睡美人 小学英语社团情景剧


人物:安徒生(旁白) 国王 王后 公主 管家 士兵 女巫 3 王子 公主 布莱尔 皇亲贵族


白 : The story takes place from time ago, in a beautiful country , good hard-working people here , everything is very peaceful .

However, the country have a good news .

剧 2:

管家: {着急地跑入场}

管家: Dear King , our Queen down a little princess {气喘吁吁}

国王: Is it true? Ha-ha {欣喜若狂}

国王: I want to hold a big party.

士兵 : OK{下场}

剧 3:

国王: thank you (国王拉着王后的手)I love the baby I love you 。

王后: It is my honor . You quickly look, our kid,she is lovely 。

国王:{抱起孩子} ah, she is very beautiful

王后: give her a name .

国王: You said it is called jasmine ?

王后: Yes, it is called Princess Jasmine

剧 4:

管家:Dear King, there are two messages, a good news , a bad news , which one you want to listen ? 国王: of course, the good news

管家: Princess Jasmine’s birthday party ready

国王: The bad news?

管: Blair(坏女巫) will come .

王后: she is a bad witch , she couldn’t come .{语重心长}

国王: housekeeper , you do it by the queen says

管家: yes {退场}


{场景:盛大的宴会现场}{餐桌上国王坐在主位,王后抱着公主坐在侧位,女巫们分而坐之,G 和仆人在一旁服侍,士兵守着大门}

国王: Dear witches , thank you able to attend Princess Jasmine 's birthday party , please feel free to {手指餐桌}

女巫们 :It’s my honor.

H: Cheers {起立}

女巫们 : Cheers {起立}

女巫1: Look at our Princess Jasmine , and she is so beautiful{加手势}I want to give her beauty 女巫2 : I gave her kindness

女巫 3: I gave her wisdom


剧 6:

{音乐起,布莱尔闯进王宫吗,魔棒一挥,守门的士兵就倒下,后冲到餐座前,指着公主} 国王: What do you want ?

布莱尔 : Ah ha you these uppity people , I dare not invite Blair , you will be punished 。最后一个女巫: Do not worry, Princess Jasmine will not die, she just would sleep for centuries , as long as there is a prince broke the quiet palace , you can save everything. {退场}

剧 7:

王后: King , what should we do{忧虑}?

国王: Maybe the only one way{无奈}

housekeeper , I command , all the apple trees are cut down, the whole city forbidden to eat apples, disobedience by cutting off

G: yes {退场}

旁白 : It seems a long time, can also feel very quickly, the days passed, all of the princess who wishes are fulfilled , but ......{音乐停}

旁白:year after year, the princess enjoy the happy life with three witches.

剧 8:


旁白:one day, the princess have a meet with the prince in the forest.

王子 : Good morning {轻轻地说} nice to meet you .

公主: Good morning .nice to meet you.

王子:I know you in my dream. A beautiful girl is singing and dancing happily.

公主:I know you in my dream ,too.

旁白:They are fall in love.



旁白:suddenly, the beautiful princess in a trouble .

公主:help help (大声喊)

王子:what happened? I’ll save you .Don’t worry .


国王: are you saved my daughter ? {诧异}

王子 : Yes


How do you want ? As long as you want we will give you

王子 : I hope to wary with the beautiful princess.

王后和国王:OK bless you .

盛大的婚礼现场,国王和王后坐在主席,身后有2个仆人服侍,管家在一旁主持婚礼,皇亲贵族在一旁祝贺, 公主和王子开心的唱着歌、跳着舞。}



人物:安徒生(旁白) 国王 王后 公主 管家 士兵 女巫 3 王子 公主 布莱尔 皇亲贵族


白 : The story takes place from time ago, in a beautiful country , good hard-working people here , everything is very peaceful .

However, the country have a good news .

剧 2:

管家: {着急地跑入场}

管家: Dear King , our Queen down a little princess {气喘吁吁}

国王: Is it true? Ha-ha {欣喜若狂}

国王: I want to hold a big party.

士兵 : OK{下场}

剧 3:

国王: thank you (国王拉着王后的手)I love the baby I love you 。

王后: It is my honor . You quickly look, our kid,she is lovely 。

国王:{抱起孩子} ah, she is very beautiful

王后: give her a name .

国王: You said it is called jasmine ?

王后: Yes, it is called Princess Jasmine

剧 4:

管家:Dear King, there are two messages, a good news , a bad news , which one you want to listen ? 国王: of course, the good news

管家: Princess Jasmine’s birthday party ready

国王: The bad news?

管: Blair(坏女巫) will come .

王后: she is a bad witch , she couldn’t come .{语重心长}

国王: housekeeper , you do it by the queen says

管家: yes {退场}


{场景:盛大的宴会现场}{餐桌上国王坐在主位,王后抱着公主坐在侧位,女巫们分而坐之,G 和仆人在一旁服侍,士兵守着大门}

国王: Dear witches , thank you able to attend Princess Jasmine 's birthday party , please feel free to {手指餐桌}

女巫们 :It’s my honor.

H: Cheers {起立}

女巫们 : Cheers {起立}

女巫1: Look at our Princess Jasmine , and she is so beautiful{加手势}I want to give her beauty 女巫2 : I gave her kindness

女巫 3: I gave her wisdom


剧 6:

{音乐起,布莱尔闯进王宫吗,魔棒一挥,守门的士兵就倒下,后冲到餐座前,指着公主} 国王: What do you want ?

布莱尔 : Ah ha you these uppity people , I dare not invite Blair , you will be punished 。最后一个女巫: Do not worry, Princess Jasmine will not die, she just would sleep for centuries , as long as there is a prince broke the quiet palace , you can save everything. {退场}

剧 7:

王后: King , what should we do{忧虑}?

国王: Maybe the only one way{无奈}

housekeeper , I command , all the apple trees are cut down, the whole city forbidden to eat apples, disobedience by cutting off

G: yes {退场}

旁白 : It seems a long time, can also feel very quickly, the days passed, all of the princess who wishes are fulfilled , but ......{音乐停}

旁白:year after year, the princess enjoy the happy life with three witches.

剧 8:


旁白:one day, the princess have a meet with the prince in the forest.

王子 : Good morning {轻轻地说} nice to meet you .

公主: Good morning .nice to meet you.

王子:I know you in my dream. A beautiful girl is singing and dancing happily.

公主:I know you in my dream ,too.

旁白:They are fall in love.



旁白:suddenly, the beautiful princess in a trouble .

公主:help help (大声喊)

王子:what happened? I’ll save you .Don’t worry .


国王: are you saved my daughter ? {诧异}

王子 : Yes


How do you want ? As long as you want we will give you

王子 : I hope to wary with the beautiful princess.

王后和国王:OK bless you .

盛大的婚礼现场,国王和王后坐在主席,身后有2个仆人服侍,管家在一旁主持婚礼,皇亲贵族在一旁祝贺, 公主和王子开心的唱着歌、跳着舞。}



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