
Lesson 4词语点击

“幸存” survive



Fortunately he survived the traffic accident.

Only a few houses survived the earthquake.

Many strange customs have survived from earlier times.

Four people were killed; only one survived.



vt. 经历„„之后仍然活下来,幸存

vi. 存留下来;活下来


survival n. [U]生存,幸存;[C]幸存者,残存物

[即学即练] 将下列内容翻译成英语。

1. 在车祸 / 洪水 / 火灾中幸存下来

2. 几乎没有鸟挺过去年的寒冬。

3. 那个风俗仍然流传着。\


1. survive the car accident / the flood / the fire

2. Few birds survived the cold winter last year.

3. The custom still survives.

“认出” recognize



Not having seen him for many years, I did not recognise him at first.

No countries recognise this new government.

You must recognise the difficult situation the company is in.

I recognise that he is clever than I am.


recognise v. 认出,辨认(曾见过的人或事物);承认,认可;清楚地认识到 recognise + that从句 认识到„„


recognise sb. / one’s handwriting / one’s voice 认出某人、辨出笔迹、听出声音 recognise sb. / sth. to be / as ... 认为某人(事)是„„

[即学即练] 将下列内容翻译成英语。

1. 认出一个老朋友

2. 英国已经承认了这个新国家。

3. 他认识到自己完成不了那项任务。


1. recognise an old friend

2. Britain has recognised the new country.

3. He recognised that he can’t finish the task.

“令人感到恐惧”的 terrify



He terrified his children with ghost stories.

I was terrified of the tiger when I first saw it.

He is terrified of speaking English in class.


terrify vt. 使„„感到恐怖;使害怕

be terrified of (doing) sth. 对(做)某事(物)感到恐惧


terror n. [U] 恐怖,恐惧;[C]令人恐惧的人或物

terrible adj. 可怕的

terrorist n. 恐怖分子

terrorism n. 恐怖主义

[即学即练] 将下列句子翻译成英语。

1. 孩子们很害怕那只狗。

2. 被独自留在漆黑的房子里使我害怕。 Key:

1. The children are terrified of the dog.

2. It terrified me that I was left alone in the dark house.

Lesson 4词语点击

“幸存” survive



Fortunately he survived the traffic accident.

Only a few houses survived the earthquake.

Many strange customs have survived from earlier times.

Four people were killed; only one survived.



vt. 经历„„之后仍然活下来,幸存

vi. 存留下来;活下来


survival n. [U]生存,幸存;[C]幸存者,残存物

[即学即练] 将下列内容翻译成英语。

1. 在车祸 / 洪水 / 火灾中幸存下来

2. 几乎没有鸟挺过去年的寒冬。

3. 那个风俗仍然流传着。\


1. survive the car accident / the flood / the fire

2. Few birds survived the cold winter last year.

3. The custom still survives.

“认出” recognize



Not having seen him for many years, I did not recognise him at first.

No countries recognise this new government.

You must recognise the difficult situation the company is in.

I recognise that he is clever than I am.


recognise v. 认出,辨认(曾见过的人或事物);承认,认可;清楚地认识到 recognise + that从句 认识到„„


recognise sb. / one’s handwriting / one’s voice 认出某人、辨出笔迹、听出声音 recognise sb. / sth. to be / as ... 认为某人(事)是„„

[即学即练] 将下列内容翻译成英语。

1. 认出一个老朋友

2. 英国已经承认了这个新国家。

3. 他认识到自己完成不了那项任务。


1. recognise an old friend

2. Britain has recognised the new country.

3. He recognised that he can’t finish the task.

“令人感到恐惧”的 terrify



He terrified his children with ghost stories.

I was terrified of the tiger when I first saw it.

He is terrified of speaking English in class.


terrify vt. 使„„感到恐怖;使害怕

be terrified of (doing) sth. 对(做)某事(物)感到恐惧


terror n. [U] 恐怖,恐惧;[C]令人恐惧的人或物

terrible adj. 可怕的

terrorist n. 恐怖分子

terrorism n. 恐怖主义

[即学即练] 将下列句子翻译成英语。

1. 孩子们很害怕那只狗。

2. 被独自留在漆黑的房子里使我害怕。 Key:

1. The children are terrified of the dog.

2. It terrified me that I was left alone in the dark house.


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