
Star Wars” fans love Tatooine and its twin suns, but astronomers working with one of the world’s biggest telescopes have done Luke Skywalker’s home planet one better.


They’ve discovered a bizarre world with not two but three suns ― and seasons that last longer than a human lifetime.


Known as HD 131399Ab, the unusual exoplanet is located 320 light-years from Earth in the large southern constellation Centaurus. It’s a gas giant like Jupiter but about four times as massive.

这颗不同寻常的地外行星被命名为HD 131399Ab, 它位于南方巨大的人马星座上,距地球320光年。它是类似于木星的气体巨星,但它的体积是木星的四倍。

And while it’s one of the coldest exoplanets ever to be directly imaged by a telescope (rather than detected as a result of the dimming of starlight as it passes in front of its host star), HD 131399Ab is very hot by human standards. The average temperature exceeds 1,000 degrees Fahrenheit.

虽然它是温度最冷的地外行星中被天文望远镜直接捕捉到影像的一个(而不是在从其宿星前经过时被检测到一抹暗淡的星光),HD 131399Ab星球上的平均温度超过华氏1000度,远超人类耐热标准。

In short, HD 131399Ab isn’t the kind of place you’d like to call home. (And there’s no hint that it harbors alien life.) But if you could live there, you’d find its sky a most peculiar place: You’d see either constant daylight or triple sunsets, depending on the season.

简而言之,HD 131399Ab行星绝不是一个宜居的地方(并且这里也没有发现外星生命迹象)。但是如果你有机会住在那儿,你会看到最光怪陆离的天空:根据季节的不同,你可能看到永昼,也有可能同时欣赏三个落日。

And each season on HD 131399Ab lasts about 300 years.

HD 131399Ab行星的每一个季节都持续三百年左右。

HD 131399Ab orbits the system’s brightest star, HD 131399A, at a distance of about 7.6 billion miles. That’s roughly 82 times the average distance from the Earth to the sun ― and, according to the astronomers behind the discovery, the widest orbit ever seen for a planet in a triple-star system.

HD 131399Ab绕行的星球是其星系中最亮的一颗——HD 131399A行星,两者之间的距离大概是76亿英里。这一距离大约是地日平均距离的82倍,并且,发现该行星的天文学家称,HD 131399Ab星球的绕行轨道在三星星系中是最宽的。

The other two stars in the system, HD 131399B and HD 131399C, twirl around each other as they orbit HD 131399A at a distance that’s 300 to 400 times greater than the distance from the Earth to the sun.

这一星系中另外两颗行星,HD 131399B行星 和 HD 131399C行星在绕行HD 131399A行星的同时互绕旋转,它们绕行的距离则是地日距离的300至400倍。

The newfound planet was discovered using the European Southern Observatory’s Very Large Telescope in northern Chile. The ESO is supported by Austria, Belgium, Brazil, the Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Finland, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland Chile and the United Kingdom. Researchers published a paper on their findings Thursday in the journal Science.

发现HD 131399Ab行星的天文望远镜是位于智利北部的欧南台巨大望远镜阵列。欧南台是由澳大利亚、比利时、巴西、捷克共和国、丹麦、法国、芬兰、德国、意大 利、荷兰、波兰、葡萄牙、西班牙、瑞典、瑞士、智利和英国这些国家联合创办的。研究人员周四在《科学》杂志上发表文章阐述他们的新发现。

Kevin Wagner, a University of Arizona Ph.D. student and the paper’s lead author, told The Huffington Post in an email that the system’s configuration is “surprising and extreme.”


It’s also a bit precarious.


“If the planet was further away from the most massive star in the system, it would be kicked out of the system,” Dr. Daniel Apai, assistant professor of astronomy and planetary sciences at the university and co-author of the paper, said in a news release.

丹尼尔·阿派博士是这所大学天文与行星专业的助理教授,同时也是这篇文章的联合作者,他在报道中称:“如果HD 131399Ab行星离星系中最大的行星再远一点的话,它就会被踢出这一星系。”

“Our computer simulations have shown that this type of orbit can be stable, but if you change things around just a little bit, it can become unstable very quickly.”


Stable or not, HD 131399A is fascinating to astronomers in part because it helps fill in gaps in our knowledge of how planets form and change orbit.

无论稳定与否,HD 131399A星系对天文学家们有着巨大的吸引力,一部分是因为它的发现填补了我们现有知识的一处空白,即行星如何形成以及如何变动轨道。

Star Wars” fans love Tatooine and its twin suns, but astronomers working with one of the world’s biggest telescopes have done Luke Skywalker’s home planet one better.


