

I have a happy family. There are 3/4 people in my family. My father is _________ and ________. He is _______ years old. He is a __________. He can _______ and ____________. He likes ___________. He likes to _______________________.

My mother is _________ and ________. She is _______ years old. She is a __________. She can _______ and ____________. She likes ___________. She likes to _______________________.

My brother is _________ and ________. He is _______ years old. He is a __________. He can _______ and ____________. He likes ___________. He likes to _______________________.

My sister is _________ and ________. She is _______ years old. She is a __________. She can _______ and ____________. She likes ___________. She likes to _______________________.

I have a good friend.

Her name is _________ . She is __________ and ________. She is _______ years old. She can _______ and ____________. She likes ___________. She likes to _______________________.

His name is _________. He is _________ and _____________. He is _______ years old. He can _______ and ____________. He likes ___________. He likes to _______________________. We are good friend forever.

I love my family and my friends.

Can you _____________? Can you _____________? Can you _____________? Can you _____________? I can _______________. I can _______________. I can _______________. I can _______________. My favorite sport is _______________________.

At school, I like to ____________ with my friend. It’s very interesting.

Sometimes , I like to ___________ with my family.

My father is a __________. He can _______ and ____________. He likes to _______________________.

My mother is a __________. She can _______ and ____________. She likes to _______________________.

We all like sports very much.


Look at my school, it very beautiful.

There are many flowers and trees in my school. I always go to the garden water the flowers.

There is a library in my school.

I always go to the library read some books.

It’s very interesting.

There is a music room in my school.

I like to sing and dance in the music room.

At noon, I always go to the canteen have lunch.

After class, I always go to the playground with my friends. We like to play Ping-Pong ,basketball and football. We like to jump rope on the playground, too.

I feel happy at school.


I like to go to supermarket. It is big and super.

There are many food and drinks in the supermarket. Today, I am going to supermarket with my mum. In the supermarket, I see many food and drinks.

I like ___________. It is ____________ and _______________. I like ___________. It is ____________ and _______________. I like ___________. It is ____________ and _______________. Look at the __________. It is ____________ and ______________. Look at the __________. It is ____________ and ______________.

Look at the __________. It is ____________ and ______________. Mum, I am hungry, I want some __________ and _________. Mum, I am thirsty, I want some __________ and _________. Now , I have many food and drinks. They are yummy.


I like to go to park. It is big and beautiful.

There are many flowers and trees in the park. There are many animals, too.

Today is Sunday. It is sunny and hot.

I wearing a ______ and a______.

I am going to the park with my mum.

In the park, the trees are green, the flowers are red and pink. Then, I see many animals.

Look at the __________. It is ____________ and ______________. Look at the __________. It is ____________ and ______________. Look at the __________. It is ____________ and ______________. It’s very interesting. I feel happy today.


I have a happy family. There are 3/4 people in my family. My father is _________ and ________. He is _______ years old. He is a __________. He can _______ and ____________. He likes ___________. He likes to _______________________.

My mother is _________ and ________. She is _______ years old. She is a __________. She can _______ and ____________. She likes ___________. She likes to _______________________.

My brother is _________ and ________. He is _______ years old. He is a __________. He can _______ and ____________. He likes ___________. He likes to _______________________.

My sister is _________ and ________. She is _______ years old. She is a __________. She can _______ and ____________. She likes ___________. She likes to _______________________.

I have a good friend.

Her name is _________ . She is __________ and ________. She is _______ years old. She can _______ and ____________. She likes ___________. She likes to _______________________.

His name is _________. He is _________ and _____________. He is _______ years old. He can _______ and ____________. He likes ___________. He likes to _______________________. We are good friend forever.

I love my family and my friends.

Can you _____________? Can you _____________? Can you _____________? Can you _____________? I can _______________. I can _______________. I can _______________. I can _______________. My favorite sport is _______________________.

At school, I like to ____________ with my friend. It’s very interesting.

Sometimes , I like to ___________ with my family.

My father is a __________. He can _______ and ____________. He likes to _______________________.

My mother is a __________. She can _______ and ____________. She likes to _______________________.

We all like sports very much.


Look at my school, it very beautiful.

There are many flowers and trees in my school. I always go to the garden water the flowers.

There is a library in my school.

I always go to the library read some books.

It’s very interesting.

There is a music room in my school.

I like to sing and dance in the music room.

At noon, I always go to the canteen have lunch.

After class, I always go to the playground with my friends. We like to play Ping-Pong ,basketball and football. We like to jump rope on the playground, too.

I feel happy at school.


I like to go to supermarket. It is big and super.

There are many food and drinks in the supermarket. Today, I am going to supermarket with my mum. In the supermarket, I see many food and drinks.

I like ___________. It is ____________ and _______________. I like ___________. It is ____________ and _______________. I like ___________. It is ____________ and _______________. Look at the __________. It is ____________ and ______________. Look at the __________. It is ____________ and ______________.

Look at the __________. It is ____________ and ______________. Mum, I am hungry, I want some __________ and _________. Mum, I am thirsty, I want some __________ and _________. Now , I have many food and drinks. They are yummy.


I like to go to park. It is big and beautiful.

There are many flowers and trees in the park. There are many animals, too.

Today is Sunday. It is sunny and hot.

I wearing a ______ and a______.

I am going to the park with my mum.

In the park, the trees are green, the flowers are red and pink. Then, I see many animals.

Look at the __________. It is ____________ and ______________. Look at the __________. It is ____________ and ______________. Look at the __________. It is ____________ and ______________. It’s very interesting. I feel happy today.


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