


考生在做“阅读理解”题时, 常常容易犯以下四种错误。

2007. 10[错误一]见木不见林此类错误主要出现在对文章主旨大意的理解上。考生在阅读中, 只注意细节而忽视主题, 抓不住文章的主旨大意。所选的选项要么涵盖范

围太广, 要么涵盖范围太小, 不能概括文章的主旨。例如2004年天津卷

) E 篇:(我们只保留每段的首句和最后一段的结尾句。

Art museums are places where peo ple can learn abo ut various cul-tures (文化) ...

Peo ple have argued that design museums are often made use o f as advertisements for new industrial technolog y ...

One adv antag e o f desig n museums is that they are places w here peo-ple f eel familiar w ith the ex hibits ...

In recent y ears , several new desig n museums have opened their do ors ... The cho ices open to desig n museums seem far less strict than tho se to art museums , and visitors may also sense the humo ro us (幽默的) part of our society while w alking around such ex hibits as interesting and unusually attractive to ys collected in our ev eryday life.

75. The best title for this passag e is

A. The forms of design museums

B. T he exhibits o f design museums

C. T he nature o f design museums

2. A S c h o o l G a r d e n O f E n g l i s h

D. The choices o pen to desig n museums

分析:考生常会把文章的最后一句“T he cho ices open to desig n mu-seums seem far less strict than those to art museums , and v isitors may also sense the humo rous (幽默的) part of our so ciety w hile walking aro und such exhibits as interesting and unusually attractiv e toy s collected in o ur everyday life. ”误认为是文章的主题, 这显然是以点代面。认真阅读短文, 我们可以看出, 第一段讲什么是desig n museum , 第二段讲design museum 的作用, 第三段讲design museum 的优点, 第四段举例说明de-sign museum 的上述各个方面, 即desig n museum 的特点或性质(na-ture ) 。因此C 项为正确答案。

[应对策略]做这类题目时, 考生可以采取找主题句法、逻辑推理法。一个段落通常有主题句、辅助句和结论句。主题句是全段的“统帅”, 起支配作用。辅助句是围绕主题句展开的; 说明主题的各个细节或缘由等, 它是为主题服务的。结论句是根据主题句或辅助句得出的结论。它具有深化主题、画龙点睛的作用。就一篇文章而言, 其各段落的主题句就是该篇文章的中心内容。归纳全文中心思想的方法是:先整体, 再部分, 再整体, 即快速浏览全文, 再逐段归纳段落的主题, 最后根据每段的大意归纳出全文中心。


此类错误主要出现在对文章细节的理解上。考生做题时, 由于在阅读原文时不够细心, 未能找准试题所依据的事实, 或者是因为没有仔细比较原文与干扰选项的异同而造成信息错位。例如(NM ET 2006, Ⅰ, D 篇第一段) :

Since my retirement (退休) fro m teaching music in 2001, I have spent a g ood deal of time painting as an artist. I actually began draw ing again in the summer of 1995w hen my father died , so perhaps I w as try-ing to recover from the loss of my father , or maybe it w as just that it brought back memories o f him. I n an y case , I

drew pen and ink animals

32007. 10中学英语园地

and landscapes (风景画) much influenced (影响) by Krenkel and St. John for five years.

70. The author started draw ing again in 1995because

A. he ho ped to draw a picture of his father

B. he co uldn ! t sto p missing his father

C. he had more time af ter retirement

D. he liked animals and landscapes

分析:考生易误选C 。原因是受了文章第一句话的干扰而没有找准信息。考生会以为文中的“我”退休后时间多了, 闲着无事才去画画。仔细阅读就会发现, 题干的时态与文章第一句话的时态不一致。题干提到的是1995年, 而第一句话提到的是2001年。第二句话提到的时间正好是1995年, 且句中的so 与题干的because 相吻合。因而, 正确答案应为B 项。

[应对策略]做此类题目时, 考生应采取“逆向法”, 即:先读题干和四个选项, 再根据内容进行筛选, 提取有用信息。读题的时候, 要抓住问句中的关键词语, 然后带着这个“关键词语”, 仔细阅读短文内容。