They’ve discovered a bizarre world with not two but three suns ― and seasons that last longer than a human lifetime.


Known as HD 131399Ab, the unusual exoplanet is located 320 light-years from Earth in the large southern constellation Centaurus. It’s a gas giant like Jupiter but about four times as massive.

这颗不同寻常的地外行星被命名为HD 131399Ab, 它位于南方巨大的人马星座上,距地球320光年。它是类似于木星的气体巨星,但它的体积是木星的四倍。

And while it’s one of the coldest exoplanets ever to be directly imaged by a telescope (rather than detected as a result of the dimming of starlight as it passes in front of its host star), HD 131399Ab is very hot by human standards. The average temperature exceeds 1,000 degrees Fahrenheit.

虽然它是温度最冷的地外行星中被天文望远镜直接捕捉到影像的一个(而不是在从其宿星前经过时被检测到一抹暗淡的星光),HD 131399Ab星球上的平均温度超过华氏1000度,远超人类耐热标准。

In short, HD 131399Ab isn’t the kind of place you’d like to call home. (And there’s no hint that it harbors alien life.) But if you could live there, you’d find its sky a most peculiar place: You’d see either constant daylight or triple sunsets, depending on the season.

简而言之,HD 131399Ab行星绝不是一个宜居的地方(并且这里也没有发现外星生命迹象)。但是如果你有机会住在那儿,你会看到最光怪陆离的天空:根据季节的不同,你可能看到永昼,也有可能同时欣赏三个落日。

And each season on HD 131399Ab lasts about 300 years.

HD 131399Ab行星的每一个季节都持续三百年左右。

HD 131399Ab orbits the system’s brightest star, HD 131399A, at a distance of about 7.6 billion miles. That’s roughly 82 times the average distance from the Earth to the sun ― and, according to the astronomers behind the discovery, the widest orbit ever seen for a planet in a triple-star system.

HD 131399Ab绕行的星球是其星系中最亮的一颗——HD 131399A行星,两者之间的距离大概是76亿英里。这一距离大约是地日平均距离的82倍,并且,发现该行星的天文学家称,HD 131399Ab星球的绕行轨道在三星星系中是最宽的。

The other two stars in the system, HD 131399B and HD 131399C, twirl around each other as they orbit HD 131399A at a distance that’s 300 to 400 times greater than the distance from the Earth to the sun.

这一星系中另外两颗行星,HD 131399B行星 和 HD 131399C行星在绕行HD 131399A行星的同时互绕旋转,它们绕行的距离则是地日距离的300至400倍。

The newfound planet was discovered using the European Southern Observatory’s Very Large Telescope in northern Chile. The ESO is supported by Austria, Belgium, Brazil, the Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Finland, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland Chile and the United Kingdom. Researchers published a paper on their findings Thursday in the journal Science.

发现HD 131399Ab行星的天文望远镜是位于智利北部的欧南台巨大望远镜阵列。欧南台是由澳大利亚、比利时、巴西、捷克共和国、丹麦、法国、芬兰、德国、意大 利、荷兰、波兰、葡萄牙、西班牙、瑞典、瑞士、智利和英国这些国家联合创办的。研究人员周四在《科学》杂志上发表文章阐述他们的新发现。

Kevin Wagner, a University of Arizona Ph.D. student and the paper’s lead author, told The Huffington Post in an email that the system’s configuration is “surprising and extreme.”


It’s also a bit precarious.


“If the planet was further away from the most massive star in the system, it would be kicked out of the system,” Dr. Daniel Apai, assistant professor of astronomy and planetary sciences at the university and co-author of the paper, said in a news release.

丹尼尔·阿派博士是这所大学天文与行星专业的助理教授,同时也是这篇文章的联合作者,他在报道中称:“如果HD 131399Ab行星离星系中最大的行星再远一点的话,它就会被踢出这一星系。”

“Our computer simulations have shown that this type of orbit can be stable, but if you change things around just a little bit, it can become unstable very quickly.”


Stable or not, HD 131399A is fascinating to astronomers in part because it helps fill in gaps in our knowledge of how planets form and change orbit.

无论稳定与否,HD 131399A星系对天文学家们有着巨大的吸引力,一部分是因为它的发现填补了我们现有知识的一处空白,即行星如何形成以及如何变动轨道。


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