
Conclusion: Sentence Translation of business letters

1. Translate the following sentences into English.

1) 一有新货,我们即与贵方联系。

2) 请将信用证修改为“在广州议付”。

3) 如果一方未能执行合同,另一方有权中止本合同。

4) 为促成交易,我们认为你们至少得让5%才行。

5) 很遗憾,我方不能接受你放报盘,你方价格偏高了。

6) 随函寄上第4567号购物确认书一式两份,请尽快签退一份。

7) 请告贵公司贸易条款。

8) 承蒙大力推销我方拖鞋,不胜感激。

9) 请将下列货品尽快寄至上述地址,谢谢。

10) 兹通知,标题货物已于昨日由“和平”轮装出。

11) 敬悉贵公司2010年3月15日的传真函。感谢你们合作的诚意,我厂将以积极的


2. Translate the following sentences into Chinese.

1) All cash bonus shall be subject to income tax.

2) It’s more expensive than it was last time but not as good.

3) The application of plastics in automobile industry has brought about great

increase of the consumption.

4) Commission depends on the quantity of goods ordered.

5) As agreed, the terms of payment for the above orders are letter of credit of 60

days’ sight or D/P sight draft.

6) We have paid the freight and marked the cases “Urgent. For Immediate


7) The fan, with its modern, elegant, bright, and harmoniously colored design, is an

excellent electrical household appliance for cooling purposes on hot summer days.

8) The shipper shall be liable for all damage caused by such goods to the ship

and/or cargo on board.

9) Please let us know the detailed information on your market.

10) We assure you of our prompt attention to this matter.

11) We take this opportunity to inform you that we are now in a position to make

prompt shipment of the merchandise.

12) Enclosed is the technical information on the air compressors. Please do not

hesitate to contact us if you require any further information.

13) Any expenses occurring from this credit inquiry will be gladly paid upon receipt

of your bill.

14) On condition that you sign this receipt, I will pay the money.

15) Part-time waitress applicants who had worked at a job would receive preference

over those who had not.

16) We have decided to place a trial order for the following on the terms stated in

your letter.

17) Your information as to discounts for a large order would be appreciated.

18) Please let us know if our terms are acceptable.

19) The new contract would be good for 5 years.

20) We learn that you have been dealers of Chinese products for many years.

21) It is certainly a pleasure to have this order from you and we wish you the best of

success in your sales promotion of goods.

22) If any matter should be added after this contract comes into force, then such a

matter shall be agreed upon by both sides through friendly consultations and confirmed by means of exchanging official documents, which shall form an

integral part of this contract.

23) Before the receipt has been signed, the money must not be paid.

24) While trade is good, money is very tight at present.

25) We think the business mainly depends on your price.

26) What we are concerned about is the availability of your product.

27) The wrong power-line connection will damage the motor.

28) With the purchase of two Boeing-747s, the country’s volume of trade with the

United States has reached an all time height.

29) Your refusal to amend the L/C is equivalent to the cancellation of the order.

30) As soon as you get the license, please don’t fail to cable us.

Conclusion: Sentence Translation of business letters

1. Translate the following sentences into English.

1) 一有新货,我们即与贵方联系。

2) 请将信用证修改为“在广州议付”。

3) 如果一方未能执行合同,另一方有权中止本合同。

4) 为促成交易,我们认为你们至少得让5%才行。

5) 很遗憾,我方不能接受你放报盘,你方价格偏高了。

6) 随函寄上第4567号购物确认书一式两份,请尽快签退一份。

7) 请告贵公司贸易条款。

8) 承蒙大力推销我方拖鞋,不胜感激。

9) 请将下列货品尽快寄至上述地址,谢谢。

10) 兹通知,标题货物已于昨日由“和平”轮装出。

11) 敬悉贵公司2010年3月15日的传真函。感谢你们合作的诚意,我厂将以积极的


2. Translate the following sentences into Chinese.

1) All cash bonus shall be subject to income tax.

2) It’s more expensive than it was last time but not as good.

3) The application of plastics in automobile industry has brought about great

increase of the consumption.

4) Commission depends on the quantity of goods ordered.

5) As agreed, the terms of payment for the above orders are letter of credit of 60

days’ sight or D/P sight draft.

6) We have paid the freight and marked the cases “Urgent. For Immediate


7) The fan, with its modern, elegant, bright, and harmoniously colored design, is an

excellent electrical household appliance for cooling purposes on hot summer days.

8) The shipper shall be liable for all damage caused by such goods to the ship

and/or cargo on board.

9) Please let us know the detailed information on your market.

10) We assure you of our prompt attention to this matter.

11) We take this opportunity to inform you that we are now in a position to make

prompt shipment of the merchandise.

12) Enclosed is the technical information on the air compressors. Please do not

hesitate to contact us if you require any further information.

13) Any expenses occurring from this credit inquiry will be gladly paid upon receipt

of your bill.

14) On condition that you sign this receipt, I will pay the money.

15) Part-time waitress applicants who had worked at a job would receive preference

over those who had not.

16) We have decided to place a trial order for the following on the terms stated in

your letter.

17) Your information as to discounts for a large order would be appreciated.

18) Please let us know if our terms are acceptable.

19) The new contract would be good for 5 years.

20) We learn that you have been dealers of Chinese products for many years.

21) It is certainly a pleasure to have this order from you and we wish you the best of

success in your sales promotion of goods.

22) If any matter should be added after this contract comes into force, then such a

matter shall be agreed upon by both sides through friendly consultations and confirmed by means of exchanging official documents, which shall form an

integral part of this contract.

23) Before the receipt has been signed, the money must not be paid.

24) While trade is good, money is very tight at present.

25) We think the business mainly depends on your price.

26) What we are concerned about is the availability of your product.

27) The wrong power-line connection will damage the motor.

28) With the purchase of two Boeing-747s, the country’s volume of trade with the

United States has reached an all time height.

29) Your refusal to amend the L/C is equivalent to the cancellation of the order.

30) As soon as you get the license, please don’t fail to cable us.


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