
hello everyone! my name is king, a student from college. i am glad to give you a speech

about my university. the title of my speech is my college, my home. last september i left my hometown with heavy baggage and after a journey of ten

hours, i came to this dream campus with great expectation and excitement. whenever i recall the past days, so many thoughts are flooding in my mind. but

what impressed me most is a night when i got a stomachache during the first days.

i had to turn to the aunts in charge of our dormitory for help. they were so friendly

and warm-hearted. they gave me the pills and reminded me of having more hot water.

i recovered soon and i thanked them from the bottom of my heart because they brought

me the warmth of home. our university is a famous academic center. the teaching staff are all learned

professors. many of them are world-wide known for their wide range of knowledge and

charming personality. i respect my teachers! i admire my teachers! i love my teachers!

various activities are carried here. they not only bring me happiness but also improve

myself. i meet with a lot of classmates and make a large number of friends. when i

feel upset, the will give me a hand; when i am happy, i will share with them. the

library has a large collection of books and i always lose myself in it. i believe

they will benefit me a lot and are to broaden the roads of my future. i love you,****university! you are just a place which gives me warmth and

strengths! you are my home!


1.how to behave when applying for a job ? 2.i am proud of being chinese 3.happy

is he who is content

4.how to make our campus life more meaningful ? 5.no imagination ,no invention

6.what is happiness? 7.knowledge is power

8.the importance of being creative 9.all roads lead to rome 10.knowledge

and ability 11.loyalty

23.how to carry out the quality education ? 24.what the world will look like

in ten years? 25.how can you achieve pure friendship? vigor vigour glamour 27.is world peace possible?

28.how can we preserve our traditional culture? 29.in face of success

30.how can we protect wildlife? 31.what will wto bring us?

34.united we stand ,divided we fall 35.money can not buy everything 36.actions

speak louder than words

37.what would you do with three wishes? 38.experience is the best teacher

39.english as a global language

40.a friend in need is a friend indeed 41.is the spoken english test necessary ?

42.health and wealth

43.where theres a will there is a way 44.no pains ,no gains 45.haste makes

waste 46.practice makes perfect

47.responsibilities college students should undertake 48.what do i study for ?

49.the value of moral education

50.the importance of reading extensively 要求:

1. 自选题目

2. 自己完成,但可以参考其他材料,必须标明出处。 3. 提前一周交给我审查。篇三:

大学关于学习英语演讲稿 大学关于学习英语演讲稿 i love sports very much,for example,tennis and vollyball are ballgames which i

like best.i love swimming,too.i think we students shuold not only learn how to

study,but also learn how to enjoy our life.having sports is a good way to relax

ourselves and this is a healthy life style. in the end,i want to tell you my favoirate words:just try my best,now or never. goiod晚上, 每个人。我的名字是演赵欢、我是从云南大约一个月前, 我entred 四川大学

我们学校是多么美丽啊! 我相信, 有很多的机会对我提高自己…所以, 我参加这个活动的目的

是为了提高自己的英语. 我将尽我所能做好这个比赛, 我希望您能满意。 我喜欢运动, 比如网球、排球是场球赛, 我最喜欢…我喜欢游泳, 太我认为我们的学生不仅

应该学会如何学习, 但也学会了如何去享受我们的生活里体育运动是一种很好的方式来放松

自己, 这是一种健康的生活方式。 最后, 我想告诉你我的favoirate 的话:只是尽我所能, 机不可失。

hello everyone! my name is king, a student from college. i am glad to give you a speech

about my university. the title of my speech is my college, my home. last september i left my hometown with heavy baggage and after a journey of ten

hours, i came to this dream campus with great expectation and excitement. whenever i recall the past days, so many thoughts are flooding in my mind. but

what impressed me most is a night when i got a stomachache during the first days.

i had to turn to the aunts in charge of our dormitory for help. they were so friendly

and warm-hearted. they gave me the pills and reminded me of having more hot water.

i recovered soon and i thanked them from the bottom of my heart because they brought

me the warmth of home. our university is a famous academic center. the teaching staff are all learned

professors. many of them are world-wide known for their wide range of knowledge and

charming personality. i respect my teachers! i admire my teachers! i love my teachers!

various activities are carried here. they not only bring me happiness but also improve

myself. i meet with a lot of classmates and make a large number of friends. when i

feel upset, the will give me a hand; when i am happy, i will share with them. the

library has a large collection of books and i always lose myself in it. i believe

they will benefit me a lot and are to broaden the roads of my future. i love you,****university! you are just a place which gives me warmth and

strengths! you are my home!


1.how to behave when applying for a job ? 2.i am proud of being chinese 3.happy

is he who is content

4.how to make our campus life more meaningful ? 5.no imagination ,no invention

6.what is happiness? 7.knowledge is power

8.the importance of being creative 9.all roads lead to rome 10.knowledge

and ability 11.loyalty

23.how to carry out the quality education ? 24.what the world will look like

in ten years? 25.how can you achieve pure friendship? vigor vigour glamour 27.is world peace possible?

28.how can we preserve our traditional culture? 29.in face of success

30.how can we protect wildlife? 31.what will wto bring us?

34.united we stand ,divided we fall 35.money can not buy everything 36.actions

speak louder than words

37.what would you do with three wishes? 38.experience is the best teacher

39.english as a global language

40.a friend in need is a friend indeed 41.is the spoken english test necessary ?

42.health and wealth

43.where theres a will there is a way 44.no pains ,no gains 45.haste makes

waste 46.practice makes perfect

47.responsibilities college students should undertake 48.what do i study for ?

49.the value of moral education

50.the importance of reading extensively 要求:

1. 自选题目

2. 自己完成,但可以参考其他材料,必须标明出处。 3. 提前一周交给我审查。篇三:

大学关于学习英语演讲稿 大学关于学习英语演讲稿 i love sports very much,for example,tennis and vollyball are ballgames which i

like best.i love swimming,too.i think we students shuold not only learn how to

study,but also learn how to enjoy our life.having sports is a good way to relax

ourselves and this is a healthy life style. in the end,i want to tell you my favoirate words:just try my best,now or never. goiod晚上, 每个人。我的名字是演赵欢、我是从云南大约一个月前, 我entred 四川大学

我们学校是多么美丽啊! 我相信, 有很多的机会对我提高自己…所以, 我参加这个活动的目的

是为了提高自己的英语. 我将尽我所能做好这个比赛, 我希望您能满意。 我喜欢运动, 比如网球、排球是场球赛, 我最喜欢…我喜欢游泳, 太我认为我们的学生不仅

应该学会如何学习, 但也学会了如何去享受我们的生活里体育运动是一种很好的方式来放松

自己, 这是一种健康的生活方式。 最后, 我想告诉你我的favoirate 的话:只是尽我所能, 机不可失。


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