
高一英语导学案(教科版) 必修一 Unit 1

Name: Class:

阅读课(Warming-up, Reading)

Ⅰ学习目标(Studying aims)

知识目标(Knowledge goal):Know more about Teachers’ Day. Learn some new words in the text. 能力目标(Ability goal):Enhance students’ self-learning ability and reading ability.

学习重点(Important point):Know the structure of the text and the main idea of each paragraph. 学习难点(Difficult point):How to summarize the main idea of each paragraph. How to find the topic


Ⅱ学习步骤(Studying procedure)

------ Step 1 阅读前热身Pre-reading ------

小组活动(Teamwork): List(列举) the festivals you know in English.

Is there Teachers’ Day in other countries? If so, list some of the countries.

Who is the most famous teacher in China?


------ Step 2 阅读课文Reading ------


Part 1 自主学习(Self-learning)

★ 在本环节中,要求每个同学对疑点,难点做好标记,包括课文中不理解的生词,短语;练习中有疑问的问题。做标记要采用不同颜色的笔和不同符号哦,这样才好区分!

Task A: Look at the title(课文题目), predict (预测) what the text will talk about. Task B: Read the text by yourself to match (连线)the main idea of each paragraph.


________________________________________________________ Para.1 Para2

Para 3 A. Chinese government works on improving 10 million teachers’ working and living conditions. B. The reasons for setting up Teachers’ Day and China’s achievement in education. C. Confucius is considered to be a role model for all teachers.

Task C: Finish exercise on Comprehension 1(P2判断正误)

Part 2合作探究(Team-discussing)

★ 在本环节中,每位小组成员应积极发表自己的观点,积极提出自己的疑惑。不要怕丢脸,不要怕出错,因为能提出问题的才是王者!

Task 1: Check the answers to Task B, Task C.

Discuss the reasons for your answers with your teammates.

Task 2: How to summarize the main idea of each paragraph? Have any tips?


Task 3: Do you know “topic sentence”? What is “topic sentence”?


------ Step 3 读后讨论Post-reading ------

Task4: (Team-discussion): Discuss questions 3&4 on exercise 2 on P2.

------ Step 4 展示与点评Presenting and Making comments ------ 在这个环节中主要由老师指定的小组代表展示小组合作探究的成果(Task B,C &Task 1~4)。 ★ 在展示过程中,如果其他小组有不同的答案和看法,要大声,大胆提出质疑,由负责展示的小组解答;如果各小组都解决不了的,由老师点评解答。

------ Step 5 巩固Consolidation ------



If your book you laugh, then you may feel even better. Several studies show that laughter boosts happy chemicals in the brain, it strengthens the immune system(免疫系统), it’s good for the heart, and it is good for mental health(心理健康). It even helps us improve our relationships.

( ) 1. What is this paragraph mainly about?

A. What book brings us laughter. B. How laughter affects our health.

C. What benefits laughter brings to us. D. Why laughter is good for us.


My new neighbor and his son are always in their favorite place, outside in the yard, playing ball. The young boy always reports to me how many “home runs” he hits and I always clap(鼓掌) and cheer for him. These guys are something else. Where you see one of them, the other is not far away. The dad is always engaging the child in conversation and focusing on the child. He does not talk on a cell phone or walk ahead of the boy and he always has to run to keep up with him. It warms my heart to see a father and son enjoying each other’s company(陪伴) like they do.

( ) 2. What is the main idea of this paragraph?

A. The friendship between the author and her neighbors.

B. How the dad and son moved(打动,感动) the author.

C. Why the dad and son played together.

D. The father’s happy time with his son.


Gary Wilmot, who moved to Australia from the UK more than a decade(十年) ago, has been on a mission to walk 5,400 kilometers from Perth to Brisbane to raise awareness(提高……意识) for the Heart Foundation. And on Friday afternoon, the 46-year-old celebrated his half way mark in Adelaide.

“Five years ago, if you had told me I was going to walk across Australia, I’d say you’re mad. I was feeling negative(负面的) at that time. With that attitude, nothing was going to work out well for me. I was overweight(超重) and I didn’t do exercise. I began to get ill easily. I knew that if I didn’t start making any changes, I was going to suffer heart disease and die soon, maybe in three years.” Mr. Wilmot laughed

when he told Daily Mail Australia.

( ) 3. What are paragraph 1 and 2 mainly about?