“释不达意”之类的错误主要出现在对词义的理解上。高考“阅读理解”题中经常出现这样一种现象:同样一个意思, 原文中用一种方式表达, 而试题中却用另一种方式表达, 但是, 对这两种表达方式的理解必. 2007. 10A

S c h o o l G a r d e n O f E n g l i s h 须全面准确, 方可作出正确的判断。例如(2005年春北京卷C 篇) :The sightings have made peo ple increasing ly watchful. So metimes the “mountain lio ns ”that people repo rt seeing turn out to be large do gs o r even house cats. But at least a few o f the meetings have been real. The building of new roads , the g row ing o f suburbs and the grow ing popularity of outdoor activities are all increasing the chances that people in various parts of the country may meet up with a mountain lion. 65. According to the passag e , it is clear that


A. the reported sightings of mountain lions have not been proved

B. people walking in the co untry may come across a lion

C. f ences have been built to pro tect the lions

D. mo untain lio ns prefer populated areas

分析:正确答案是B 项。考生常会误选A , C 或D 项, 原因是对原文中的meet up w ith 和选项B 中的come acro ss 的词义没有掌握好。

[应对策略]对于阅读中遇到一些不认识的或者在文章中有新义的单词或短语, 我们就必须根据上下文来猜测它们的意义。词义推断可采用如下几种方法:

(1) 利用生词所出现的语境或利用下文进一步的叙述猜测词义。例如:If 1were a boy again , 1wo uld practise perseverance mo re often , and never give up a thing because it was hard or inconvenient 。根据and never g ive up a thing ... 可猜测perseverance 之意为“坚韧不拔”。

(2) 利用文中的举例猜测词义。例如:To day young couples who are just starring their househo lds o ften spend lots o f their mo ney on appli-ances , fo r instance , washing -machines , refrigerato rs and colo r televisions. 从文中的washing -machines (洗衣机) , refrigerato rs (冰箱) 和colo r tele-visions (电视机) , 从中我们可以猜出appiances 的意思为“家用电器”。

(3) 利用文中说明词义的同位语或定语猜测词义。例如:Nearby is the race course , w here the to wn " s mo st famous car race is held each year on M ay 30. 以w here 引导的定语从句为依据, 可以推断course 应是赛车举行的地点, 所以可以排除co urse 的“过程”、“课程”或“航向”等意义, 可把它理解为“跑道”。

(4) 利用文中的反义词猜测词义。例如:American businessmen expect employ ees to be punctual. They do no t ex pect that the wo rkers w ill come late. 第一句中be punctual 与第二句中的come late 的意思相反, 所以be punctual 的意思应是“准时, 不迟到”。

(5) 利用同义词(组) 或近义词(组) 猜测词义。例如:S hould the

52007. 10中学英语园地

gov ernment regulate the co st of resources such as oil and gas ? So me peo-ple do not believe that go vernment co ntrol is the solution to the problem of the rising cost of fuel. 文中的regulate 与co ntrol 是近义词。

(6) 利用定义猜测词义。例如:In some cultures , certain foo ds are taboo. Tabo o is a w ord f rom the language of the Fiji Islands , used to de-scribe something forbidden. 根据第二句对taboo 的定义或解释, 我们可以猜测taboo 的意思为“禁忌”。


2007. 10此类错误主要出现在对隐含意义的推断题中。高考英语“阅读理解”题要求考生能够透过表面文字来挖掘和理解文章的深层含义, 即通过分析对比、归纳总结、推理判断等思维活动, 推断隐含的意思。一篇短

文的结构或情节线索必须符合逻辑, 作者常把某些情况的发展留给读者自己去推断。

然而考生往往找不准文中的推理依据, 即不是以文章所提供的事实为依据, 而是脱离文章的主题和作者的意图, 用自己的观点和看法以及常识或经验进行无根据的推理和判断。我们称这种现象为“无据推理”。例如(NM ET 1996A 篇) :

We walked in so quietly that the nurse at the desk didn " t ev en lift her eyes fro m the book. M um pointed at a big chair by the do or and I knew she wanted me to sit dow n. While I watched mouth open in sur-A

