

ICT for disaster recovery planning

Clearly ICT provides productivity and efficiency gains. However, industry experts in the USA calculate that commonplace computer problems cause extra costs of up to 100 billion US dollars annually. Such problems can also include the loss of data and information. Furthermore, as global competition and e-commerce increases, this results in more complex and interconnected ICT systems. Here, even a minor hiccup can cause a disruptive domino effect far away from the source. For example, in early January 2001, the whole of Microsoft Hotmail Internet system collapsed for a period of time as someone administrating the system hit a wrong button. Most business is now very reliant on computers and electronic systems. Being aware that “if it can go wrong, it will ” ensures that adequate back up is available and back up systems and processes are maintained on an ongoing basis. Additionally plans should be in place to deal with a total loss or failure of the systems operation. This might involved the use of alternative systems in other divisions of a company, or even involve the temporary return to manual systems. Contingency planning will need to cover the worst case scenario of a total loss of ICT.

显然,信息通讯技术有助于生产力和效率的提高,但是,一些美国的专家计算得出,就算是一些常见的电脑问题包括信息和数据的缺失,每年也会导致多达1000亿美元的额外成本, 此外,随着全球竞争和电子商务的发展,这导致需要更加复杂的,关联性更高的ICT 系统。 这样,即使是一点小小的波动都会引起多米诺效应,从而远离本来的数据资料。比如,在

2001年一月初,整个微软电子邮件网络系统出现了一段时间的崩溃,是因为管理人员按错了一个按钮。现在许多企业十分依赖电脑和电子信息系统。意识到“电子信息系统会随时出现错误 ”可以确保能得到充足的后备资源,保证备份系统及程序能持续进行。另外计划还应该考虑到系统工作的全部损失和失败。这些应急计划可以涉及到利用公司其他部门的可替代的系统,甚至包括暂时回到手工操作系统。应急计划需要考虑到ICT 全部奔溃的这种最糟糕的情况。



戴尔公司是商用桌面PC 市场的第二大供应商,其销售额每年以40%的增长率递增,是该行业平均增长率的两倍。戴尔公司的日销量超过200万美元,而其销售全是通过国际互联网和企业内部网进行的。在日常的经营中,戴尔公司仅保持两个星期的库存,而行业的标准是60天。在企业的实际经营中,电子商务的实现的确可以取消销售过程中的某些中间环节,并可以构造一条最简短的流通渠道。在戴尔的直销网站上,提供了跟踪和查询消费者订货状况的接口,供消费者查询已订购的商品从发出订单到送到消费者手中全过程的情况。戴尔对待任何消费者(个人、公司或单位) 都采用定制的方式销售,其物流服务也配合这一销售政策而实施。

DELL is the second biggest supplier in the commercial desktop PC market. The sales volume of it increased by 40% per annum, twice as much as the average growth rate in the same sector. Dell’s daily sale is more than 2million dollar and its sale is proceed though Internet and intranet. In the daily business, DELL just keep inventory to support operation of two weeks while the standard level is 60 days’ inventory. In the actual running, e -commerce can indeed remove some intermediate link in the sales process and structure a shortest circulate channel. In dell's direct sales website, an interface is provided for

consumers to trace and enquire the status of his ordered product. With this the consumer can enquire the whole-range status of the purchased product from issue of order till delivery into his hands. DELL adopts customized sale to any consumers (Individual, company or entity) and its logistics services also coordinate the sales tactic.



Ordering processing

Consumers can dial 800 free telephone number or go to Dell’s on-line shop to order goods in this step. Only orders with confirmed finalized payment can automatically create the order for parts and shift to production database for next-step operation.




From receiving orders to begin production, there is a period of waiting for getting available components, this is known as pre-production. Commonly, Dell need to ensure order lead time, namely the time of waiting for parts and delivery of goods into consumers’ hands. Dell will inform the consumers of the

time when it confirms the ordered product.



Getting the accessories ready

When the order turned to the production unit, it will allocate components and arrange time for installation as per the quantity and model as specified in the order.




The workmen will assemble the parts came from the assembly line into computers and then turned to the process of testing.