A. Where Gary went to.

B. How Gary felt about his life.

C. Why Gary started his mission.

D. When Gary started his mission.

高一英语导学案(教科版) 必修一 Unit 1

Name: Class:

阅读课(Warming-up, Reading)

Ⅰ学习目标(Studying aims)

知识目标(Knowledge goal):Know more about Teachers’ Day. Learn some new words in the text. 能力目标(Ability goal):Enhance students’ self-learning ability and reading ability.

学习重点(Important point):Know the structure of the text and the main idea of each paragraph. 学习难点(Difficult point):How to summarize the main idea of each paragraph. How to find the topic


Ⅱ学习步骤(Studying procedure)

------ Step 1 阅读前热身Pre-reading ------

小组活动(Teamwork): List(列举) the festivals you know in English.

Is there Teachers’ Day in other countries? If so, list some of the countries.

Who is the most famous teacher in China?


------ Step 2 阅读课文Reading ------


Part 1 自主学习(Self-learning)

★ 在本环节中,要求每个同学对疑点,难点做好标记,包括课文中不理解的生词,短语;练习中有疑问的问题。做标记要采用不同颜色的笔和不同符号哦,这样才好区分!

Task A: Look at the title(课文题目), predict (预测) what the text will talk about. Task B: Read the text by yourself to match (连线)the main idea of each paragraph.


________________________________________________________ Para.1 Para2

Para 3 A. Chinese government works on improving 10 million teachers’ working and living conditions. B. The reasons for setting up Teachers’ Day and China’s achievement in education. C. Confucius is considered to be a role model for all teachers.

Task C: Finish exercise on Comprehension 1(P2判断正误)

Part 2合作探究(Team-discussing)

★ 在本环节中,每位小组成员应积极发表自己的观点,积极提出自己的疑惑。不要怕丢脸,不要怕出错,因为能提出问题的才是王者!

Task 1: Check the answers to Task B, Task C.

Discuss the reasons for your answers with your teammates.

Task 2: How to summarize the main idea of each paragraph? Have any tips?


Task 3: Do you know “topic sentence”? What is “topic sentence”?


------ Step 3 读后讨论Post-reading ------

Task4: (Team-discussion): Discuss questions 3&4 on exercise 2 on P2.

------ Step 4 展示与点评Presenting and Making comments ------ 在这个环节中主要由老师指定的小组代表展示小组合作探究的成果(Task B,C &Task 1~4)。 ★ 在展示过程中,如果其他小组有不同的答案和看法,要大声,大胆提出质疑,由负责展示的小组解答;如果各小组都解决不了的,由老师点评解答。

------ Step 5 巩固Consolidation ------



If your book you laugh, then you may feel even better. Several studies show that laughter boosts happy chemicals in the brain, it strengthens the immune system(免疫系统), it’s good for the heart, and it is good for mental health(心理健康). It even helps us improve our relationships.

( ) 1. What is this paragraph mainly about?

A. What book brings us laughter. B. How laughter affects our health.

C. What benefits laughter brings to us. D. Why laughter is good for us.


My new neighbor and his son are always in their favorite place, outside in the yard, playing ball. The young boy always reports to me how many “home runs” he hits and I always clap(鼓掌) and cheer for him. These guys are something else. Where you see one of them, the other is not far away. The dad is always engaging the child in conversation and focusing on the child. He does not talk on a cell phone or walk ahead of the boy and he always has to run to keep up with him. It warms my heart to see a father and son enjoying each other’s company(陪伴) like they do.

( ) 2. What is the main idea of this paragraph?

A. The friendship between the author and her neighbors.

B. How the dad and son moved(打动,感动) the author.

C. Why the dad and son played together.

D. The father’s happy time with his son.


Gary Wilmot, who moved to Australia from the UK more than a decade(十年) ago, has been on a mission to walk 5,400 kilometers from Perth to Brisbane to raise awareness(提高……意识) for the Heart Foundation. And on Friday afternoon, the 46-year-old celebrated his half way mark in Adelaide.

“Five years ago, if you had told me I was going to walk across Australia, I’d say you’re mad. I was feeling negative(负面的) at that time. With that attitude, nothing was going to work out well for me. I was overweight(超重) and I didn’t do exercise. I began to get ill easily. I knew that if I didn’t start making any changes, I was going to suffer heart disease and die soon, maybe in three years.” Mr. Wilmot laughed

when he told Daily Mail Australia.

( ) 3. What are paragraph 1 and 2 mainly about?

A. Where Gary went to.

B. How Gary felt about his life.

C. Why Gary started his mission.

D. When Gary started his mission.


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