S c h o o l G a r d e n O f E n g l i s h prise , M um took off her hat and co at and g ave them to me to hold. She walked quietly to the small ro om by the lift and took out a w et mop. She pushed the mop past the desk and as the nurse looked up , M um nodded and said , “Very dirty flo ors. ”“Yes , I " m glad they " v e finally decided to clean them , ”the nurse answered. She lo oked at M um strangely and said , ing late ? ”“But aren " t y ou w ork-M um j ust pushed harder , each sw ipe (拖一下) o f the mop taking her


farther and farther dow n the hall. I w atched until she w as o ut of sight and the nurse had turned back to w riting in the big bo ok.

After a long time M um came back. Her eyes w ere shining. She quickly put the mop back and too k my hand. As we turned to go out of the doo r , M um bow ed po litely to the nurse and said , “Thank you. ”

Outside , M um told me , “Dagmar is f ine. No f ever. ”

“Yo u saw her , M um ? ”

“Of course. I told her about the ho spital rules , and she w ill not ex-pect us until tomorro w. Dad w ill stop w orrying as w ell. It " s a fine hospital. But such floo rs ! A mop is no g ood. You need a brush. ”

53. After reading the story what can w e infer about the hospital ?

A. It is a children " s hospital.

B. It has strict rules about visiting hours.

C. T he conditions there aren " t v ery g ood.

D. The nurses and doctors there do n " t wo rk hard.

分析:对此题, 考生容易误选C 项。原因是脱离全文主旨而进行片面推断的结果。妈妈拖地板是一种假动作, 其真正目的是想借此机会进入病房去探视病人。从这一点可以证明这家医院不能随时探视, 因此可推断出B 项为正确答案。

[应对策略]依据主题和事实, 进行符合逻辑的推断。作者的写作目的往往与文章的主题联系非常紧密。因此, 在进行推理判断时, 首先要联系主题。其次, 要找到文章中的事实依据, 即推理的理由。再次, 要理清事实之间、人物之间、事物之间的内在联系。最后, 综合上述各点作出符合逻辑的推断。

72007. 10中学英语园地



考生在做“阅读理解”题时, 常常容易犯以下四种错误。

2007. 10[错误一]见木不见林此类错误主要出现在对文章主旨大意的理解上。考生在阅读中, 只注意细节而忽视主题, 抓不住文章的主旨大意。所选的选项要么涵盖范

围太广, 要么涵盖范围太小, 不能概括文章的主旨。例如2004年天津卷

) E 篇:(我们只保留每段的首句和最后一段的结尾句。

Art museums are places where peo ple can learn abo ut various cul-tures (文化) ...

Peo ple have argued that design museums are often made use o f as advertisements for new industrial technolog y ...

One adv antag e o f desig n museums is that they are places w here peo-ple f eel familiar w ith the ex hibits ...

In recent y ears , several new desig n museums have opened their do ors ... The cho ices open to desig n museums seem far less strict than tho se to art museums , and visitors may also sense the humo ro us (幽默的) part of our society while w alking around such ex hibits as interesting and unusually attractive to ys collected in our ev eryday life.

75. The best title for this passag e is

A. The forms of design museums

B. T he exhibits o f design museums

C. T he nature o f design museums

2. A S c h o o l G a r d e n O f E n g l i s h

D. The choices o pen to desig n museums

分析:考生常会把文章的最后一句“T he cho ices open to desig n mu-seums seem far less strict than those to art museums , and v isitors may also sense the humo rous (幽默的) part of our so ciety w hile walking aro und such exhibits as interesting and unusually attractiv e toy s collected in o ur everyday life. ”误认为是文章的主题, 这显然是以点代面。认真阅读短文, 我们可以看出, 第一段讲什么是desig n museum , 第二段讲design museum 的作用, 第三段讲design museum 的优点, 第四段举例说明de-sign museum 的上述各个方面, 即desig n museum 的特点或性质(na-ture ) 。因此C 项为正确答案。

