
My mother 我的妈妈

My mother is He Yu ling . She is 40 . She is tall and thin. She has big eyes small nose and . small mouth . She is a teacher. She is our English teacher .She love her student. She is kind. My

mother likes milk and meat. I love my mother

My friend( 我的朋友)

My friend is Fang fang . She is 12 . She is short and fat . She has big eyes small nose and . small mouth . She is a student. She is my good friend..I often play whith her. She is active. Fang fang likes apples and bananas.She likes English and Math . This is my good friend. This is me( 这就是我)

I am Amy .I am 12. I am a girl. I have a good friend . Her name is ZhangJin . We like English very much. I am a lovely girl. I am very active. I like eating peaches and grapes.I am very happy every day.

My family (我的家庭)

There are three people in my family .My father , My mother, and I. My father is a doctor. My mother is a teacher. She teaches English in our school. I am a student . I study very hard. I like English very much .

On the weekend. My father and My mother often take me to the Park, We have a good time there .

I love my father and my mother , and they love me ,too.

My dog (我的狗

I have a dog . Its name is dou dou. It is 3. It is fat . It has big eyes big nose big ears and a short tail . It is white It is lovely. It likes meat.It likes running I often play with it. I like my dog.

My classroom ( 我的教室)

My classroom is big and beautiful. There are many desks and chairs in my classroom .There are some pictures on the wall. The pictures are beautiful .The wall is white . The floor is brown. The board is black. I like my classroom.

My day ( 我的一天)

I am a student . I get up at 7:00 in the morning . I eat breakfast at 7:30 . then I go to school.We have English class at 9:00.I like English class.At 12:00 ,I eat lunch. In the afternoon We have three class. I go home at 5:00. I eat dinner at 6:00 in the evening..Then I do my homework. I go to bed at 10:00.

My favourite season(我最喜欢的季节)

There are four season in a year . spring, summer fall and winter. I like spring best.It is warm in spring .The trees are green.The sky is very blue. I can plant trees go hiking and climb mountains and fly kites.It is beautiful in spring.

Summer 夏天

It is beautiful in summer. It is hot . The trees are green .The flowers are colourful.I can swim in the lake.I can eat ice-cream and fruits.in summer . In summer I often go shopping with my parents. I like summer.

Fall 秋天

I like fall best . It is cool in fall. There are many fruits in fall. I like fruit . The air is fresh .The

leave are colourful .The sky is very blue. I can go hiking and climb mountains in fall .It is beautiful in fall.

Winter 冬天

It is cold in winter .I t often snows . So It is white and beautiful . I can make a snowman and skate in winter. Some animals can sleep a long time in winter. I like winter best.

My birthday 我的生日

Today is my birthday . I am 11 now. I like cakes. Dad and mum give me a birthday cake. My friends come to my home . They give me many gifts . apples ,pears and oranges. They say “ happy birthday to me .Then we eat and drink . sing and dance.

What a happy day!

My family ’ s birthday 我家人的生日

My birthday is in January. My mother s birthday is in May . My fat her s birthday is in August . My grandpa”s birthday is in October. My grandma “s birthday is in December.

My mother 我的妈妈

My mother is He Yu ling . She is 40 . She is tall and thin. She has big eyes small nose and . small mouth . She is a teacher. She is our English teacher .She love her student. She is kind. My

mother likes milk and meat. I love my mother

My friend( 我的朋友)

My friend is Fang fang . She is 12 . She is short and fat . She has big eyes small nose and . small mouth . She is a student. She is my good friend..I often play whith her. She is active. Fang fang likes apples and bananas.She likes English and Math . This is my good friend. This is me( 这就是我)

I am Amy .I am 12. I am a girl. I have a good friend . Her name is ZhangJin . We like English very much. I am a lovely girl. I am very active. I like eating peaches and grapes.I am very happy every day.

My family (我的家庭)

There are three people in my family .My father , My mother, and I. My father is a doctor. My mother is a teacher. She teaches English in our school. I am a student . I study very hard. I like English very much .

On the weekend. My father and My mother often take me to the Park, We have a good time there .

I love my father and my mother , and they love me ,too.

My dog (我的狗

I have a dog . Its name is dou dou. It is 3. It is fat . It has big eyes big nose big ears and a short tail . It is white It is lovely. It likes meat.It likes running I often play with it. I like my dog.

My classroom ( 我的教室)

My classroom is big and beautiful. There are many desks and chairs in my classroom .There are some pictures on the wall. The pictures are beautiful .The wall is white . The floor is brown. The board is black. I like my classroom.

My day ( 我的一天)

I am a student . I get up at 7:00 in the morning . I eat breakfast at 7:30 . then I go to school.We have English class at 9:00.I like English class.At 12:00 ,I eat lunch. In the afternoon We have three class. I go home at 5:00. I eat dinner at 6:00 in the evening..Then I do my homework. I go to bed at 10:00.

My favourite season(我最喜欢的季节)

There are four season in a year . spring, summer fall and winter. I like spring best.It is warm in spring .The trees are green.The sky is very blue. I can plant trees go hiking and climb mountains and fly kites.It is beautiful in spring.

Summer 夏天

It is beautiful in summer. It is hot . The trees are green .The flowers are colourful.I can swim in the lake.I can eat ice-cream and fruits.in summer . In summer I often go shopping with my parents. I like summer.

Fall 秋天

I like fall best . It is cool in fall. There are many fruits in fall. I like fruit . The air is fresh .The

leave are colourful .The sky is very blue. I can go hiking and climb mountains in fall .It is beautiful in fall.

Winter 冬天

It is cold in winter .I t often snows . So It is white and beautiful . I can make a snowman and skate in winter. Some animals can sleep a long time in winter. I like winter best.

My birthday 我的生日

Today is my birthday . I am 11 now. I like cakes. Dad and mum give me a birthday cake. My friends come to my home . They give me many gifts . apples ,pears and oranges. They say “ happy birthday to me .Then we eat and drink . sing and dance.

What a happy day!

My family ’ s birthday 我家人的生日

My birthday is in January. My mother s birthday is in May . My fat her s birthday is in August . My grandpa”s birthday is in October. My grandma “s birthday is in December.


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