowledge that her husband wasn’t only having a clandestine affair with another man’s wife, but had been having this affair for years.

33. 如果她未曾被迫承认她丈夫不仅和一名有夫之妇私下有染,而且这种关系还保持了许多年,那么就没有证据显示戴安娜没把心思完全放在她丈夫和家庭上。

34. Scientific discoveries and inventions do not always influence the language in proportion to their importance. It is doubtful whether the radio and the movie are more important than the telegraph and telephone, but they have brought more new words into general use.

34. 科学发现和发明并不总是依其重要性比例影响语言。无线电和电影的意义是否比电报和电话更重要值得怀疑,但它们确实为日常用语补充了更多的新词。

35. He has never mixed with them or spoken to them on equal terms, but has demanded and generally received a respect due to his position and superior intelligence.

35. 他从来没有同他们亲密来往,或是同他们坦诚交流,但由于他的地位和高人一筹的聪明才智,他要求、也通常赢得了他们的尊敬。

36. Your Math instructor would have been happy to give you a make-up examination had you gone and explained that your parents were ill at the time.

36. 如果你去向他解释你父母那时生病了,你的数学老师会乐于给你一次补考机会的。

37. As the children become financially independent of the family, the emphasis on family financial security will shift from protection to saving for the retirement years.

37. 随着孩子们在经济上从家庭中独立出来,家庭经济保障的重心将从保护转移到为退休后的生活储蓄。

38. Symposium talks will cover a wide range of subjects from overfishing to physical and environmental factors that affect the populations of different species.

38. 座谈会的谈论话题非常广泛,包括过度捕捞鱼类问题以及影响不同物种数量的自然和环境因素等问题。

39. The merits of competition by examination are some what questionable, but competition in the certain knowledge of failure is positively harmful.

39. 通过考试竞争的优越性有点值得怀疑,但有关特定知识的失败比赛肯定有害。

40. [It (intelligent test) does not measure character, social adjustment, physical endurance, manual skill

s, or artistic abilities.] To criticize it for such failure is roughly comparable to criticizing a thermometer for not measuring wind velocity.

40. [(智力测试)不比较个性、社会适应性、人体耐力、手工技能,也不比较艺术才干。] 因为这样的缺陷而指责智力测试,就如同因为不能测量风速而指责温度计一样。


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