
我家小三才三岁,小小年纪就有口头禅,不管自己还是别人做了什么,他都要缀一句“Good Job!”


我想想好像自己说的就是“Good Job!”这一句。






接过来一看,上面打印的是:101种表扬孩子的话(101 ways to praise a child)


1. Way-to-go!

2. You're special.

3. You're on your way.

4. How smart!

5. Good Job!

6. Good for you!

7. You're a winner.

8. Terrific!

9. Great discovery.

10. I trust you.

11. You're exciting.

12. You're so sweet.

13. You make my life complete.

14. You're so heavenly.

15. Bravo!

16. Super!

17. Outstanding!

18. Great!

19. Wow!

20. That's amazing!

21. How nice.

22. That's incredible!

23. You're adorable.

24. Dynamite!

25. Beautiful work.

26. Remarkable job.

27. Nothing can stop you now.

28. You're beautiful.

29. You're one-of-a-kind.

30. You're so creative.

31. Great work!

32. Fantastic job!

33. Phenomenal!

34. You are so important.

35. You figured it out.

36. Hip! Hip! Hooray!

37. You did that very well.

38. Good learning!

39. You're a good listener.

40. You're are so much fun.

41. You're caring.

42. You tried very hard.

43. Wonderful sharing.

44. You're a treasure.

45. Awesome!

46. You're wonderful.

47. You're A-OK!

48. You made my day.

49. Thank you

50. You have a great sense of humor.51. Good!

52. You make me happy.

53. You're incredible.

54. You're on target.

55. Looking good.

56. I knew you could do it.

57. I'm proud of you.

58. Well done!

59. Marvelous!

60. Exceptional performance.

61. You're a real trooper.

62. You are so responsible.

63. What a great imagination.

64. You belong.

65. That's right.

66. Now you've got it!

67. You're catching on.

68. You're on top of it.

69. Nice work!

70. Excellent!

71. That's remarkable.

72. Beautiful!

73. You're precious.

74. Magnificent!

75. Super work!

76. You're a good friend.

77. You mean a lot to me.

78. That's the best.

79. Give them a big hug.

80. You've discovered the secret.

81. You're spectacular.

82. You're a darling.

83. I like you.

84. You're fantastic.

85. Neat!

86. That's good manners.

87. Bingo!

88. You're growing up.

89. You're getting better.

90. You brighten my day.

91. That's perfect.

92. You're such a joy.

93. You're so kissable.

94. You have a wonderful smile.

95. You make me feel good.

96. You work hard.

97. Good thinking!

98. Good planning!

99. You're a good helper.

100. I like the way you did that.

101.Say, "I Love You" – often

我家小三才三岁,小小年纪就有口头禅,不管自己还是别人做了什么,他都要缀一句“Good Job!”


我想想好像自己说的就是“Good Job!”这一句。






接过来一看,上面打印的是:101种表扬孩子的话(101 ways to praise a child)


1. Way-to-go!

2. You're special.

3. You're on your way.

4. How smart!

5. Good Job!

6. Good for you!

7. You're a winner.

8. Terrific!

9. Great discovery.

10. I trust you.

11. You're exciting.

12. You're so sweet.

13. You make my life complete.

14. You're so heavenly.

15. Bravo!

16. Super!

17. Outstanding!

18. Great!

19. Wow!

20. That's amazing!

21. How nice.

22. That's incredible!

23. You're adorable.

24. Dynamite!

25. Beautiful work.

26. Remarkable job.

27. Nothing can stop you now.

28. You're beautiful.

29. You're one-of-a-kind.

30. You're so creative.

31. Great work!

32. Fantastic job!

33. Phenomenal!

34. You are so important.

35. You figured it out.

36. Hip! Hip! Hooray!

37. You did that very well.

38. Good learning!

39. You're a good listener.

40. You're are so much fun.

41. You're caring.

42. You tried very hard.

43. Wonderful sharing.

44. You're a treasure.

45. Awesome!

46. You're wonderful.

47. You're A-OK!

48. You made my day.

49. Thank you

50. You have a great sense of humor.51. Good!

52. You make me happy.

53. You're incredible.

54. You're on target.

55. Looking good.

56. I knew you could do it.

57. I'm proud of you.

58. Well done!

59. Marvelous!

60. Exceptional performance.

61. You're a real trooper.

62. You are so responsible.

63. What a great imagination.

64. You belong.

65. That's right.

66. Now you've got it!

67. You're catching on.

68. You're on top of it.

69. Nice work!

70. Excellent!

71. That's remarkable.

72. Beautiful!

73. You're precious.

74. Magnificent!

75. Super work!

76. You're a good friend.

77. You mean a lot to me.

78. That's the best.

79. Give them a big hug.

80. You've discovered the secret.

81. You're spectacular.

82. You're a darling.

83. I like you.

84. You're fantastic.

85. Neat!

86. That's good manners.

87. Bingo!

88. You're growing up.

89. You're getting better.

90. You brighten my day.

91. That's perfect.

92. You're such a joy.

93. You're so kissable.

94. You have a wonderful smile.

95. You make me feel good.

96. You work hard.

97. Good thinking!

98. Good planning!

99. You're a good helper.

100. I like the way you did that.

101.Say, "I Love You" – often


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