[应对策略]做这类题目时, 考生可以采取找主题句法、逻辑推理法。一个段落通常有主题句、辅助句和结论句。主题句是全段的“统帅”, 起支配作用。辅助句是围绕主题句展开的; 说明主题的各个细节或缘由等, 它是为主题服务的。结论句是根据主题句或辅助句得出的结论。它具有深化主题、画龙点睛的作用。就一篇文章而言, 其各段落的主题句就是该篇文章的中心内容。归纳全文中心思想的方法是:先整体, 再部分, 再整体, 即快速浏览全文, 再逐段归纳段落的主题, 最后根据每段的大意归纳出全文中心。


此类错误主要出现在对文章细节的理解上。考生做题时, 由于在阅读原文时不够细心, 未能找准试题所依据的事实, 或者是因为没有仔细比较原文与干扰选项的异同而造成信息错位。例如(NM ET 2006, Ⅰ, D 篇第一段) :

Since my retirement (退休) fro m teaching music in 2001, I have spent a g ood deal of time painting as an artist. I actually began draw ing again in the summer of 1995w hen my father died , so perhaps I w as try-ing to recover from the loss of my father , or maybe it w as just that it brought back memories o f him. I n an y case , I

drew pen and ink animals

32007. 10中学英语园地

and landscapes (风景画) much influenced (影响) by Krenkel and St. John for five years.

70. The author started draw ing again in 1995because

A. he ho ped to draw a picture of his father

B. he co uldn ! t sto p missing his father

C. he had more time af ter retirement

D. he liked animals and landscapes

分析:考生易误选C 。原因是受了文章第一句话的干扰而没有找准信息。考生会以为文中的“我”退休后时间多了, 闲着无事才去画画。仔细阅读就会发现, 题干的时态与文章第一句话的时态不一致。题干提到的是1995年, 而第一句话提到的是2001年。第二句话提到的时间正好是1995年, 且句中的so 与题干的because 相吻合。因而, 正确答案应为B 项。

[应对策略]做此类题目时, 考生应采取“逆向法”, 即:先读题干和四个选项, 再根据内容进行筛选, 提取有用信息。读题的时候, 要抓住问句中的关键词语, 然后带着这个“关键词语”, 仔细阅读短文内容。


“释不达意”之类的错误主要出现在对词义的理解上。高考“阅读理解”题中经常出现这样一种现象:同样一个意思, 原文中用一种方式表达, 而试题中却用另一种方式表达, 但是, 对这两种表达方式的理解必. 2007. 10A

S c h o o l G a r d e n O f E n g l i s h 须全面准确, 方可作出正确的判断。例如(2005年春北京卷C 篇) :The sightings have made peo ple increasing ly watchful. So metimes the “mountain lio ns ”that people repo rt seeing turn out to be large do gs o r even house cats. But at least a few o f the meetings have been real. The building of new roads , the g row ing o f suburbs and the grow ing popularity of outdoor activities are all increasing the chances that people in various parts of the country may meet up with a mountain lion. 65. According to the passag e , it is clear that


A. the reported sightings of mountain lions have not been proved

B. people walking in the co untry may come across a lion

C. f ences have been built to pro tect the lions

D. mo untain lio ns prefer populated areas

分析:正确答案是B 项。考生常会误选A , C 或D 项, 原因是对原文中的meet up w ith 和选项B 中的come acro ss 的词义没有掌握好。

[应对策略]对于阅读中遇到一些不认识的或者在文章中有新义的单词或短语, 我们就必须根据上下文来猜测它们的意义。词义推断可采用如下几种方法:

(1) 利用生词所出现的语境或利用下文进一步的叙述猜测词义。例如:If 1were a boy again , 1wo uld practise perseverance mo re often , and never give up a thing because it was hard or inconvenient 。根据and never g ive up a thing ... 可猜测perseverance 之意为“坚韧不拔”。

(2) 利用文中的举例猜测词义。例如:To day young couples who are just starring their househo lds o ften spend lots o f their mo ney on appli-ances , fo r instance , washing -machines , refrigerato rs and colo r televisions. 从文中的washing -machines (洗衣机) , refrigerato rs (冰箱) 和colo r tele-visions (电视机) , 从中我们可以猜出appiances 的意思为“家用电器”。

