2011gre issue写作优秀实例:想法付诸行动的困难性

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2011gre issue写作优秀实例:想法付诸行动的困难性新gre作文写作考察考生完成题目过程中是否能够融合批判性思维和分析写作能力,以下是gre考试写作部分issue的优秀写作实例,通过这些优秀范文或是习作,考生可以借鉴里面的短语、句子或思路,给自己的写作找一些思路和灵感。


It is easy to welcome innovation and accept new ideas. Whatmost people find difficult, however, is accepting the way thesenew ideas are put into practice.



As is known that innovation may bring big progress and

result in even a revolutionary transition of a society: the elevatedefficiency of work, the ameliorated life, the enticing fruit of newtechnology and so on. Following with innovation of the secondindustrial revolution, great changes took place and immediatelya renewed world unfolded before us with the application of itsfruits. Seeing unimaginable profits and the magic power, who(including the society and government) can suppress theiragitating desire to restrict development of innovation?

Unfortunately, innovation doesn't always follow the people'swill and always acts like an uncontroled horse running in theplain. Worrying about the side-effect, people have to hold theirdesire back but admire those who are brave enough to tastecrabs for the first time. Not everyone possesses the same

courage as Biil Gate's, who dare invest on a fresh field and giveup the chance of studying in Harvard University, which is thedream of most aggressive young people. Often, pondering whatthey have already possessed with what they might get frominnovation, most people prefer the former to the latter, even

content to sacrifice the latter to ensure the integer of the former.For example, a department may enroll those who are not verydeft in the work but behave complaisant before higher-ups anddeny to those who stick to their innovational opinion obstinately.After all, it is required more to cooperate with others

harmoniously and conform to the traditional rules nowadaysthan to creat a new law according to individual penchant, in anycompany and corporation.

Maybe, some one argues that, how to cultivate innovation ifpersonality should abdicate to interests of collective? Does thestatement above alludes that employees should do nothing butkeep silent and follow what the higher-ups dictated, stranglingtheir inspiration to accord to the criterion today? No doubt, suchsupposition is rediculous. I mean that employees should try toapproach their original though to tenet of the collective, notattempt to disobey the existed norm, respect suggestion andsupposition of others and circumspect the innovation and thendiscuss with all the members in the company. That is,

responsibility should be taken before the innovation is applied topractice.

Of course, many people don't have the ability that controlingtheir compulsion of carrying their innovation into application. Itdoesn't lack of people who dare not apply innovation, andpeople who hold innovational thought are not scarc either,however,those who possess both of the two abilities and arelucky enough to encounter a proper opportunity to release theirinnovation is very few. The seperation of spirit of application andcreation of innovation is the root of the the strange

phenomenon, that innovation and new ideas are here and therewhile the acceptance and combination of them with applicationis too little to be heard.

智 课 网 G R E 备 考 资 料

2011gre issue写作优秀实例:想法付诸行动的困难性新gre作文写作考察考生完成题目过程中是否能够融合批判性思维和分析写作能力,以下是gre考试写作部分issue的优秀写作实例,通过这些优秀范文或是习作,考生可以借鉴里面的短语、句子或思路,给自己的写作找一些思路和灵感。


It is easy to welcome innovation and accept new ideas. Whatmost people find difficult, however, is accepting the way thesenew ideas are put into practice.



As is known that innovation may bring big progress and

result in even a revolutionary transition of a society: the elevatedefficiency of work, the ameliorated life, the enticing fruit of newtechnology and so on. Following with innovation of the secondindustrial revolution, great changes took place and immediatelya renewed world unfolded before us with the application of itsfruits. Seeing unimaginable profits and the magic power, who(including the society and government) can suppress theiragitating desire to restrict development of innovation?

Unfortunately, innovation doesn't always follow the people'swill and always acts like an uncontroled horse running in theplain. Worrying about the side-effect, people have to hold theirdesire back but admire those who are brave enough to tastecrabs for the first time. Not everyone possesses the same

courage as Biil Gate's, who dare invest on a fresh field and giveup the chance of studying in Harvard University, which is thedream of most aggressive young people. Often, pondering whatthey have already possessed with what they might get frominnovation, most people prefer the former to the latter, even

content to sacrifice the latter to ensure the integer of the former.For example, a department may enroll those who are not verydeft in the work but behave complaisant before higher-ups anddeny to those who stick to their innovational opinion obstinately.After all, it is required more to cooperate with others

harmoniously and conform to the traditional rules nowadaysthan to creat a new law according to individual penchant, in anycompany and corporation.

Maybe, some one argues that, how to cultivate innovation ifpersonality should abdicate to interests of collective? Does thestatement above alludes that employees should do nothing butkeep silent and follow what the higher-ups dictated, stranglingtheir inspiration to accord to the criterion today? No doubt, suchsupposition is rediculous. I mean that employees should try toapproach their original though to tenet of the collective, notattempt to disobey the existed norm, respect suggestion andsupposition of others and circumspect the innovation and thendiscuss with all the members in the company. That is,

responsibility should be taken before the innovation is applied topractice.

Of course, many people don't have the ability that controlingtheir compulsion of carrying their innovation into application. Itdoesn't lack of people who dare not apply innovation, andpeople who hold innovational thought are not scarc either,however,those who possess both of the two abilities and arelucky enough to encounter a proper opportunity to release theirinnovation is very few. The seperation of spirit of application andcreation of innovation is the root of the the strange

phenomenon, that innovation and new ideas are here and therewhile the acceptance and combination of them with applicationis too little to be heard.


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