ICT for disaster recovery planning

Clearly ICT provides productivity and efficiency gains. However, industry experts in the USA calculate that commonplace computer problems cause extra costs of up to 100 billion US dollars annually. Such problems can also include the loss of data and information. Furthermore, as global competition and e-commerce increases, this results in more complex and interconnected ICT systems. Here, even a minor hiccup can cause a disruptive domino effect far away from the source. For example, in early January 2001, the whole of Microsoft Hotmail Internet system collapsed for a period of time as someone administrating the system hit a wrong button. Most business is now very reliant on computers and electronic systems. Being aware that “if it can go wrong, it will ” ensures that adequate back up is available and back up systems and processes are maintained on an ongoing basis. Additionally plans should be in place to deal with a total loss or failure of the systems operation. This might involved the use of alternative systems in other divisions of a company, or even involve the temporary return to manual systems. Contingency planning will need to cover the worst case scenario of a total loss of ICT.

显然,信息通讯技术有助于生产力和效率的提高,但是,一些美国的专家计算得出,就算是一些常见的电脑问题包括信息和数据的缺失,每年也会导致多达1000亿美元的额外成本, 此外,随着全球竞争和电子商务的发展,这导致需要更加复杂的,关联性更高的ICT 系统。 这样,即使是一点小小的波动都会引起多米诺效应,从而远离本来的数据资料。比如,在

2001年一月初,整个微软电子邮件网络系统出现了一段时间的崩溃,是因为管理人员按错了一个按钮。现在许多企业十分依赖电脑和电子信息系统。意识到“电子信息系统会随时出现错误 ”可以确保能得到充足的后备资源,保证备份系统及程序能持续进行。另外计划还应该考虑到系统工作的全部损失和失败。这些应急计划可以涉及到利用公司其他部门的可替代的系统,甚至包括暂时回到手工操作系统。应急计划需要考虑到ICT 全部奔溃的这种最糟糕的情况。



戴尔公司是商用桌面PC 市场的第二大供应商,其销售额每年以40%的增长率递增,是该行业平均增长率的两倍。戴尔公司的日销量超过200万美元,而其销售全是通过国际互联网和企业内部网进行的。在日常的经营中,戴尔公司仅保持两个星期的库存,而行业的标准是60天。在企业的实际经营中,电子商务的实现的确可以取消销售过程中的某些中间环节,并可以构造一条最简短的流通渠道。在戴尔的直销网站上,提供了跟踪和查询消费者订货状况的接口,供消费者查询已订购的商品从发出订单到送到消费者手中全过程的情况。戴尔对待任何消费者(个人、公司或单位) 都采用定制的方式销售,其物流服务也配合这一销售政策而实施。

DELL is the second biggest supplier in the commercial desktop PC market. The sales volume of it increased by 40% per annum, twice as much as the average growth rate in the same sector. Dell’s daily sale is more than 2million dollar and its sale is proceed though Internet and intranet. In the daily business, DELL just keep inventory to support operation of two weeks while the standard level is 60 days’ inventory. In the actual running, e -commerce can indeed remove some intermediate link in the sales process and structure a shortest circulate channel. In dell's direct sales website, an interface is provided for

consumers to trace and enquire the status of his ordered product. With this the consumer can enquire the whole-range status of the purchased product from issue of order till delivery into his hands. DELL adopts customized sale to any consumers (Individual, company or entity) and its logistics services also coordinate the sales tactic.



Ordering processing

Consumers can dial 800 free telephone number or go to Dell’s on-line shop to order goods in this step. Only orders with confirmed finalized payment can automatically create the order for parts and shift to production database for next-step operation.




From receiving orders to begin production, there is a period of waiting for getting available components, this is known as pre-production. Commonly, Dell need to ensure order lead time, namely the time of waiting for parts and delivery of goods into consumers’ hands. Dell will inform the consumers of the

time when it confirms the ordered product.



Getting the accessories ready

When the order turned to the production unit, it will allocate components and arrange time for installation as per the quantity and model as specified in the order.




The workmen will assemble the parts came from the assembly line into computers and then turned to the process of testing.


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