(3) 利用文中说明词义的同位语或定语猜测词义。例如:Nearby is the race course , w here the to wn " s mo st famous car race is held each year on M ay 30. 以w here 引导的定语从句为依据, 可以推断course 应是赛车举行的地点, 所以可以排除co urse 的“过程”、“课程”或“航向”等意义, 可把它理解为“跑道”。

(4) 利用文中的反义词猜测词义。例如:American businessmen expect employ ees to be punctual. They do no t ex pect that the wo rkers w ill come late. 第一句中be punctual 与第二句中的come late 的意思相反, 所以be punctual 的意思应是“准时, 不迟到”。

(5) 利用同义词(组) 或近义词(组) 猜测词义。例如:S hould the

52007. 10中学英语园地

gov ernment regulate the co st of resources such as oil and gas ? So me peo-ple do not believe that go vernment co ntrol is the solution to the problem of the rising cost of fuel. 文中的regulate 与co ntrol 是近义词。

(6) 利用定义猜测词义。例如:In some cultures , certain foo ds are taboo. Tabo o is a w ord f rom the language of the Fiji Islands , used to de-scribe something forbidden. 根据第二句对taboo 的定义或解释, 我们可以猜测taboo 的意思为“禁忌”。


2007. 10此类错误主要出现在对隐含意义的推断题中。高考英语“阅读理解”题要求考生能够透过表面文字来挖掘和理解文章的深层含义, 即通过分析对比、归纳总结、推理判断等思维活动, 推断隐含的意思。一篇短

文的结构或情节线索必须符合逻辑, 作者常把某些情况的发展留给读者自己去推断。

然而考生往往找不准文中的推理依据, 即不是以文章所提供的事实为依据, 而是脱离文章的主题和作者的意图, 用自己的观点和看法以及常识或经验进行无根据的推理和判断。我们称这种现象为“无据推理”。例如(NM ET 1996A 篇) :

We walked in so quietly that the nurse at the desk didn " t ev en lift her eyes fro m the book. M um pointed at a big chair by the do or and I knew she wanted me to sit dow n. While I watched mouth open in sur-A

S c h o o l G a r d e n O f E n g l i s h prise , M um took off her hat and co at and g ave them to me to hold. She walked quietly to the small ro om by the lift and took out a w et mop. She pushed the mop past the desk and as the nurse looked up , M um nodded and said , “Very dirty flo ors. ”“Yes , I " m glad they " v e finally decided to clean them , ”the nurse answered. She lo oked at M um strangely and said , ing late ? ”“But aren " t y ou w ork-M um j ust pushed harder , each sw ipe (拖一下) o f the mop taking her


farther and farther dow n the hall. I w atched until she w as o ut of sight and the nurse had turned back to w riting in the big bo ok.

After a long time M um came back. Her eyes w ere shining. She quickly put the mop back and too k my hand. As we turned to go out of the doo r , M um bow ed po litely to the nurse and said , “Thank you. ”

Outside , M um told me , “Dagmar is f ine. No f ever. ”

“Yo u saw her , M um ? ”

“Of course. I told her about the ho spital rules , and she w ill not ex-pect us until tomorro w. Dad w ill stop w orrying as w ell. It " s a fine hospital. But such floo rs ! A mop is no g ood. You need a brush. ”

53. After reading the story what can w e infer about the hospital ?

A. It is a children " s hospital.

B. It has strict rules about visiting hours.

C. T he conditions there aren " t v ery g ood.

D. The nurses and doctors there do n " t wo rk hard.

分析:对此题, 考生容易误选C 项。原因是脱离全文主旨而进行片面推断的结果。妈妈拖地板是一种假动作, 其真正目的是想借此机会进入病房去探视病人。从这一点可以证明这家医院不能随时探视, 因此可推断出B 项为正确答案。

[应对策略]依据主题和事实, 进行符合逻辑的推断。作者的写作目的往往与文章的主题联系非常紧密。因此, 在进行推理判断时, 首先要联系主题。其次, 要找到文章中的事实依据, 即推理的理由。再次, 要理清事实之间、人物之间、事物之间的内在联系。最后, 综合上述各点作出符合逻辑的推断。

72007. 10中学英语园地


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