新概念2 第一课 教案

Lesson 1 A private conversation (NCE2) Level: pre-intermediate level

Objective: 1. Use the past tense to make a short conversation

Specific objective: The students will learn to make a short conversation

about what they did in the past

Evaluation: Two students will perform a conversation together by ask

each other question about what they did in the past

Teaching method: the Oral Approach and Situational Language Teaching Teaching aid: PPT textbook

Teaching procedures:

Step1: Warming up (5’)

1. Greetings



2. Introduce the story (The teacher introduces the text with a few words, so

the students clearly understand what’s going on.)

T: Today, we will listen to a story about some people in a theater. Ok?


3. Understand the situation (The students are asked to look at the picture to

see if they can understand what is going on in the text. The teacher may

ask a few questions in English to help the students to understand the

picture. )

T: Look at the picture. It is a theater, right? (PPT presented)

Ss: Yes!

T: What do you think is happening in the picture?


T: What is the man in front doing? Why? Can you guess?


Step 2: Listening (12’)

1. Listening objective (The teacher gives the students a listening objective,

by setting them a question they will try to find the answer to.)

T: You want to know whether your guess is right or not, yes?

Ss: Yes

T: Ok! Let’s listen to the story together, and then think about why did the

writer complain to the people behind him?

2. Play the tape and the students listen (The teacher plays the tape just

once while the students listen without interruption.)

3. Answer the question (The teacher asks the questions above again and

the students try to answer it.)

T: Now, you have heard the story, and you know whether your guess is

right or wrong, right? Who can tell us why did the writer complain to

the people behind him?

4. Play the tape again (The teacher should make the students fully

understand the text. The teacher plays the tape again, pausing after

every sentence to check the students understand. In this way the teacher

will use the past tense consciously and try to make the students realize


Step 3: Word study (10’) (In presenting new words, the teacher will not give too

much explanation; instead, they should present some pictures or use boy

language to show the meaning of the words.)

T: In our story, there are some new words, let’s look at them together,


theater n.

seat n.


Step 4: Conversation making by using past tense (10’) (The teacher will present

several pictures of different situations, and then ask the students to make

a short conversation according to these different pictures. The teacher

makes a conversation with a student first in order to give an example to

other students, and then the teacher will ask the students to make a

conversation by themselves. )

The sentence patters are: What did you do last night?

Where did you go last week?

Didn’t you go to the cinema last night?


T: What did you do last night?

S: I watched TV at home.

T: Did you watch the TV happily?

S: Yes.

T: Ok! Well done! Look at other pictures and make a short conversation

with your partner.



d. ……..

T: Ok, stop here. Who want to perform your conversation in front of the

whole class? (students performance)

Step 5: Summary (2’)

T: Today, we listen to a story happened in the theater and we learned the

new words and made the short conversation. Remember these new

words and sentence patters.

Step 6: Homework (1’)

Lesson 1 A private conversation (NCE2) Level: pre-intermediate level

Objective: 1. Use the past tense to make a short conversation

Specific objective: The students will learn to make a short conversation

about what they did in the past

Evaluation: Two students will perform a conversation together by ask

each other question about what they did in the past

Teaching method: the Oral Approach and Situational Language Teaching Teaching aid: PPT textbook

Teaching procedures:

Step1: Warming up (5’)

1. Greetings



2. Introduce the story (The teacher introduces the text with a few words, so

the students clearly understand what’s going on.)

T: Today, we will listen to a story about some people in a theater. Ok?


3. Understand the situation (The students are asked to look at the picture to

see if they can understand what is going on in the text. The teacher may

ask a few questions in English to help the students to understand the

picture. )

T: Look at the picture. It is a theater, right? (PPT presented)

Ss: Yes!

T: What do you think is happening in the picture?


T: What is the man in front doing? Why? Can you guess?


Step 2: Listening (12’)

1. Listening objective (The teacher gives the students a listening objective,

by setting them a question they will try to find the answer to.)

T: You want to know whether your guess is right or not, yes?

Ss: Yes

T: Ok! Let’s listen to the story together, and then think about why did the

writer complain to the people behind him?

2. Play the tape and the students listen (The teacher plays the tape just

once while the students listen without interruption.)

3. Answer the question (The teacher asks the questions above again and

the students try to answer it.)

T: Now, you have heard the story, and you know whether your guess is

right or wrong, right? Who can tell us why did the writer complain to

the people behind him?

4. Play the tape again (The teacher should make the students fully

understand the text. The teacher plays the tape again, pausing after

every sentence to check the students understand. In this way the teacher

will use the past tense consciously and try to make the students realize


Step 3: Word study (10’) (In presenting new words, the teacher will not give too

much explanation; instead, they should present some pictures or use boy

language to show the meaning of the words.)

T: In our story, there are some new words, let’s look at them together,


theater n.

seat n.


Step 4: Conversation making by using past tense (10’) (The teacher will present

several pictures of different situations, and then ask the students to make

a short conversation according to these different pictures. The teacher

makes a conversation with a student first in order to give an example to

other students, and then the teacher will ask the students to make a

conversation by themselves. )

The sentence patters are: What did you do last night?

Where did you go last week?

Didn’t you go to the cinema last night?


T: What did you do last night?

S: I watched TV at home.

T: Did you watch the TV happily?

S: Yes.

T: Ok! Well done! Look at other pictures and make a short conversation

with your partner.



d. ……..

T: Ok, stop here. Who want to perform your conversation in front of the

whole class? (students performance)

Step 5: Summary (2’)

T: Today, we listen to a story happened in the theater and we learned the

new words and made the short conversation. Remember these new

words and sentence patters.

Step 6: Homework (1’)


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