




On Tuesday afternoon , I picked up a bag in the school library. 2. I want to give it to someone who has lost it. 3. There are three English books and an old dictionary in it. 4.The owner of the bag may keep in touch with me at any time this week. 5. My name is Li Jing and my phone number is 88745678.





January 10,2008

I was careless and lost my black coat in the lab on the afternoon of 5th of this month. There is a wallet with some money in one of the pockets and in the other one there is a key to my bike. Will the finder please send it to the monitor of Class

2,Grade 3 or to myself? Many thanks to the finder. Our classroom is in the east of the teaching building.


电话留言(记录) 虽然也属于便条,但其格式却与请假条和留言条不太一样。中学教材中介绍了一种表格式的电话留言条,它要简要地写明打电话者和应接电话者的姓名,打电话日期以及电话内容。最后署名为接电话人的姓名。



(At about three o’clock in the afternoon, June 12th)

Kate: Hello.7-5-5-double 6-2.

Li Lei:Oh, hello. Could I speak to Jim, please?

Kate: I’m afraid he’s out at the moment. He’s at the cinema. Can I take a message?

Li Lei: Yes. Could you ask him to call me, please?

Kate: Sure! What’s your name, please?

Li Lei: Li Lei.

Kate: How do you speak that, please?

Li Lei: L-I, Li L-E-I, Lei. My telephone number is 6-7-double 8-3-4.

Kate: 6-7-double 8-3-4. Right.

Li Lei: Thanks a lot. Bye.

Kate: It’s a pleasure.


Telephone Message From: Li Lei To: Jim Date: June 12th Time: 3:00 p.m. Message: Please ring him. His telephone number is 678834. Kate

4. 英文海报:



Friendly Basketball Match

All Are Welcome

Orgnised by the Students' Union of our school, a friendly basketball match will be held between No.3 Middle School team and ours on the basketball court on Saturday, June 5, 1993 at 4 p.m.

The School Students' Union

Tuesday, June 1.


This Week's Film

Name: Modern Time #片名要斜体

Time: 7 p.m. Saturday, April 10

Place: The meeting hall

Fare: One yuan

Ticket office: The school gate house

The School Students' Union


假如你叫 Lucy ,你校新来的外教Judy Smith 明天将到你班上课。明天是她的生日,请你给她写一张生日贺卡。

To Judy Smith,

Happy birthday to you! I think it’s your first birthday at our school. We’ll have a party for you. I hope you can enjoy it . Thank you for teaching us so well. From Lucy





On Tuesday afternoon , I picked up a bag in the school library. 2. I want to give it to someone who has lost it. 3. There are three English books and an old dictionary in it. 4.The owner of the bag may keep in touch with me at any time this week. 5. My name is Li Jing and my phone number is 88745678.





January 10,2008

I was careless and lost my black coat in the lab on the afternoon of 5th of this month. There is a wallet with some money in one of the pockets and in the other one there is a key to my bike. Will the finder please send it to the monitor of Class

2,Grade 3 or to myself? Many thanks to the finder. Our classroom is in the east of the teaching building.


电话留言(记录) 虽然也属于便条,但其格式却与请假条和留言条不太一样。中学教材中介绍了一种表格式的电话留言条,它要简要地写明打电话者和应接电话者的姓名,打电话日期以及电话内容。最后署名为接电话人的姓名。



(At about three o’clock in the afternoon, June 12th)

Kate: Hello.7-5-5-double 6-2.

Li Lei:Oh, hello. Could I speak to Jim, please?

Kate: I’m afraid he’s out at the moment. He’s at the cinema. Can I take a message?

Li Lei: Yes. Could you ask him to call me, please?

Kate: Sure! What’s your name, please?

Li Lei: Li Lei.

Kate: How do you speak that, please?

Li Lei: L-I, Li L-E-I, Lei. My telephone number is 6-7-double 8-3-4.

Kate: 6-7-double 8-3-4. Right.

Li Lei: Thanks a lot. Bye.

Kate: It’s a pleasure.


Telephone Message From: Li Lei To: Jim Date: June 12th Time: 3:00 p.m. Message: Please ring him. His telephone number is 678834. Kate

4. 英文海报:



Friendly Basketball Match

All Are Welcome

Orgnised by the Students' Union of our school, a friendly basketball match will be held between No.3 Middle School team and ours on the basketball court on Saturday, June 5, 1993 at 4 p.m.

The School Students' Union

Tuesday, June 1.


This Week's Film

Name: Modern Time #片名要斜体

Time: 7 p.m. Saturday, April 10

Place: The meeting hall

Fare: One yuan

Ticket office: The school gate house

The School Students' Union


假如你叫 Lucy ,你校新来的外教Judy Smith 明天将到你班上课。明天是她的生日,请你给她写一张生日贺卡。

To Judy Smith,

Happy birthday to you! I think it’s your first birthday at our school. We’ll have a party for you. I hope you can enjoy it . Thank you for teaching us so well. From Lucy


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