
求 职广告、寻物启事等

You are Lucy/Jim. You want to find a local part-time job. Write an advert describing when you can start, what kind of work you can do, contact information, and some other important points.

Part-Time Job Wanted

April 17th

Do you want an honest, reliable, conscientious student to help out on a part-time basis?

If you do, then I’m your man. I am willing to tackle any job within my capabilities and which I confidently believe I can do to your satisfaction. I am a junior commerce student at Jincheng College and can provide excellent references from previous employers.

If you are interested and would like to arrange an interview, please contact me at [1**********].





April 18, 2009

Dear schoolmates,

To improve our English, an English evening is going to be held by Students’ Union of English department at the Students’ Center from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. this Sunday. You can enjoy mini plays, English songs and poems at the evening. Many foreign friends will be invited to the evening and they will offer us wonderful performances.

All the teachers and students are welcome to attend the English evening. Come and enjoy the evening.


Students’ Union


Football Match

English 0703 vs. English 0803

Time: 3 p.m., Feb. 14, 2009

Place: The University Stadium

Please contact the Physical Culture and Sports Commission. Tickets are limited. Fans should be quick.


The Physical Culture and Sports Commission

February 14, 2008


1. XX fans can’t afford to miss.

2. A unique chance to come into close contact with sb.

3. A rare opportunity to witness the elegance of sb.

求 职广告、寻物启事等

You are Lucy/Jim. You want to find a local part-time job. Write an advert describing when you can start, what kind of work you can do, contact information, and some other important points.

Part-Time Job Wanted

April 17th

Do you want an honest, reliable, conscientious student to help out on a part-time basis?

If you do, then I’m your man. I am willing to tackle any job within my capabilities and which I confidently believe I can do to your satisfaction. I am a junior commerce student at Jincheng College and can provide excellent references from previous employers.

If you are interested and would like to arrange an interview, please contact me at [1**********].





April 18, 2009

Dear schoolmates,

To improve our English, an English evening is going to be held by Students’ Union of English department at the Students’ Center from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. this Sunday. You can enjoy mini plays, English songs and poems at the evening. Many foreign friends will be invited to the evening and they will offer us wonderful performances.

All the teachers and students are welcome to attend the English evening. Come and enjoy the evening.


Students’ Union


Football Match

English 0703 vs. English 0803

Time: 3 p.m., Feb. 14, 2009

Place: The University Stadium

Please contact the Physical Culture and Sports Commission. Tickets are limited. Fans should be quick.


The Physical Culture and Sports Commission

February 14, 2008


1. XX fans can’t afford to miss.

2. A unique chance to come into close contact with sb.

3. A rare opportunity to witness the elegance of sb.


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