
Taking a leave of absence

Respected leaders:

I am XX sector XX, because XX ( events ) to leave XX days ( XXXX XX month XX day to XX day ). Please approve!

Applicant: XXX

XXXX XX month XX day

Format three formal filing application for leave, both parties to provide evidence for a formal degree, higher for single.

Staff leave single ( a )

Name: job number: Title: agent:

Department: frequency: groups:

Leave for

Sick leave - - - - marriage funeral

Fake maternity leave military service - other - Vacation

Absence from month to month day during a day

General Manager Personnel Manager Department Manager for people

Staff leave single ( two)

Name of branch post

Leave category

- leave ( or false ) - public holiday / leave others (please specify ) - leave

Leave time

Since the year month day year month day in total when to leave the day hour

Departments of views

- associate supervisor signature

Forbid ( please state the reasons. )

Post date

Assistant engineering please fake single (three )

Please leave a single storage root

Number name name reason to leave leave time agency

Unit: ID: Year Month Day

Please leave agent charge d'affaires matters


Sick leave ( since the disease to fill in name )

Leave time family family films selected home repair house would do false friends

Since the month day hour

To month day hour

Maternity leave of spousal bereavement parent parent bereavement grandparents bereaved married I married funeral leave

Total day

Proof of special leave public wound compulsory labor education called public holiday

Description: 1 leave according to reason in the appropriate column row hook can be. Leave one should find ready agents, and requests the agent signature. Absence and leave accrual rules according to the personnel management regulations. The nuclear transfer units holiday registration department search.

Company employees leave application form (the form)

Year, month and day

Leave name name ID Department Post

Please leave

By the month when the noon time points

June lunch when the total days branch branch

Ask for leave

Categories must specify the type of leave, otherwise according to leave processing. .

Staff leave single ( a )

Name: job number: Title: agent:

Department: frequency: groups:

Leave for

Sick leave - - - - marriage funeral

Fake maternity leave military service - other - Vacation

Absence from month to month day during a day

General Manager Personnel Manager Department Manager for people

Staff leave single ( a )

Name: job number: Title: agent:

Department: frequency: groups:

Leave for

Sick leave - - - - marriage funeral

Fake maternity leave military service - other - Vacation

Absence from month to month day during a day

General Manager Personnel Manager Department Manager for people

Staff leave single ( two)

Name of branch post

Leave category

- leave ( or false ) - public holiday / leave others (please specify ) - leave

Leave time

Since the year month day year month day in total when to leave the day hour

Departments of views

- associate supervisor signature

Forbid ( please state the reasons. )

Post date

Taking a leave of absence

Respected leaders:

I am XX sector XX, because XX ( events ) to leave XX days ( XXXX XX month XX day to XX day ). Please approve!

Applicant: XXX

XXXX XX month XX day

Format three formal filing application for leave, both parties to provide evidence for a formal degree, higher for single.

Staff leave single ( a )

Name: job number: Title: agent:

Department: frequency: groups:

Leave for

Sick leave - - - - marriage funeral

Fake maternity leave military service - other - Vacation

Absence from month to month day during a day

General Manager Personnel Manager Department Manager for people

Staff leave single ( two)

Name of branch post

Leave category

- leave ( or false ) - public holiday / leave others (please specify ) - leave

Leave time

Since the year month day year month day in total when to leave the day hour

Departments of views

- associate supervisor signature

Forbid ( please state the reasons. )

Post date

Assistant engineering please fake single (three )

Please leave a single storage root

Number name name reason to leave leave time agency

Unit: ID: Year Month Day

Please leave agent charge d'affaires matters


Sick leave ( since the disease to fill in name )

Leave time family family films selected home repair house would do false friends

Since the month day hour

To month day hour

Maternity leave of spousal bereavement parent parent bereavement grandparents bereaved married I married funeral leave

Total day

Proof of special leave public wound compulsory labor education called public holiday

Description: 1 leave according to reason in the appropriate column row hook can be. Leave one should find ready agents, and requests the agent signature. Absence and leave accrual rules according to the personnel management regulations. The nuclear transfer units holiday registration department search.

Company employees leave application form (the form)

Year, month and day

Leave name name ID Department Post

Please leave

By the month when the noon time points

June lunch when the total days branch branch

Ask for leave

Categories must specify the type of leave, otherwise according to leave processing. .

Staff leave single ( a )

Name: job number: Title: agent:

Department: frequency: groups:

Leave for

Sick leave - - - - marriage funeral

Fake maternity leave military service - other - Vacation

Absence from month to month day during a day

General Manager Personnel Manager Department Manager for people

Staff leave single ( a )

Name: job number: Title: agent:

Department: frequency: groups:

Leave for

Sick leave - - - - marriage funeral

Fake maternity leave military service - other - Vacation

Absence from month to month day during a day

General Manager Personnel Manager Department Manager for people

Staff leave single ( two)

Name of branch post

Leave category

- leave ( or false ) - public holiday / leave others (please specify ) - leave

Leave time

Since the year month day year month day in total when to leave the day hour

Departments of views

- associate supervisor signature

Forbid ( please state the reasons. )

Post date


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